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1、The regimen of vinegar 食醋养生,The regimen of vinegar is popular all over the world 全球流行醋养生,You can jealous or not,but you cant find a country without vinegar around the world.Vinegar,as a global flavoring,has several thousand years of history.Today,vinegar s healthy function becomes increasingly well-

2、know.你可以爱吃醋或不爱吃醋,但你在全世界一定找不到一个“不吃醋”的国家。醋,作为一种全球通行的调味品,已有数千年的历史。到了今天,醋的保健功能也越来越被人们所认识。,Quetion1:Do you know the different kinds of the vinegar?Do you know the functions of them?,Different kinds of vinegar,The long life vinegar of Japan日本的长命百岁醋The vinegar of Japan is fermented by paddy or fruits.The m

3、ost famous of them is sushi vinegar.In order to make the cooked rice not connecting with each other,cooks always put some sushi vinegar in it.日本的醋是用稻谷或者水果发酵而成的。其中最着名的要属寿司醋。为了让煮好的饭不黏结、粒粒分明,白饭在煮熟后都会加入寿司醋拌匀然后做成寿司。,Another common one is plum vinegar,which is often used for cold seaweed and other food.Th

4、e tastes of vinegar is also very popular for its moderate sweet and acid.还有一种常见的是梅醋,经常用于凉拌海藻等菜。这种醋由梅子酿成,口感酸甜适中,也十分受欢迎。,Potato vinegar in Japan is called life vinegar,meaning long life.The potato vinegar contains ka higher than the rice vinegar and amino acids is more abundant as well.In Hokkaido are

5、a,the onion vinegar helps to improve blood circulation,inhibit blood pressure to rise,lower the fat of blood.,马铃薯酿成的醋在日本被称为“命醋”,寓意“长命百岁”。该醋含钾比米醋高,氨基酸含量也更丰富。北海道地区,还有一种以洋葱酿成的洋葱醋,有改善血液循环,抑制血压上升,降低血脂的功效。,Italys noble vinegar 意大利的贵族醋,Italys noble vinegar bashamick is famous all over the world.The traditi

6、onal bashamick vinegar is made by a special kind of grapes in the way of peeling,pressing the juice,cooking,concentrating and putting in oak barrels for years maturation.Because the production of bashamick vinegar is few,so the mouth of vinegars bottle is always added a small glass on bottle mouth t

7、o ensure vinegar is used of drops as the standard and without waste.意大利则出产全世界闻名的醋中“贵族”巴沙米克醋。传统的巴沙米克醋由一种特殊的葡萄酿造而成,经去皮、榨汁、熬煮、浓缩后,放进酿造葡萄酒的橡木桶中进行多年陈酿。由于巴沙米克醋产量极少,所以装醋的瓶口会加装一个细玻璃滴嘴,以确保瓶中倒出的醋是以“滴”为标准而不浪费。,This kind of vinegar is benefit for digestive system.not only can be used to mix with meat,fish,stapl

8、e,but also can match dessert and ice cream.这种醋有益于消化系统,不仅可以用来搭配肉、鱼、主食,也可以搭配甜品和冰激凌。,The malt vinegar and apple vinegar of Europe and America 欧美的麦芽醋和苹果醋,The vinegar what British and German eat is made of malt.Malt vinegar has thick flavour of lemon,is mainly used for salted cucumber or other vegetables

9、,or as sauce,composite flavor juice,ketchup and mayonnaise materials.In cooking,it is used as a substitute of lemon.英国和德国人吃的醋则由麦芽酿制而成。麦芽醋的特点是具有较浓的柠檬味,主要用于腌制酸黄瓜等蔬菜,或用作沙司、复合调味汁、调味番茄酱、蛋黄酱等原料。在烹饪中,常用作柠檬的代用品。,In addition,in the European and Americancountries,apple cider vinegar is welcomed by many consum

10、ers.This kind of vinegar contains a lot of amino acids,vitamins and minerals,which can be used as a condiment,can be used of flavoring and be drink directly.At present,the European and American care more about the healthy function of vinegar.The functions of softening vessels,lowering blood fat were

11、 already proved by the science research is also lead to the consumptions rising.此外,在欧美国家,苹果醋也受到相当多消费者的欢迎。这种醋富含大量的氨基酸、维生素和矿物质,既可以作为调味品,也可以稀释后当饮品喝。目前,欧美人对醋的保健功效越来越重视,其中,软化血管、降低血脂等功效均已被科学研究证实,这也让醋类产品消费量不断上升。,Balsamic vinegar mixed with cool vegetables tastes well 香醋 拌凉菜能提味,The material of balsamic vine

12、gar is made of glutinous rice.In China,Zhen Jiang is famous for balsamic vinegar.“Acid without acerbity,fragrant and slightly sweet,thick color and tastes delicious”Compared with Shan Xi vinegar,the outstanding characteristic of Zhen Jiang vinegar is that it tastes a bit of sweet.香醋所采用的原料是另一种谷物糯米。在国

13、内,以江苏镇江的香醋最为知名,“酸而不涩、香而微甜、色浓味鲜”,与山西醋相比,镇江醋的最大特点在于多了一丝江南气息的甜味。,Zhenjiang balsamic vinegar is popular for its unique appetite mixed with vegetable and meat as well.It matches perfectly with small steamed bun in the area of Jiang Su and Zhe Jiang for its little sweet.In this season,it is a better to ch

14、oose Zhen Jiang vinegar when eating crabs.镇江香醋的特长在于拌冷盘、溜素菜、烹鱼肉、炖鸡鸭,可提味增香、去腥解腻、开胃生津。因为味道微甜,香醋和江浙一带的流行美食小笼包是绝配。目前正是大闸蟹上市的季节,吃大闸蟹时所蘸的姜丝醋,也最好选用镇江醋。,The vinegar of rice pickle with vegetable can fall the fat of blood米醋腌泡菜降血脂,The most common usage of rice vinegar is to make pickles with salt water.It is o

15、ften use to cook pickled Chinese cabbage.It contains such rich amino acid and organic acid that can promote sugar metabolism,eliminate fatigue and lower the quantity of cholesterol.,米醋最常见的用法,是调成甜酸盐水来制作泡菜;用于热菜调味时,常用于烹制酸汤鱼等菜肴。米醋富含氨基酸和有机酸,可促进糖代谢、消除疲劳、降低胆固醇,The drink of fruit vinegar is made of apples,h

16、aws,grapes,peaches and so on.It contains the nature fragrant subjects and the healthy effect.It can be used not only as flavoring but also as drinks.果醋是以水果,包括苹果、山楂、葡萄、柿子、梨等为主要原料,酿制而成的一种营养丰富、的调味品。它兼有水果和食醋的营养保健功能,含有较多的天然芳香物质有机酸,保持了水果特有的果香,既可做调味品,也可以作为饮品直接饮用。,The fruit vinegar in the market can be divi

17、ded into two types.The nature vinegar can match the cold dish.Especially matching the cucumber will taste a bit sweet and acid.Another is dilute vinegar,which can be use directly.But to be attention,fruit vinegar should not be drank too much,it will be harmful to your stomach.目前市面上的果醋主要分两种,一种为未经稀释的原

18、醋,这种醋的使用方法和米醋相同,可以拌食凉菜。尤其是味道较清淡的黄瓜等,配上柿子醋等果醋,除了增酸外,还可以增加淡淡的甜味。第二种是果醋饮料,经过稀释可以直接饮用。但需要注意的是,果醋也是“醋”,其中的醋酸可能对胃黏膜产生刺激,尽 量不要空腹或大量饮用。,The drink of fruit vinegar tastes good果醋 做饮料口感好,Chen Cu matched with the cooked wheaten food help them digest 陈醋 配面食助消化,Chen Cu IS popular in Shan Xi and it is also related

19、 with the geography and life there.First,Shan Xi is a place where the coal is very rich.There has a lot of Carbon monoxide and the vinegar can solve the problem.Secondly,the water there has plenty of chemical compound,so vinegar can clear up it.Thirdly,people there enjoy eating cooked wheaten food,i

20、t can help them digest.陈醋在山西广受欢迎,还与当地特殊的地理生活相关。一是山西煤炭丰富,空气中一氧化碳含量相对较多,醋有解除煤气的作用;二是山西水质较硬,醋可以起到软化的作用;三是山西人喜欢吃各种面食,尤其各种杂粮面食,醋有帮助消化的作用。,When buying a vinegar,choose the clear and fragrant one好醋不浑浊有浓香,W hen buying a vinegar,choose the clear and the fragrant one.The good n one looks brown and a bit of re

21、d.In the bad one you will be something floating on the surface or swimming on the bottom of the bottle.买醋时,一定要做到一看二闻。优质醋呈棕红色或褐色(米醋为玫瑰色、白醋为无色)、澄清、无悬浮物和沉淀物,质量差的醋颜色可能会过深或过浅,且有不正常的沉淀物。,You can also identify it through smelling or tasting.The good one smells fragrant of fruit and acid.While the bad one s

22、mells irritate the nose.A drop of good vinegar tastes moderate of sweat and acid while the bad one makes you feel uncomfortable about you throat.还可以通过闻或尝的方法辨别醋的优劣。好醋闻起来有浓郁的醋香,在酸味之余,能闻到粮食、水果的香味,熏醋还会有熏制的香气。而质量较差的醋往往醋味较淡或酸味刺鼻。品尝时用筷子蘸一点醋放入口中,好醋酸度适中、微带甜味,入喉顺滑不刺激;而劣质醋则会明显有“扎嗓子”的感觉。,Question2:Do you know where the different kinds of vinegars from?ItalyChinaJapanEurope and America,THANK YOU!,


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