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1、文化与翻译,Cultural Differences,Different valuesDifferent geographical environmentDifferent religious beliefs,Different values,love me love my dogyou are a lucky dogevery dog has his dayold dogs never bark in vain,狗仗人势狗胆包天狗急跳墙狗腿子 狼心狗肺 狗嘴里吐不出象牙来狗血喷头,Old,狗,Different geographical environment,土崩瓦解 土生土长,a sea

2、 of debta sea of troublesat seafollow the seahis mood underwent a considerable sea changespend money like waterto keep ones head above water,大量债务无穷的麻烦不知所措当水手他的情绪发生了巨变挥金如土奋力图存,秋秋风多,雨相和,帘外芭蕉三两窠,夜长人奈何(李煜),Autumn:quietness happinessIn the winter wind/and rattling rain/lonely trees tremble outside the wi

3、ndow screen,Different religious beliefs,Taoism,Buddhism and Confucianism借花献佛闲时不烧香,急来抱佛脚 放下屠刀,立地成佛,Christianityas poor as the church mouse,谋事在人,成事在天 Man proposes,God disposes阎王叫你三更死,谁敢留你到四更The empires officials control all in this empire,Color words,Mr.Brown is a very white man.He was looking rather

4、green the other day.He has been feeling blue lately,when I saw him,he was in a brown study,I hope hell soon be in the pink again.White-忠实可靠Green-病色Blue-抑郁Brown study-心事重重Pink-重新振作,英汉两种语言中的颜色词可大致分为基本颜色词和实物颜色词两种。基本颜色词是指那些完全用于描绘事物色彩的词语。实物颜色词是指那些用实物名称来表示色彩的词语。,基本颜色词,red红,赤 yellow黄 purple紫 black黑 blue蓝 w

5、hite白 brown棕,褐 green绿,青 gray 灰,复杂颜色词,深Dark/deep浅:Light/pale略带色-ish;reddish;pinkish混色A+B;blue green 蓝绿色Yellow-and-black,实物颜色词,MilkseaCherryOrangeRubyWineLemonOliveIvoryRainbowchestnut,乳白色绿色,蓝色鲜红色橙色鲜红色紫红色淡黄色淡绿色淡黄色彩色褐色,实物颜色词可以与基本颜色词结合,表示具体的颜色概念,Snow whiteRose redSilver greyPeacock-blueBlood-red,雪白玫瑰红银灰

6、孔雀蓝血红,漆黑茶青桔红铁青蜡黄,由于英汉两个民族按照自己的文化内涵来解读实物的颜色和颜色的文化内涵,所以对于色彩的描述和解读往往就存在许多差异。,Green hillsBrown sugar To be brownBrown breadTo be blue in the face with coldGrey hairBlack teaBlack in face,青山红糖晒黑黑面包冻得发紫白头发红茶脸色铁青,Cultural connotations,受地理环境、风俗民情、思维方式、宗教信仰、民族心理等因素的影响,各种颜色对于不同民族的人在视觉和心理上所引发的联想和象征意义也不尽相同,翻译时应

7、该特别注意其中的差异。,Red,汉语:热烈,欢乐,喜庆(开门红,走红运,满堂红)革命,胜利,共产主义(红军,红小鬼),生在红旗下成功,受到别人的赏识,羡慕,嫉妒(走红,红透半边天)忠义,英武(关羽),英语:Red letter day 节假日Roll at the red carpet for sb 迎接某人潜在的危险,极端的热情、政治上的极端主义、鲜血Red alert 紧急警报,red ruin 火灾Be red with anger 气红了脸See red 生气 In the red 亏损red-blooded males:精力充沛的人,活跃的人,(1)“邪恶”、“坏的”:英:black

8、 money black market 汉:黑店、黑窝(2)用来指灾难性的、或不受人欢迎的事件和人物,英:black Friday汉:印堂发黑2指特定的事物人物或概念,英:black power黑人人权运动汉:黑五类:3.盈利black figure/in the black盈利、顺差;black figure nation国际收支顺差国;interest in the black应收利息。汉:正直无私,刚直不阿,To be in a black mood To look blackBlack market Blacklist Blackmail Black money Black mistC

9、all black white Black dogBlack lie,情绪低落怒目而视黑市黑名单敲诈匿报的非法收入财政界贪污腐化,营私舞弊的现象颠倒黑白忧郁,不开心邪恶的谎言,white,汉语:纯洁,明亮,高雅(洁白无暇)坦诚,清白(真相大白,清清白白)丧葬衰败,腐朽(白色政权,白区,白匪)失败,徒劳,愚蠢(白痴)一事无成(白费,白搭)阴险,狡诈英语;一事无成,没有价值(white elephant)幸运,吉利,快乐(white day),White warWhite dayDays marked with a white stoneWhite lieWhite handsWhite-hair

10、ed boy Mark ones name white againWhite hope,不流血的战争吉日幸福的日子善意的谎言清白无辜,廉政诚实宠儿昭雪被寄予厚望的人承担艰巨任务的人,white goods White collarwhite-collar crimewhite breadwhite coffee white horsewhite war the white way white feather white paper white trash,白布做成的生活用品布;白色家电白领白领犯罪,绅士犯罪、斯文犯罪。精粉面包牛奶咖啡大海的浪涛没有硝烟的战争,常指“经济竞争”;白光大街(指灯光

11、灿烂的商业区)胆怯白皮书美式英语中的贬义词,指没有文化、且穷困潦倒的白人,他们是白人中社会地位最低的一个阶层;,yellow,汉语:神圣,尊贵,庄严,(黄袍,黄榜)淫秽的脸谱中表示勇猛干练英语:背信弃义,胆小卑怯,Yellow dogA yellow-livered coward,卑鄙的人胆小鬼,blue,汉语:沉静,肃穆英语:社会地位高贵,有权势抑郁,悲哀,阴冷,He has a blue bloodBlue ribbonBe in the blues Love is blueTo look blue,他出身于贵族家庭胜利者的标志无精打采爱情令人忧伤神色沮丧,Green,汉语:青春、和平、生

12、命、希望英语:缺乏经验、嫉妒,Green handGreen-eyedGreen surface,新手红眼病未加工面,Brown,忧郁,沮丧Brown years 沉闷的岁月Brown off 沮丧In a brown study沉思Brown sb down 使某人上当,purple,To be born in purple出身高贵Raise someone to the purple 拥立某人为帝王Purple airway 皇家专用飞机航线、跑到Purple prose华丽矫饰的散文,blue-collar workers 蓝领阶层,指普通体力劳动者grey-collar workers

13、 灰领阶层,指服务行业的职员white-collar workers 白领阶层,指接受过专门技术教育的脑力劳动者pink-collar workers 粉领阶层,指职业妇女群体golden-collar personnel 金领阶层,指既有专业技能又懂管理和营销的人才,译法,1.直译2.根据汉语习惯翻译3.不再使用颜色词,She was wearing a dark red blouse,the rolled-up sleeves revealing the snow of her arms.她穿着一件深红的罩衫,卷起的袖子下露出雪白的肌肤。,The western sky was a fla

14、me of orange.西天一片橙红,宛如火焰。,The uniforms were no longer of grey cloth but were grass green through-out,as delicately and attractively colored as the fields.制服不再是灰色的,一律是草绿色的,和青草、田野的色彩一样,精致美观。,Variously viewed,the ducks change subtly in color from ruby to yellow to violet.鸭子身上的颜色因人们观察角度的变化而发生微妙的变化:忽红、忽黄

15、、忽紫。,He went purple with rage.他气得脸色铁青。,My finger was caught in the crack of the door and got pinched black and blue.我的手指夹在门缝里,挤压得又青又紫。,I dont see why I should stand in a white sheet for something I didnt do.我不明白,为什么我要对没有做的事公开认错。,Nightingale didnt care much for regulations and red-tape which often ma

16、de it difficult to get business done quickly during war time.对于那些往往耽误战时办事的规章制度和繁文缛节,南丁格尔并不十分予以理会。,The opportunity one luckily gets is but once in a blue moon.能幸运地 得到这样的机会实在是千载难逢。,No one will defend him who shows the yellow belly.没有人为怯懦的人辩护。,Anna was given a black mark last week for being late for work.安娜上周上班迟到引起人们对他的不满。,His conduct was believed to be the pink of perfection.人们相信他的品行十分端正。,


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