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1、Module 9 unit 2,He decided to be an actor,Lets chant,Shakespeare,Shakespeare Shakespeare was an actor.Shakespeare,Shakespeare,Shakespeare was a writer.Shakespeare,Shakespeare,Shakespeare was a poet.,What can we talk about Shakepeare?,He was born in Stratford,England on April the 23rd,1564,his hometo

2、wn,Shakespeares old house,Birth time and place,Shakespeare studied at the grammar(文法)school.He left school when he was fourteen.,Education,His father was an important man in the town.He was the third of eight children.He married a farmers daughter called Anne when he was 18 and they had 3 children.,

3、Family,He began working in his hometown and then he went to London in 1592.He worked in a theatre company.He worked hard with his pen.He became rich enough to buy a house in the capital and one in Stratford.,Job,Shakespeare had 37 great plays and 156 poems.,Four famous tragedies(悲剧)Hamlet,Othello,Ki

4、ng Lear and Macbeth Four famous comedies(喜剧)A Midsummer Nights Dream,The Merchant of VeniceTwelfth nightAs you like it,Of all the famous English writers,the best known is William Shakespeare.,Fame名声,More information about Shakespeare,He was born and died on the same day.(April 23rd),There are 29,066

5、 different words in his plays.,Hamlet was the longest and the most popular of his plays.,Theemptyvesselsmakethegreatestsound.满瓶不响,半瓶咣当。,Share Shakespeares sayings(名言),Justbemyself.超越你自己。,Thetimeoflifeisshort;tospendthatshortnessbasely,itwouldbetoolong.人生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂的人生就太长了。,Shakespeares life,Shakesp

6、eares works,Hamlet,King Lear,Romeo and Juliet,Othello,MacbethThe Merchant of Venice,Birthday:,School:,Hometown:,Wifes name:,Fame:,April 23,1564,A grammar school,Stratford,Anne,the greatest writer,Lets compete,A timetable of Shakespeare,be born,die,finish school,have children,marry,move to,start scho

7、ol,Sentencemaking:,e.g:He was born in 1564.He 1578.He 1582.,finished school,married,moved to London,openedGlobeTheatre,died,Lets skim,Lets read:Scan Paragraph 1 and fill in the blanks.,Shakespeare was a writer of _ and _.2.He was _in _ in_.,plays,poems,born,1564,England,Read Paragraph 2 carefully an

8、d check the following statements.,He liked watching plays at school.He married when he finished school.He decided to be an actor at the age of eighteen.,Scan Paragraph 3&4 and fill in the blanks:,He _ to London and _ a theatre company at the age of 28.2.He became a successful _ and started _ plays.3

9、.In 1599 the company opened the _.,moved,joined,actor,writing,Globe Theatre,Shakespeare Globe Theatre,Read Paragraph 3 again,Circle the word which means“go from one place to another”.,move,join,successful,Read Paragraph 5 carefully and answer the question.,Why is he one of the most famous writers?,W

10、e can still see his plays in English and many other languages.,莎士比亚不属于一个时代,而属于世世代代.,Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.,be be born become decide die finish have like live marry move start work join,William shakespeare(1)_ in 1564 in England.When he(2)_ at school he(3)

11、_ watching plays and he(4)_ to be an actor.He(5)_ school when he was 14 years old.When he was 18 he(6)_,and they(7)_ three children.when he was 28 he(8)_ to London and(9)_ a theatre company.He(10)_ a successful actor and(11)_ writing plays.He(12)_ at the Globe Theatre.William shakepeare(13)_ for 52

12、years.Finally,when he(14)_ he was rich and successful.,was born,was,liked,decided,finished,married,had,moved,joined,became,started,worked,lived,died,Beginning,Body,Ending,Introduction(概况),Experience(经历),Fame/writers opinion(声誉/作者观点),/,12,18,22,26,56,began study in Sanwei Shuwu,studied in Nanjing,mov

13、ed to Japan,married and started writing,died,Lets write,The life of Lu Xun,Lu Xun was a great _.Some of his famous works are _.He was born_.He began study _ and then he studied _.He died _.You still see his works _.He is one of the,标题,The life of Lu Xun,开头,结尾,Life is a short journey.人生如短途旅行,Lets sha

14、re,Its no need to care too much.没有必要在意太多。,Sometimes up,sometimes down.有高有低,有起有伏。,Life is a learning journey.人生是一个学习旅程。,Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person.生活经历教给我们新的启发,使我们成为更好的人。,No matter we are famous or not,无论我们出名与否,,We should try our best to work hard!Harder!Hard

15、er!我们应该尽最大努力!努力!努力!,So that we can enjoy the journey!这样我们才能享受这个旅程!,Homework!,Level A:read the passage and try to recite,Level B:make a survey about your friends past life,M9/U2,1一个著名的英国剧作家和诗人2短诗/长诗3在某人的一生中 4学会做5在学校 7决定做某事/决定成为一个演员6毕业 8加入一家戏剧公司9成为一个著名的演员 10开始做11同一座建筑 12功成名就13用英语/用许多其他的语言14全世界,M9/U2,1

16、.一个著名的英国剧作家和诗人 a famous English writer of plays and poems2.短诗/长诗 short poems/long poems3.在某人的一生中 in ones life 4.学会做learn to do5.在学校 at school 6.毕业finish school7决定做某事/决定成为decide to do/decide to be an actor 8加入一家戏剧公司 join a theatre company9成为一个著名的演员 become a famous actor 10开始做 begin to do/begin doing1

17、1同一座建筑 the same building 12功成名就 rich and successful13用英语/用许多其他的语言 in English/in many other languages14全世界 around the world,1.一个著名的英国剧作家和诗人a famous English writer of plays and poems2.短诗/长诗 short poems/long poems3.在某人的一生中 in ones life 4.学会做learn to do5.在学校 at school 6.毕业finish school7决定做某事/决定成为decide

18、to do/decide to be an actor,8加入一家戏剧公司 join a theatre company9成为一个著名的演员 become a famous actor 10开始做 begin to do/begin doing11同一座建筑 the same building 12功成名就 rich and successful13用英语/用许多其他的语言 in English/in many other languages14全世界 around the world,Module9行为动词的过去式,1.be_was/were 2.become_became 3.begin_

19、began4.do_did 5.getgot 6.go_went 7 have_ had8.know_knew 9.leave_left 10.read_read11.take_took 12.write_wrote 13.build_built come_ came14.like_liked 15.learn_learned/learnt16.decide_decided 17.finish_finished18.marry_married 19.join_joined 20.enjoy_enjoyed 21.die_died 22.start_started 23.wok_worked,i

20、n the 1860s译为“在十九世纪六十年代”,又如:在二十世纪二十年代in the 1920s。拓展in the twenties 意思是“在二十年代”,in ones twenties表示在“某人二十多岁时”,如:in his thirties译为“在他三十几岁时”。在20世纪90年代in the 1990s,He decided to be an actor when he finished school at the age of fourteen.decide 动词,意为_,决定做某事_。过去式_。He decided_(stay)at home.He decided_(play)

21、computer games.He decided(be)a film star.2、He married in 1582 and had three children.marry此处为不及物动词,意为_.动词原形 过去式 a.He(marry)in 1999.b.marry sb.娶某人,嫁给某人John Ann ten years ago c:get married 结婚了 John and Ann _ _ last year.,3、He became a successful actor and began to write plays.successful 形容词,意为_.succes

22、sful的名词是_ 动词是 successful in doing sth.意为_成功做某事_ He was_ in _ a good job.他顺利地找到了一份好工作。4.start doing/to do sth.意为_ 同义短语:_begin doing/begin to do sth今天早上八点我开始读这本书。_。,5.learn to do sth 学会做某事 finish doing sth完成某事enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事用动词的适当形式填空。He learned(play)the piano at the age of 12.He finished(do)

23、his homework yesterday.She enjoyed(play)basketball ten years ago.6.The boy(join)the party at the age of 15.7.His grandfather(die)when he was 70 years old.,二当堂检测一、用所给词的正确形式填空。2、He _(marry)the managers daughter in 2005.3、The sports meeting is very _(success).4、One of his _(child)died at the age of fiv

24、e.5、Do you want to be an _(act).6.、He _(decide)to be an actor 3 years ago.7.、Tom _(die)at the age of 87 years old.8、He_(become)a successful actor and _(start)_(write)plays9、He is _(闻名于世)。,二、句型转换1、He became a member of English club.(同义句)He _ the English club.2、He died when he was 60 years old.(同义句)He

25、 died.3、He returned to Beijing last week.(一般疑问句,并作否定回答)he to Beijing last week?,he.4、He did his homework at home yesterday evening.(划线提问)he at home yesterday evening?5.They had lunch at school last week.(划线提问)they lunch last week?6、He decided to be a teacher when he was a child.(划线提问)he when he was a child?,


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