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1、Band 4,Vocabulary&Structure,考试大纲要求分析,l.词汇 领会式掌握 4200 个单词(其中复用式掌握的单词为 2500 个),以及由这些词构成的常用词组 1600 条(中学所掌握的单词和词组均包括在内),并具有按照基本构词法识别生词的能力。,分析 四级要求的 4200 个词中,一多半是大家在中学阶段就已掌握的和在考试中不容易设计成试题的词。鉴于这种情况,我们建议大家有重点地复习单词,关键是那些抽象名词,活跃动词的用法、搭配和它们构成的词组。,II.语法 巩固和加深基本语法知识,提高在语篇水平上运用语法知识的能力。分析 对语法知识的这种要求体现在四级考试当中就是将一些

2、固定结构和搭配作为考试重点。本次辅导虽然列出了所有的语法项目,但四级考试的语法试题却是有重点的,因为大学生对基本的语法项目已经相当熟悉。,复习策略,知己知彼,百考不败 化整为零,分割包围 打扫战场,查缺补漏 关注最新信息,及时调整结合课堂学习,以自学为主,常用词缀,vice-mono-bi-tri-multi-trans-tele-semi-mini-,vice-president;vice-chairmanmonologue;monoplane,bicycle;bilateral,triangle;triennial,multimedia;multi-national,transpacifi

3、c;transplant,telephone;television,semi-colony;semi-official,miniskirt;minibus,近几年四级高频词汇,真 题 Though_in San Francisco,Dave had always preferred to record the plain facts of small-town life.A)raised B)grown C)developed D)cultivated 答案A raise vt.举起、提高、提升;筹集、征集;养育、饲养、种植;提升,增加(工资)raise one s hand 举手 raise

4、 funds 筹集资金 raise salaries 增加薪水 raise standards of service 提高服务水平,真 题 Many difficulties have _as a result of the change to a new type of fuel.A)risen B)arisen C)raised D)arrived 答案 B A completely new situation will _when the examination system comes into existence.A)rise B)arise C)raise D)arouse 答案

5、B 真 题 Last year the advertising rate _ by 20 percent.A)raised B)aroused C)arose D)rose Our hopes _and fell in same instant.A)arose B)raised C)rose D)aroused,D,C,arise arose arisen vi.(1)产生,出现,发生;(2)(from)(由)引起,(由.)产生,起源于;(3)起身,起床 搭配 arise from/out of 由.引起,起源于,rise rose risen vi.升起,上升;起立,起床;上涨,增高,增加;

6、反抗,起义 n.上涨,增高,增加;兴起,(地位 的)升高;岗,坡,高地 搭 配 give rise to 引起,导致,为的原因 rise to the bait 上钩,中圈套,辨析 arise 和 rise 都可用于来表示“起床”和“站起身”的 意思。arise 常用于较抽象的主语之后。rise 常用于具体的场合 raise 是及物动词,意为“举起;使起来;提高;提出”arouse 也是及物动词,意为“唤醒;激起;引起”We aroused him from his sleep.Her miserable experiences aroused our sympathy.His absence

7、 aroused our suspicions.,真 题 It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _ knowledge.A)extensive B)expansive C)intensive D)expensive 答案A extend vt.延伸;扩展、扩大;提供、给予;vi.伸展、延伸;(在范围或应用上)达到 extensive a.广大的、广阔的;广泛的 搭 配 extensive knowledge 广博的知识 to extend credit/visa 延长信贷限期/签证 exte

8、nsive reading 泛读 extensive discussion 广泛的讨论,真 题 The patient s health failed to such an extent that he was put into_care.A)tense B)rigid C)intensive D)tight 答案 C intensive a.加强的,集中的,深入细致的;集约(经营)的,精耕细作的 intensively adv.加强地,集中地,深入细致地 搭 配 intensive study 深入细致的研究 intensive reading 精读 intensive farming 集约

9、耕作,真 题 Convenience foods which are already prepared for cooking are_in grocery stores.A)ready B)approachable C)probable D)available 答案 D available a.现成可使用的,在手边的,可利用的;可 取得联系的,可得到的 搭 配 make sth.available to/for 使可以享受 某物;使.买得起某物 the only available room 唯一可用的房子;,真 题 She was complaining that the doctor w

10、as _too much for the treatment he was giving her.A)expending B)offering C)costing D)charging 答案D This hotel _$60 for a single room with bath.A)charges B)demands C)prices D)claims 答案A He me with neglecting my duty.,charged,charge n.控告,指控;主管,看管;费用,价钱;负荷,电荷,充电 vt.索价;控告,指控;使承担(任务、责任等);使负荷,使充电 搭 配 in cha

11、rge of 主管,看管 in(under)sbs charge 在的掌管照看下 charge sb.with 指控某人 charge(sb.)(money)for sth.要价,要(某人)付.(钱)买某物 take charge of sth.开始管理,接管 a positive/negative charge 正/负电荷 be on charge 正充电,真 题 I was advised to arrange for insurance _I need medical treatment.A)nevertheless B)although C)in case D)so that 答案C

12、I left for the office earlier than usual this morning _traffic jam.A)in line with B)for the sake of C)in case of D)at the risk of 答案 C The lawyer advised him to drop _,since he stands little chance to win.A)event B)incident C)case D)affair 答案 C,case n.事例,实例,事实,情况;病例;案件;箱,盒,套;手提箱 搭 配in any case 无论如何,

13、不管怎样 in case 假使,以防(引导虚拟语气)in case of 假如,如果发生;防备 in no case 无论如何不,决不 in this/that case 如果这样.那样的话 the case 实情,情况as the case may be 看情况,根据具体情况,真 题 American football and baseball are becoming known to the British public through televised _ from the United States.A)transfer B)deliveries C)transportation

14、D)transmissions 答案 D Some diseases are _ by certain water animals.A)transplanted B)transformed C)transported D)transmitted 答案D,Cultural_indicates that human beings hand theirs languages down from one generation to another.A)translation B)transition C)transmission D)transaction 答案 C 真 题 The twentieth

15、 century has witnessed an enormous worldwide political,economic and cultural.A)tradition B)transportation C)transmission D)transformation 答案 D,The coming of railways in the 1830s_our society and economic life.A)transformed B)transported C)transferred D)transmitted 答案 A 真 题 He hoped the firm would _

16、him to the Paris branch.A)exchange B)transmit C)transfer D)remove 答案C,transmit vt.播送、发射;传送、传染 变 形 transmission 播送、发射;传送、传染 搭 配 transmit knowledge from one generation to another 把知识由一代传给另一代 transmission of news 消息的传播;transform vt.使完全改观、改革;变换 构 词 trans(从.到.)+form(形式)变 形 transformation n.改观、改革;变换 搭 配 t

17、ransform.into.把变成,transfer vt.搬、转移;调动、转移;转让、过户 vi.转移;调动、转移;转车、转程 n.调动、转移 构 词 trans(转移)+fer(运送,传送)搭 配 transfer one s affection 变心 transfer the property 转让财产 transplant vt.移栽,移种;移植(组织或器官);(人或动物等)的迁移,真 题 The old couple decided to _a boy and a girl though they had three children of their own.A)adapt B)b

18、ring C)receive D)adopt 答案D 真 题 The newcomers found it impossible to _themselves to the climate sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country.A)suit B)adapt C)regulate D)coordinate 答案B 真 题 I suggested he should_himself to his new conditions.A)adopt B)suit C)regulate D)adapt 答案D,adapt VS ado

19、pt vt.使适应,使适合;修改,改编 vi.(to)适应 搭 配 adapt to 使适合,使适用 adapt from 根据改写/改编 adapt oneself to 使自己适应或习惯于,vt.采纳,采用;采取(态度)等;收养 adoptable a.可采用的 adoption n.采用,收养 adoptee n.被收养者 adopter n.养父母 搭 配 adopt an idea 采纳意见 adopt a child 收养孩子 adopt measures new methods 采取措施采用新方法,真 题 If your new coat is too large,a tailo

20、r can _it to fit you.)alter)exchange)alternate)change 答案A She had to _her dress because she had lost weight.A)transform B)shift C)alter D)cut 答案C alter v.改变,改动,变更 变 形 alterable adj.可变的,可改的 alteration n.变更,改造,辨析 alter 部分地改变,不失去本性;change 本质地变化,甚至失去本性,或 一种东西退换了另一种东西;vary 由更替、多样化或生长的变化而引起 的一个或一连串变化。conv

21、ert 改变某事物的形式或用途,尤指用于 新的目的;改变信仰.,真 题 What_me most during my visit in your country was the friendship your people have for our people.A)depressed B)expressed C)oppressed D)impressed答案D impress vt.给.深刻的印象;铭记;印,压印 变 形 impression n.印象,感想;印记,压痕 impressive a.给人印象深刻的,感人的 搭 配 impression of(about)对.的印象 impres

22、sion on 给留下的印象;make an impression on 给某人留下印象 impress sb.with.以(因).给某人留下印象,真 题 Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to,_the color of his skin.A)with the exception of B)in the light of C)by virtue of D)regardless of 答案D The goal is to make higher education available to everyo

23、ne who is willing and capable his financial situation A)with the respect to B)in accord with C)regardless of D)in terms of 答案 C,regard vt.把 看作,对待,认为(as);尊重,尊敬 n.致意,问候;方面;尊重,尊敬 变 形 regardless 无论如何,不计后果的 regarding 关于 搭 配 without regard to 不考虑 regard.as 把.认为 regardless of 不惜,不顾 in/with regard to 关于,就.而

24、论 as regards 关于,至于 give one s regards 代某人向.问好,take 真 题 The new appointment of our president _from the very beginning of next semester.A)takes effect B)takes part C)takes place D)takes turns 答案A Frequently single-parent children _some of the functions that the absent adult in the house would have ser

25、ved.A)take off B)take after C)take in D)take on 答案D,The lecturer talked a lot,but the audience just could not what he said at all.A)take in B)take over C)take up D)take after 答案A I d _ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community,and then make a decision about whether or no

26、t to approve a loan.A)take into account B)account for C)make up for D)make out 答案A,take after 与相象 take apart 拆开(机器等)take as 把理解为 take for 认为,以为;误认为 take away 拿走,夺去,使离去;减去 take down 取下;记下;拆卸,take on 接受;包含;承担,从事;呈现,具有;开始雇佣 take into account 把考虑进去 take issue with sb.与某人争论 take off拿走;脱下(衣帽等);起飞 take one

27、self off 走开,离去,take up 拿起;着手处理;占去 take sb.to task 责备某人,申斥某人 take to 开始;对产生好感;take aback 使吃惊,使困惑 take back 收回(说错的话);使回忆起,take in 接受,接纳,吸收;领会,理解;欺骗 take effect 生效 take turns 轮流 take up with 与.成为朋友 take out on 对.发泄,go 真 题 The early pioneers had to _ many hardships to settle on the new land.A)go along w

28、ith B)go back on C)go through D)go into 答案 C The terrorists might have planted a bomb on a plane in Athens,set to _ when it arrived in New York.A)get off B)carry off C)go off D)come off things.答案C,There are other problems which I don t propose to _at the moment.A)go into B)go around C)go for D)go up

29、 答案A David likes country life and has decided to _ farming.A)go in for B)go back on C)go through with D)go along with 答案A,go back on 违背(诺言等);毁(约)go for 竭力想取得,喜爱,适用于 go in for 从事,爱好;追求 go into 研究,调查,进入 go on 继续,发生;接近 go through 经历,详细检查;完成,go with 伴随,与.协调;与持同一看法 go against 反对;对.不利 go after 追求/赶;设法得到 g

30、o about 着手做,处理,忙于 go up 上升,增加,建起;(物价等)上涨,go under 下沉,沉没;失败;破产 go round/around 足够分配;(消息)流传 go over 检查,审查;复习,重温 go out 外出;熄灭;走出(房间等);罢工;公布,播出 go out of ones way 特别费心(做事)go off 爆炸,发射;动身,离开;去世;,go ahead 开始,前进;领先;取得进展 go at 攻击;着手/努力做 go along 进行,进展;(with)赞同 go into action 开始行动 go out of one s mind 变得神志不清

31、,turn真 题 Let s not wait any longer,he might not _ at all.A)turn over B)turn up C)turn on D)turn down 答案BThe French pianist who had been praised very highly _to be a great disappointment.A)turned up B)turned in C)turned out D)turned down 答案CThis popular sports car is now being _at the rate of a thous

32、and a week.A)turned down B)turned out C)turned up D)turned on 答案B,Faced with all the difficulties,the girl _her mother for comfort.A)turned over B)turned form C)turned to D)turned up 答案 C Under the present system,state enterprises must_ all profits to the government.A)turn down B)turn up C)turn out

33、D)turn in 答案D Everything we eat and drink contains some salt;we can meet the body s need for it from natural sources without turning_ the salt bottle.A)to B)over C)on D)up 答案 A,turn away 走开;把脸转过去 turn ones back on 不理睬 turn out 生产;驱逐;翻转 turn on 开,旋开(电灯等)turn off 关(水源等);拐弯 turn into 进入;使变成,使成为 turn in

34、 转身进入;拐入;交出;上床睡觉,turn down 关小,调低;拒绝 turn sbs blood cold 使毛骨悚然 turn against 对采取敌对态度 by turns 轮流,交替 take turns 依次,轮流 turn back(使)折回;(使)往回走,turn around/round 转变,(使)转好 in turn 依次,轮流;转而,反过来 turn up 出现;找到;股票上扬;机会到来turn to 变成;求助于;着手;查阅 turn over(机器等)运转;翻过来;仔细考虑,put真 题 In Disneyland,every year,some 800,000

35、plants are replaced because Disney refused to _ signs asking his“guest”not to step on them.A)put down B)put out C)put up D)put off 答案 C When they had finishing playing,the children were made to_all the toys they had taken out.A)put off B)put out C)put up D)put away 答案D,put across/over 解释清楚;做成(交易)put

36、 up with 忍受,容忍(讨厌的人)put to(船只顺风而)靠岸 put through 使穿过;使从事;接通(电话),为接通电话 put out 熄灭;关(灯);出版;伸出;生产 put on 穿上;上演;增加(体重),put off 推迟,拖延;阻碍 put in 花费;正式提出 put aside 储存,保留;把放在一边,暂不考虑 put forward 提出(要求、事实等)put down 记下;镇压;杀死 put away 把收起;储存,积攒,make真 题 In Britain today women _44%of the work force,and nearly half

37、 the mothers with children are in paid work.A)build up B)stand for C)make up D)conform to 答案 C When he realized the police had spotted him,the man _ the exit as quickly as possible.A)made off B)made for C)made out D)made up 答案B,made up of 由组成,由构成 make it 办成,做到,成功;赶上,及时达到 make away with oneself 自杀mak

38、e much of sth.理解;重视make up to sb.接近;巴结;向求爱 make up 拼凑;组成;补偿;捏造,临时编造,化装;和解,make over 把(财产)转让;改造 make off with sth.携而逃;make down 改小(衣服)make out 开列;书写;辩认出 home/foreign make 本国/外国制造 make ones way 前进;成功,发迹,call真 题 That was so serious a matter that I had no choice but the police.A)called in B)calling in C

39、)call in D)to call in答案D The sports meeting,originally due to be held last Friday,was finally because of the bad weather.A)set off B)worn off C)broken off D)called off 答案D,A well-written composition _ good choice of words and clear organization.A)calls on B)calls for C)calls up D)calls off 答案 B The

40、article_more attention to the problem of cultural interference in foreign language teaching and learning.A)calls for B)applies for C)cares for D)allows for 答案 A,call out to sb.大声叫某人 call sth.forth 引出,引起;鼓起(勇气,精神)call for 要求,需要,提倡 call up 征召(服役),动员 call on/upon 访问;号召;呼吁 call off 叫走,叫开;取消,四级考试另类技巧,在阅读

41、题和词汇语法题中,有这几个词的选项肯定是答案:beyond,entitle,available,bargain,lest,except for,四级中的重点语法项,1.虚拟语气*2.非谓语动词*3.状语从句*4.定语从句*5.名词性从句*6.特殊句式*7.强调结构*,8.倒装*9.比较用法*10.时态*11.被动语态*12.情态动词*13.省略*14.主谓一致*,I.虚拟语气,I.虚拟语气在条件句中的运用,(1)一般结构:If I were free today,I would go shopping with you.(现在)If I had been free yesterday,I wo

42、uld have gone shopping with you.(过去)If I were to be free tomorrow,I might go shopping with you.(将来),(2)混合时间条件句,If the doctor had come earlier yesterday,Jack would be alive today.(从句用过去完成时,主句用现在时)If I were you,I would have gone to the film last night.(从句虚拟现在,主句虚拟过去);If we hadnt got everything ready y

43、esterday,we would have a terrible time tomorrow.(从句虚拟过去,主句虚拟将来);,(3)含蓄条件句,I would have written the paper before,but I have been ill.(=If I had not been ill,I would have written the paper before.);,(4)Were,had,should,could 等放在主语之前,如果条件句中含有were,had,should,could,有时可以省掉if,而把谓语中的were,had,should,could等放在主

44、语前面。Were you in my position,what would you do?Had I time,I would come to see you.Could the dead man have spoken,he would have identified the murder.,(5)介词短语 without,but for,in the absence 及suppose等表示虚拟条件,But for your help,we could not have succeeded in our experiment.Without electricity,there would

45、be no modern industry.Suppose you were the owner of the house,what would you do?,II.虚拟语气在宾语从句中的应用,表建议:advise,suggest,recommend,propose表要求:request,require,ask,urge表命令:order,demand,direct,command其它:insist III.上述动词的名词带起的同位语从句或表 语从句My suggestion is that we(should)send a few people to help the other grou

46、p。He made the suggestion that they(should)carry on their conversation in English.,VI.几个特殊的虚拟语气句型,1.It be()time that 表示到的时间了“It is high time that you went to bed.2.would rather/sooner that,我宁可 Id rather that we had no English exams.3.在正式用法中,由lest/for fear that/in case引导的从句中,要用should(可省略)+动词原形的结构。They

47、 took their guns with them lest they should run into animals.,4.省去结果主句的非真实条件句,非真实条件句如果省去结果主句,用 if only来引导,常常表示不可能实现的愿望If only I were you.If only I could see him.If only you had taken my advice.,II.非谓语动词,非谓语动词既是四级考试的重点也是难点,其中最为重要的是分词作状语和独立主格结构。非谓语动词有动词不定式to do,动名词doing和分词三种形式,分词包括现在分词doing和过去分词done,非

48、谓语动词在句子中不能作谓语。但都保持动词的性质,有时态和语态的变化,有自己的宾语和状语等。非谓语动词还具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,可以在句子中做主语、宾语、表语、补语、定语或状语.,The two buildings being repaired now are the students dormitories.(现在进行时表示动作正在发生,被动语态表示被动)The two buildings repaired during the summer vacation are the students dormitories.(过去分词作定语,表示动作完成)The two buildings t

49、o be repaired are the students dormitories.(不定式表示动作未发生,将要发生),非谓语动词的否定形式和物主代词的用法,what to do next,he asked me for help.(分词作状语的否定形式)I regret her the news earlier.(动名词作宾语的否定形式)I persuade him there too long.(不定式作补语的否定形式)I dont mind.(动名词作宾语的物主形式),Not knowing,not having told,not to stay,your being late,一、不

50、定式,1)不定式+介词结构 此结构作定语,介词一般不可省略.eg.I need a pen to write with.2)不定式用作独立成份 eg.To tell the truth,the film was a great disappointment.另有,to begin with,to be brief,to be exact,to conclude,to be honestfrank等.,3)不定式独立结构 不定式具有它自己的独立主语时,二者即构成不定式独立结构 eg.We divided the work,he to clean the window,and I to sweep


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