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1、写作,Designed by Yuan Hao,1、知识目标 通过学习本模块的词汇和短语进行写作,能续写本模块的课文,能熟练地使用本模块所学的语法结构进行表达,能写一篇与一位朋友发展友谊的过程的课文。2、教学重难点 教师帮助学生理解难句,并能准确运用,提高学生的写作能力。3、教法与学法 演绎法;自主学习法;小组合作法,Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships-Friendship,The Fifth Period-Writing,Writing,书面表达的质量要求:(1)要点全面、表达准确、语句连贯。(2)能用书写体熟练清楚地书写,格式、连笔、词距、标点正确。(

2、3)书写格式、行文及礼貌用语等无严重错误。(4)基本语法和常用句型无严重错误,意思表达清楚。(5)鼓励使用复杂结构,新颖词汇和顺畅连接。所谓复杂结构包括定语从句、强调句型、倒装、被动、虚拟、非谓语短语、sothat、和with加复合宾语等。,注意:(1)仔细审题,看清题目要求与注意事项。(2)确定文章类型,如是记叙文,一般用过去时,如是说明文,主要用现在时。(3)看全内容要点,主要内容缺一不可。(4)尽量写草稿,实在没时间也要写一个简略题纲。(5)用你见过的句型来写,不生造中国式的英文。(6)写好首句尾句,注意关联词语的使用。(7)记叙文注意 who,what,where,when,which

3、,why,how(8)议论文注意论点论据。(9)可适当使用复杂结构和新颖词汇,但应以准 确传达意思为第一原则。(10)书写规范,卷面整洁也要重视。,高分答卷的主要特征:1.要点齐全;2.丰富的词汇;3.较多语法结构;4.较复杂句式;5.语句间的连接成分;6.书写规范,卷面整洁。,书面表达常见错误:,1.审题能力差,抓不住要点。,2.拼写错误、用词不当、搭配不当。,3.对动词时态、语态、词形变化掌握较差。,4.句子成分不全。,5.受母语影响,写出中式英语。,6.不能恰当地使用句子间的连接词语,致使篇章结构松散。,写作步骤:一、审题:读懂提示语 高考英语写作试题一般由内容情景和注意两部分组织。写作

4、要符合题意,就要对试题展现的各个部分作准确、全面地审读和理解,要审清题材和体裁,内容要点、人称、时态。二、列提纲:包括选用的单词或短语三、组句(用哪些句式,各种从句等)四、连接成分(连接词或短语)五、检查(包括时态、拼写等),选词谨记,宁长勿短 talk/communicate宁繁勿简deep effect/profound effect宁新勿旧 take part in/participate in宁细勿粗 feel sad/feel frustrated,常见错误:,1.Give you some advise 2.I just provide you my own suggests.3.

5、Yesterday fell a heavy rain.4.Our country has taken place many great changes.5.Many students against the plan.6.I will be graduated from the school.7.There are ninety percent people oppose the idea.,问题:,8.They very like the school.9.I hope our country will make measures to protect the tigers.,二.使用非谓

6、语动词使句子简洁高档,三.巧用倒装增强句子表现力,四.尝试多样化表达方式,一.使用较高级词汇使文章增加吸引力,强调句,With短语复合结构,定语从句,名词性从句(主宾表同从句),各种状语从句,被动语态,作文如何得高分,It 常用句式It is obvious that 2.It is high time that sb did sth.3.It is said/reported/believed/hoped/suggested/considered that4.It is a pity that5.It is well-known that6.It+be+time+before+主语谓语7.T

7、here be 句式,1.Many people want to visit the stadium.2.The stadium is useful.,Many people are dying to visit the stadium.,The stadium is of great value.,一.使用较高级词汇使文章增加吸引力,The 29th Olympic Games were successfully ended.It left many stadiums unused,The 29th Olympic Games were successfully ended,leaving

8、many stadiums unused.,二.使用非谓语动词使句子简洁高档,1.we can let stadium make sense only when we make full use of the stadium 2.The stadiums can be rented to the physical company to create more economic profits.They can be the places to appeal visitors to pay a visit.,Only when we make full use of the stadium ca

9、n we let stadium make sense,Not only can the stadiums be rented to the physical company to create more economic profits,but also they can be the places to appeal visitors to pay a visit.,三.巧用倒装增强句子表现力,We should take the Olympic stadiums into consideration after Beijing hosted the games successfully.

10、The 29th Olympic Games were ended successfully.we start talking about how to use the stadiums properly for our daily lives,It is the Olympic stadiums that we should take into consideration after Beijing hosted the games successfully.,With the 29th Olympic Games ended successfully,we,四.尝试多样化表达方式,1.强调

11、句,2.With短语复合结构,You can open them for the public.The stadiums can be used to take exercise.,You can open the stadiums which can be used to take exercise for the public.,四.尝试多样化表达方式,3.定语从句,4.各种状语从句,我们锻炼的越多,我们就越健康。,The more exercises we take,the healthier we will become.,5.被动语态,We should pay more atten

12、tion to the sports.,More attention should be paid to the sports.,6.分词短语、不定式短语、由with或without引导的短语 Compared with letters and public phones,mobile phones and the Internet are faster and much more convenient.7.省略句While you are crossing the street,you should be careful.While crossing the street,you shoul

13、d be careful.8.改变句子的开头方式,使句子开头多样化,可以把状语置于句首,或用分词作状语等.Of all my teachers,Mr Chen is the one who impresses me most.,9.短句拉长We will graduate from the beautiful school in a month.To our sadness,well graduate from the beautiful school in a month,where we have been studying and playing for 3 years.,使用恰当的连接

14、词:排序关系 first;firstly;second;secondly;last but not least 并列关系as well as;along with;together with举例关系for example;for instance;like;such as;转折关系but;however;while;though;on the contrary,nevertheless,in spite of,因果关系because;since;thanks to;as a result/consequence(of);thus;therefore,because of,thus,for th

15、is reason,归纳总结in a word;in short;to sum up;in conclusion,on the whole,in general,in one word,in all,in brief递进关系whats more;besides;to make matters worse;whats worse;worse still;in addition;furthermore;moreover,考生作文示例(五档),考生作文示例(三档),考生作文示例(二档),Tips for Writing,WhoWhereWhen WhatWhyHow,Your friendThe p

16、lace where you met your friendThe time when you met your friendWhat kind of person he/she isWhy you like him or herHow to develop your friendship,Writing,be kindbe honestready to helpconsiderateeasy-goingoutgoingalways smilerespect othersbe a good listener,How do you make friends easily?,Task,假如你叫李华

17、,你的朋友Jessica因为父母工作调动不得不转到一所新的学校学习。在陌生的环境中,她因为没有朋友而深感苦恼,因而给你写信求助。请你用英语写一封回信,就如何结交新朋友给她提供一些建议。注意:信件内容要连贯完整,条理清楚;信的开头已经为你写好,但不计入总词数;词数:100左右Dear Jessica,Ive received your letter,knowing that you are upset at having no friends.Here Ill give you some good advice.,学生在本篇写作中出现的错误类型 1.单词拼写错误或用错 2.时态语态的错误 3.双

18、谓语句子 4.短语搭配错误 5.汉语式英语 6.句子结构不完整,作文讲评,1.Its time to make some effective measures.2.The approach to teach is important.3.Please train the language points which we often make mistakes.4.I hope that these advices can help us.5.I think the number of homework should reduce to guarantee the quality.6.We ar

19、e supposed to strengthen the points which are important and easy to wrong again and again.,take,teaching,where,advice,be,be reduced,Excellent Sentences,1.We will appreciate it if you can offer us some methods.(王颖)2.We all consider it effective to train the knowledge points where we often make mistak

20、es.(信佳男)3.Moreover,teaching method should be paid attention to.(姜雁)4.Homework reduced,we can do it better and more carefully.(刘松)5.Only when we spend enough time doing our homework can we make progress.(姜雁),Sample,Dear Jessica,Ive received your letter,knowing that you are upset at having no friends.

21、Here Ill give you some good advice.Firstly,you must realize no one wants to be lonely in class.So why not speak to the students youre sitting next to?Its very easy to start a conversation.What you need do is just to say bravely.Once youve done this,all this will get easier and easier.Secondly,you ca

22、n ask your teachers to pair you with other people.Dont put yourself under too much pressure.Once a few people have accepted you,the rest will accept you more quickly.A good friend is my nearest relation.So I do hope you can make as many good friends as possible.,1.认真审题,明确要求。,2.抓住要点,扩展成句。,3.注意结构,分清层次。,4.表达准确,行文规范。,5.严格检查,有错必纠。,6.卷面整洁,文字清晰。,Summary,Thank you!,


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