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1、Unit 1Whats the matter?,Section B知识点,1.Put on a clean T-shirt.穿上一件干净的T 恤衫。Put on,wear,dress与(be)input on“穿上;戴上”,表示动作。Put on your coat,or youll catch a cold.穿上外衣,否则你会感冒的。wear“穿(衣物),表示状态。Whats she wearing today?今天她穿着什么衣服?dress“(给)穿衣服”,作及物动词,宾语只能是人。I dress him every morning.我每天给他穿衣服。(be)in介词,“穿着”,后接表示颜

2、色的形容词,表示状态。,The girl in red is his daughter.穿红衣服的是他的女儿。2.Someone got hit on the head.某人头部受到撞击。Hit(hit,hit),get hit 相当于被动结构be hit,意为受到打击;被打击。类似短语还有:get lost迷路;get married结婚;get dressed穿衣服;get sunburned晒伤。He got hit in the left eye.他的右眼受到打击。Hit vt.打;打击;击中某人或某物。She hit me on the head with a book.他用一本书打

3、我的头。The ball hit the window.那个球击中了窗户。,(2)hit.vi 打击;撞击。She hits at him.她朝他打去。(3)hit.vt.打;打击;成功;红极一时的人或事物。He became a hit against the wall.他成了那时轰动一时的人物。3.Told him to rest.叫他休息。tell sb.(not)to do sth.告诉某人(不)要做某事。He told me to write a report.他叫我去写一个报告。The police told the children not to play in the stre

4、et.警察告诉孩子不要在街道上玩。4.Have problems breathing呼吸困难。,(1)Have problems(in)doing sth.=have trouble/difficulty(in)doing sth.做某事有问题或困难。He had problems(in)leaning English grammar.他在学习英语语法上又困难。She has no problems(in)singing the song.她唱这首歌没有问题。(2)breath n.呼吸 breathe.vi 呼吸。He was breathing hard.他吃力地喘着气。breathe v

5、t.呼吸Its good to breathe fresh air.呼吸新鲜空气有好处。,5.Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing.阿伦.罗尔斯顿是一个对爬山感兴趣的美国人。(1)who is interested in mountain climbing.是定语从句,修饰名词man,who为关系代词。当被修饰的词为人时。常用关系代词who或 that引导定语从句。Do you know the girls who/that are dancing?你认识那些正在跳舞的女孩子吗?The ma

6、n that/who you are waiting for wont come.你正在等的那个人不会来了。(2).be interested in=take interested.对感兴趣.He was interested in science when he was yong.,他小时候就对科学感兴趣。6.As a mountain climber,Aron is used to taking risks.作为一名登山运动员,阿伦习惯于冒险。(1)be used to“习惯于”;“适应于”,后接名词、代词、动名词。Im used to hard work.我习惯于艰苦的工作。She is

7、 used to getting up early.她习惯于早起。Im not used to living in the city.我不习惯住在城市。(2).take risks=take a risk冒险。You cant rich without taking risks.人不冒险不富。7.He was not ready to die that day.他不愿那天就死去。,(1)ready adj.“准备好的;乐意的;愿意的”。常作表语。Dinner is ready.晚餐准备好了。Have you got everything ready?你准备好了一切了吗?be ready to

8、do sth.“准备好了做某事”。表示即将去做。Im ready to answer the questions.我做好了回答问题的准备。She is always ready to help others.她这是乐意帮助别人。Be ready for为做准备,He was ready for the death.他对死亡已有了心理准备。(2).die(died,died,dying)vi.死;死亡。Nowadays many people die of cancers.现在许多人死于癌症。dead adj.死的;death n.死。A dead person cant speak.死人不会说

9、话。His death is heavier than Mount Tai.他的死重于泰山。8.So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm.因此他用刀子切除了他的一半右臂。,use sth to do sth.用某物做某事。I use my pen to write a letter.我用我的钢笔写了一封信。I use a knife to cut apples.我用刀子切苹果。(2).knife.可数名词,“刀”,其复数形式为knives.There are three knives on the table.桌子上有三把刀。(3)C

10、ut off 切除;切断。When was the telephone cut off?电话什么时候被切断了。Cut down砍到;减少 cut up 切碎cut in插入;插话。,9.In this book,Aron tells of the importance of making good decision,and of being in control of ones life.在这本书中,阿伦讲述了关于做出明智抉择和掌握自己生命的重要性。(1)importance是不可数名词,意为“重要;重要性”。important adj.重要的。I begin to realize the i

11、mportance of studying hard.我开始意识到努力学习的重要性。Health is very important to us.健康对于我们来说很重要。,(2).make decisions做决定。其中 decision为可数名词,意为“决心;决定”。Let me make decisions myself.让我自己做决定。(3).Be in control of掌管;管理。You should be in control of your own life and business.你应该掌管着自己的生活和事业。10.His love for mountain climbin

12、g is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.他对登山如此酷爱以至于即使这次经历之后他还继续爬山。Keep on doing sth.继续做某事。I kept on working although I was tired.,尽管我很累,我还说继续学习。(2)Keep doing sth.继续不停的做某事。Keep going until you reach the end of the road.继续走,直到你到了路的尽头。(3).keep sb doing sth.使某人一直做某事。D

13、ont keep your mother waiting.不要让你妈妈一直等着。(4)Keep sb from doing sth.阻止某人做某事。You shouldnt keep him from watching cartoons.你不该阻止他看卡通片。11.Aron loves mountains climbing and doesnt mind taking risks.,mind v.“介意;在乎”,后接动名词做宾语。I dont mind at all.我一点儿都不介意。Do you mind if I open the window?我开窗你介意吗?Would you mind parking your car there?你介意把车子停在那边吗?,


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