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1、Cohesion and Coherence in Translation,语篇(discourse)语篇是指任何不受完全句子语法约束的在一个特定的语境中具有交际功能,表示完整语义的自然语言单位。可以是是一个词,一个句子,一篇散文,一则日记,一部小说。,篇章语言学的七个标准1 衔接(cohesion),2连贯(coherence),3 意图性(intentionality),4 可接受(acceptability),5 信息性(informality),6 情景性(situationality),7篇际性(intertextuality).,Basis of passage translati

2、on,Word translation,Sentence translation,Semantic analysis collocationTechniques?,analysis gr.&sem.restructuringTechniques?,What calls for the attention?What strategies to adopt?,Cohesion Ulla Connor defines cohesion as the use of explicit linguistic devices to signal relations between sentences and

3、 parts of texts.These cohesive devices are phrases or words that help the reader associate previous statements with subsequent ones.,In Cohesion in English,M.A.Halliday identify five general categories of cohesive devices that signal coherence in texts:1)reference 2)ellipsis 3)substitution 4)lexical

4、 cohesion 5)conjunction,Coherence Coherence is a semantic property of discourse formed through the interpretation of each individual sentence relative to the interpretation of other sentences.,Relationship between cohesion&coherence,A text may be cohesive without necessarily being coherent:Cohesion

5、does not spawn coherence.Cohesion,Connor writes,is determined by lexically and grammatically overt intersentential relationships,whereas coherence is based on semantic relationships.,Ex.2A:Can you go to Edinburgh tomorrow?B:B.E.A.pilots are on strike.,Ex.1 I bought a Ford.The car in which President

6、Wilson rode down the Chaps Elysees was black.Black English has been widely discussed.The discussions between the presidents ended last week.A week has seven days.Every day I feed my cat.Cats have four legs.The cat is on the mat.Mat has three letters.,Mr.Kirsch,having lost all his money by this time,

7、followed his master out into the moonlight,where the illuminations were winking out.(from Vanity Fair)基希先生这时输得两手空空,便跟着主人走出屋来;月光下,彩灯闪闪烁烁,渐渐熄灭。译文用分号把人物活动和环境描写拆开来译,译文顺畅明了。同时把“月光下”置于两个分句之间,又加强了语篇的衔接,使人物活动和环境描写有机地连结在一起。,He took out his key and opened the door,and we all went to a stone hall,and bare gloo

8、my and little used.(from Great Expectation)句中跟在a stone hall后面的是环境描写部分,went是人物的行为。这种人物行为和环境描写交织在一起的信息内容,英语可用一句话一口气说完,汉语却不同,需要增加一些词。他取出钥匙开了门,大家跟着走进一间石头砌成的大厅,里面空无人物,阴森森的,看来平时绝少有人。“里面”一词承上启下,由人物活动自然引入环境描写。,Cohesion(语篇连贯)1.1 词汇衔接 词汇衔接 指的是运用词汇达到语篇衔接的目的。在翻译中辨别词汇连接,找出相对应的译文词语是至关重要的,这也是提高译文质量不可或缺的部分。It was n

9、ot until the beginning of the 19th century that creation of more universities was seem to be either necessary or desirable.One of the first foundations was London University which,following the organizational structure of the ancient foundations,also consists of a number of constituent colleges.,直到十

10、九世纪初叶,人们才看到不仅需要而且必要创建新的大学。第一批新建筑之一就是伦敦大学,它沿用了古代建筑的组织结构,由一系列成分学院组成。直到十九世纪初叶,人们才看到不仅需要而且必要创建新的大学。而这第一批新成立的大学当中就有伦敦大学,它沿用了牛津大学和剑桥大学的组织建构,也是由一系列的学院组成的。,2 By comparison with the narrow,ironclad days of fathers,there was an expansiveness,I thought,in the days of mothers.They went to see neighbors,to shop

11、in town,to run errands at school,at the library,at church.,跟父亲的那种狭窄的,一成不变的日子相比,我觉得母亲的日子过的比较阔绰。她们去看望邻居,上城里买东西,到学校,图书馆,教堂办事情。跟做父亲的那种狭窄,紧张的生活相比,我觉得做母亲的日子过得比较宽松自在。她们上邻居家串门,去城里买东西,到学校,图书馆,教堂跑跑腿儿。,1.2 连接词语连接词语指的是原文中某些词语在某个语篇中起着承上启下的作用。翻译时要通过一定的衔接手段,将句子与句子,段落与段落非常有条理的连接起来,使整个语篇构成一个完整或相对完整的语义单位。,Even Mike s

12、neezed occasionally,and as for the baby,it was sneezing and howling alternatively without a moments pause.The only two creatures in the kitchen that did not sneeze,were the cook,and a large cat.,连Mike 自己也有时候打喷嚏,要说那个小孩,那就不是打喷嚏就是叫,不是叫就是打喷嚏。那厨房里只有两个不打喷嚏的,一个就是那个做饭的老妈子,一个是只大猫。,So when,at 17,Marjorie fell

13、 in love with a poor medical student,the aunt promptly arranged to take her niece abroad.In the 90s,that was still standard technique.,这样,马乔里在17 岁那年爱恋上了一个学医的穷学生以后,她姑母立即就筹谋让她到国外去。在19 世纪末叶,这仍旧是拆散情人所采用的典型办法。,1.3 替代指的是用较短的语言形式来替代上下文中的某些词语,其目的是行文简练流畅。You must remember,my dear mother,that I have never con

14、sidered this matter as certain.I have had my doubts,I confess,but they are fainter than they were,and they may soon be entirely done away,您应该记得,我亲爱的妈妈,我从来就不认为这件事是可靠的。我承认我曾将信将疑过,但他们现在没有他们以前的那种勇气,他们很可能马上就会彻底告吹。你应该记住,我的好妈妈,我从来没有把事情看得一定如此。我承认我有疑虑,但是不像以前那么重了,也许很快就会彻底打消。,练习,One moment hes in China.The nex

15、t hes in Panama.Then,almost before you know it,Carter is swooping down on Africa.And this week,the former president is on his trip in Japan.,卡特一会儿跑到中国,一会儿跑到巴拿马,后来又避开公众视线突访非洲,而本周,这位美国前总统又在日本访问。,语篇连贯(Coherence)2.1 逻辑重组逻辑重组指的是原文连贯结构到译文结构的转换。由于英汉两种语言有着不同的逻辑层次特点,因此,在翻译时,要根据汉语的思维方式进行调整,变通,使译文的连贯结构能充分的体现出原

16、文中的连贯结构,使译文达意,流畅。,President Carter noted that inflation is the cruelest tax that anyone can pay.Many people agree with that statement,arguing that the persistent decline in the dollars purchasing power hurts people directly because products cost more,and also causes a kind of psychological damage.,卡

17、特总统曾指出,通货膨胀是每个人付出的最苛刻的捐税,许多人据有同感,他们认为美元购买力的持续下降使产品价格提高,不但直接损害了人民的利益,而且给人们造成了一种心灵上的创伤。,2.2 叙述思路的转换叙述思路指的是作者所依循的思维路径。一般来说,思维路径是连贯不变的,但有时,由于某种原因,作者也会在叙述时发生思路的转换,在翻译过程中,也需要译者精心处理,以免使译文出现脱节的现象。,Dogs owners are a mystery to me.I once went to a long series of nonproductive dates with one,and every time we

18、were about to fool around she would have to leave to go home and walk her dog.Hey,wait,I think I just figured out something.,养狗的人真让人猜不透。我曾经与一位养这种宠物的女士有过一段毫无结果的长时间的交往,每当我们要亲热一番的时候,她就要走人,要回家去遛狗。嗨,得了吧,我明白你是什么意思啦。,总结,衔接是客观的,从理论上讲能够被轻易识别,而连贯是主观的,对篇章中连贯程度的评价依读者不同而不同。就衔接而言,文章是依赖词汇和语法而联系在一起额,就连贯而言,文章是以来语言使用

19、者所感知的概念和意义而联系在一起的。在翻译中,译者要弄清楚原文作者是怎么样运用衔接手段来达到连贯目的的,然后在根据英汉两种语言在形式和逻辑表达上的差别进行变通。,He finds that students who were easy to teach,because they succeeded in putting what they had been taught into practice,hesitate when confronted with the vast untouched area of English vocabulary and usage which falls o

20、utside the scope of basic text books.,学生们最初很容易教,因为他们能把教他们的东西付诸实践,现在教师却发现他们面对着大量未曾接触过的英语词汇和惯用法而踌躇起来,因为这些词汇和惯用法都是基础教科书所没有涉及的内容。,The terrain of New York is such that a resident sometimes travels farther,in the end,than a commuter.The journey of the composer Berlin from Cherry street to an apartment uptown was through an alley and was only three or four miles in length,but it was like going three times around the world.,纽约的地貌比较特别,有时住在城里的人最终的行程可能比上班族还要远。作曲家从切利街来到住宅公寓,中间只通过一条小巷,原本只有三四英里的路程,却好像绕着地球转了三圈。,


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