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1、First wealth is health.健康是人生的第一财富,Life may not be the party we hoped for,but while we are here we might as well dance.,Word study,weak,weakness,strong,strength,beautiful,beauty,digestive,digestion,balanced,balance,amazing,amazement,ought to,get away,slimming foods,curiosity,throw away,fiber,digestio

2、n,balanced diet,Unit 2,Language points,2)The government provided plenty of _ and drink to the people who suffered from the flood.,food,Warming up,Everybody has to eat,but do you eat a healthy diet?,diet 指的是习惯的食物或规定的食物,特指维 持健康的定量或定质的食物。food 是一般的用语,凡能吃能喝的具有营养的 东西都称为food.强调种类时,food 可用复数,3)As Im too fat

3、,the doctor has ordered me a special _.4)Proper_ and exercise are both important for health.5)a balanced diet _ be on a diet _,均衡饮食,a low-fat diet,节食,diet,diet,1.Diet cures more than a doctor.,2.The best physicians are Dr.Diet,Dr.Quiet,and Dr.Merry man.,食物治疗胜过于医生的治疗(药补不如食补)。,节食博士,静心博士,欢喜博士,三者都是最好的医师

4、(饮食少,休息好,快乐多是却病延年之方).,balance1)v.权衡、平衡、对比 eg:1)We must balance the two plans.2)Can you balance yourself on skates?2)n.天平、称 eg:weigh the balance 用天平称be out of balance 不平衡keep ones balance 保持平衡lose ones balance 失去平衡a favorable balance 入多于出a unfavorable balance 入不敷出,幽默英语 单词速记,旅游去趟France(法国)巴黎舞厅d

5、ance(跳舞)正在大步advance(前进)忽见美女glance(匆匆一看)脚下失去balance(平衡)踩高跟鞋抓住了chance(机会)(假装失足,找机会接近。),unbalance v.使心情紊乱n.失去平衡,energy n.能量,精力,干劲 Energy 物理定义“能”。用于人时,指人的能力,精力,多做不可数名词。Power 影响力,势力,政权;电力,动力。Force 自然力,物理力(in force有效)strength身体的力量,人的强点,长处,力气1Bill was doing a lot of physical exercises to build up his _.2To

6、m is a(n)_ boy;he is always playing hard.3The _ of peace becomes stronger.4To regain their _ after an exhaustinggame,the players lay in the grass.5Knowledge is _.,strength,energetic,force,energy,strength/power,1.Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant _1)Nora stood at the bus stop,_ 娜拉站在公共汽车站旁看报纸。_,yo

7、u can havea better view of the city.站在山顶上,你能更好地看到这个城市。,reading a newspaper.,Standing on the top of the hill,Reading,feeling very frustrated(做伴随状语),3)Many of us,_,could not go to sleep that night.being so exciting so excitingC.being so excited so excited 4)“We cant go out in this weather,”s

8、aid Bob,_out of the window.A.looking look C.looked D.having looked,3.“Nothing could have been better,”he thought.=1)He is the tallest boy in his class.=_ 2)A:How are you getting on”B:Everything is OK.=_(再好不过了),He is taller than any other boy in his class.,Nothing could be better.,All his foods

9、could have been the best.,此句用比较级形式表最高级的意义结构:否定词+adj./adv.的比较级,I cant agree more.我完全赞同。,see sb.doing sth.看到 某人正在做某事,see sth.看到 某人做某事(看到整个过程),I saw a thief stealing something in the shop.,I saw a thief steal something from the shop.,be/get tired of对厌烦 be tired with因.感到疲劳,Samuel Johnson(塞缪尔约翰逊):W

10、hen a man is tired _ London,he is tired _ life;for there is in London all that life can afford.,of,of,We were tired _ the extra work.,with,Curiosity drove him inside.,v.驾驶,驱使,迫使,He drove his car round the corner.The noise almost drove me mad.,curiosity n.,out of curiosity,出于好奇,adj.,curious,be curiou

11、s about sth be curious to do sth.,It cost more than a good meal in his own restaurant.cost表花_,作主语的是_Sth cost/costs(sb)sth.spend 既可指花_,又可指花_。在主动 语态作主语的应当是_,宾语可以是 money,energy,time 常用句型为:1)sb.+spend+宾语+on+sth.2)sb.+spend+宾语+(in)doing sth.,“钱”,“物”,“时间”,“钱”,“人”,take 一般表花_,常用于句型:_ pay 一般表_,在主动语态中做主语 的应当是

12、_,其宾语有三种形式 some money sb.some money for sth.,“付钱”,“人”,“时间”,It takes sb.some time to do sth.,1)Some passengers complain that it usually _ so long to fill in travel insurance documents.A.costs B.takes C.spends D.pays 2)我骑单车到学校要花20分钟。_ _,I spend 20 minutes in going to school by bike.

13、,It takes me 20 minutes to go to school by bike.,3)_ 每年她在书上的花费大约一千美元。4)她付给他20元买了一件衬衫。_5)老板已付给我1000元了。_,Every year she spends about$1000 on books.,She paid him 10 yuan for the shirt.,The boss has paid me 1000 yuan.,He couldnt have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!have sb.doing sth.使某人一直

14、做某事Eg:She had us working day after day.I wont have you waiting long.have 使某人做某事 表示动作的完成或可能发生have do 有某事要做have sth.done 使某事被做 sth.为身体一部位时,意为“受伤”Eg:1)They had me repeat the message.2)I wont have you say such words.3)I have a lot of work to do.4)I had my watch fixed yesterday.5)She had her

15、 legs broken when she got off the bike.,get away with doing sth.:(不用于被动语态)not be punished for sth.做了某事而不受惩罚 I wont _我不能容忍你们考试作弊而不受惩罚。steal sth.and escape with it.携带跑掉 The robbers_这些盗贼抢了银行,携巨款潜逃。,have you getting away with cheating in the exam.,.,robbed the bank and got away with a lot of money.,rece

16、ive a relatively light punishment受到轻微惩罚He was so lucky_ 他犯了如此严重的错误,侥幸只交了罚款了事。,to get away with a fine for such a serious mistake.,He had better do some research.research n.&v.研究;调查;探索do research into/on对进行研究调查research into/in/on对进行研究调查 他们正在对一些社会问题进行调查研究。They are doing some research on some social pr

17、oblems.他们的研究证明了什么?What have their researches shown?他们正在研究如何改进人们饮食的方法。Theyre researching into ways of improving peoples diet.,The competition between the two restaurants was on!on作副词与be连用时,可以表示以下几个意思:(1)(电灯、水等)开着(2)正在进行,举行(3)上演,演出灯都亮着。The lights were all on.他们家的电视总是开着。The TV is always on in their hou

18、se.电影院在上演什么片子?Whats on at the movies?The film had been on for five minutes when I got to the cinema.,Perhaps he would be able to earn his living after all and not have to close his restaurant.也许他仍然能够谋生,而不至于关张了。earn one living by.=live by.=make a living by.He earned his living by begging from door to

19、 door.,Explanation,表示“谋生”的短语:earn a living earn ones living make a living make ones living,2)earn vt.挣得;赢得His success earned him a prize.He earned fame by helping the students.He and his wife _ 20 yuan an earnB.earnC.spendsD.takes,B,2.He did not look forward to being in debt because his re

20、staurant was no longer popular.他可不希望由于餐馆不受欢迎而负债。debt:【C】sum of money owed to sb.that has not yet been paid 债务;欠款,be in debt:own a lot of moneybe out of debt:not owe a lot of moneybe in sbs debt:feel grateful to sb.for his help 1)_ 你救了我的命,我永远感恩不尽.2)_ when I get paid.现在我欠债累累,但希望发工资后能付清,You saved my li

21、fe,I am forever in your debt.,Im heavily in debt at the moment,but hope tobe out of debt,Using languge,no longer=not.any longer 不再He no longer loves here.I cant wait any longer.,3.She didnt look happy but glared at him as she moved round the customers.她绕过顾客走进来,双眼直瞪着他,看上去很不高兴。,glare vi.怒目而视 glare at

22、sb.怒目注视某人,4.I thought you were a new customer and now I find you came only to spy on me and my menu.我本来以为你是一位新顾客,现在我才发现你只是过来打探我和我的菜谱的。,only to spy.在句中做目的状语,only to do sth.表示一个与主语愿望相反的或出乎主语预料的结果.only doing sth.表示谓语动词本身的动作造成的结果。,only to do sth.和 only doing sth.,For nearly three hours we waited for the

23、 decision,only to be told to come again the next day.He died,only leaving nothing but debts.,5.I feel sick with all this fat and heavy food.吃了这么多油腻的、难消化的食物,我都觉的恶心了。,heavy(of food):,difficult to digest(指食物)难消化的,6.Wang Pengwei was just enjoying a second plateof dumplings,a second=another 序数词与the连用表示“第几”,与a/an连用表示“又一,再一”。1)_ 你是第二个告诉我这个消息的人。,You are the second to tell me the news.,2)_,but he said he would go on trying until he succeeded.他又失败了一次,但他说他会继续努力直到成功。3)He said that he would pay _ second visit to Australia _ next month.A.the,/B.the,the C.a,the D.a,/,He failed a second time,


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