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1、,Unit 11 Its a very exciting place,Topic:Cities&sights 城市和风景,用以描述地方的形容词,Positive 1.beautiful2.cheap3.clean4.interesting5.quiet6.relaxing7.safe8.spacious,Negative a.boringb.Crowded c.dangerousd.expensivee.noisyf.pollutedg.stressfulh.ugly,漂亮的,便宜的,干净的,有趣的,安静的,放松的,安全的,有空间的;宽敞的,无聊的,拥挤的,危险的,昂贵的,喧嚣的,污染的,有压

2、力的,丑陋的,adj.形容词 运用造句,造句练习悉尼(Sydney)是一个很漂亮的城市。Sydney is a very beautiful city.2.广州很拥挤。Guangzhou is crowded.3.我的家乡很安静。My hometown is quiet.4.北京污染严重(serious)The pollution is serious in Beijing.5.我们的学校很宽敞。Our school is spacious.6.年轻人的压力很大。The young people are stressful.,Conversation,New wordsSan juan,Pue

3、rto Rico.胡胜安,波多黎各fantastic:棒极了Reasonable合理的Fairly big:相当大的Sound+adj.:听起来Plan a trip:计划旅游Q:What is the city like?,Conversation,Part B:Rest of conversationWhat does Carmen say about entertainment in San Juan?There are a lot of nightclubs and some excellent restaurants.,Adv.+adj.,副词来源,1.与生俱来rather,pret

4、ty,maybe,quite 2.Adj.+ly 构成SlowlyQuicklyExtremelyReallyFairlyDeeply,Listening practice P74,Adverb of degree,表示程度、范围等的副词 much,a bit,very,so,too,enough,rather,pretty,entirely,completely,definitely,deeply,almost,hardly,scarcely,partly,slightly,not at all.这一类副词,一种是用来修饰形容词的,比如“极其、非常”等等。例如:Her pronunciati

5、on is very(quite,rather,pretty,fairly)good.她的发音非常好。He has been extremely(awfully,terribly)busy these days.他这几天特别忙。还有一类就是用来修饰动词的。例如:The team will definitely lose if he doesnt play.如果他不参加比赛,这个队肯定会输。,listening practice,P74课外听力练习:乡村生活farm:农场Physical work:体力劳动Healthy:健康的Current:当前的Hustle and bustle:熙熙攘攘,

6、Carnival,Carnival is a festive season which occurs immediately before Lent;the main events are usually during February.Carnival typically involves a public celebration or parade combining some elements of a circus,mask and public street party.People often dress up or masquerade during the celebratio

7、ns,which mark an overturning of daily life.,巴西狂欢节,Ginza Shopping District,Ginza)is a district of Tokyo,.It is known as an upscale area of Tokyo with numerous department stores,boutiques,restaurants and coffeehouses.Ginza is recognized as one of the most luxurious shopping districts in the world.Many

8、 upscale fashion clothing flagship stores are located here,being also recognized as having the highest concentration of western shops in Tokyo.,银座是东京最繁华的商业区,象征日本自然、历史、现代的三大景点(富士山、京都、银座)之一的银座,与巴黎的香榭丽舍大街、纽约的第五大街齐名,是世界三大繁华中心之一。银座是通过不断地填海造地才逐步形成今日之构架。银座是许多百年老铺与本土品牌的发祥地。贯穿银座1丁目至8丁目的中央通,被选为日本一百名道之一,也是银座最繁

9、华的主要街道。每到星期日下午,整条中央通会实施交通管制,成为行人的步行者天堂。,The Hollywood Walk of Fame,The Hollywood Walk of Fame consists of more than 2,400 five-pointed terrazzo and brass stars embedded in the sidewalks along fifteen blocks of Hollywood Boulevard and three blocks of Vine Street in Hollywood,California.The stars are

10、permanent public monuments to achievement in the entertainment industry,bearing the names of a mix of actors,musicians,directors,producers,musical and theatrical groups,fictional characters,and others.,好莱坞星光大道,好莱坞星光大道(Hollywood Walk of Fame)建于1958年,是条沿美国好莱坞大道与藤街伸展的人行道,上面有2000多颗镶有好莱坞名人姓名的星形奖章,以纪念他们对娱

11、乐工业的贡献。第一颗星于1960年2月9日颁赠予琼安伍德沃德(Joanne Woodward)。到了2006年4月20日凡娜怀特(Vanna White)得到该荣誉时,上面共有2462颗星。2012年5月13日,美广播主持人艾伦K获得第2770颗星星。,Tour de France,The Tour de France(French pronunciation:)is an annual bicycle race held in France and nearby countries.First staged in 1903,the race covers more than 3,600 ki

12、lometres(2,200mi)and lasts three weeks.,环法自行车赛,举世闻名的环法自行车赛1903年起源于两家报社-机动车报和自行车报(lAuto 和 le Vlo)的竞争。当时机动车报的编辑亨利德斯格朗吉(Henri Desgrange)决定要组织一项“世界上最重要的自行车比赛!”于是在1903年的7月1日第一届环法自行车赛诞生了。共有60名选手参加了这次比赛,最终毛瑞斯盖利(Maurice Garin)成为了世界上第一位环法赛的总冠军。盖利是在第六赛段开始领先的,经过2397公里的鏖战他第一个到达了设在巴黎市内的王子公园的终点。他的成绩比第二名的选手博希尔(Pot

13、hier)要快3小时。,Kyongbuk Palace,It is a royal palace located in northern Seoul,South Korea.First constructed in 1394 and reconstructed in 1867,it was the main and largest palace of the Five Grand Palaces built by the Joseon Dynasty.1 The name of the palace,translates in English as Palace of Shining Happ

14、iness.,韩国首尔景福宫,景福宫是朝鲜王朝(1392年1910年)时期韩国首尔(旧名汉城)的五大宫之一,也是朝鲜王朝的正宫,占地12.6万坪(57.75公顷),由330栋建筑组成,共计5792个间(古代以4个柱子为一间)。它是朝鲜王朝的始祖太祖李成桂(1392年1398年在位)于朝鲜洪武二十八年(1395年)将原来高丽的首都迁移时建造的新王朝的宫殿,具有500年历史。,Oral practice,Choose a city you would like to visit.(P74),1.where?,2.sights?,3.why?,Q&A,Words for Conversation,N

15、ational Museum:国家博物馆Palace of Fine Arts:艺术宫Pyramid of the Sun:太阳神金字塔Rest of conversationWhere is Thomas from?Toronto,CanadaWhat should you do there?Visit the museums,P76 Part 10 Listening,Grammar Focus:Model Verb 情态动词,1.Can:can 的意思是“能”;“会”.表示能力,相当于be able to.当can 解释“可以”,表示许可时,相当于may.它的否定形式是cant 或 ca

16、n not,而 cant be 指不可能.Could 比 can语气更委婉、客气,但它表示语气时并不代表过去时.Eg:1)I can speak English,but I can not speak Japanese.2)Lucy cant be late for class.3)Could you pass me your pen?,Grammar Focus:Model Verb 情态动词,2.should意思是“应该;应当”,表示建议,还可以表示推论.We should finish the homework on time.You shouldnt come here late.,其

17、他情态动词:详见专题课件,Should-shouldntought to-ought not toCan cant may may not Must mustnt,Reading 1,1.Prague:布拉格2.destination:目的地3.castle:城堡4.ancient:古代的5.cultural event:文化事件6.Ballet:芭蕾,Reading 1,Q&AWhere does Holly visit?How is the city?What does she like most?How long is the history of the castle?What cul

18、ture event is mentioned?What is a“ballet”?,Reading 2,1.definitely:肯定地;确切地2.Dragon Boat Festival:端午节3.fantastic=terrific=wonderful:棒极了4.Bund:(上海)外滩5.be crowded with:充满.6.cruise:巡游7.foreigner:外国人,Reading 2,Q&AWho is visiting Shanghai?What is the season now in Shanghai?What was the day yesterday?What s

19、hould not be missed if visiting Shanghai?What did the writer do last night?Is the writher local or tourist?,Reading 3,1.Buenos Aires:布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷首都)2.Calle Florida:弗罗里达街(服装饰品商店较为集中的地方)3.perform:表演4.birthplace:诞生地5.tango:探戈舞6.suburb:郊外7.Tigre:老虎洲8.capital:首都9.canal:运河10.Parana River delta:阿根廷巴拉那三角洲,Reading 3,Q&AWhere is Melinda visiting?Whats the city like?Where is she staying?What do the dancers perform?Where else did she go?And what did she do there?,Reading,Useful phrasesOne of:之一So far:到目前为止be crowded with:充满.,The end,


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