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1、Web开发基础,赵刚,本课程内容摘要,网站开发基础知识网站环境构建管理和配置网站HTML&CSSJavaScriptAsp服务端编程数据库连结与访问,essential of web development,2,网站开发基础知识,计算机网络基础网站的含义网站访问的原理网页的类型动态网站技术,essential of web development,3,计算机网络基础,Internet Vs intranet计算机网络的标准模型TCP/IP 协议服务器和客户机域名端口,essential of web development,4,Internet VS Intranet,The Internet

2、 is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet Protocol Suite(TCP/IP)to serve billions of users worldwideIt is a network of networks An intranet is a private computer network that uses Internet Protocol technologies to securely share any part of an organizatio

3、ns information or network operating system within that organization.,essential of web development,5,essential of web development,6,And WWW,WWW(亦作“Web”、“万维网”、“W3”,英文全称为“World Wide Web”)是一个由许多互相链接的超文本文档组成的系统,通过互联网访问。万维网联盟(英语:World Wide Web Consortium,简称W3C),又称W3C理事会。1994年10月在麻省理工学院(MIT)计算机科学实验室成立。万维网联

4、盟的创建者是万维网的发明者蒂姆伯纳斯-李。Whats the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web(WWW)?WWW=HTML*+HTTP(S)*including CSS,JavaScript,and other browser enabled content WWW 是Internet应用之一,essential of web development,7,Brief History,began as a US Department of Defense network called ARPANET(1960s-70s)

5、initial services:electronic mail,file transfer opened to commercial interests in late 80s WWW created in 1989-91 by Tim Berners-Lee popular web browsers released:Netscape 1994,IE 1995 A opens in 1995;Google January 1996 Chinese First Connection with Internet:Chinese Academics Net,by Computer Applyin

6、g Technology Institute of Beijing1986,First email,Sep.14 1987,from CATIB,“Across the Great Wall we can reach every corner in the world”Chinese First Full Internet Connection:NCFC(National Computing and Networking Facility of China)1994 Baidu1999;Taobao 2003,essential of web development,8,Key aspects

7、 of the Internet,Internet is for freedom of informationinternet Vs.Internetsubnetworks can stand on their own computers can dynamically join and leave the networkbuilt on open standards;anyone can create a new devicelack of centralized control(mostly)everyone can use it with simple,commonly availabl

8、e software,essential of web development,9,Layered architecture,The internet uses a layered hardware/software architecture(OSI model):physical layer:devices such as coaxial cables,fiber-optic lines,modems data link layer:basic hardware protocols(Ethernet,Wi-Fi,DSL,ATM,PPP)network/internet layer:basic

9、 software protocol(IP)transport layer:add reliability to network layer(TCP,UDP)application layer:implements specific communication for each kind of program(HTTP,POP3/IMAP,SSH,FTP),essential of web development,10,Internet Protocol(IP),the IP is the underlying system of communication for all data(pack

10、ets)sent across the internet.each device has a 32-bit IP address as four 8-bit numbers(0-255)find out your internet IP address:find out your local IP address:in a terminal,type:ipconfig(Windows)or ifconfig(Mac/Linux)IP v4 vs.IP v6(32-b vs.128-b),essential of web development,11,Transmission Control P

11、rotocol(TCP),adds multiple,guaranteed message delivery on top of IPmultiplexing:multiple programs using the same IP address port:a number given to each program or service 80:Web browser(443 for secure browsing)25:email22:ssh21:ftpmore common portssome programs(QQ,games,streaming media programs)use s

12、impler UDP protocol instead of TCPfind out ports used:in a terminal,using netstat(Windows)commandusing CurrPorts,essential of web development,12,Web servers and browsers,Web server:software that listens for Web page requests part of Windows)C/S Vs B/S model,Web browser:fetches/displays documents fro

13、m Web servers Microsoft Internet Explorer(IE)Mozilla FirefoxApple SafariGoogle ChromeOpera,essential of web development,13,Domain Name System(DNS),a set of servers that map written names to IP addresses Example: Windows command nslookup to find out IP addressmany systems maintain

14、a local cache called a host file Windows:C:Windowssystem32driversetchosts Mac:/private/etc/hostsLinux:/etc/hosts,essential of web development,14,Uniform Resource Locator(URL),an identifier for the location of a document on a web sitea basic URL:http:/www.aw-protocol host path upon entering this URL

15、into the browser,it would:ask the DNS server for the IP address of www.aw-connect to that IP address at port 80ask the server to GET/info/regesstepp/index.htmldisplay the resulting page on the screen,essential of web development,15,More advanced URLs,anchor:jumps to a given section of a web page htt

16、p:/fetches index.html then jumps down to part of the page labeled downloadsport:for web servers on ports other than the default 80 http:/:8080/query string:a set of parameters passed to a web program http:/parameter q is set to miserable+failureparameter start is set to 10,essential of web developme

17、nt,16,Hypertext Transport Protocol(HTTP),HTTP is the foundation of data communication for theWorld Wide Web.the set of commands understood by a web server and sent from a browsersome HTTP commands(your browser sends these internally):GET filename:downloadPOST filename:send a web form responsePUT fil

18、ename:uploadDELETE filename:remove entityHEAD filename:only status information,not entire content,essential of web development,17,HTTP error codes,when something goes wrong,the web server returns a special error code number to the browser,possibly followed by an HTML document common error codes:200

19、OK 301-303 page has moved(permanently or temporarily)403 you are forbidden to access this page 404 page not found 500 internal server error complete list,essential of web development,18,Terms,Internet Service Provider enterprises or organizations who provide Internet access to you,who?please identif

20、y your ISPsWeb Hosting provide a place for consumers to store pages designed to be consumed by the Web surfing publicISPs often offer Web hosting services along with their standard connectivity packages.Client/Server vs.Browser/Server,essential of web development,19,Web 1.0 vs.Web 2.0,Web 1.0 is abo

21、ut publishing users are limited to the passive viewing of information that is provided to themWeb 2.0 is about interaction allows its users to interact with other users or to change website contentinformation sharing,interoperability,user-centered design and collaboration hosted services,web applica

22、tions,social-networking sites,video-sharing sites,wikis,blogs,essential of web development,20,网站的含义,网页是网站的基本单位用标准的HTML语言将图片、文字、多媒体信息组织起来的格式文档一般意义上的网站A group of related pages?A dedicate server?A group of servers?,essential of web development,21,虚拟网站,多个网站可以同时运行在一个单一服务器上利用不同的端口号利用不同的ip地址利用不同的域名,essenti

23、al of web development,22,网站访问的原理,网站中的两种角色-浏览器&服务器网站使用的协议-HTTP浏览器HTML语言解析器图片解析器声音播放器视频播放器网站的访问过程没有域名的网站有域名的网站,essential of web development,23,网页的类型,静态网页设计人员设计成什么样子,用户看到的就是什么样子动态网页根据访问者当时的访问环境通过服务器端程序实时生成的网页以数据库做为后台的动态网页,essential of web development,24,动态网站技术,Apache服务器+PHP技术WebLogic+JSP技术IIS服务器+ASP技术,

24、essential of web development,25,网站环境的构建,本课程以IIS+ASP技术做为实例典型ASP网站实现方式服务器操作系统平台IIS版本 5.0 Vs 6.0IIS 5.0 隔离模式工作进程隔离模式,essential of web development,26,IIS服务器安装演示,设置本机IP地址安装IIS 检测服务器是否正常工作测试asp开发环境运行第一个ASP程序,essential of web development,27,IIS服务器的配置和管理,IIS服务器的启停新建立网站配置网站的基本参数配置ASP网站网页的组织方法配置ASP网站的访问方法配置ASP网站的性能虚拟目录设置方法,essential of web development,28,Lab1 实践项目,1 配置计算机的IP地址2 查看计算机使用端口的情况3 安装IIS服务器4 配置IIS服务器5 创建第一个网站6 配置网站相应参数7 运行你的第一个ASP程序,essential of web development,29,实践如何启停服务器实践如何启停一个asp网站设置网站日志,查看网站日志熟悉匿名访问网站的设置熟悉虚拟目录的设置在上述基本技能基础上,设计一个你自己网站,规划网站的各项设置参数,并实现,essential of web development,30,


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