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1、Chapter III Translation method,ForeignizationDomesticationCombination of the two,Comments on Assignment 4type of writing:expositiondiction:common words and phrases referent:(see below),Modern roads today are built very like railways.They are wide and straight.原文这两个短句内容相关,共同描述公路与铁路的特性,翻译时可合并成一个汉语句子。表

2、达时可能有如下试验思路:今天的(如今的)现代公路建造得很像铁路。它们宽阔而笔直。现代公路建造得很像铁路。它们宽阔笔直。现代公路建造得很像铁路,宽阔而笔直。现代公路建造得宽阔笔直,很像铁路。说高速公路像铁路,比较的不是真实情况,而是行驶的感觉。因此将“很像铁路”放在后面逻辑上比较合理。,They have a separate way for traffic in each direction,and they have no cross-roads or traffic lights.公路上各个方向都有单独的车道,既没有交叉路口,也没有红绿灯。,评论:英文多用代词,而汉语使用代词较少,翻译时往

3、往使用名词替代原文的代词。这个句子中的两个They在译文中使用一个“公路上”,试验后感觉比较自然。,Each half of the road is very wide and three cars can travel side by side in the same direction.公路的每一半都十分宽阔,三辆汽车可并排开往同一方向。,评论:英文的并列句之间往往使用联词、逗号或分号,而汉语按照逻辑顺序排列即可,使用关联词较少。另外,按照汉语的习惯,可将travel翻译成“开往、驶往”等字眼。,These roads are called motorways.Motorways neve

4、r pass through a town.Cars join or leave the motorway by side roads.这种公路称作高速公路。高速公路从不穿越城镇。汽车由匝道驶入或驶出高速公路。,评论:注意pass through的意义及逻辑,不要翻译成“经过”,否则高速公路就没有意义了。,Other roads may cross the motorway by a bridge or through a tunnel.其他道路可通过桥梁或隧道与高速公路交叉。,评论:道路交叉是一种状况,不要翻译成具有动感的说法:“其他道路从桥上或隧道里穿越高速公路。”另外,注意原文冠词的泛指

5、用法,不要翻译成“一座桥”或“一条隧道。”,No car is allowed to stop on a motorway.Every two kilometers there is a telephone.If a driver is in difficulty,he can use the telephone to call for help.About every thirty kilometers there are“service stations”.There a driver can stop and rest,and he and his passengers can have

6、 a meal.These service stations also supply petrol,water and oil.高速公路上禁止停车;每隔两公里装有一部电话,司机一旦遇到困难,可打电话求助;每三十公里有一个“服务区”,供司机停车休息,与乘客一道进餐。这些服务站还供应汽油、水和润滑油。,评论:这段原文是许多内容相关的短句,都是介绍高速公路上的设施,参考译文使用了一个含有许多分句的长句子,使内容连贯。注意原文第一句带有强势口吻,译文也要使用类似口吻:“高速公路上禁止停车。”,Motorways are very safe.Cars can travel on them at very

7、 high speed.高速公路非常安全。汽车可以在上面高速行驶。,归纳:译文口吻要与原文相当。英语中,出于语法结构原因多用代词,汉语则较少使用代词,往往使用代词所代表的名词。翻译校核阶段要从逻辑角度检查译文。可按照汉语习惯对原文句子作融合处理。,现代公路建造得宽阔笔直,很像铁路。公路上各个方向都有单独的车道,既没有交叉路口,也没有红绿灯。公路的每一半都十分宽阔,三辆汽车可并排开往同一方向。这种公路称作高速公路。高速公路从不穿越城镇。汽车由匝道驶入或驶出高速公路。其他道路可通过桥梁或隧道与高速公路交叉。高速公路上禁止停车;每隔两公里装有一部电话,司机一旦遇到困难,可打电话求助;每三十公里有一个

8、“服务区”,供司机停车休息,与乘客一道进餐。这些服务站还供应汽油、水和润滑油。高速公路非常安全。汽车可以在上面高速行驶。,Translation method,Literal free translationLiteral translation:1)Literal translation takes sentences as its basic units and the whole text into consideration at the same time in the course of translating.2)Literal translation strives to re

9、produce both the ideological content and style of the entire literary work and retain as much as possible the figures of speech and such main sentence structures or patterns.,Free translation:Free translation may be defined as a supplementary means to mainly convey the meaning and spirit of the orig

10、inal without trying to reproduce its sentence patterns or figures of speech.(刘重德.文学翻译十讲 中国对外翻译出版公司,2000.),Foreignizationdomestication,Foreignization:A term used by Venuti(1995)to designate the type of translation in which a TT is produced which deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining som

11、ething of the foreignness of the original.Venuti sees the origin of such a conception in Schleiermacher,who discusses the type of translation in which“the translator leaves the author in peace,as much as possible,and moves the reader towards him.”,Domestication,A term used by Venuti(1995)to describe

12、 the translation strategy in which a transparent,fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for TL readers.Venuti traces the roots of the term back to Schleiermachers famous notion of the translation which“leaves the reader in peace,as much as possible and move

13、the author towards him.”,Part one:The significance of foreignization,To understand foreign culture further To meet TL readers esthetic expectation To enrich Chinese expression,Part one:The significance of foreignization,To understand foreign culture further To meet TL readers esthetic expectation To

14、 enrich Chinese expression,“翻译必须有异国情调,就是所谓洋气。”“不过它(翻译)原是洋鬼子,当然谁也看不惯,为比较的顺眼起见,只能改换他的衣裳,却不该削低他的鼻子,剜掉他的眼睛。我是不主张削鼻剜眼的。”-鲁迅,Unless youve an ace up your sleeve,we are dished.a.除非你有锦囊妙计,否则我们是输定了。b.除非你袖中藏有王牌,否则我们是输定了。,Part one:The significance of foreignization,To understand foreign culture further To meet

15、TL readers esthetic expectation To enrich Chinese expression,Wine was thicker than blood to the Mondavi brothers,who feuded bitterly over control of the family business,Charles Krug Winery.a.查尔斯库勒格酿酒厂使蒙特维兄弟忘了手足情谊,他们为争夺这份家业而结怨成仇。b.对于蒙特维兄弟来说,酒浓于血,他们为了争夺查尔斯库勒格酿酒厂这份家业,而斗得不可开交。,Part one:The significance

16、of foreignization,To understand foreign culture further To meet TL readers esthetic expectation To enrich Chinese expression,“蜜月”(honeymoon)“布丁”(pudding)“洒鳄鱼泪”(shed crocodiles tears)“武装到牙齿”(armed to teeth)“一石二鸟”(One stone killed two birds.)etc.,Translation practice,To spend money like water.花钱如流水。(挥

17、金如土)Two heads are better than one.一人不及两人智。(三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮)She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth;She thinks she can do what she likes.她是含着银汤勺出生的,认为凡事都可随心所欲。(金钥匙)When he dined with his sister that evening,Madeline helped herself to a cigarette from his pack on the table,and lit and smoked it inexp

18、ertly.The defiant,self-satisfied,somewhat pathetic air made Warren laugh.“When the cats away,hey?”he said.他跟他妹妹那天一起吃晚饭的时候,梅德琳从桌子上他的烟盒里取了支香烟,点了火,不太在行地抽了起来。她那种倔强的、自满的、有点惹人爱怜的神气引得华伦哈哈大笑。“猫不在了,嘿!”他说。(山中无老虎,猴子称大王),The choice of words,Parts of speechContext Collocation“Number”of noun,The choice of words,P

19、arts of speechContext Collocation“Number”of noun,1.Like charges repel,while unlike charges attract.,2.Things like air,water or metals are matter.,3.It is the atoms that make up iron,water,oxygen and the like.,4.Waves in water move like the waveform moves along a rope.,5.We should like to know all th

20、e details.,同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸。,像空气、水或金属之类东西都是物质。,正是原子构成了铁、水、氧等等。,波就像沿着绳子移动一样在水中移动。,我们想要知道一切详情。,The choice of words,Parts of speechContext Collocation“Number”of noun,1 The masses have boundless creative power.,2 Power can be transmitted over a long distance.,3 Energy is the power to do work.,4 Friction ca

21、uses a loss of power in every machine.,5 The fourth power of three is eighty-one.,6 This is a 200 power binoculars microscope.,7 Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.,人民群众有无限的创造力。,电力能进行远距离输送。,能源是作功的动力。,摩擦能在每台机器中造成功率损耗。,的次方是81。,这是一架200倍的双筒显微镜。,枪杆子里面出政权。,The choice of words,Parts of speech

22、Context Collocation“Number”of noun,1 Copper and tin have a low ability of combining with oxygen.,2 In order to get a large amount of water power we need a large pressure and large current.,3 The greater the distance of a star from us,the smaller it looks.,4 A small lamp has a higher resistance than

23、a large one.,5 Large objects will cause more drag than small ones of similar shape.,铜和锡的氧化能力弱。,要得到大量的水力,就需要高水压和强水流。,星球离我们愈远,看起来就愈小。,小灯泡的电阻值比大灯泡的高。,如果物体的形状相似,体积大的物体比体积小的物体产生的阻力大。,The choice of words,Parts of speechContext Collocation“Number”of noun,a)The time will come when atomic energy is widely us

24、ed in industry.,b)The thermal conductivity of metals is as much as several hundred times that of glass.,原子能在工业上广泛应用的那一天将会到来。(time“时间”),金属的导热率比玻璃高数百倍。(复数time“倍”),a)With the development of science,not only can nuclear be released on a large scale,but the suns heat can also be tapped for industrial pur

25、poses.,b)Such parts will soon be regarded as run of the mill because of missile developments now in train.,随着科学的发展,我们不仅可以大规模地释放核能,而且可以将太阳能用于工业。(development“发展”),由于导弹的研制已有成果,这类零件很快就会被认为是家常便饭了。(复数developments,“研制”),a)The compass was invented in China 4,000 years ago.,b)a pair of compasses,指南针是中国4,000年前发明的。(compass“指南针”),一个圆规(compass 复数,“圆规”),


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