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1、Lecture 10,抽象译法(概括法),News(1),Confirmed Gaddafi dead:Prime Minister David Cameron hails future without tyrantI think today is a day to remember all of Colonel Gaddafis victims,from those who died in connection with the Pan-Am flight over Lockerbie to Yvonne Fletcher in a London street and obviously a

2、ll the victims of IRA terrorism who died through their use of Libyan Semtex.,News(1),We should also remember the many,many Libyans who died at the hands of this brutal dictator and his regime.People in Libya today have an even greater chance,after this news,of building themselves a strong and democr

3、atic future.,News(1),Im proud of the role that Britain has played in helping them to bring that about and I pay tribute to the bravery of the Libyans who have helped to liberate their country.We will help them,we will work with them and that is what I want to say today.,Muammar Muhammad Abu Gaddafi(

4、June 1942 20 October 2011)was the autocratic ruler of Libya.His 42-year rule prior to the uprising made him the fourth longest-ruling non-royal leader since 1900,as well as the longest-ruling Arab leader.,After seizing power in a military coup 1969,he abolished the Libyan Constitution of 1951 and ci

5、vil liberties enshrined in it.He imposed laws based on the political ideology he had formulated,called the Third International Theory.Gaddafi started several wars and acquired chemical weapons.He also supplied weapons to the Provisional Irish Republican Army,a listed terrorist organization in the Un

6、ited Kingdom.,In the 1980s,countries around the world imposed sanctions against Gaddafi.Six days after the capture of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein by United States troops,Gaddafi renounced Tripolis weapons of mass destruction(WMD)programs and welcomed international inspections.A leading advocate fo

7、r a United States of Africa,he served as Chairperson of the African Union(AU)from February 2,2009 to January 31,2010.,In February 2011,following revolutions in neighbouring Egypt and Tunisia,protests against Gaddafis rule began.These escalated into an uprising that spread across the country,with the

8、 forces opposing Gaddafi establishing a government based in Benghazi named the National Transitional Council(NTC).,This led to the 2011 Libyan Civil War,which included a military intervention by a NATO-led coalition to enforce a UN Security Council Resolution 1973 calling for a no-fly zone and prote

9、ction of civilians in Libya.,Reports indicate deposed Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi is dead,the National Transitional Council spokesman said.,After 14 years,26 top ten hits(英国单曲榜前10名单曲)including 14 number one singles,11 top five albums,seven of which hit the top spot and have collectively sold over

10、44 million copies around the world,ten sell out tours and countless memories that we will forever cherish,we today announce our plan to go our separate ways after a greatest hits collection(精选集)this Christmas and a farewell tour next year.,The decision is entirely amicable and after spending all of

11、our adult life together so far,we want to have a well-earned break and look at new ventures.We see the greatest hits collection and the farewell tour as the perfect way to celebrate our incredible career along with our fans.We are really looking forward to getting out on the tour and seeing our fans

12、 one last time.,7.A foreign friend whose Chinese is not so good told me of his embarrassment in a cafe.一位汉语不太好的外国朋友告诉我他在一家咖啡店里碰到的让他尴尬的事情。8.The vague restlessness since boyhood remained.从小就有的那种模糊的不安的感觉依然还存在。9.He first learned what it was to be a Negro when he was 22.他22岁的时候第一次尝到了做黑人的滋味。,10.Vietnam Wa

13、r was his entree to the new Administration as a foreign policy consultant.越南战争成了他进入新政府的敲门砖,他成了新政府的对外政策顾问。11.Action and foresight will be needed as well as learning and reputation.不但需要德高望重的学者,而且需要有远见卓识的实干家。,Exercise:,1.There had been much violence in that city.2.Her jealousy caused her failure.3.Her

14、indifference kept her classmates away from her.4.All the irregularities in the university will be punished.5.We were all greatly moved by his loftiness.,6.His modesty was appreciated by all.7.Gulangyu is a must for most visitors to Xiamen.8.The audience were extremely angry at the brutality of the i

15、mperialists in the film.9.The exam is to test the English fluency of the students.,抽象译法,为了译文的忠实与通顺,我们往往有必要把原文中带有具体意义或具体形象的单词、词组、成语或句子进行抽象化处理。这种翻译方法称为抽象译法。,同具体译法相反,抽象译法一方面把比喻形象上较为具体的单词词组或成语进行抽象概括,如:开门见山come straight to the point狗急跳墙do something desperate另一方面,抽象译法也包括带有范畴词的具体化名词在语言形式上的抽象化译法,主要是在翻译过程中去掉

16、后面的范畴词,如:谦虚态度modesty发展过程development无知的表现innocence,make fish of one and flesh of another 厚此薄彼lick sbs boots 巴结eat ones heart out极度悲痛be in sbs pocket被某人操纵,wear ones heart on ones sleeve表露感情put ones cards on the table表明观点break the ice打破僵局jump out of ones skin大吃一惊walk on air得意洋洋,get the green light得到许可m

17、end ones fences改善关系poke ones nose into sth.干涉turn thumbs down on sth.反对,稳定性stability灵敏度sensibility,残暴行为brutality同化作用assimilation防暴措施anti-violence同情心理sympathy,鸡毛蒜皮trifling开门见山come straight to the point狗急跳墙do sth.desperate顺手牵羊walk off with sth.守株待兔turst to chance and stroke of luck,唇枪舌剑engage in a bat

18、tle of words黔驴技穷at ones wits end单枪匹马all by oneself生龙活虎bursting with energy,I was practically on my knees but he still refused.我几乎是苦苦哀求,但他依然拒绝。He is a rolling stone I dont think he can go far.他是个做事只有三分钟热度的人,我想他不会有多大出息。Ill break my neck to get this done by Friday,but I cant promise for sure.我一定会尽最大努力在

19、星期五以前完成此事,但是我不能打包票。,By this means she cast in a bone between this two friends.她用这种方法来离间这两个朋友。The matter was finally settled under the table.事情终于私下解决了。He earns hardly enough to keep body and soul together.他挣得钱几乎难以维持生活。,I have no head for music.我没有音乐方面的天赋。Please dont wake a sleeping dog.请不要惹是生非。You ca

20、n always fall back upon him when you are in difficulties.遇到困难时,你总可以像他求助。If you dare to play the fox with me,Ill shoot you at once.你要是敢对我耍滑头,我马上毙了你。,这是他们自己的事情,你去插一脚干嘛?Thats a business of their own,why would you get involved in?别人家里鸡毛蒜皮的事情你都知道得这么全,真是个顺风耳啊!You know all the bits and pieces of trifles of

21、 other families.You are really well informed.这消息让我出了一身冷汗。was extremely terrified by that news.,他万万没想到在他前进的道路上竟会出现这么多拦路虎。He had never expected so many obstacles would stand in his way.她毛遂自荐来这所小学做老师。She volunteered for the teaching post in this primary school.我不敢班门弄斧,诚望您发表高见。I dare not show off in the

22、 presence of an expert.I hope you would be kind enough to enlighten us on this matter.,这些问题盘根错节,三言两语说不清楚。These problems are too complicated to be explained clearly in a few words.今天下午的球赛棋逢对手,一定很精彩。This afternoons ball game is sure to be an exciting one,for the two sides are well-matched.他们为敌人效尽犬马之劳。They worked faithfully in the service of the enemies.,我们一直往前走吧!不要三心二意。Lets go straight ahead.Dont be wavering.真正的好朋友应该是雪中送炭。A real good friend should be one offering timely help.他这几天心里七上八下,老是安静不下来。His mind was in a turmoil these days and he was quite unable to think straight.,Thank you!,


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