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1、,在中国,男女平等,Men and woman have equal rights in China.,2乘以4等于8,Two times four equals eight.,完成句子玛丽和比尔头脑一样聪明。Mary is equal to Bill in brains.Mary equals Bill in brains.他的画在西方世界首屈一指。His paintings are without equal in the Western World.,He cut the cake into six equal pieces.,It is equal to me whether he c

2、omes or not.,He is equal to doing(do)this task.,None of us can equal her.,Eight times eight equals sixty-four.,importance n.重要;重要性 adj.importance,be of+抽象名词=be+同根形容词,His advice is of great importance.His advice is very important.,useful,valuable,significant,beneficial,interesting,The advice is very

3、useful.The advice is of great use.,advise vt.建议,劝告 n.建议 advice n.顾问 adviser,The doctor advised me to take more exercise.=The doctor advised taking(take)more exercise.=The doctor advised me that I(should)take more exercise.,一条建议 a piece of advice 接受某人建议 take/follow ones advice,have an influence on 对有

4、影响=have an effect on,My teachers influence made me study science at college.,Many a woman has a great influence/effect on her husband.,n.contribution,Drinking contributes to his ruin.,The Song Dynasty contributed three great inventions to world civilization.,They contributed food and clothing for th

5、e refugees.,He contributed an article to the China Daily.,make a contribution to 对做出贡献,(2)那里的矿工们在极其恶劣的条件下工作,The miners there worked in terrible conditions.,用condition/state/situation填空Ive had no exercise for ages;Im really out of condition.The present situation calls for new measures.We must keep up

6、 a good state of mind whenever we are in trouble.,n.argumentargue with sb.about sth.和某人争论某事argue for/against sth.争论赞成/反对某事argue sb.into/out of doing sth.说服某人做/不做某事,这本书我想订十册。I would like to place an order for ten copies of this book.我的闹钟坏了,今天早晨3点就把我叫醒了。My clock was out of order and woke me up at 3 oc

7、lock this morning.离开办公室前,他把文件整理了一下。He put his papers in order before he left the office.,DCCAA/DAAAA/DB,这道题首先要注意luggage是不可数名词 baggage是可数名词所以不能选择 A the oneB this 是近指 与 over there矛盾C it指前文提到过的确切的同一事物D that 远指,符合题意。所以选D。,【2011福建卷,21】We have various summer camps for your holidays.You can choose _ based

8、on your own interests.A.either B.each【答案】C【考点】考查不定代词one的用法。【解析】句意为“在你们的假期里,我们这儿有各种暑期夏令营,你们可以根据自己的兴趣任选一个。”one代替单数可数名词,表泛指,相当于“a/an+单数名词”。这里泛指某个summer camp夏令营。因此选C。,【2011北京卷,34】The employment rate has continued to rise in big cities thanks to the efforts of the local governments to increase

9、.A.them B.those D.that【答案】C【考点】考查代词it的用法。【解析】句意为“由于当地政府的努力,大城市里的就业率持续升高。”it代指前面交代过的“the employment rate”,是单数,而them和those是复数。因此选C。,火上加油。Add fuel to the fire.,2.He had been brought up to believe that marriage was forever.他从小就被灌输婚姻应天长地久的观念。,3.In conclusion,I would like to thank you all for your hard work.最后,我想对你们所有人的辛苦工作表示感谢。,4.I tried to make the bookshelf in order 我设法把书架整得有条理些。,5.The general director of the project ordered that the work(should)be started at once.工程总指挥命令立即开始工作。,6.他为有这样的好朋友而自豪。He was proud of having such a good friend.,


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