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1、例题解析:You are the manager of a company.The company will provide traffic allowance to staff.Write a letter to all staff:Explaining the companys traffic allowance planTelling who are the qualified applicantsInforming staff how to get it.,范文1:Dear Staff,Our company plans to provide traffic allowance to

2、staff.Those who use public traffic to get to work can get 200 yuan every year to cover your traffic cost.To apply to the traffic allowance,please come to my office before the end of March.Sincerely yours,Jackie Chen,范文2:Dear Staff,Our company has passed a traffic allowance plan starting from this Ap

3、ril.Staff who dont take the company shuttle buses can get a monthly allowance of 100 yuan.Qualified applicants should get a certificate from your department heads first and then collect your allowance at the Financial Office by 25th of every month.Sincerely yours,Jet Lee,Practice 1You are the manage

4、r of a telephone company and have been informed that Li Ming,a programmer of the software development department has been diagnosed with cancer which is not covered by his medical insurance.Write a letter to all staff:Telling them what the problem is Calling for help and donationInforming staff how

5、to donate their money.,Dear Staff,I am sorry to tell you that one of the colleagues,Li Ming,has been diagnosed with cancer which is unfortunately not covered by his medical insurance.It is obligatory for us to give him spiritual and financial support at this moment.Those willing to offer help please

6、 contact the financial office by the end of the month.Thank you!Sincerely yours,Tom Hanks,便签(Note)的格式便签一般直接用收信人的名字,省略“Dear”等称呼,结尾处也不用结束语,直接签名。例题解析:You are the manager of a toy company and recently you received a letter from a regular customer complaining the poor quality of the toy cars he ordered.W

7、rite a note to Tom Zhao,the director of the production department:Saying who the client isTelling him what the problem the client has with the toy carsSuggesting what should be done.,范文1 April 6th Tom Zhao,Im writing to you concerning/in regard to a complaint I recently got from a regular customer P

8、enny Lee,who said that many of the toy cars she ordered arrived with broken parts and incomplete packages.Please check what has gone wrong and bring the order catalog to see me at 4:00 tomorrow afternoon in my office.Tom Cruise,Practice 1You would like to go to a seminar on successful sales relation

9、ship management.Write a note to your line manager(Mr Jason White):Requesting time off work to go to tthe seminarSaying when the seminar is heldExplaining why you want to go.,March 3rdDear Mr White,In order to further improve our customer service and develop new sales channels,I would like to attend

10、a seminar about successful sales relationship management at Beijing University on March 7th.Could you tell me if it is possible to take time off work to attend the seminar?I am sorry for any inconvenience brought by my absence.Thank you.Steve Jobs,备忘录(Memo)的格式(BEC写作主要考查体裁)商务便函一般由以下几个部分组成:a.Memo:Memo

11、是Memorandum缩写,因此也可以用Memorandum,此外还有Internal Memorandum和Interoffice Memorandum,其意思都是一样的。b.To:这一标题后面应写收信人的姓名与职衔,姓名前可以用尊称或不用,如:To:Mr.John Smith,Sales Manager c.From:这一标题后应写发信人的姓名与职衔:职衔可根据需要决定写或不写,但姓名前不要用尊称。,d.Date:日期的写法同书信里日期写法的要求完全一样,不要用数字来表示月份。e.Subject:这一标题后是写事由的,即用一个或几个词汇简单概括便函的内容,以便查阅。事由必须简洁明了,不要用

12、完整的句子,如:Changes in Travel Advance FormPromotion of Staff Vacation ScheduleParticipation in Training Programmes f.Message,To:All StaffFrom:Bill GatesDate:7 December 2002Subject:Staff RewardThe profits of our company this month went up 10%compared with the same period last year,due to your hard work a

13、nd long working hours.I would like to thank you for your long devoted service.A trip to Hawaii has been arranged next month as a prize.Enjoy it!,留言条(message)留言条也是信函的一种,用于人员间,部门间传递消息,由以下五部分组成:日期、称呼、正文、结束语、签名。需要注意的是,可以采取全部居左的齐头式;也可以采取缩进式,即日期居右,正文采取首行缩进五格的形式,署名居右。,例题解析You are the training manager of a

14、company and have been asked to organize a training course on presentation skills.Write a message to all staff:Explaining why the course is necessaryGiving the timetable of the courseTelling staff how to apply for the course.,范文:March 9thDear Staff,Since we have many presentations to customers in our

15、 work,the training department is going to provide a course on presentation skills starting from next Friday.The course consists of four lectures and is arranged at 7:00-9:00 p.m.on every Friday.Please sign up for the course at Room 401 by March 15th.Sincerely yours,电子邮件(Email)(BEC写作主要考查体裁)由于BEC考题中已给

16、出电子邮件的收件人和主题,所以考生只需要写称呼、正文和结束语,签名也可免去。,例文You are the sales manager of a company and you are going to book the companys car service.Write a note to the coordinator of the companys car service:Explaining the reason for booking car serviceTelling him when you need the carGiving the meeting place and yo

17、ur contact number.,March 20thDear Sir,Im writing to book car service to pick up an important client at Beijing Airport.Id like to use the car at 3:00 p.m.on March 23rd.Please meet me at the front gate of our company at the appointed time.For your convenience,my contact number is 070-4575-7338.Steven

18、 HawkinManager,Marketing Dept.,例文 2You are a manager in a travel agency.You have just been informed that some staff often chat online during work time.Write a letter to all staff:Saying what the problem isDescribing the effect on work efficiencySuggesting solution to the situation.,Dear Staff,I have

19、 noticed that some staff often chat online during office hours and neglect their work.Such irresponsible behaviour has affected the work efficiency and disturbed other staff.Therefore,I hope staff can get more dedicated to their work and chat online during leisure time.Thank you!Sincerely yours,Bill

20、 Gates,例文You are a manager of a company and you want to cancel the technical meeting with your team scheduled on next Tuesday.Write a letter to your team:Explaining the reason for cancellationSuggesting another meeting timeSaying how they should prepare for the meeting.Write 40-50 words.,Dear Staff,

21、Since the meeting room has been reserved by another team for emergency use,the technical meeting scheduled on next Tuesday has been postponed to next Thursday with the same time and place.Please get your project documents ready and the group leaders are expected to give a presentation on their work progress.Yours sincerely,Jay Zhou,


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