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1、2013MBA模拟二,顾巍,Cloze,Key:1-5 B D A C C 6-10 A B D B C 11-15 B D A C D 16-20 D C A B A,New words,1 bacterial adj.细菌的2 hypothesis n.假设3 infection n.医 传染,传染病,影响,感染4 arouse vt.唤醒,唤起,鼓励,引起vi.睡醒Arouse much controversy引起很多争议Arise vi出现 New problems have arisen.5 tremble at 战栗,发抖6 bring about带来,致使 bring about

2、 many changes7 originate from起源于,8 elite n.集合名词精华,精锐,中坚分子9 renown n.名声,传闻,谣传vt.使有声望10 nasty adj.污秽的,令人厌恶的11 genetic disease遗传病12 genetic isolation 遗传隔离13 intimately adv.密切地14 evolutionary 进化的(evolve v.)15 be obliged to do 不得不16 subsequently adv.后来,随后,17 protest n.主张,断言,抗议v.主张,断言,抗议18 object to+N反对No

3、body objected to the plan.19 disproportionately adj.不成比例地20 indefinitely adv.不确定地21 unaccountably adv.不可解释地,不能说明地22 affirm v.断言,确认,肯定23 put down to v.归因于24 assess vt.估定,评定25 administer v.管理,26 integrate vt使成整体;结合,联合Global integration全球一体化27 woven v.(weave的过去分词)编织28 convert n.皈依者vt.使转变,转换.,使.改变信仰 29

4、paradoxical adj.矛盾的,荒谬的30 incompatible adj.性质相反的,不相容的,不调和的31 in question adv.正被讨论32 subject sb to+N使某人易遭受Be subject to易遭受;须经,Reading,Key:21-25:C B D B D 26-30:D B C D C31-35:D C A B D36-40:C D A D B,Passage 1,1 swear vi.诅咒 v.宣誓,发誓2 intensity 强度3 plagiarism n.剽窃,剽窃物4 insult v 侮辱5 detect vt.察觉,发觉,侦查,探

5、测 v.发现6 prose n.散文7 resort to v&n.诉诸于,凭借 n 旅游胜地to pass without resort to cheating不靠作弊获得通过,8 clich陈词滥调9 bargain交易,合同交易;协议;廉价买到的东西A bargains a bargain.达成的协议决不可撕毁。Its a real bargain.(非正式)真便宜。10 gratitude n 感激11 fulfill the contract履行合同12 turn in上交13 borderline passing刚及格,16 on academic probation留校查看 17

6、 compassionate adj.富于同情心的18 resent v.愤恨,怨恨(+doing)14 identical adj 同样的,相同的15 confront v 面对 be confronted with19 label as把当作20 divine神圣的22 distress n.悲痛,22 touch on提及,谈及 touch-on lamp触模式灯23 protest n&v.抗议;断言24 interference n.干扰,冲突;干涉25 peer n.同龄人,同辈人;v.窥视26 probation n.试用;缓刑,长句翻译,1 Once the situation

7、 is behind us,so are the promises.一旦时过境迁,他们的许诺也会跟着事过境迁。,Passage 2,At the heart of the debate over illegal immigration lies one key question:are immigrants good or bad for the economy?The American public overwhelmingly thinks theyre bad.Yet the consensus among most economists is that immigration,both

8、 legal and illegal,provides a small net boost to the economy.Immigrants provide cheap labor,lower the prices of everything from farm produce to new homes,and leave consumers with a little more money in their pockets.So why is there such a discrepancy between the perception of immigrants impact on th

9、e economy and the reality?,13,Passage 2,There are a number of familiar theories.Some argue that people are anxious and feel threatened by an inflow of new workers.Others highlight the strain that undocumented immigrants place on public services,like schools,hospitals,and jails.Still others emphasize

10、 the role of race,arguing that foreigners add to the nations fears and insecurities.Theres some truth to all these explanations,but they arent quite sufficient.,14,Passage 2,To get a better understanding of whats going on,consider the way immigrations impact is felt.Though its overall effect may be

11、positive,its costs and benefits are distributed分配 unevenly不均衡.David Card,an economist at UC Berkeley,notes that the ones who profit most directly from immigrants low-cost labor are businesses and employers meatpacking plants in Nebraska,for instance,or agricultural businesses in California.,15,Passa

12、ge 2,Granted,these producers savings probably translate into lower prices at the grocery store,but how many consumers make that mental connection at the checkout counter?As for the drawbacks of illegal immigration,these,too,are concentrated.Native low-skilled workers suffer most from the competition

13、 of foreign labor.According to a study by George Borjas,a Harvard economist,immigration reduced the wages of American high-school dropouts by 9%between 1980-2000.,16,Passage 2,Among high-skilled,better-educated employees,however,opposition was strongest in states with both high numbers of immigrants

14、 and relatively generous social services.What worried them most,in other words,was the fiscal(财政的)burden of immigration.That conclusion was reinforced加强 by another finding:that their opposition appeared to soften when that fiscal burden decreased,as occurred with welfare reform in the 1990s,which cu

15、rbed抑制 immigrants access to certain benefits.,17,Passage 2,The irony is that for all the overexcited debate,the net effect of immigration is minimal最低的.Even for those most acutely剧烈的 affected say,low-skilled workers,or California residents the impact isnt all that dramatic.The unpleasant voices have

16、 tended to dominate our perceptions,says Daniel Tichenor,a political science professor at the University of Oregon.But when all those factors are put together and the economists calculate the numbers,it ends up being a net positive,but a small one.Too bad most people dont realize it.,18,New words,1

17、overwhelm vt.压倒;淹没;overwhelming adj.压倒性的;势不可挡的2 consensus n.一致;舆论3 discrepancy n.不符;矛盾4 perception n.感觉,看法,认知5 highlight vt.突出;强调6 strain n.压力,负担7 undocumented immigrants非法移民,8 insecurity n.不安全;不牢靠;无把握9 sufficient adj.足够的;充分的10 granted conj.算是如此,诚然,但是11 drawback n.缺点,不利条件12 dropout n.中途退学13 fiscal a

18、dj.会计的,财政的14 reinforce vt.加强,巩固15 curb v.抑制,16 minimal adj.最低的;最小限度的17 irony n.讽刺18 acute adj.严重的,医 急性的;敏锐的19 end up doing以告终20 encounter n&v 遇见,偶遇21 instability n.不稳定(性);22 make a fuss about小题大作,大惊小怪23 pose造成 a threat 24 decent adj.正派的;得体的;体面的,像样的,Passage 2,26.What can we learn from the first parag

19、raph?A)Whether immigrants are good or bad for the economy has been puzzling economists.B)The American economy used to thrive on immigration but now its a different story.C)The consensus among economists is that immigration should not be encouraged.D)The general public thinks differently from most ec

20、onomists on the impact of immigration.,22,Passage 2,27.In what way does the author think ordinary Americans benefit from immigration?A)They can access all kinds of public services.B)They can get consumer goods at lower prices.C)They can mix with people of different cultures.D)They can avoid doing mu

21、ch of the manual labor.,23,Passage 2,28.Why do native low-skilled workers suffer most from illegal immigration?A)They have greater difficulty getting welfare support.B)They are more likely to encounter interracial conflicts.C)They have a harder time getting a job with decent pay.D)They are no match

22、for illegal immigrants in labor skills.,24,Passage 2,29.What is the chief concern of native high-skilled,better-educated employees about the inflow of immigrants?A)It may change the existing social structure.B)It may pose造成 a threat to their economic status.C)It may lead to social instability in the

23、 country.D)It may place a great strain on the state budget.,25,Passage 2,30.What is the irony about the debate over immigration?A)Even economists cant reach a consensus about its impact.B)Those who are opposed to it turn out to benefit most from it.C)People are making too big a fuss about something

24、of small impact.(make a fuss about大惊小怪)D)There is no essential difference between seemingly opposite opinions.,26,Passage 3(09MBA-3),1 strive to do努力去做2 pose v.造成,形成;提出;摆姿势3 soft power软实力4 sphere n.范围;球体5 context n.环境;上下文6 coercion n.强制;强迫;高压政治;威压7 diffuse vt.扩散;传播;漫射8 hierarchy n.层级;等级制度,9 undermin

25、e vt.破坏,渐渐破坏10 advocate v.倡导,主张11 synthesis n.综合,化学 合成;综合体12 apparently 显然地,明显地13 transformational 转换的,改变的14 allergic to 对过敏15 round up 集合,集拢16 slim adj.苗条的,17 anecdote n.轶事;奇闻;秘史18 contemporary adj.当代的;同时代的19 corporate 公司的20 slippery adj.滑的;狡猾的;不稳定的21 depict vt.描述;描画22 nail the jelly to the wall指很难

26、完成或者不可能完成的任务或事情23 recur vi.复发;重现24 vice versa反之亦然,25 thrive vi.繁荣,兴旺;茁壮成长26 morality n.道德;品行,美德27 devalue vt&vi贬值28 concise adj.简明的,简洁的29 take a back seat to退居二位30 authority n.权威;权力;当局Authorities concerned有关当局,长句翻译,He is at his most interesting when discussing the moral aspects of leadershipin parti

27、cular,the question of whether it is sometimes necessary for good leaders to lieand he provides a helpful 12-point summary of his conclusions.他最有趣的一面是谈论领导的道德品格,特别是是否有时候好的领导也需要撒谎这样的问题。他给出了一个建设性的12点结论总结。At his most interesting 最有趣的,Passage 4,1 sobering adj.使清醒的,使冷静的2 gasp vi&n.喘息,气喘(可表示惊讶)Gasp at3 cons

28、ole sb with sth用安慰某人4 dividend n.被除数,股息,红利,额外津贴,奖金 5 premium n.额外费用,奖金,奖赏,保险费6 vengeance n.复仇,报仇 with a vengeance adv.猛烈地,极度地7 evaluate vt.评价,估计,求.的值v.评价,8 crucial adj.至关紧要的9 budget n.预算 vi.做预算,编入预算10(be)in line with符合This is not in line with my ideas at all.11 account for占比例;解释说明Girls account for 3

29、0%of the class.How can you account for your rude behavior?12 liberal-art college文科大学(Science college)13 marine-biology 海洋生物学,14 hybrid混合动力汽车15 run into debt负债16 startling adj.令人吃惊的17 virtually adv.事实上,实质上18 fierce competition for sth激烈的竞争19 come down to归结到In the end,our food choices dont come down t

30、o economics alone.最后,我们的食品选择不仅仅归结于经济学的范畴。,长句翻译,1 There are few more sobering online activities than entering data into college-tuition calculators and gasping as the Web spits back a six-figure sum.几乎没有比在网上的大学学费计算器里输入数据然后看到网络回馈的让人吃惊的六位数更让人清醒的了。,2 But economists say families about to go into debt to

31、fund four years of partying,as well as studying,can console themselves with the knowledge that college is an investment that,unlike many bank stocks,should yield huge dividends.但是经济学家说可以让准备负债供孩子四年学业和生活的家庭得以安慰的是:大学不象银行股票,它是一种可以产生巨大红利的投资。,3 A 2008 study by two Harvard economists notes that the“labor-m

32、arket premium to skill”or the amount college graduates earned thats greater than what high-school graduate earned decreased for much of the 20th century,but has come back with a vengeance(报复性地)since the 1980s.2008年哈佛大学的两位经济学者所做的一项研究指出:“技能带来的劳动力市场额外收益或者说大学毕业生比高中毕业生挣得多的那部分钱在20世纪的大部分时间都在下降。,4 Theres no

33、 question that going to college is a smart economic choice.But a look at the strange variations in tuition reveals that the choice about which college to attend doesnt come down merely to dollars and cents.毫无疑问,上大学是一项明智的经济投资。但是看一下学费的奇怪变化,就可以知道选择去哪所大学不仅仅是金钱的问题了。Come down to归根结底,Part B,41-45:D A F E B

34、41 D 本段第一句便讲,报纸的大字标题有两个作用:吸引你的注意力,告诉你文章的主要内容。后面又紧接着说,email的主题行需要起到同样的作用。由此可判断,D“主题行即标题”应适合做这一段的小标题。,42.A本段开头讲,与传统书信相比,email的美在于发好几封信和发一封信花费一样。因此,如果你需要就好几件事与某人联络,就每一个主题单独写一封email,这样你的联系人会在适当的期限内对每封信回复。由此可知,A“一封电子邮件一个主题”应是本段的主题。43.F本段第一句讲,在电子邮件中要包括进你想要收件人如何回应的要求(a call to action),如打一个电话或事后约会等。另外还要提供自己

35、的联系方式等,这样收件人会更有可能回复你。由此可知,F“明确你想要的回复方式”是本段的主题。,44.E本段讲了如果你经常用电子邮件与人联系应该注意的几个问题:及时阅读并回复别人的邮件、对需要很长回复的邮件先发一封稍等邮件、外出时设好“外出自动回复”代理功能。由此可判断,这都是在讲如何成为一个好联系人,即E 45.B本段第一句就点明主题:内部电子邮件(internal email),之后又讲到利用内部邮件应注意的几个问题,如经常查收、要使用正式的语言、进行拼写检查等。因此很明显本段的小标题应是B“内部电子邮件”。干扰项分析:C是干扰项,意为:限制收件人的人数。文章中没有讲到这一主题,因此它不适合





40、单列每个要点以保持整的纵览视图。,New words,1 the chances are that 很可能(固定句型)2 delete vt.删除3 glance vi.扫视,匆匆一看n.一瞥,4 ridiculous adj.荒谬的,可笑的5 correspondent n.通讯记者,通信者6 to the point切中要点7 clean out清除8 nonetheless adv.虽然如此,但是,9 slang俚语10 layout n.(版面)布局(lay out v)11 recipient n.接受者12 concise adj.简明的,简洁的13 appropriate adj

41、.适当的;vt.占用;挪用14 courtesy n.礼貌15 timely adj.及时的16 time-frame n.期间时限,翻译,46 地球上很大部分丰富的生物种类位于热带雨林。有一些原因使我们不得不要保护热带雨林免遭砍伐,免受人类进一步的侵犯,发展中国家和发达国家都愈加清楚地认识这一点。资源管理和资源保护是全球问题,需要全球的响应。这种基于共同需要的努力应在平等的基础上进行磋商。我们工业化国家要正视自己对全球环境造成的负面影响。我们必须处理自己的废气、废水以及废物。我们要付诸行动,而不仅仅指责其他贫穷国家。如果发展中国家感觉工业化国家正试图通过强调贫穷国家的问题来转移人们对于他们自

42、身问题的关注,那我们就会把这些问题无休止地争论下去,而不是解决我们共同的问题,这是冒险的。,New words,1 diversity n.多样性;差异2 tropical adj.热带的3 compelling adj.引人注目的;强制的4 deforestation n.森林砍伐5 encroachment n.侵入,侵犯;侵蚀6 negotiate vt.谈判,商议7 on a basis在基础上8 take sth seriously 认真对待,9 scold vt.骂;责骂10 emission n.(光、热等的)发射,散发;喷射;发行11 divert attention from

43、把注意力从转移开来;分散注意力12 wrest vt.用力拧;强夺;歪曲wrest over拧在,比喻纠缠,47Dear Sir or Madam,Due to the good reputation and more opportunities in your company,I would like to apply for the position of a software programmer placed in the July issue of The Computer World.I believe that both my education and job experien

44、ce will meet your requirements.I graduated from Tsing-hua University with a masters degree in computer programming.In addition to the courses in computer,I have taken some optional courses such as marketing,business management and public relations.Along with my education,I have worked as the compute

45、r programmer for three years and have achieved great accomplishment.I would be pleased to have you inform me of the starting salary and the opportunity for further study.I would appreciate an interview at your convenience and I am hoping for a prompt and careful consideration of my application.Since

46、rely yours Li Fang,Population and Resources,It is a very thought-provoking cartoon,in which numerous people are crowding on earth.The drawing aims to alarm us that resources on earth are far from enough to sustain our exploding population.,It goes without saying that this message is very true.The 20

47、th century has not only witnessed a huge hike增加 in population,but also the emergence of crises resulting from fighting for restricted resources.Take crude oil for example,it is so immensely consumed in daily life and industrial production that its role is fundamental in todays global economic and po

48、litical stage.People of different nations even initiate wars to obtain more oil fields,an activity which can be best exemplified by the complicated scenario情景 in the Middle East.Other examples include more disputes over the sharing of water resources,as well as the lack of food and other necessities

49、 in most African countries.,Indeed,a large population with limited resources casts a shadow on mankinds future existence in this planet.Therefore,it is prime time黄金时间 that we took positive steps with the strength of all human beings to hold back this grim糟糕的,严酷的 tendency.Evidently,sustainable development needs a population with a reasonable exploitation of natural resources.,


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