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1、Unit7 ReadingB POP STAR,【猫王简介】中文译名:艾尔维斯普里斯莱英文名:ElvisAron Presley出生地:密西西比州身高:1米84,20世纪世界流行音乐发展历史中最重 要的人物是谁?答案勿庸置疑,那 就是猫 王艾尔维斯-普里斯莱-“猫王”(TheHillbillyCat),这个绰号是狂热的美国南方歌迷为他取的昵称。20世纪50年代,猫王的音乐开始风靡世界。他的音乐超越了种族以及文化的疆界,将乡村音乐、布鲁斯音乐以及山地摇滚乐融会贯通,形成了具有鲜明个性的独特曲风,强烈的震撼了当时的流行乐坛,并让摇滚乐如同旋风一般横扫了世界乐坛。,英俊不凡的容貌,天赋的音乐灵性,不


3、的131张金唱片及白金唱片。,1957年的圣诞节前十天,美国三军极力争取猫王以歌手身份入伍,猫王婉拒好意,以平民身份接受征召。在为家乡父老唱完两场后,1958年3月24日,穿着英挺军服,前往德州Killeen郊区。1966猫王向Priscilla求婚,隔年两人在拉斯维加斯的Aladdin饭店结婚。1968年,两人的爱情结晶女儿LisaMariePresley 出生,让猫王开始享受轻松愉快的居家 生活。然而好景不长,1972年时,猫 王与Priscilla分手,Priscilla带着女儿 LisaMarie离开,并选择在隔年猫王生 日当天提出了离婚诉请,法 院 判 定 Priscilla拥有女儿

4、监护权。虽然猫王的 多情浪漫并且绯闻不断,但是Priscilla 是猫王一生中唯一的挚爱,也是他一生中 唯一有合法婚姻的妻子1968年之后猫王 被看作流行音乐界愤世嫉俗、软弱以及倒 退现象的缩影。此外,他的电影利润连连 下滑,并且质量也越来越糟糕,甚至猫王本人也明显地表露出他对这些电影同观众一样的讨厌和生气。,【猫王之死】1977年8月16日,普里斯莱的未婚妻金格儿阿尔登在浴室的地板上发现了他。医生在其体内发现了14种成分不同的毒品,认为他是吸食毒品过量致死。两天后,人们为他举行了隆重的葬礼,规模空前:一口白色的棺材,17辆白色的高级轿车以及50000名前来悼念的歌迷。42岁的美国摇滚乐坛偶像


6、tury特别纪念奖感念这位一代巨星。,PracticeAnswer the following quextions.1.Where was Elvis Presley born?Elvis Presley was born in Tupelo,Mississippi.2.How did Elvis become a singer?In 1953,while recording some songs as a birthday gift for his mother at a studio in Memphis,Tennessee,Presley impressed a record produ

7、cer with his unique vocal style,so he began to record Elviss songs and Elvis became a singer.3.Which song made Elvis known to the public?“Heartbreak Hotel”made him known to the public.4.What were the nicknames that people gave Elvis?His nicknames were the King of Western Bop and the Hillbilly Cat.5.

8、Why did people love Elvis?Millons of people loved Elvis because of his talent,good looks,charm,good humor and kindness.,Elvis Presley(1935-1977),American singer and actor,was one of the most popular singers of the 20th century.Presley is knowns as eanly pioneer of rock music and is considered by man

9、y to be thegreatest rock singer.,Elvis Presley was born in Tupelo,Mississippi.Following high school,Presley worked as a truck driver.In 1953,while recording some songs as a birthday gift for his mother at a studio in Memphis,Tennessee,Presley impressed a record producer with his unique vocal style,d

10、emonstrating both outstanding rang and influences of black American music.The record producer had been searching for a“white man with the blacksound and the black feel.”So,he began to record Elvis songs.At the age of 21 Presley recorded his first songs for a mojor record company,the Radio Corporatio

11、n of America(RCA).In 1956,the 21-year-old Presley was a sensation with his rock”n”roll song”Heartbreak Hotel.”It was the first of 14 records in a row that sold over a million copies each.,Useful expressions1.work as“当”“做工作”她在北方做教师工作。eg:She works as a teacher in the North.2.Impress(vt)给留下印象这本书我根本没有印象

12、.eg:The book didnt impress me at all.她以她的善良给我留下印象。She impressed me with her kindness.3.demonstrate“展示,示范”这个年轻人在救那个孩子方面表现得非常勇敢。eg:The young man demonstrated great courage in saving the child.to eat.,4.search A:vi search for“到处寻找“,”在里面(身上)寻找”整个晚上我都在寻找丢失的钱.eg All night I searched for the lost money.B:v

13、t 搜查,搜身我搜查了屋里的每一个房间eg:I searched every room in the house.C:n in search of“寻找”我出去寻找吃的东西了。eg:I went out in search of something5.in a row(one after the other,one after another)学生们站起来,一个接一个的走出教室。eg:The students stood up and went out of the classroom in a row.,Homework,Read the first two parts fluently.Remember the new words from“pioneer”to“in a row”.,Thank you,


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