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1、The Translation of Several Types of Clauses,The Translation of Attributive Clauses,We apply a policy which combines moral encouragement with material reward.After dinner,the four key negotiators resumed their talks,which continued well into the night.They are trying to find out whether there is some

2、thing which in fact prevents children from learning sooner.One was Newman himself,who laughed as he recounted how he had hidden in that basement for several days.There was something original,independent,and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them.He wishes to write an article that will attrac

3、t public attention to the matter.Phillip was good at management,for which he was promoted to be vice manager.,我们实行精神鼓励与物质奖励相结合的政策。饭后,四个主要谈判人物继续进行会谈,一直谈到深夜。(译成并列分句,省略关系词)他们正在试图查明,是不是有什么东西实际上妨碍了孩子们学得更快些。纽曼本人就是其中之一。他叙述他一连几天躲在地下室里的那种情景时,不禁哈哈大笑。这个方案富于创造性,独出心裁,很有魄力,所以他们都表示赞同。(译成结果状语)他想写一篇文章,以便能引起公众对这件事的注意

4、。(译成目的状语)菲利普善于管理,因此被提升为副经理。(译成结果状语),1 前置法:译成带“的”的前置定语,放在被修饰词前面,适用于限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句 2 后置法:如果英语从句结构复杂,译成汉语前置定语不易表达清楚,为了便于汉语行文,使汉语句子结构更灵活,有些定语从句的翻译需要后置3 译成独立句:对非限制性定语从句的翻译,除采用前置法、后置法外,有时可译成独立句 4 译成状语:有些英语定语从句与主句的关系是表示目的、原因、结果、条件、让步等逻辑关系,这些从句的汉译须按状语从句考虑,名词/代词/数词+of十关系代词,“名词十of十关系代词(which/whom)”所构成的非限制性定

5、语从句,其名词与先行词有所属关系,也可以用关系词whose替换。“代词/数词+of+关系代词(which/whom)”所构成的非限制性定语从句,I bought a washing machine last week,the motor of which was made in Japan.上周我买了一台洗衣机,其电机是日本产的。We are going to build a railway,the base of which must be completed this year.我们要修筑一条铁路,它的路基必须在今年完成。He lives in that house,the window

6、of which faces to the south.他住的那座房子的窗户是朝南开着的。,名词十of十关系代词(which/whom)”所构成的非限制性定语从句,其名词与先行词有所属关系,也可以用关系词whose替换。翻译时,不仅要重复这个关系代词所代替的主句中的名词,而且要将该关系代词译成它所代替的名词所有格形式,即“的”,“它的”,“其”等。,They were talking with a group of Chinese players,some of whom were known to us all.他们在同一群中国运动员交谈,其中有些是我们熟悉的。The publishing

7、house has published a large number of fine books,10,000 of which have been sold.这家出版社出版了大量的优秀书籍,其中已销售了一万册。Scientists have found almost all metals are good conductors,the best of which is silver.科学家发现,差不多所有的金属都是良导体,其中最好的是银。,代词/数词+of+关系代词(which/whom)”所构成的非限制性定语从句,翻译时可译成“其中”。,定语从句的几种特殊译法,A semiconducto

8、r is a material that is neither a good conductor nor a good insulator.半导体材料既不是良导体,也不是好的绝缘体。Thus,at twenty one,Benjamin Franklin set out to broaden the frontiers of knowledge in the new land that was America.这样,二十一岁时,本杰明富兰克林就开始在美洲这个新大陆上寻求更多的新知识。I have a brother,who studies in our university,too.我有一个弟

9、弟,也在我们学校学习。There were a lot of girl students of our class who took part in the sports meet.我们班有许多女学生参加了运动会。,把从句译成谓语部分 译成同位语译成汉语的承前省略句用兼语式译法把复合句译为简单句,定语从句可以译成词组,The modern aircraft is no longer the airplane which it was before.现代的飞机已经不是从前那种飞机了。We have arrived at the same conclusion as they have.我们已得出

10、与他们相同的结论。As many instruments as are in the laboratory have been made most use of.实验室的仪表全都充分利用了。The purpose for which electricity is used is numerous.电的用途是很多的。The factory has produced two kinds of chemicals,the quality of which is good.这个工厂生产了两种高质量的化学制品。,The Translation of Adverbial Clauses,The air p

11、ushes against things when they move in it.物体在空气中运动时,空气使对其产生阻力。The earth turns round its axis as it travels about the sun.地球一面绕太阳运行,一面绕地轴自转。When this question is answered,even better and cheaper electrical materials can be developed.只要这一问题得到解决,就能研制出更好灵便宜的电工材料。When winds blow sand particles against a

12、large rock for a long time,the softer layers of the rock are slowly worn away.由于风把砂砾吹起来,碰撞大岩石,因而较松散的岩石层便会慢慢磨损。Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine.如果机器发生故障,(那么)请将电闸拉下。Many centuries had passed before man found electricity.许多世纪过去以后,人类才发现了电。,不论原文中主从句的次序如何,均按汉语习惯转译成位于句首的短语转译成汉语

13、的并列复句转译成汉语中特定条件句中的条件分句(表特定条件的偏句)或表原因的分句。转译成汉语中假设复句中的假设分句(表假设的偏句)主句转译成汉语的短语,从句转译成汉语的单句,时间状语从句,汉语中没有相当于英语中的时间状语从句的复合分句,因此均应采用转译法。,The engine stopped because the fuel was used up.因为燃料用完了,所以发动机停了。As a steel ship is hollow,it floats on water.由于钢船是空心的,因此能浮在水面。The material first used was copper because it

14、was easily obtained in its pure state.最早使用的材料是铜,因为纯铜易得。,原因状语从句,不论英语中从句的位置是在句首还是在句末,汉译时状语从句大多按汉语习惯译在句首。有时当从句处于主句之后时,为了考虑与上下文的呼应,也可采用顺译法,将从句仍译在句后。,英语的原因状语从句,一般均汉译成因果复句中的原因句。,Where there is a will,there must be a way.只要有理想,就会有办法。A signal will be shown wherever anything wrong occurs with the control sys

15、tem.无论控制系统什么地方发生故障,都会给出信号。Water power stations are built where there are big water falls.水电站建在水有较大落差的地方。Makes marks where you have questions.在你有问题之处做上记号。,地点状语从句,转译成特定条件句中的条件分句(表特定条件的偏句)。转译成无条件句中的分句(表排除条件的偏句)转译成汉语的短语,汉语中没有相当于英语中的地点状语从句的复合分句,因此宜采用转译法。,Electricity flow through a wire just as water flow

16、s through a pipe.电流通过导线就像水流过水管一样。Gases have no definite shape as liquids.气体像液体一样没有固定的形状。Each of two wires carrying currents has a magnetic field,as if it were a magnet.通电的两根导线每根都有一个磁场,就好像是一块磁铁一样。Light as it comes from a laser is essentially of one color-that is,it is one frequency,or one wave length

17、.激光器发出的光只有一种颜色,也就是说它只有一个频率,即一个波长。,方式状语从句,其与主句一起合译为汉语的单句 译成汉语的后续式分句 译成定语,由于汉语中没有相当于方式状语从句的分句,因此只得采用变通手法翻译。,Electricity is such an important enemy that modern industry couldnt develop without it.电是一种非常重要的能源,没有它现代工业就不能发展。The transistor radio is so small that you can carry it in your pocket.这台晶体管收音机很小,可

18、放在口袋里。A floating body sinks to a depth such that it displaces its own weight of liquid.浮体侵入液体刚好到排开与其等重液体时的深度。,结果状语从句,译成后续式分句 与主句一起合译成汉语的单句,汉语中没有类似于英语中的结果状语从句的分句,因此只有转译。,Our bodies have more parts and can do more types of work than any machine in the world.人体所具有的部件和功能比世界上任何机器都要多。A computer can handle

19、 large figures much better than any human brain.计算机比任何人脑都能更好地处理大数字。The greater the force of action,the greater the force of reaction.作用力越大,反作用力也就越大。The greater is the resistance,the less is the current.电阻越大,电流就越小。,比较状语从句,与主句一起合译成汉语的单句 译成汉语中的连锁复句,汉语复句中没有与之相对应的比较分句,因此只有转译。,注:在汉语中,有一种叫连锁复句的偏正复句,其逻辑模式是“

20、越A就越B”,其特点是正句和偏句紧密相连,其表达的概念是“偏句怎样,正句也就跟着怎样”。,The Translation of Noun Clauses,名词性从句的译法,In 1905 Einstein worked out a theory that matter and energy were not completely different things.1905年爱因斯坦研究出一项理论,即物质与能相关论。The problem that all machines in this factory must be automated will be solved before long.

21、该厂所有机器必须实现自动化的问题不久就会解决。He expressed the hope that he would do the experiment again.他希望他能再做一次实验。The operation is adaptive in the sense that the tap-gain-adjustment information is derived from the received data.抽头增益调节的信息是根据所接收的数据推导出来的。从这个意义上说,整个过程是自适应的。,同位语从句的翻译,译成汉语的后续式分句 译成句中的定语 转译为句中的主谓词组 译成独立单句,两种情况说明,同位语从句从语法形式上看不同于定语从句,但从所表达的意义上看,有时很接近于定语从句,此时可将其译成定语。当被同位语所说明的本位语是含有动词意义的词,如discovery,hope,suggestion,assurance,knowledge等,一般将其转换为动词,而将同位语从句译成汉语的主谓词组,作该动词的宾语。,


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