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1、Lecture 8 Translation Skills,I.Transaltion Skills:extension of word meanings(词语意义的延伸)在英译汉的过程中,常常会碰到有些词在词典里找不到适当的意思,如果生搬硬套或硬按词典给出的意思翻译的话,译文就会显得晦涩生硬,给人莫名其妙的感觉,甚至会造成误解,在这种情况下就应采用引申词义的方法。词义引申就是根据上下文和逻辑关系,从该词或词组的根本含义出发加以引申,选择恰当的汉语词语来表达。词义引申常用的两种方法:词义的抽象化引申以及词义的具体化引申。,词义抽象化的引伸将词义作抽象化的引申,就是把原文的某些比较具体和形象的词在

2、译文中引申为意义比较抽象和一般的词。英语中常出现一些字面意义比较明确、具体、实在或形象的词句,但从上下文所表述的精神实质来看,作者的真正意图有时并不强调这些词句所表示的具体事物或概念,而是着意于一些概括性的、泛指的或一般性的事理。譬如用deadlock(打不开的锁)来指僵局,用circulation desk(流通桌子)来只指借阅处。,英语中,特别在现代英语中,常常用一个表示具体形象的词来表示一种属性、一个事物或一种概念。翻译这类词时,一般可将其词义作抽象化的引伸,译文才能流畅、自然。将表示具体形象的词译成该形象所代表的属性的词There is a mixture of the tiger a

3、nd the ape in the character of the imperialists.帝国主义者的性格既残暴,又狡猾。这里把tiger(老虎)和ape(猿)这两个具体形象引伸为这两个形象所代表的属性:“残暴”和“狡猾”。Every life has its roses and thorns.每个人的生活都有甜和苦。这里把roses(玫瑰)和thorns(刺)这两个具体形象引伸为这两个形象所代表的属性:“甜”和“苦”。,(3)If he is unhappy with herwhy doesnt he leave her?She can be happy without him.It

4、is so silly-this cat-and dog existence.(Theodore Dreiser:The Titan)假使他和她在一起是那么的不幸福,他为什么不离开她呢?这是多么无聊啊,这种经常争吵的生活。(4)The authors fingerprint is quite obvious in all his works.作者的写作特点在其所有作品中都体现得十分明显。(5)The book is believed to be his swan song.人们认为这本书是它的最后一部作品。(在西方的传说中,天鹅临死时会发出美妙的歌声,句中“swan song”表示作家“最后的

5、作品”)(6)Im not the person to let my heart rule my head.我不是那种让感情支配理智的人。,I have butterflies in my stomach.我很紧张。(8)In the modern world salt has many uses beyond the dining table.在现代世界上,盐除了供食用外,还有许多其他用途。(dining table原文为饭桌),词义的具体化引伸将词义作具体化的引申,就是把原文中的某些比较抽象和笼统的词在译文中引申为意义比较具体和明确的词。英语中也有用代表抽象概念或属性的词来表示一种具体事物

6、,译成汉语时一般可作具体化引伸。,(3)What is known is that weight extremes in either direction are definitely unhealthy.众所周知,过度肥胖或消瘦肯定是不健康的。(字面意义为体重的两个极端)(4)Her jealousy is the cause of her failure.嫉妒心理是她失败的根源。,2.其他情况具体化。在实际翻译过程中,还会碰到其他一些字面意义比较空泛或模糊的词句,如果直译就不能把原文本意交代清楚,有时还会造成歧义。这时就必须采用具体化的办法进行翻译。例如:(1)No reproductio

7、n is granted by implication or otherwise of this information.本资料不得私下或公开翻印。(or otherwise具体译为公开,以与by implication相对应)(2)The car in front of me stalled and I missed the green.我前头的那辆车停住了,我错过了绿灯。,Exercises:1.abstract translation(1)lick ones boots(2)eat like a bird(3)turn thumbs down on sth(4)Hes a rolling

8、 stone,I dont think he can go far.(5)The matter was finally settled under the table.(6)She sailed into the room.2.concrete translation(1)All the class are moved by the story.(2)His translations are very popular.(3)Johns lightheartedness,however,did not last long.(4)There had been too much violence i

9、n that region,Keys for Reference:1.abstract translation lick ones boots 巴结eat like a bird 吃得很少turn thumbs down on sth 反对Hes a rolling stone,I dont think he can go far.他是个见异思迁的人,我想他不会有多大出息。The matter was finally settled under the table.事情终于私下里解决了。She sailed into the room.她仪态万方地走进房间。,2.concrete transl

10、ation(1)All the class are moved by the story.全班学生(2)His translations are very popular.翻译作品(3)Johns lightheartedness,however,did not last long.然而,约翰那种轻松愉快的心境没有持续多久。(4)There had been too much violence in that region.那个地区发生了许多暴力事件。,Bacon On Studies Studies serve for delight,for ornament,and for ability

11、.Their chief use for delight,is in privateness and retiring;for ornament,is in discourse;and for ability,is in the judgment,and disposition of business.Some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested;that is,some books are to be read only in parts;others to

12、be read,but not curiously;and some few to be read wholly,and with diligence and attention.Histories make men wise;poets witty;the mathematics subtitle;natural philosophy deep;moral grave;logic and rhetoric able to contend.Abeunt studia in mores.,On Studies王佐良译论读书水天同论学问Studies serve for delight,for o

13、rnament,and for ability.水译:读书为学的用途是娱乐、装饰和增长才识。王译:读书足以怡情,足以傅彩,足以长才。Their chief use for delight,is in privateness and retiring;for ornament,is in discourse;and for ability,is in the judgment,and disposition of business.水译:在娱乐上学问的主要的用处是幽居养静;在装饰上学问的用处是辞令;在长才上学问的用处是对于事务的判断和处理。王译:其怡情也,最见于独处幽居之时;其傅彩也,最见于高谈

14、阔论之中;其长才也,最见于处世判事之际。,Some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested;that is,some books are to be read only in parts;others to be read,but not curiously;and some few to be read wholly,and with diligence and attention.水译:有些书可供一尝,有些书可以吞下,有不多的几部书则应当咀嚼消化;这就是说,有些

15、书只要读读他们的一部分就够了,有些书可以全读,但是不必过于细心地读;还有不多的几部书则应当全读,勤读,而且用心地读。王译:书有可浅尝者,有可吞食者,少数则须咀嚼消化。换言之,有只须读其部分者,有只须大体涉猎者,少数则须全读,读时须全神贯注,孜孜不倦。,Histories make men wise;poets witty;the mathematics subtle;natural philosophy deep;moral grave;logic and rhetoric able to contend.Abeunt studia in mores.(studies form charact


17、个或两个以上的简单句或一个复合句在译文中用一个单句来表达。现举例说明:,(三)分句法:英语的句法连绵,讲究一气呵成,几乎不容读者踹息的机会。汉语句法短促,从容不迫。英文中很多句子如果不进行分译或拆译,照搬进中文,就会变成“上下三十六根牙齿嚼不烂”(叶圣陶语)的“翻译腔”,这是翻译之大忌。试比较:He crashed down on a protesting chair.译文1:他猛然坐到一张吱吱地发出抗议声的椅子。译文2:他猛然坐到一把椅子上,椅子被压得吱吱作响。,He accused her of talking childish nonsense not respecting the in

18、teligence of her audience.译文1:他责备她讲了一些对听众的智慧颇有不恭敬之处的幼稚的废话。译文2:他责备她讲了一些幼稚的废话,把听众当傻瓜看待。Darkness released him from his last restraints.译文1:黑暗把他从最后的顾忌中解放出来。译文2:在黑暗中,他就再也没有什么顾忌的了。,具体分译法如下:(一)把原文的一个单词译成句子,使原文的一个句子分译成两个或两个以上的句子。单词分译是指把原文中的一个单词拆译成一个小句或者句子。采用单词分译主要有两个目的:一是为了句法上的需要。由于一些单词在搭配、词义等方面的特点,直译会使句子生硬

19、晦涩,翻译腔十足,而把某个单词分译却能使句子通顺,且不损伤原意。二是为了修饰上的需要,如加强语气,突出重点等。英语中的名词、动词、形容词和副词等都可分译。例如,On one sunshiny morning in June在六月里的一天早上,天气晴朗。(比在六月里的一个晴朗的早晨。更明畅)The air seemed almost sticky from the scent of bursting buds.花蕾初绽,散发出一股芬芳,这时空气似乎给人一种黏糊糊的感觉。The chinese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achieveme

20、nts.中国人似乎为他们在经济上取得的成就而自豪,这是合乎情理的。,They,not surprisingly,did not respond at all.他们根本没有回答,这是不足为奇的。The region was the most identifiable trouble spot.那个地区是个麻烦的地方,这是大家最容易看得出来的。,A movie of me leaving that foxhole would look like a shell leaving a rifle.我离开那个猫耳朵速度之快,要是拍成电影的话,会象出膛的子弹一样。Characteristically,Mr

21、.Harold concealed his feelings and watched and learned.哈罗德先生没有表露自己的感情,只是察言观色,心领神会,这是他的个性。The inside of each tent depended on thepersonality of its occupants.每个帐篷内怎样布置,这要看各个用者的性格了。,We recognize that Chinas long-term modernization program understandably and necessarily emphasizes economic growth.我们认识到

22、,中国的长期现代化计划以发展经济为重点,这是可以理解的,也是必要的。Then and there he named the startled General lying wounded on his cot the new Commander in Chief of the Airforce 他就在当时当地任命这位躺在榻上治伤的将军为空军总司令,使这位将军吃了一惊。,At present people have a tendency to choose the safety of the middle-ground reply.现在,人们都倾向于采取不偏不倚的态度来回答问题,因为它安全,不招风

23、险。(choose the safety of the middle-ground reply如机械直译成选择不偏不倚回答问题的安全,语言晦涩难懂。将safety分译出来则较好地解决了这一问题。)(6)Auntie Julia vainly asked each of her neighbours in turn to tell her what Gabriel had said.朱利亚姨妈接连向坐在旁边的人打听加布里埃尔刚才说了些什么,却没有问出个所以然来。,(二)短语分译 短语分译是指把原文中的一个短语分译成一个句子。名词短语、分词短语、介词短语等有时都可以分译成句。例如:They wer

24、e at home in the home of the people,moving confidently without fear.他们在群众家里感到自在,行动时心里踏实,无忧无虑。,Their power increased with their number.他们人数增加了,力量也随之增强。He arrived in Washington at a ripe moment internationally.他来到华盛顿,就国际形式来说,时机正合适。But they had beconme nomads of the desert,living on the ground and unde

25、r the sky,and they loved it.可是他们都变成了沙漠里的牧民了,生活在苍天之下,黄土之上。他们可也喜欢这要的生活。,He had left a note of welcome for me,as sunny as his face.他留下一封短信,对我表示欢迎;那信写得热情洋溢,一如其人。此句关键在于“sunny”一词,既与“note”搭配,又要照顾“face”,译者把原句分译成四句话,文理通顺,不落俗套。,(三)把原文的一个句子拆开,译成两个或两个以上的句子。His failure to observe the safty regulations resulted i

26、n an accident to the machinery.因为他没有遵守安全规则,机器出了故障。The ample yard in back is dominated by heavily bearing fruit trees.屋后是个宽敞的大院,大部分都给果实累累的果树占据了。He wated to tell Ann how much he missed her,but embarrassment made him hold his peace,.他想告诉安妮他有多想她,但是觉得有些不好意思,没有说出口。,Out of sheer joy she waved.她纯粹出于高兴,才挥了挥手

27、。Daybreak comes with thick mist and drizzle.黎明时分,大雾弥漫,细雨蒙蒙。,A man without tears is a man without heart.不流伤心泪,不是有情人。Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。二、合句法一般说来,英语句子要比汉语句子长,英译汉时切分用得较多;但是较口语化的英语句子也比较短,英译汉时有时也得用合并。合并常用于以下二种情况:,(一)简单句与简单句的合并 把原文中的两个或两个以上的简单句合并成一个句子。例如:(1)She is intelligent,ambitious and ha

28、rd-working.She is also good at solving problems.她很有才智、雄心勃勃、工作努力,还善于解决问题。(两句合一)(2)The door was unlocked.She went inside and sat in a stupor.She was near collapse,barely able to move her swollen feet.门没锁上,她走了进去,呆呆地坐了下来,极度的衰弱几乎使她无力挪动她那红肿的双脚。(三句合一),(3)I pulled up a chair and sat down.I sat with my legs

29、wide apart at first.But this struck me as being irreverent and too familiar.So I put my knees together and let my hands rest loosely on them.我把椅子挪过去坐下,开始两脚分开,但我突然觉得这样显得不尊重,太不拘礼节,便把两膝并拢,把双手随便地放在膝盖上。(四句合一)(4)That was long ago.A very long time ago.Almost 30 years ago.那件事发生在很久很久以前,将近三十年了。,(二)复合句的合并 把原文中

30、的主从复合句或并列复合句译成一个简单句或词组。例如:(1)We are going to have to be prepared to operate with people who are nuts.我们将不得不应付那些难对付的家伙。(2)And he found himself trying to suppress a bitterness that was soul-destroying.他发现自己在竭力抑制伤心的苦涩。,(3)Many people have married whose chances were much inferior to Miss Marthas.许多条件远不如

31、玛莎的人都已结了婚。(4)The diagnosis seems in every case to correspond exactly with all the sensations that I have ever felt.每次看病的诊断似乎都和我所有的感觉完全相符。,Exercises:(1)Why should it be made longer than is necessary?(2)I passed my hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch.(3)His informality impressed me

32、deeply.(4)His attitude did not incline me to help him.(5)You are talking delightful nonsense.(6)Her irritation could not withstand the silent beauty of the night.,Keys for reference:(1)Why should it be made longer than is necessary?为什么拖得太久呢?用不着嘛。比较:为什么要使它拖得比需要更长呢?(2)I passed my hands lovingly about

33、the smooth skin of a silver birch.我抚摸着白桦树光滑的树皮,久久爱不释手。(3)His informality impressed me deeply.不拘小节,这是他留给我的印象。,(4)His attitude did not incline me to help him.我看了他这种态度,想帮他的心都冷了。(5)You are talking delightful nonsense.你虽信口胡诌,倒也满有情趣。(6)Her irritation could not withstand the silent beauty of the night.面对这宁

34、静的良宵美景,他的烦恼不禁焕然冰释了。,Exercises of text translation:Oldest University Unearthed in Egypt The legendary university flourished 2,300 years ago when Alexandria was the intellectual and cultural hub of the world.While in the city,Archimedes crafted a water pump of a type still used today;Euclid organized

35、and developed the rules of geometry;Hypsicles divided the zodiac into 360 equal arcs;and Eratosthenes calculated the diameter of Earth.,Other scholars in the city are believed to have edited the works of Homer and produced the Septuagint,the ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament.“This is th

36、e oldest university ever found in the world.”Grzegorz Majcherek,who directed the dig under the auspices of Egypts Supreme Council of Antiquities,told the Associated Press.“This is the first material evidence of the existence of academic life in Alexandria.”,The research team found 13 identical lectu

37、re halls lining a large public square in the ancient citys eastern section.A nearby Roman theater,discovered a half century ago,now assumes new meaning as a possible part of the ancient university.The halls are lined on three sides with rows of elevated benches overlooking a raised seat thought to h

38、ave been used by a lecturer to address students.,“The magnificence of Alexandria as a center of learning was not just a myth,”says Willeke Wendrich,an archaeologist at UCLA.“It gives us hope that some day we might even find the location of the famous Library of Alexandria.”The library thrived from 2

39、95 B.C.into the fourth century A.D.,when it was burned to the ground;its ruins have never been found.,Keys for reference:Oldest University Unearthed in Egypt最古老的大学在埃及被发掘 The legendary university flourished 2,300 years ago when Alexandria was the intellectual and cultural hub of the world.2300年前,当亚历山

40、大是世界知识和文化中心之时,这所传奇式的大学正值繁荣兴盛。,While in the city,Archimedes(阿基米德)crafted a water pump of a type still used today;Euclid(欧几里得)organized and developed the rules of geometry;Hypsicles(许普西克勒斯)divided the zodiac into 360 equal arcs;and Eratosthenes(埃拉托斯特尼)calculated the diameter of Earth.在城市里,阿基米德精心制作的一种水

41、泵今天仍为人们所使用;欧几里得整理和详述了几何学规则;许普西克勒斯把黄道带划分成了360个等弧;埃拉托斯特尼计算了地球的直径。,Other scholars in the city are believed to have edited the works of Homer(荷马)and produced the Septuagint(七十子希腊文本圣经),the ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament.人们认为,是城中的其他学者编辑了荷马的作品并译制了七十子希腊文本圣经-古代圣经旧约的希腊文译本。,“This is the oldest

42、university ever found in the world.”Grzegorz Majcherek,who directed the dig under the auspices of Egypts Supreme Council of Antiquities(埃及古文物最高委员会),told the Associated Press(美联社).“This is the first material evidence of the existence of academic life in Alexandria.”“这是世界上迄今已发现的最古老的大学。”指导这次由埃及古文物最高委员会

43、资助的发掘工作的格里高兹迈赫尔莱克对美联社说,“这是在亚历山大曾存在着学术生活的第一个物证。”,The research team found 13 identical lecture halls lining a large public square in the ancient citys eastern section.A nearby Roman theater,discovered a half century ago,now assumes new meaning as a possible part of the ancient university.研究小组在古城东区发现了1

44、3个完全相同的讲堂,沿着一个大的公共广场排列着。邻近的一座发掘于半个世纪前的罗马剧院现在有了新的价值-它可能是这所古代大学的一部分。,The halls are lined on three sides with rows of elevated benches overlooking a raised seat thought to have been used by a lecturer to address students.这些讲堂的内部三面是由一排排逐层升高的坐席组成,从这些坐席可以俯视一个抬高了的座位-人们认为,当初讲师就是在这个座位上为学生们讲课的。,“The magnifice

45、nce of Alexandria as a center of learning was not just a myth,”says Willeke Wendrich,an archaeologist at UCLA(美国加州大学洛杉矶分校).“It gives us hope that some day we might even find the location of the famous Library of Alexandria.”The library thrived from 295 B.C.into the fourth century A.D.,when it was burned to the ground;its ruins have never been found.“亚历山大作为世界学术中心的辉煌地位并不只是一个神话,”美国加州大学洛杉矶的考古学家维勒克文德里希说,“它给了我们有朝一日发现著名的亚历山大图书馆的位置的希望。”这座图书馆自公元前295年以来很兴盛,直至公元4世纪彻底毁于大火;它的遗址还从未被发现。,


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