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1、教学目标(1)掌握本学案中所给出的词汇,能够理解并能熟练运用。(2)理解课文。(3)能够根据课文中所提出的问题,了解我们国家和国外公、私立学校师生关系的相同点和不同点。(4)掌握如何描写人物。,教师用书独具演示,教学地位本节课在写作方面主要练习标点符号,进一步巩固标点符号的运用。通过Cultural Corner让学生初步了解我们国家和国外公、私立学校师生关系的相同点和不同点。,新课导入建议Introduce some colorful pictures about schools,teachers and students.Ask the questions:(1)What do you t

2、hink of the relationship between teachers and students?(2)How do you find the school?,金手指驾校 http:/金手指驾驶员考试2016金手指驾校 http:/金手指驾驶员考试2016科目一金手指驾校 http:/金手指驾驶员考试2016科目四金手指驾校 http:/金手指驾驶员科目一模拟考试金手指驾考 http:/金手指驾驶员科目四模拟考试,演示结束,.判断正误阅读P19课文,判断正误1In Asia,discipline and respect for the teacher is considered v

3、ery important.()2In northern European countries,the relationship between teachers and students is formal.(),3In Germany,France and America,most students go to state schools.()【答案】13FFT,.语篇理解阅读P19课文,选取最佳答案1The first paragraph mainly deals with.Athe different schools from different countriesBthe life

4、of different schools in EuropeCthe differences in teacherstudent relationship between different schools from different countries2Which of the following countries doesnt put the discipline at the first place in schools?AFrance.BAmerica.CSweden.,3From the passage,we can conclude that.ABritish and Amer

5、ican students are harder to control than those in other countriesBstudents in private schools are easier to teach than those in state schoolsCBritish and American students are easier to control than those in other countries,4If you are asked to go on writing after the last paragraph,youll most proba

6、bly write about.Athe different sports in different schools from different countriesBthe differences in teaching between different schools from different countriesCthe advantages and disadvantages of both state schools and private schools【答案】14C B A C,1consider vt.考虑;认为;看作This is true of France,Germa

7、ny,and Spain,where discipline and respect for the teacher is considered very important.(教材P19)这种情况也适合于法国、德国和西班牙,在这些国家,纪律和对老师的尊重被认为很重要。We consider him honest.我们认为他很诚实。We consider this matter to be very important.我们认为这件事很重要。,considern./doing考虑(做某事)considerwhclause/to do sth仔细考虑considerthat.考虑到;顾及到cons

8、idern.(to be/as)n./adj.将视为,认为considerthat.认为consider itadj./ do/doing sth.认为be considered to do/have done/be doing被认为,Im considering going abroad some day.我一直考虑有一天出国。We must consider what to do next.我们必须考虑下一步要做什么。We consider it hard to study English well.我们认为学好英语很难。,完成句子我们把他看作亲密的朋友。We consider h

9、im friend.人们都认为是他偷了钱。He is considered the money.他正在考虑买一辆新车。He is considering.【答案】as/to be our closeto have stolenbuying a new car,2be true of(某种情况)适用于;符合于This is true of France,Germany,and Spain,where discipline and respect for the teacher is considered very important.(教材P19)这种情况也适合于法国、德国和西班牙,在这些国家,

10、纪律和对老师的尊重被认为很重要。What do you think of the play last night?你觉得昨晚的话剧如何?The music is dull,and the same is true of the acting.音乐沉闷枯燥,表演也是。,true of/for符合于,适用于,对适用true to与完全相同;准确的;忠实的true to ones word/promise遵守诺言,说话算数true to lifetruetolife逼真的,活灵活现的it is the same with.与相同,也一样,The same is true of all politic

11、al parties.所有政党都是这样。It is true of everybody.每一个人都是这样。This is especially true for old people.老人尤其如此。This sculpture is true to life.这雕刻栩栩如生。(与真人一样)The door is quite true to the frame.这扇门和门框相当密合。,He is true to his word.他遵守诺言。I like listening to pop music and it is the same with my classmates.我喜欢听流行音乐,我

12、的同班同学也是这样。,完成句子这里的食物很好,服务也是如此。The food here is good and the service.这部电影并非忠于原著。The movie the book.我觉得这些人物不太真实。I dont think the characters.【答案】the same is true of/it is the same withis not true toare very true to life,3relaxed adj.轻松的,松懈的,宽松的In Britain,relationships are quite relaxed,but teachers can

13、 have big problems with discipline.(教材P19)在英国,师生间的关系很宽松,但是老师们在组织纪律方面会遇到很大困难。He appeared relaxed and confident before the match.比赛前,他显得镇定而自信。In America,students and teachers are quite relaxed with each other.在美国,师生之间的关系是不拘束的。,relax vt.使轻松;使放松vi.放松;松懈relaxing adj.舒服的;轻松自在的relaxation n放松,娱乐,消遣,This sum

14、mer we had a quiet and relaxing holiday.今年夏天,我们度过了一个安静、轻松的假期。Everyone needs time for rest and relaxation.人人都需要时间休息和娱乐。A holiday will help you relax after your exams.考试之后放个假有助于放松紧张情绪。,用relax的适当形式完成句子让我们出去放松一下吧。Lets go out for.太好了!去电影院怎么样?看电影是一种不错的放松方式,我相信看完一场轻松的电影后,我们会很放松。Great!How about going to the

15、 cinema?Watching a movie is a good way to.Im sure well be all after seeing a one.【答案】relaxation;relax;relaxed;relaxing,4have problems with.在方面存在问题In Britain,relationships are quite relaxed,but teachers can have big problems with discipline.(教材P19)在英国,师生间的关系很宽松,但是老师们在组织纪律方面会遇到很大困难。We have had problem

16、s with our new computer.我们的新计算机有问题。,have(no)problems/difficulty/trouble with.在方面存在(没有)问题/困难have(no)problems/difficulty/trouble(in)doing.在做方面存在(没有)问题/困难,He has problems(in)studying English.他学英语有困难。He had problems finding a job.他找工作有困难。Im having a problem finishing this.我完成这件事有困难。We had no difficulty/

17、trouble(in)finding his house.我们毫不费力地找到了他家。,【对接高考】(2012上海高考)When Peter speaks in public,he always has trouble the right things to say.Athinking ofBto think ofCthought ofDthink of【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:在大庭广众之下讲话时,皮特总是要搜肠刮肚想想该说的事。have trouble(in)doing的结构。【答案】A,完成句子汤姆在文学方面有困难。Tom literature.我在解决这个问题上有困难。I the p

18、roblem.你知道他供养五个孩子上学的困难吗?Do you know the difficulty five children at school?,【答案】has problems/trouble/difficulty withhave some trouble/difficulty in solvinghe had keeping,5Another important difference is whether schools are state schools or private schools.(教材P19)另一个重要的区别是学校是公立的还是私立的。My doubt is whet

19、her the weather will be fine or not tomorrow.我的疑惑是明天天气是好还是坏。,whether.or.引导名词性从句,意为“是还是”。whether.or.引导让步状语从句,意为“不管还是”,Whether you come or not,we will have a party.不管你来还是不来,我们都会举行聚会。We were wondering whether to go today or tomorrow.我们弄不清是今天走还是明天走。Its up to you to decide whether to buy a new house or n

20、ot.这得由你决定是否买一所新房子。,【对接高考】(2012天津高考)It doesnt matter you turn right or left at the crossingboth roads lead to the park.AwhetherBhowCifDwhen【解析】考查名词性从句。句意:在十字路口无论你向左转还是向右转都没关系,两 条路都通向公园。句中的It是形式主语,whether引导主语从句。whether.or.意为“是还是”。【答案】A,翻译句子无论我们帮他与否,他都将失败。.明天下不下雨,还不确定。.【答案】Whether we help him or not,he

21、 will fail.Its uncertain whether it will rain or not tomorrow.,6similarly adv.同样地,类似地Similarly,America has both state and private schools.(教材P19)同样,美国既有公立学校,又有私立学校。I am wrong.Similarly,you are to blame.我错了。同样地,你也该受到谴责。The two boys dress similarly.两个小男孩穿得差不多一样。,similar adj.相似的,类似的be similar to与类似simi

22、larity n相似点;类似点,Your opinion is similar to mine.你的观点和我的相似。There are many similarities between the two educational system.这两种教育体制间有很多相似之处。【提示】similarly作副词时,有时修饰句中的谓语动词;通常放在句首,作插入语用,修饰整个句子。,用similar的适当形式填空The two pictures are very.There are some between your plan and theirs.,we dont agree to the plan.

23、【答案】similarsimilaritiesSimilarly,如何描写人物人物描写中的注意事项1选好角度,顺序合理角度是指用第一人称还是用第三人称来描写人物。顺序是指以怎样的顺序来描写人物、刻画人物的性格。一般可采用从外表到内心活动的描述,把描写的重点放在与其他人物的不同之处。,2突出重点,选材适当3稍加评论,画龙点睛4语言精练,时态准确时态的使用要视实际情况而定,如果写的是某人的过去,就用过去时态;如果写的是某人的现在,则用现在时态。,常用句式He is not very strong but healthy and full of energy.他不是特别强壮但很健康,充满活力。He

24、is easy to get along with.他很容易相处。He is not only tall but also strong.他又高又壮。Her dream is to be a dancer.她的梦想是成为一名舞蹈演员。She always smiles when she speaks to us.当她和我们说话时总是微笑。,Sometimes she is very strict with us.有时她对我们非常严格。She is tall and beautiful,who has long hair.她长得又高又漂亮,有长长的头发。I think that Ill do w

25、ell in the exam with Mr Li teaching me.我认为李老师教我,我考试会考好。Her behaviour makes everyone like having her class.她的表现使每个人都喜欢上她的课。,My mothers name is Nancy.She has long hair and two big eyes.My mother likes sports and shopping.Her favourite sports are football and yoga.And her favourite food is ice cream.Sh

26、e also likes dogs and cats.我妈妈叫南希,她长发、大眼睛。妈妈喜欢运动和购物,她喜欢的运动是足球和瑜伽。她最喜欢的食物是冰淇淋,她也很喜欢狗和猫。,题目要求假如你是李华,升人高中已经两月有余。请你给美国的笔友Bob写一封email,向他介绍你最喜欢的老师。包括以下要点:1老师的相貌特征;2老师的教学态度;3老师的教学方法和主张;4同学们对老师及课堂的评价。注意:词数120左右(开头和结束语已给出,不计入总词数)。,Dear Bob,Ive been in my new school for more than two months.Im getting on well

27、 with_ Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua,思路点拨1文章结构:(1)开头部分:点出文章主题,对人物进行简单概括。(2)主体部分:根据写作要求详细介绍所描述人物的特点:老师的体貌特征;老师的教学态度;老师的教学方法和主张。(3)结尾部分:概括人们对该人物的评价。本文应是同学们对老师的评价。2本文主体用现在时,描述过去的事情时用过去时。本文以第三人称为主,穿插第一人称。,词汇热身,【答案】 favorite English teacher2.energetic 3make us popular among/with sb.5.set

28、 example6.method of teaching/teaching method 7make much/great progress8.respect sb.,句式温习1他认为阅读对我们来说是非常重要的。He thinks_.2他的教学方法与我原来初中老师的教学方法完全不同。His method of teaching is _ the teachers at my Junior High school.3他的课如此活跃而有趣以至于我们大家都喜欢上他的课。He makes his classes _ we all like to work with him.,【答案】1.that re

29、ading is very important for us/it is very important for us to read2.nothing like that lively and interesting that,连句成篇_,【参考范文】Dear Bob,Ive been in my new school for more than two months.Im getting on well with my English teacher.Mr Liu,a handsome young man,is my favorite English teacher.He is

30、 kind,energetic and amusing.He is always making us relaxed in class.As a result,he is popular among us.,He explains everything clearly.He thinks that reading is very important for us and we should speak a lot in class,so he is always trying his best to offer us opportunities to practise it.He first

31、sets us an example,then divides us into groups.His method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.We enjoy it.We all think well make much progress with him teaching us.,Mr Liu is a good teacher.He makes his classes so lively and interesting that we all like to work with him.All of us respect him a lot.Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua,


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