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1、Translation PrinciplesUnit 2,Teaching Contents:Principles of translationFactors of translationProcess of translationTeaching Aims:To teach students the theory of translation.Teaching Focus:The principles of the translationTeaching Methods:Discussion Teaching Approaches:Multi-media aided.Teaching Pro

2、cedures,Teaching Plan,1.What are the principles of translation?George Campbell,the English translators principle:,The first thingis to give a just representation of the sense of the originalThe second thing is,to convey into his version,as much as possible,in a consistency with the genius of the lan

3、guage which he writes,the authors spirit and mannerThe third and last thing is,to take care,the version have at least,so far the quality of an original performance,as to appear natural and easy.(首先,准确地再现原作的意思;第二,在符合译作语言特征的前提下,尽可能地移植作者的精神和风格;第三,也是最后,使译作至少具有原创作品的特性,显得自然流畅。),Alexander F.Tylers principl

4、e:,a.That the translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work.b.That the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original.c.That the translation should have all the ease of original composition.(一、译作应完全复写出原作的思想;二、译作的风格和手法应和原作属于同一性质

5、;三、译作应具备原创作品的通顺。),他们都以“忠实”为大前提,要求译文从三个方面中忠实于原作:一是忠实地传达原作的内容,二是忠实地展示原作的风格,三是忠实地体现原创作品的通顺。,Yan Fus principle on translation:,The so-call principles and criteria of translation are actually the two sides of the same thing.The former lays emphasis on the translator,who should follow them while translati

6、ng;while the latter on the reader or critic,who may use the criteria to evaluate translation works.Whenever principles or criteria of translation are under discussion in China,Yan Fus“three-character guide”,which was first proposed in 1898,would evoke controversy,namely the principle of“faithfulness

7、,expressiveness and elegance”.,“信”:严复认为译文应该抓住全文要旨,对于词句可以有所颠倒增删,只要不失原意,不必斤斤计较词句的对应和顺序。“达”:严复认为达很重要。只信而不达,译了等于没译。只有做到达,才能做到信。要做到达,译者必须首先认真通读全文,做到融会贯通,然后进行翻译。为了表达原意,可以在词句方面作必要的调整改动。“雅”:严复认为译文要雅,否则没有人看。雅主要是指古雅,要采用汉代以前使用的古文。对此很多人有不同看法,不能脱离原文片面追求雅,如果原文不雅,译文怎么能雅?况且,严复主张的是古雅,即用古文进行翻译,这是不可取的。,2.The principle

8、 the author put forward:,Generally speaking,two criteria are very important:the criterion of faithfulness/accuracy(忠实/准确)and that of smoothness/fluency(通顺/流畅).By faithfulness/accuracy,we mean to be faithful not only to the original contents,to the original meaning and views,but also to the original

9、form and style.By smoothness/fluency,we mean not only easy and readable rendering,but also idiomatic expression in the target language,free from stiff formula and mechanical copying from dictionaries.,examples:【例1】Public opinion plays a vital and healthy role in the political realm.公共舆论在政治领域起着生命力的、健

10、康的作用。【译文】舆论在政治领域起着极其重要的、有益的作用。【例2】Jobs and work do much more than most of us realize to provide happiness and contentment.职业和工作带来很大的幸福和满足,而我们大多数人并不意识到这一点。【译文】职业和工作对于获得幸福和满足起了很大的作用,我们大多数人对此却认识不足。,两类问题:一类是译文语义基本符合原文,但汉语表达有欠正确;另一类是汉语表达尚有可读性,但译文语义不符原文。,Exercises:1.For Nat Nakasa the pledge he was requir

11、ed to sign-to leave his country and never return proved too much;he committed suicide in New York.纳特纳卡萨不得不发誓离开祖国,不管情况如何永不返家,并自杀于纽约。【译文】对纳特纳卡萨来说,要他签字保证离开祖国永不返回是难以接受的:他在纽约自杀了。2.In the wake of his mothers death some thirty-six years later,Hemingway turned back to the adventure and tried to write a nove

12、l about it.在他母亲去世36年之后,海明威又想起了那次历险奇遇,并试图写一部小说。【译文】大约36年过后,在他母亲去世后的不久海明威又想起了那次遭遇的险情,并试图就此写一部小说。,What are the highest and lowest criteria for translation?,The highest standard:To make the readers of the target language have the same feeling as those of the original works.That is to say,to keep the sam

13、e meaning,style and the smoothness.(最高标准:达到基本相同的感受,包括达意、传神、入化,即不仅保存原作的思想内容、风格神韵而且自然流畅,读起来不象是译本)。The lowest standard:To keep the same meaning and make the translated version smooth.(最低标准:译文起码应该达到的标准。忠实原文,表达通顺,达意。),2.How to apply these principles in translation?,A translator should pay attention to th

14、e following:1)Represent the content of the original:(再现原作的思想内容)To convey the content and ideas of the original work completely.Try to avoid wrong translation and missing translation.Besides try to be careful with the tones and the distribution of the emphasis of the original work.,For examples:Do yo

15、u see any green in my eyes?你认为我幼稚可欺吗?His grandfather is physically weak,but mentally sound.他祖父身体虽然虚弱,但是精神尚佳。(不能译成思想健康)He was slightly struck by the cashier,a young and giggling girl with ankles.他有点被那个年轻漂亮咯咯笑的收款员所打动.(英美文化中把脚踝的好看与否作为评价女性漂亮与否的标准之一。),2)Represent the expressions of the original work:(再现原

16、作的表现手法)Try to use different methods to express the original meaning according to the content,such as figure of speech,simile,metaphor,etc.to keep the original style.For examples:Gentlemen like him carry only large note.只有象他那样的人才拿大票子。(讽刺),Studies serve for delight,for ornament and for ability.Their c

17、hief use for delight is in privateness and retiring;for ornament,is in discourse;and for ability,is in the judgment and disposition of business.读书足以怡情,足以博采,足以长才。其怡情也,最见于独处幽居之时;其博采也,最见于高谈阔论之中;其长才也,最见于处世判事之际。(排比)把原文中的意义美、形式美和声韵美都淋漓尽致地表现出来了。,3)Represent the style of the original.(再现原文的文体风格):不同的文体所用的语言不

18、一样。政论性文章与科技文章不同,新闻报道和文学作品不同,书面材料和口头报告不同,应用文也有其自己的格式,翻译时一定要使用适合的文体。如:For example:and that government of the people,by the people,for the people,shall not perish from the earth.书面语:并且使这个民有、民治、民享的政府永世长存。(书面语,比较文雅。)口语:要使这个归人民所有,由人民管理,为人民办事的政府永世长存。(口语化,琅琅上口。),4)Be careful with the selection of vocabulary

19、 and expressions in the target language:(注意遣词用句,避免洋化现象)Try to avoid words or expressions difficult to understand and those which sound like the source language or not idiomatic in the target language.For examples:They had barely enough time to catch the train.原译:他们仅有足够的时间赶上火车。改译:他们差点没赶上火车。,It is now

20、 thought that the more work we give our brain,the more work they are able to do.原译:现在人们认为,我们让脑子工作得越多,它就能赶更多的工作。改译:现在人们认为脑子越用越好使。,5)Keep the implied meaning and make your translation readable:(传神达意)Try to fully understand the writers purpose of writing the article and get the main idea of it.While tr

21、anslating,do it from the view of the passage or paragraph,not only from the view of some individual words or phrases.For examples:If the management provides pleasant background music and beautifies the dull setting,the factory will be much productive.(background music:配乐)如果厂方播放悦耳的音乐,美化一下单调的环境,工厂的生产效

22、率就可以大大提高。Betty cooked her goose when she cheated in the exam.贝蒂因考试作弊而葬送了前途。,This is a fine kettle of fish!I forgot my book.真糟糕,我的书忘了带来了!armed to the teeth:武装到牙齿 The paratroopers were armed to the teeth.伞兵部队已做好了战斗准备。,3.What are the reasons that the translation cant keep the same feeling as that of th

23、e original material?,Because of many differences between the two languages and the culture,etc.,readers of the translated works can not have the same feeling as those of the original ones.These are reflected from many aspects,such as:1)两种语言表达方式不同 由于两中语言的表达方式不同如直译,很难符合译语的习惯,容易造成含混费解,或意思走样。在翻译时应与原文的意思

24、为依据,按译语的习惯重新表达,在用词、句法结构以及比喻修辞等方面作相应的调整和改变。,2)原作的对象与译作的对象不同。作者写作时考虑的是原文的读者的实际情况,写作时着眼点不同。翻译后是以译语的读者为对象。译语读者和原语读者在社会背景、文化水平、知识领域以及国情等方面不同。因此,即使翻译得十全十美,译文读者对某些地方理解起来也难免会遇到一些困难。有时要采取“译者注”的办法进行补救。,例如:史记:Shiji/Historical Records by Simaqian离骚:Li Sao,a long poem of patriotism水浒传:Heroes of the Marshes(沼泽地)/

25、Water Margin,a Chinese novel of the early Ming Dynasty by Shi Naian红楼梦:A Dream of Red Mansion/Shitouji/the Story of the Stone,novel published in the early Qing Dynasty about 1790 by Cao Xueqin/Red Chamber,3)原语作者与译语作者的理解和表达水平的差异。要达到使译文读者的感受与原文读者完全相同,从理论上讲,应要求译者对原文的理解水平不低于原文读者的一般水平;对译语的表达能力不低于原文作者的表达能

26、力。这一点是达不到的。因为译者对外语(译语)的理解水平不可能等同与原语的读者,他的表达能力也不可能等同与原语作者的表达水平。,4)礼俗文化的语境干涉 英、汉语有着各自不同的文化,在表达上各有不同。如汉语中的自谦语、尊称语问候语、道歉语和感谢语等体现了汉民族的谦虚仁让。然而,在该文化信息转换成目标语时,信息编码存在很大阻力。译者虽能译出所指,却难保语体色彩和感情色彩,“形似而神不似”,语境得不到体现。因此给人“有骨无肉”的遗憾,造成文化失真。如下面的翻译:,a.自谦语的翻译:汉语:不才、小人、家兄、谨上、愚师等;英语:均译为“I,me,mine,myself”。b.尊称语:汉语:尊姓、贵庚、玉体

27、、令堂 英语:name;age;health,mother,5)典籍文化的语境干涉 在各自的语言中都有一些典故,由于东、西放文化的差异,这些典故如直译出来会造成译文读者的费解或误解。在这中情况下就要采取不同的方法,如增词译法、加注译法或引伸译法以及与译语大致接近的典故等译法进行翻译,方可将原译比较贴切地翻译出来。,如:中山狼:the zhongshan wolf,a mountain wolf attacked and wanted to eat the person who has just saved him She is as beautiful as Helen.她是绝代佳人(或她象杨

28、玉环一样美丽。/她象海伦一样美。解释:海伦古西腊女神,美女。),Homework,1.Put the following into Chinese.A.Expressions1)white lie 2)white elephant 3)electric pole 4)utility pole5)美人计 6)步行街 7)黄色书刊/影片 8)以耸人听闻的方式报道的新闻B.Sentences:1)Every life has its roses and thorns.2)She has beauty still and if it is not in its heyday,it is not in

29、the Autumn.3)Every time I come back from a business trip the place makes a new man of me.4)The joke served as an effective ice-breaker at the conference.5)One of the most effective way to get promoted is to be loyal boot-licker of your seniors.,Homework,6)He was very clean.His mind was open.7)He was

30、 overpowered by the enemy.He was overpowered with her beauty.8)Yesterday Bill was egged and tomatoed by some Gulf War veterans in the street.9)He was slightly struck by the cashier,a young and giggling girl with ankles.10)I am as poor as a church mouse.(as brave as a lion,as strong as a horse,live a dogs),


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