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1、,CET4-Translation,Translation,一.题型特征,1.汉译英。2.内容单纯。3.补全句子。,二.基本原则和评分标准,最基本的原则 准确和通顺,(1)整体内容和语言均正确,得1分。(2)结构正确,但整体意思不确切、信息不全或用词不当,得0.5分。(3)整体意思正确但语言有错误,得0.5分。(4)整体意思完全错误,即使结构正确也不得分。(5)大小写错误及标点符号忽略不计。,三.评分标准,四、应试方法,翻译中的常见问题对材料理解不当,造成译文与原意偏差过大。表达能力欠缺,译文不够通顺、流畅。,应对办法1.重视语言基本功训练。2.对英语基本句型了解,熟悉各种方法和技巧。,通读题

2、目,准确理解;分析成分,划分意群;选择词义,贴切表达;通读全句,检验加工。,1.核实译文与原文内容是否一致;2.检查译文是否符合英语表达习惯;3.检查译文是否有错译或漏译;4.检查标点符号;5.对译文进一步加工润色。,答题步骤,检验加工过程,五.核心考核语法,虚拟语气 从句倒装非谓语动词强调句形容词的比较级和最高级动词的时态和语态,虚拟语气的考点大体可以归纳如下:1.(should)+动词原形的情形 2.if或but for等引导的条件句3.wish,if only,it is time的用法,一、虚拟语气,1.(should)+动词原形的情形,1.1在动词suggest,order,dema

3、nd,propose,command,request,desire,insist,require,decide,promise,resolve,argue,maintain,determine,recommend,advise,advocate,persuade等表示“命令”、“建议”、“要求”动词后的宾语从句中。She insisted that the seats(should)be booked in advance.她坚持要预定座位。He advised that the doctor(should)be sent for.他劝我们派人请医生。,1.2在advice,demand,or

4、der,necessity,resolution,decision,proposal,requirement,suggestion,idea,recommendation,request,plan,等名词后的主语从句或表语从句中-上面动词对应的名词He issued the order that the troops(should)withdraw at once.他命令部队马上撤退。,1.3在形容词important,necessary,imperative,natural,urgent,essential,appropriate,desirable,vital,advisable,pref

5、erable,incredible以及短语no wonder,a pity等可以构成“It is+形容词(名词)+that”句型中。It is necessary that some immediate effort(should)be made.必须立即采取行动。,2.if引导虚拟条件句的用法,He wouldnt feel so cold if he were indoors.他要是在室内就不会觉得冷了(与现在事实相反)The victim(本来会有机会活下来)if he had been taken to hospital in time.(2006.12)might have surv

6、ived(与过去事实相反)If it snowed/were to snow/should snow tomorrow,I should(would)stay at home.如果明天下雪,我就呆在家里。(与将来事实相反)but for=if it were not for/if it had not been forBut for your help they would not have fulfilled the task in time.如果没有你的帮助,他们不可能按时完成任务。,3.It is(high,about)time,此句型要求用虚拟语气谓语动词用过去式,指现在或将来的情况,

7、表示“早该干某事而已经有些晚了”Its time_(采取措施)about the traffic problem downtown.something was done/some measures were taken,4.动词wish后的宾语从句用虚拟语气,与现在事实相反 were或动词的一般过去与过去事实相反 had done或would/could have done将来没有把握或不太可能实现的愿望 would/should(could,might)+动词原形I wish she were here.她在这里就好了。I wish you would go with us tomorrow

8、.但愿你明天跟我们一块去。I wish she had taken my advice.那时她要是听我的话就好了。,5.if only后用虚拟语气(要是就太好了),现在没有实现的愿望 一般过去式过去没有实现的愿望 过去完成式If only she had known where to find you.他要是知道到哪里去找你就好了。If only I could speak several foreign languages!我要是能讲几种外语就好了!,1.状语从句(adverbial clauses):1)目的状语(adverbial clauses of purpose):为了挣钱供我读书

9、,Mother often takes on more work than is good for her.(CET 4.2006.6)In order to make money to support my schooling,二、从 句,2)让步状语(adverbial clauses of concession):91.Though a skilled worker,(他被公司解雇了)last week because of the economic crisis.(CET 4.2006.6)he was fired by the company3)时间状语(adverbial clau

10、ses of time):90.Some psychologists claim that people(出门在外时可能会感到孤独)(2006.12)may feel lonely when theyre away from home.,4)条件状语(adverbial clauses of condition):91.Please come here at ten tomorrow morning(如果你方便的话)(2007.6.)if its convenient for you.5)比较状语(结构)(adverbial clauses of comparison or comparati

11、ve constructions):88.Since my childhood I have found that(没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力)(2006.12)to me,nothing is more interesting than reading.90.The more you explain,(我愈糊涂)(2006.6)the more confused I am,2.定语从句(attributive clauses):【CET-4:2007.6】The prevent and treatment of AIDS is _(我们可以合作的领域).参考答案:a field where

12、(in which)we can cooperate.3.宾语从句-从句作宾语。【CET-4:2007.12】Many Americans live on credit,and their quality of life _(是用他们能够借到多少来衡量的),not how much they can earn.参考答案:is measured by how much they can loan,4.表语从句-从句作表语【CET-4:2007.12】In my sixties,one change I notice is that _(我比以前更容易累了)。参考答案:I am more like

13、ly to get tired than before,1当“only+状语”位于句首表示强调时用倒装,如不在句首或虽在句首但不修辞状语时用正常语序。Only when you have obtained sufficient data can you come to a sound conclusion.只有当你获得足够的数据时,你才能得出正确的结论其他如:only then,only once,only in AmericaChina,only after the accident等。【CET-6:2007.6】Only in the small town_.(他才感到安全和放松)参考答案

14、:does she feel secure and relaxed,三、倒 装,2.never等具有否定意义的词或词组居于句首时用倒装。这类词或词组常用的有:never,seldom,rarely,little,hardly,scarcely,not until,by no means,under no circumstances,under no condition,in no way(决不),in no case(决不),neither(nor),no sooner(than),hardly(when),barely(仅仅,几乎不),on no account(绝不),in no circ

15、umstances(决不),not a bit,nowhere(任何地方都不),not onlybut also等。Never in all my life have I heard such nonsense.我从未听到过这种胡说!真题重现【CET-6:2007.12】The witness was told that under no circumstances_.(他都不应该对法庭说谎)参考答案:should he lie to the court.【CET-6:2007.1】_(直到截止日他才寄出)his application form.参考答案 Not until the dead

16、line did he send(out),3the more,the more结构中的倒装。【CET-4:2006.6】90.The more you explain,_(我愈糊涂).参考答案:the more confused I am,非谓语动词主要包括不定式、动名词和现在分词。非谓语动词的考点主要有:1英语中大多数动词既可跟不定式,也可跟动名词作直接宾语,但有些动词要求:1)下面的动词要求不定式做宾语attempt企图mean意欲,打算determine决定pretend假装 decide决定hesitate犹豫 hope希望 intend想要 refuse拒绝decide决定等 真题

17、重现【CET-4:2007.6】Because of the leg injury,the athlete(决定退出比赛).参考答案:decided to quit the match.,四、非谓语动词,2)下面的动词要求不定式做宾补:动词+宾语+动词不定式enable使能够 ask要求,allow允许 force强迫 press迫使 inspire鼓舞 request请求 help帮助 invite吸引,邀请encourage鼓励 等 真题重现【CET-4:2006.12】Specialists in intercultural studies says that it is not eas

18、y to(适应不同文化中的生活)参考答案:adapt oneself to life in different cultures.,3)有少数动词只能用动名词作宾语dislike不喜欢,讨厌appreciate 感激,欣赏avoid避免 enjoy享有,喜爱cant help不 禁 escape逃跑,逃避cant stand受不了 deny否认 mind 介意 finish完成,结束不得 postpone延迟,延期hate讨厌等I appreciate having been given the opportunity to study abroad two years ago.我很感激两年前

19、给我出国学习的机会。,2非谓语动词中的有关句型(1)动名词作主语的句型 1)It is+no use,no good(fun,a great pleasure,a waste of time,a bore.)等名词+doing sth.It is no good objecting.反对也没有用。It is a great fun playing football打篮球很有趣 2)It is+useless(nice,good,interesting,expensive等形容词)+doing sthIt is good playing chess after supper晚饭后弈棋挺好。,It

20、 is/was+被强调部分+that/who 对于这个结构,需要注意以下几点:强调句型中的系动词除is和was之外,没有其他形式的变化;被强调部分如果是人,可以用who,也可以用that,其他情况用that(常识性知识,一般不能作为考点)。在notuntil句型里,如果强调由until所引导的时间状语时,not须跟在until之前,即构成It is not untilthat结构。,五、强调句型,It is because she is too inexperienced that she does not know how to deal with the serious situation

21、.她不知道如何应对这种严重情况是因为她太缺乏经验了。注:强调的如果是原因状语从句,只能由because引导,不能由since,as或why引导。It was not until the second year that he has adapted himself to the college life.直到第二年他才适应了大学生活。,真题重现【CET-4:2007.12】In my sixties,one change I notice is that(我比以前更容易累了)参考答案:I am more likely to get tired than before【CET-4:2006.12

22、】Since my childhood I have fond that _(没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力)参考答案:nothing is more attractive to me than reading,六、形容词的比较级和最高级,【CET-4:2006.6】Though a skilled worker,_(他被公司解雇了)last week because of the economic crisis.参考答案:he was fired by the company主要考察基本语法知识点即被动语态的用法【CET-6:2007.6】The problem of blacks and w

23、omen _(最近几十年受到公众相当大的关注).参考答案:have gained/caused considerable public concern in recent decades.,七、动词的时态和语态,四级翻译题中常见的不能用于被动语态的不及物动词及短语:appear,break out,occur,depart,happen,take place,ect.另:某些及物动词及短语也不能用于被动语态。belong to,escape,get,have,lack,let,suit,survive,ect.,Practice Time,Exercises in Class,1.It is

24、high time that sex discrimination _(在我们的社会中结束).were ended in our society/disappeared in our society2._(如果上学时再努一把力),I would be sitting in a comfortable office now.If I had worked harder at school/Had I worked harder at school.3._(一个人的穿着)may express his social status.The way one dresses himself/The cl

25、othes one wears/What one wears,4.Do you have any objection _(对听一听他的理解)?to listening to his explanation5.Economic development should not be achieved _(以牺牲环境为代价).at the expense of environment/at the expense of our environment/at the cost of the environment6._(只有以这种方式我们才能获得)all the information we neede

26、d in our research.Only in this way did we obtain7.No sooner _(我刚点着蜡烛,它就被吹灭了)by a violent draught.had I lit the candle than it was put out,8.But for mobile phones,_(我们的通信就不可能如此迅速和方便).our communication would not have been so efficient and convenient.9.The witness was told that under no circumstances _

27、(他都不应该对法庭说谎).should he lie to the court/is he allowed to lie to the court 10.The police has been trying to _(查出死于车祸的女人的身份).identify the woman killed in the traffic accident/establish the identity of the woman,Homework,1.We should care all the students,_(不管他们的家庭如何).regardless of their family backgrou

28、nds2.We have prepared a surprise gift to _(明天第一个到我们店里的人,不管是谁).whoever comes first to our shop tomorrow morning,Translation,3._(由于市场上的激烈竞争),the big department store in the commercial center had to close down.Due to/Owing to fierce competition in the market4.It is high time that sex discrimination _(在

29、我们的社会中结束).were ended in our society/disappeared in our society,Translation,5._(这家人一度几乎不抱希望),but the patient finally pulled through after the operation.The family had almost lost hope6._(如果上学时再努一把力),I would be sitting in a comfortable office now.If I had worked harder at school/Had I worked harder at

30、 school,Translation,7._(似乎他的老板老是找他麻烦),which makes him quite upset.It seems that his boss is constantly finding faults with him.8._(除了照顾两个孩子),she also has a full time job.Apart from taking care of her two children,Translation,9.The police has been trying to _(查出死于车祸的女人的身份).identify the woman killed i

31、n the traffic accident/establish the identity of the woman10.Mother was reading a novel,_(对周围的事情全然不觉).Completely lost to the outside world/completely unaware of what was going on around,Translation,11._(提前完成了所有的任务),they decided to go on holiday for a week.All the tasks having been fulfilled/Having c

32、ompleted all the tasks/After they had completed all the tasks12.Though we had not met for 20 years,_(我一眼就认出了她).I recognized her the moment I saw her,Translation,13._(揣摩字里行间的意思),I concluded that the author of the book was unsympathetic to the project.Reading between the lines14.I am talking to you as

33、 your friend,_(不是以作为你的上级身份).not in my capacity as your supervisor,Translation,15.The European Community has imposed restrictions on the shoes made in China _(进入欧洲市场).to access the European market/to enter the European market16._(等他到了北京),we will have stayed here for two days.By the time he arrives in

34、 Beijing,Translation,17._(不管你是否相信),he will come to the ceremony tomorrow.Believe it or not18.In China,as well in the rest of the world,women enjoy_(比男人的寿命长).Longer,Translation,19.In the recent years a great emphasis has been placed on _(培养学生的基本技能).developing students basic skills20._(曾经是亚洲最大的商业城市),S

35、hanghai is now of unparalleled/(paramount importance to the future of China.Once the biggest commercial city in Asia,Translation,21.Children in this country,especially those in the rural areas,should be encouraged to _(利用一切教育机会).take advantage of all educational opportunities22.Much as he loves her,

36、_(他有时的确烦她).he sometimes does get annoyed at her,Translation,23.While you are driving on the highway,you should remember to _(保持车距).keep car distance24.To impress his girl friend,_(他不嫌麻烦)to bring her a doll he had ordered in Hong Kong.he took the trouble,Translation,25._(你不该想当然认为)he will support you

37、under whatever circumstances.You should not take it for granted that26.As I have no idea what the word means in English,_(我得查字典).I have to look it up in the dictionary,Translation,27._(一个人的穿着)may express his social status.The way one dresses himself/The clothes one wears/What one wears28.Do you have any objection _(对听一听他的理解)?to listening to his explanation,Translation,29.It is generally believed that parents seem _(偏爱他们的长子).partial towards their first son/to favor their first son30.Everyone _(聚集在大厅里)was ready to welcome the hero.assembled in the hall/gathered in the hall,The End,


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