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1、Automobile purchasing&auto insurance购买汽车和汽车保险,purchase n.购买the Lunar New Year 农历新年profit n.利润showroom n.展示厅,陈列室 bargain v.讨价还价invoice n.发票MSRP manufacturers suggested retail price 厂商指导价/建议零售价A-SD after-sales service department 售后服务部,Automobile producers汽车生产国,Since 1953,China automotive industry has

2、become a vehicle producer,listed in the world top 10 automotive producers.从1953年开始,中国汽车工业已成为世界十大汽车生产国之一。,The largest car sales market 最大的汽车销售市场,Automobile sales are always higher in China ahead of the Lunar New Year celebrations.在中国,汽车销售成绩在农历新年期间总是领先且最高的。,Suggestions of automobile purchasing购买建议,Bef

3、ore purchasing,check information about car features and prices on publications at a library or bookstore or on the Internet;购买前,可上网参考新车的性能和价格,Before you buy your dream car,check out the service department:see if their scheduled hours match yours;if there is a loaner program;how many master technicia

4、ns do they have in their shop 调查一下他们的售后服务部门:看看他们的时间表是否能配合客户,是否有贷款业务,有多少熟练技师。After-sales service department A-SD售后服务部,Shop around by comparing models in ads and at dealer showrooms(展示厅)/test drive 试驾,试车 4S store Sale vehicle sales 整车销售 Spare part spare parts supply 零部件供应 Service after-sales service 售

5、后服务 Survey information feedback 信息反馈,While purchasing,plan to negotiate on price:dealers may be willing to bargain in their profit margin,often 10%and 20%.购买时,有计划地还价,经销商会愿意在他们的利润幅度内让利签约,通常是10%到20%之间。厂商建议零售价 vs 发票价格Manufacturers suggested retail price VS the invoice price,Consider ordering a new car

6、if you dont see what on the dealers lot.(order vehicle VS stock vehicle)汽车订购If you can,wait till the end of year to make your purchase.(lower price),After purchasing,the insurance must be handled before getting the license plate(牌照).The new car must handle:Third party liability(compensate for the ot

7、her sides repair charge,medical fee and property financial loss),New words&phrases,insurance n.保险auto insurance 车险coverage n.保险范围premium n.保险费policy n.保险单insurer 保险人the insured 被保险人policyholder n.投保人claim adjuster 理赔人Automobile insurance and claim 汽车保险与理赔,insurer(保险人/承保人):insurance company;the insur

8、ed(被保险人/投保人):the person or group the insurance policy is issued.指根据保险合同,其财产利益或人身受保险合同保障,在保险事故发生后,享有保险金请求权的人。,Policy holder(投保人):an insured person;the client in whose name an insurance policy is written。根据我国保险法规定,投保人是指与保险人订立保险合同,并按照保险合同负有支付保险费义务的人,Claims adjusters(理赔人):investigate insurance claims by

9、 interviewing the claimant(索赔人)and witnesses,consulting police and hospital records,and inspecting property damage to determine the extent of the companys liability 保险理赔员在接到查勘定损通知后,组织客户及有关人员,现场调查取证,核定保险事故的损失;接见客户,检查确定财产权利的有效性,查找警察和医院记录,确定责任;调查取证,收集、整理并审核查勘定损资料等工作。,被保险人就是被保障风险的人。被保险人和受益人区分开就是比如某某去世了,

10、某就可以拿到保险金,某某就是被保险人,而某就是受益人。投保人就是买保险的,手上有合同和保单的人。保险理赔是保险人在保险标的发生风险事故后,对被保险人提出的索赔请求进行处理的行为。,What is auto insurance?,Auto insurance(vehicle insurance)is insurance purchased for cars,trucks,and other vehicles.It is a contract between you and your insurer(承保人,保险公司),specifying each partys rights and oblig

11、ations.Essentially,your insurer promises to provide specific coverage for you.In return,you pay a premium(保险费).,Its primary use is to provide protection against physical damage and/or bodily injury(财产损失或人身伤害)in case of an accident.(avoid lawsuits or immense repair bills).,汽车保险是以保险汽车的损失,或者以保险汽车的所有人,或

12、者驾驶员因驾驶保险汽车发生交通事故所负的责任为保险标的的保险 特点:1)它是一种合同行为。2)它是一种权利义务行为。3)它是一种以合同约定的、以保险事故发生为条件的损失补偿或保险金给付的保险行为。,What do you need to know?1.Compulsory Insurance(交强险)&Commercial Insurance(商业保险)2.Basic Insurance(基本险/主险)&Additional Insurance(附加险),It is a mandatory requirement and each individual car must be insured(

13、参保的)or the vehicle will not be considered legal.,机动车交通事故责任强制保险(简称“交强险”)是我国首个由国家法律规定实行的强制保险。机动车交通事故责任强制保险条例规定:交强险是由保险公司对被保险机动车发生道路交通事故造成受害人(不包括本车人员和被保险人)的人身伤亡、财产损失,在责任限额内予以赔偿的强制性责任保险。,主险(基本险 basic insurance)指不需要附加在其他险别之下,可以独立承保的险别。附加险(additional insurance),相对于主险而言,附加在主险合同下的附加合同,它不可以单独投保,要购买附加险必须先购买主险

14、。一般来说,附加险所交保险费较少,但它的存在以主险存在为前提,不能脱离主险。,基本险包括车辆损失险和第三者责任险,附加险包括全车盗抢险(theft protection insurance),玻璃单独破碎险(breakage of windscreen),划痕险(车损险的附加险 scratch coverage),车上人员责任险(Passenger liability coverage),自燃损失险等。一般来说保的险种越多,得到的保障越多。其中投保率较高的为基本险中的车辆损失险,和第三者责任综合保险。附加险中的盗抢险,玻璃单独破碎险,划痕险,车上人员险等,Vehicle damage insu

15、rance车辆损失险,车辆损失险是指保险车辆遭受保险责任范围内的自然灾害(不包括地震)或意外事故,造成保险车辆本身损失,保险人依据保险合同的规定给予赔偿。,collision碰撞,Coverage of vehicle damage insurance 责任范围,overturn倾覆,falling坠落(包括外界物体坠落、倒塌),Fire火灾,explosion爆炸,Lightning strike雷击,Violent wind or tornado暴风/龙卷风,rainstorm暴雨,Flood洪水,seaquake海啸,subsidence地陷,Rock fall崖崩,Snow slide

16、雪崩,hail雹灾,mud-rock flow泥石流,Land slide滑坡,全车被盗、自然损耗、车辆故障、零件单体缺件,轮胎单独破损、玻璃单独破碎,地 震,Liability exemption免责范围,被保险人、驾驶人员肇事逃逸或毁灭现场证据,饮酒、服用国家管制的精神药品或者麻醉药品后驾车,无驾驶证,驾驶证失效或者被扣留、暂扣、吊销 期间,战争、军事冲突、恐怖活动、暴乱、,扣押、罚没、查封、政府征用,核反应、核污染、核辐射,本车所载货物的撞击、腐蚀,在竞赛、检测、修理、养护,被扣押、征用、没收期间,所有权发生转移,未向保险公司办理批改手续,未经被保险人同意或允许而驾车的,利用保险车辆从事

17、犯罪活动,规定不允许驾驶保险车辆的其他情况下驾车,If the whole vehicle is stolen or robbed,and has not been found for three months after the case is put on record and verified by the police criminal investigation,the insurance company would pay for it.,全车盗抢险是指保险车辆全车被盗窃、被抢劫、被抢夺,经县级以上公安刑侦部门立案侦查证实满一定时间(大部分为三个月)没有下落的,由保险人在保险金额内

18、予以赔偿。Attention:1)盗窃、被抢劫、被抢夺的必须是车辆整体,而不是车辆的局部的、部分的零件或部件;2)盗抢行为的实施者必须是与保险车辆或被保险人没有利益关系的第三者(他人),Breakage of windscreen,玻璃单独破碎险,即保险公司负责赔偿保险车辆在使用过程中,发生本车玻璃单独破碎的损失的一种商业保险。包括 windshield&window glass(挡风玻璃和车窗玻璃),不包括lights&mirrors(车灯和车镜玻璃),Internal combustion damage insurance,自燃损失险:1)被保险车辆因电器、线路或供油系统发生故障或所载货物

19、自身原因起火燃烧造成本车的损失;2)发生保险事故时,被保险人为了防止或者减小事故影响所做的必要的施救费用,Additional equipment damage insurance,新增设备损失险:当车辆发生意外事故造成车上的新增设备的直接损毁时,保险公司按实际损失赔偿。,The primary function of the third party liability insurance is to protect the benefit of the third party who is injured in the accidents(compensate for).If the ins

20、ured or the eligible(合格的)driver allowed to drive the car is at fault in an accident,the insurance company will pay for the repair charge,medical fee and property financial loss caused to the third party in the accident.,The third party liability 第三者责任险,The third party 第三者,The first party:the insurer

21、 在保险合同中,保险人是第一方,也叫第一者;The second party:the insured 被保险人或使用保险车辆的致害人是第二方,也叫第二者;The third party:the person injured outside the car 除保险人与被保险人之外的,因保险车辆的意外事故致使保险车辆下的人员遭受人身伤亡或财产损失,在车下的受害人是第三方,也叫第三者。,第三者责任险是指被保险人或其允许的合格驾驶员,在使用保险汽车过程中,发生意外事故,致使第三者遭受人身伤害或财产的直接损毁,依法应当由被保险人支付的赔偿金额,保险人依法给予赔偿的一种保险。由于汽车的第三者损失对象既有人

22、身伤亡又有财产损失,所以汽车责任保险又分为第三者人身伤害责任保险和第三者财产损失责任保险。,Liability coverage(insurance)责任险,Liability insurance is the foundation of most auto insurance policies.Bodily injury liability 人身伤害责任险 Property damage liability 财产损失责任险 人身伤害责任险和财产损失责任险是大多数汽车保险单的基础。,Bodily Injury Liability 人身伤害责任险,This coverage applies to

23、 injuries that you,the designated(指定的)driver or policyholder(投保人),cause to someone else.You and family members listed on the policy are also covered when driving someone elses car with their permission.(medical bills and lost wages),Property Damage Liability 财产损失责任险,This coverage pays for damage you

24、(or someone driving the car with your permission)may cause to someone elses property.Usually,this means damage to someone elses car,but it also includes damage to lamp posts,telephone poles,fences,buildings or other structures your car hit.,PASSENGER LIABILITY INSURANCE车上人员责任险,Passenger liability co

25、ver is provided to protect the owners and drivers of the vehicle for any legal liability to their passengers in the insured vehicle whether moving or stationary.车上人员责任险:发生意外事故,造成本车乘客的人身伤害,如果本车负有责任,保险公司按条例规定进行赔偿。,不计免赔险:投保了车辆损失险及第三者责任险的车辆如发生保险责任范围内的事故,而造成车辆损失(不含盗抢)或第三者责任赔偿,由保险人依据条款赔偿规定的金额负责赔偿。,Differe

26、nce between vehicle damage insurance and the third party liability,车辆损失险主要针对于投保车辆本身的损坏;第三者责任险是针对投保人使用保险车辆致使第三者遭受人身伤亡或财产损失。,Advice,1、Take a look at the status of auto insurance companies 2、Study the auto insurance policies to compare their rates before selecting a particular offer 3、Read the small print on your policy.,Tips,1、There are numerous websites offering instant auto insurance quote comparison services(汽车保险报价服务)helping in the selection of the particular insurance provider.2、Most well-known insurance carriers are considered to be financially more reliable.,


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