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1、Translation Theory and Practice,翻译理论与实践主讲:何江波,Course Description,This course treats the art of translation from the dual perspectives of theory and practice.The course enables students to acquire basic translating skills as well as essential translation concepts and theories.We shall look at various

2、 theoretical issues that impact on the choices translators make,and spend much of class time practicing various translation strategies and honing particular techniques.,Objectives of the Course,(1)To introduce the main theories in translation;(2)To introduce the main translating skills and strategie

3、s;(3)To provide ample translation materials and opportunities to practice;,(4)To discuss stylistic features and translation of various types of discourse(advertising;scientific(5)To help improve your translating ability,either from Chinese into English or from English into Chinese.,该课程开设的主要目的是向学生系统讲

4、授有关翻译的基础理论、翻译方法和技巧,指导翻译实践,并在实践中证明和巩固所学理论,使学生的语言知识转化为言语表达能力。在反复实践过程中深化学生的语言能力、百科能力、领悟能力、再现能力,译文对比分析能力和译文鉴赏能力,提高学生的翻译能力。,授课内容主要包括:1.翻译的基本知识及原则,包括翻译的性质、定义、标准、以及翻译过程等;2.翻译常用方法(如直译与意译,归化翻译与异化翻译,语义翻译与交际翻译等);3.常用翻译技巧的介绍(如增词法、省略法、转译法,重复法、正反表达法,被动语态的翻译,英语长句的翻译等)4.各类语篇的文体特征及翻译策略分析。,Course Learning Outcomes,1.

5、Learn the basic translation theories and approaches;2.Be able to apply these theories and approaches in actual translation situations in a variety of texts.3.Be able to reproduce the original works faithfully and smoothly and analyze the translated text.,Requirements,(1)Class attendance is required

6、of all the students;(2)Active participation in class is encouraged and expected;(3)Classroom exercises and homework are hoped to be well finished.,The Final Assessment,Assessment takes in both classroom performance and a final examination.1.Attendance of the lectures:15%2.Performance in the class&ho

7、mework:15%3.In-class exam:10%4.Final exam:60%,Content of Examination,(1)Answer the question or fill in the blanks about basic translation theories and ideas discussed in the course.(2)Revise and improve the translation of some sentences.(3)Translate some sentences and passages from English into Chin

8、ese and vice versa.,Your Misunderstanding,The beginners may have the following misunderstanding:1.A teacher can teach us everything in this course.In fact,a teacher is-to provide students with efficient learning strategies;-to develop skills needed in translation;-to encourage students to adopt real

9、istic goals;-to develop students skills in self-evaluation.,2.I can learn translation in this course.What you are going to learn are only methods and some necessary knowledge about translation.In order to improve your translation competence quickly,youll have to practice,revise,discuss and summarize

10、 in your spare time.,3.I dont like translation but still I can manage the exams because I am smart.Marks are given according to your comprehensive performance in this course instead of a final exam.,Some suggestions,1.Students are expected to keep on improving language competence both in their Engli

11、sh and Chinese so that they can be fit for the work of translation;,2.Students are expected to cultivate a sense of bi-culture involved in translation and observe similarities and difference between two languages in lexicology,syntax,discourse.,3.Students are expected to read and study translation w

12、orks by well-known translators and have a lot of exposure to both SL(源语)and TL(目的语).4.Students are expected to do ample translation practice to improve translation ability and try to apply translation theory to practice.,5.Students are expected to read extensively after class to get ample knowledge

13、in different fields.General knowledge is of vital importance.Know more about the subject matter concerned.,6.Discuss with your classmates and teachers.7.Summarize and make a frequent reflection.8.Be patient and careful.,Textbook(使用教材),研究生教育创新工程教材 A Coursebook on English-Chinese Translation Theory an

14、d Practice 英汉翻译理论与实践教程 何江波 编著 湖南大学出版社,2010.3,当今翻译名家,翻译教学研究:中山大学张美芳教授,广外穆雷教授,南京大学许钧教授翻译史研究:青岛海大杨自俭教授,华东师大潘文国教授,天津外金堤教授,川外廖七一教授,郭建中教授,翻译哲学研究:台湾大学刘宓庆教授,湖南师大黄振定教授,华南师大王东风教授翻译本体研究:北大辜振坤教授和许渊冲教授,上外冯庆华教授,华东师大潘文国教授和张春柏教授,洛外孙致礼教授,上海交大毛荣贵教授,清华大学罗选民教授,上海外国语大学谢天振教授.,翻译学习网站链接,翻译学习网站链接:中国翻译协会 翻译资格考试网 翻译中国 沪江英语 中国日报英语点津 n词库 英国国家语料库,本课程的公共邮箱:(密码:12345678)(用于发补充资料),You will have to:read more;practise more;think more;discuss more,


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