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1、大学英语四级阅读理解讲座之,Section C 篇章阅读,Lee May.26,2016,Contents,仔细阅读常见问题及对策考题简介考点分析解题步骤及策略真题操练及解析,阅读常见问题及对策,不良的阅读习惯 阅读速度慢 生词多 长句结构复杂,篇章阅读常见问题,Section C,1.以意群为单位浏览文章2.掌握四级高频词汇3.熟悉英语语法,理解长句结构4.掌握句间逻辑关系,Section C,策略,Section C,策略:1.意群(眼幅宽)+关键词,利用语境理解生词A.利用上下文与该词的逻辑和意义上的联系e.g.The ruler had been so cruel and dishon

2、est that after revolution he was banished.A few member of the Senate opposed the decision,but the majority voted that the ruler should leave the country forever.,Section C,策略:2.扩大词汇量,利用语境理解生词B.利用文章中的定义或者解释e.g.Procrastinators are people who have a chronic habit of putting things off,usually until the

3、 last minute and sometimes until it is too late altogether.,Section C,策略:2.扩大词汇量,利用语境理解生词C.利用对比关系e.g.In spite of his aged appearance,his movements were spirited as a young mans.,Section C,策略:2.扩大词汇量,利用语境理解生词D.利用同位关系e.g.(particularly;mainly;chiefly;or;namely;in other words;that is to say)Have some sh

4、erries-the most distinguished wine from Spain.,Section C,策略:2.扩大词汇量,利用语境理解生词E.利用定语从句e.g.This set of book is for children.The first book of the sequence,which is one of the most popular series of childrens stories,is actually a collection of stories about the people in the village.,Section C,策略:2.扩大词

5、汇量,利用语境理解生词F.利用举例(such as;like;for example;for instance)e.g.Many ships leave land and disappear completely;the US Cyclops,for example,vanished in 1918.,Section C,策略:2.扩大词汇量,利用语境理解生词G.利用同义信息和反义信息(同义词)e.g.It is difficult to list all of my fathers attributes because he has so many different talents and

6、 abilities.,Section C,策略:2.扩大词汇量,利用语境理解生词G.利用同义信息和反义信息(反义词/转折词:but,yet,however,instead,rather than,one the contrary)e.g.Storming out of the room only exacerbates the situation rather than eases it.,Section C,策略:2.扩大词汇量,利用语境理解生词H.利用类属词(总称;一般-具体;e.g.resources oil,silver,water)e.g.Household appliances,

7、especially TV sets,washing machines and tape recorders,are selling well these days.,Section C,策略:2.扩大词汇量,利用语境理解生词I.利用构词法 e.g.Antibiotics such as penicillin will not cure the flu.anti-“反,抗”,Section C,策略:2.扩大词汇量,利用语境理解生词I.利用构词法名词后缀:-th;-sure;-tion,-sion,-ment,ology;形容词后缀:-ive;-ous;-ary;-ish;-ful;-ic;-

8、y;-ly副词后缀:-ly,-wards(s);-wise动词前后缀:-fy;en-;-ize/ise;,Section C,策略:2.扩大词汇量,利用语境理解生词I.利用构词法a-,ab-,dis-,il-,im-,in-,non-,un-,mis-multi-;tri-;bi-;co-;inter-;intra-;mal-;under-autocriticism befriend by-product centimetercounterattack underestimate decode enlargeex-minister forewarn intracity transatlanti

9、c,Section C,策略:2.扩大词汇量,Section C,1)语序改变 We live in a time when,more than ever before in history,people are moving about.,策略:3.理解长句,We live in a time when people are moving about more than ever before in history.,Section C,2)插入语 With rock,illusions of shared feelings,bodily contact and grunted formul

10、as,which are supposed to contain so much meaning beyond the speech,are the basis of association.,策略:3.理解长句,illusions of shared feelings,bodily contact and grunted formulasare the basis of association,3)倒装 Worse perhaps was the idea of Saturday afternoon cricket;most of my friends would be enjoying l

11、eisure at that time.,Section C,策略:3.理解长句,Perhaps the idea of Saturday afternoon cricket was worse;,1)转折 but,although,nevertheless,however,yet,nevertheless,2)对比 while(然而),whereas,on the other hand,on the contrary,Section C,策略:4.理解句间逻辑,3)因果 因:because、because of、for、as、since、in that、on account of、with

12、果:so、so that、therefore、thereby、as a result、hence、thus、consequently、accordingly,Section C,策略:4.理解句间逻辑,3)因果 隐性因果:A.导致(因-果):cause、reason、lead to、give rise to、result in、render、make、let、ask、push、stimulate、fuel、produceB.由而来(果-因):result from、derive from、originate from、initiate from、stem from、be attributabl

13、e to,Section C,策略:4.理解句间逻辑,3)因果 隐性因果:C.反映,体现(果-因):reflect、present、demonstrate、suggest、imply D.考虑到:given、considering、in view of、thanks to、according to,Section C,策略:4.理解句间逻辑,3)因果 隐性因果:E.依赖于:rely on,depend on,resort to F.条件关系:when,once,as soon as,as long as G.分词短语,不定式做状语:Failing in the final exam,she c

14、ried.,Section C,策略:4.理解句间逻辑,4)并列 and,while(同时),meanwhile,also,(;),Section C,策略:4.理解句间逻辑,篇章阅读考题简介,考试时间:15分钟。文章长度:两篇,320390词左右;超纲词汇标出汉语意思。,Section C 篇章阅读 简介,Section C,文章题材:科普类50%;社会生活25%;教育、经济和文化25%。文章体裁:说明文:对事物进行说明解释。47%议论文:论证某一观点的正误。42%,Section C 篇章阅读 简介,Section C,命题形式 多项选择。每篇文章有5道题,共10道小题,题号为56-65。

15、*大部分题干可按文章顺序寻查答案。,Section C 篇章阅读 简介,Section C,篇章阅读考点分析,(一)细节题(二)非细节题,考点分析,Section C,考点分析,Section C,考点分析,(一)细节题,Section C,(一)细节题,Section C,考点分析,Section C,(一)非细节题,Section C,(一)非细节题,Section C,篇章阅读答题步骤,Section C,1.快速阅读文章了解文章文章主题、大意和结构。2.阅读问题确定关键词。3.在原文中定位关键词 分析选项,逐项定位。4.确定答案 正确理解问题,在语境中理解、分析、推理,排除干扰项。,答

16、题步骤,篇章阅读答题技巧,1.针对列举、举例、名人言论、特殊符合(如冒号、引号、破折号)的内容出题,根据问题快速定位到原文相关部分,理解它们所在位置的上下文内容,确定答案。,答题技巧(一),Section C,2.针对某一段内容提问,只看该段内容。3.选项中照抄原文的一般不是答案项,而同义词替换的选项是答案项。4.意义表达具体或肤浅地表达了字面意思的选项一般不是答案项,而具有概括性、抽象的、含义深刻的是答案项。,答题技巧(一),Section C,5.选项中有“绝对”意思的词,一般不是正确答案。如:must,always,never,the most,all,merely,only,have

17、to,any,no,completely,none,hardly;选项中有“不十分肯定”意思的词,一般是正确答案。如:could,may,often,should,usually,might,most,more or less,relatively,be likely to,whether or not,necessarily等。,答题技巧(一),Section C,6.(尤其在议论文中)符合一般常识、意义深刻、富有哲理、符合一般性规律的选项可能是答案项。,答题技巧(一),Section C,注:干扰题项特点 1)原文中没有提到;2)与原句内容相反;3)与原文内容一半相同一半不同;4)与原句内

18、容相似但过于绝对化。,答题技巧(一),Section C,推理、判断题 1)针对数字的推断 2)针对细节逻辑推断 3)针对主题思想、作者意图的推断4)针对作者态度、风格、语气的推断,答题技巧(二),Section C,1)针对数字的推断 考点:A.找到相应的数字B.推算 在原文中找到相关的文字和数字,进行推算。,答题技巧(二),Section C,2)针对细节逻辑推断考点:正确理解或释义(paraphrasing)策略:带着关键词,略读(scanning),回读相关语境,进行推断。,答题技巧(二),Section C,3)针对主题思想、作者意图的推断 确定短文的主题和大意,分析句间的逻辑关系和

19、内容,区分观点和例证(opinions and facts)、原因和结果(causes and effects)、主观点和次观点。根据隐含意义推测作者的意图和写作目的。,答题技巧(二),Section C,4)针对作者态度、风格、语气的推断考点:作者对某个观点赞同、反对、犹豫不定、批评、客观陈述。(直接/间接),答题技巧(二),Section C,4)针对作者态度、风格、语气的推断策略:A.通过全文的叙述,从文章中心内容领悟作者的观点;B.通过对作者使用的修饰词,来推断作者的思想倾向和感情,如形容词和副词,感叹词或富有感情色彩的动词。,答题技巧(二),Section C,观点态度题考点:正确理

20、解作者真正的观点;推断作者的语气、态度;弄清作者的写作目的。,答题技巧(三),Section C,观点态度题策略:A.理解文章主题、措辞、读者对象、文体和结构。B.理解作者的态度是肯定还是否定?C.文中的事实论据是否支持作者的论点。D.作者的用词和其它修饰手段,如比喻、讽刺。,答题技巧(三),Section C,肯定:sure,satisfied,magnanimous,generous否定:ruffled(气恼),stingy(吝啬),真题训练及解析 1,课堂练习 No.1,Section B,Finish reading Section C within 15 minutes.,No.1,

21、(2016.6),56.What is the common view of mental function?A.It varies from person to person.C.It gradually expands with age.B.It weakens in ones later years.D.It indicates ones health condition.,真题解析1(2016.6),Section C,1.Declining mental function is often seen as a problem of old age,but certain aspect

22、s of brain function actually begin their decline in young adulthood,a new study suggests.,Section C,57.What does the new study find about mental functions?A.Some diseases inevitably lead to their decline.B.They reach a peak at the age of 20 for most people.C.They are closely related to physical and

23、mental exercise.D.Some of them begin to decline when people are still young.,真题解析1(2016.6),1.Declining mental function is often seen as a problem of old age,but certain aspects of brain function actually begin their decline in young adulthood,a new study suggests.,Section C,58.What does Timothy Salt

24、house say about peoples minds in most cases?A.They tend to decline in peoples later years.B.Their flexibility determines ones abilities.C.They function quite well even in old age.D.Their functioning is still a puzzle to be solved.,真题解析1(2016.6),5.Most peoples minds function at a high level even in t

25、heir later years,according to researcher Timothy Salthouse.,Section C,59.Although peoples minds may function less flexibly as they age,they_.A.may be better at solving puzzlesB.can memorize things with more easeC.may have greater facility in abstract reasoningD.can put what they have learnt into mor

26、e effective use,真题解析1(2016.6),6.These patterns suggest that some types of mental flexibility decrease relatively early in adulthood,but that the amount of knowledge one has,and the effectiveness of integrating it with ones abilities,may increase throughout all of adulthood if there are no disease,Sa

27、lthouse said in a news release.,Section C,60.According to Salthouse,their study may help us_.A.find ways to slow down our mental decline6.find ways to boost our memoriesC.understand the complex process of mental functioningD.understand the relation between physical and mental health,真题解析1(2016.6),倒数

28、第二段.“By following individuals over time,”Salthouse said,we gain insight in cognition changes,and may possibly discover ways to slow the rate of decline.”,Section C,61.What does the author say about pre-kindergarten education?A.It should cater to the needs of individual children.B.It is essential to

29、a persons future academic success.C.Scholars and policymakers have different opinions about it.D.Parents regard it as the first phase of childrens development.,真题解析1(2016.6),11.The concept has multiple forms,and scholars and policymakers argue about the shape,scope and cost of the ideal program.,Sec

30、tion C,62.What does the new Peabody study find?A.Pre-K achievements usually do not last long.B.The third grade marks a new phase of learning.C.The third grade is critical to childrens development.D.Quality has not been the top concern of pre-K programs.,真题解析1(2016.6),4.A new Peabody study of the Ten

31、nessee Voluntary Pre-K program reports that pre-K works,but the gains are not sustained through the third grade.,Section C,63.When does the author think pre-K works the best?A.When it is accessible to kids of all families.B.When it is made part of kids education.C.When it is no longer considered a l

32、uxury.D.When it is made fun and enjoyable to kids.,真题解析1(2016.6),4.and indicates longer-term success must connect pre-K with all the other issues,related to educating a child.,Section C,64.What do we learn about Mayor Megan Barry?A.She knows the real goal of education.B.She is a mayor of insight and

33、 vision.C.She has once run a pre-K program.D.She is a firm supporter of pre-K.,真题解析1(2016.6),6.She was the first candidate to speak out for strong pre-K programming.,Section C,65.What does the author think is critical to kids education?A.Teaching method.B.Kids interest.C.Early intervention.D.Parents

34、 involvement.,真题解析1(2016.6),7.The weight of the evidence is on the side of pre-K that early intervention(干预)works.,真题训练及解析 2,课堂练习 No.2,Section B,Finish reading Section B within 15 minutes.,No.2,(2015.06),Section C,56.What is peoples common expectation of a high-factor sunscreen?A.It will delay the o

35、ccurrence of skin cancer.B.It will protect them from sunburn.C.It will keep their skin smooth and fair.D.It will work for people of any skin color.,真题解析2(2015.06),1.If you think a high-factor sunscreen(防晒霜)keeps you safe from harmful rays,you may be wrong.,Section C,57.What does the research in Natu

36、re say about a high-factor sunscreen?A.It is ineffective in preventing melanomas.B.It is ineffective in case of intense sunlight.C.It is ineffective with long-term exposure.D.It is ineffective for people with fair skin.,1.Research in this weeks Nature shows that while factor 50 reduces the number of

37、 melanomas(黑瘤)and delays their occurrence,it cant prevent them.,真题解析2(2015.06),Section C,58.What do we learn from the 2011 Australian study of 1,621 people?A.Sunscreen should be applied alongside other protection measures.B.High-risk people benefit the most from the application of sunscreen.C.Irregu

38、lar application of sunscreen does women more harm than good.D.Daily application of sunscreen helps reduce the incidence of melanomas.,2.A 2011 Australian study of 1,621 people found that people randomly selected to apply sunscreen daily had half the rate of melanomas of people who used cream as need

39、ed.,真题解析2(2015.06),Section C,59.What does the author say about the second Australian study?A.It misleads people to rely on sunscreen for protection.B.It helps people to select the most effective sunscreen.C.It is not based on direct observation of the subjects.D.It confirms the results of the first

40、Australian study.,2.The study relied on people remembering what they had done over each decade of their lives,so its not entirely reliable.,真题解析2(2015.06),Section C,60.What does the author suggest to reduce melanoma rates?A.Using both covering up and sunscreen.B.Staying in the shade whenever possibl

41、e.C.Using covering up instead of sunscreen.D.Applying the right amount of sunscreen.,4.The good news is that a combination of sunscreen and covering up can reduce melanoma rates,as shown by Australian figures from their slip-slop-slap campaign.,真题解析2(2015.06),Section C,61.What is happening in the wo

42、rkforce in rich countries?A.Younger people are replacing the elderly.B.Well-educated people tend to work longer.C.Unemployment rates are rising year after year.D.People with no college degree do not easily find work.,1.Across the rich world,well-educated people increasingly work longer than the less

43、-skilled.,真题解析2(2015.06),Section C,62.What has helped deepen the divide between the well-off and the poor?A.Longer life expectancies.B.Profound changes in the workforce.C.A rapid technological advance.D.A growing number of the well-educated.,1 This gap is part of a deepening divide between the well-

44、educated well-off and the unskilled poor.Rapid technological advance has raised the incomes of the highly skilled while squeezing those of the unskilled.,真题解析2(2015.06),Section C,63.What do many observers predict in view of the experience of the 20th century?A.Economic growth will slow down.B.Govern

45、ment budgets will increase.C.More people will try to pursue higher education.D.There will be more competition in the job market.,3-3 The experience of the 20th century,when greater longevity(长寿)translated into more years in retirement rather than more years at work,has persuaded many observers that

46、this shift will lead to slower economic growth,while the swelling ranks of pensioners will create government budget problems.,真题解析2(2015.06),Section C,64.What is the result of policy changes in European countries?A.Unskilled workers may choose to retire early.B.More people have to receive in-service

47、 training.C.Even wealthy people must work longer to live comfortably in retirement.D.People may be able to enjoy generous defined-benefits from pension plans.,4-2,3 Policy is partly responsible.Many European governments have abandoned policies that used to encourage people to retire early.Rising lif

48、e expectancy(预期寿命),means that even the better-off must work longer to have a comfortable retirement.,真题解析2(2015.06),Section C,65.What is characteristic of work in the 21st century?A.Computers will do more complicated work.B.More will be taken by the educated young.C.Most jobs to be done will be crea

49、tive ones.D.Skills are highly valued regardless of age.,4-4,5,6 But the changing nature of work also plays a big role.Pay has risen sharply for the highly educated,and those people continue to reap rich rewards into old age because these days the educated elderly are more productive than the precedi

50、ng generation.Technological change may well reinforce that shift:the skills that complement computers,from management knowhow to creativity,do not necessarily decline with age.,真题解析2(2015.06),真题训练及解析 3,课堂练习 No.3,Section B,Finish reading Section B within 15 minutes.,No.2,(2014.12),Section C,56-60 A C


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