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1、Computer English,计算机英语,Lesson One PCs In 19991946年2月,人类历史上第一台数字电子计算机ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator)在美国宾夕法尼亚大学诞生了,它标志着人类社会计算机时代的开始。在短短的半个多世纪里,计算机技术飞速发展,正迅速渗透到社会的各个领域之中,计算机的发展按逻辑元器件划分,1999年计算机产业的总体发展趋势:1、千年虫问题的困扰日益突出。2、Windows 2000在1999年是一个不可知因素。3、计算机平板显示器市场日趋成熟。4、外部设备异军突起。USB发挥主

2、导作用 5、软盘会碰到强硬对手。6、台式机与笔记本电脑之间的界限越来越模糊。,1.Computer 计算机专 2.Computer Program 计算机程序 3.Data 数据用 4.Instruction 指令 5.Hardware 硬件术 6.Software 软件 7.Input device 输入设备语 8.Output device 输出设备 9.Desktop 台式机 10.Notebook 笔记本电脑,11.Keyboard 键盘专 12.Mouse 鼠标 13.Display screen 显示器用 14.Printer 打印机 15.Scanner 扫描仪术 16.Peri

3、pheral 外部设备(外设)17.Modem 调制解调器 语 18.Battery 电池 19.Port 端口 20.Interface 接口,21.Floppy drive 软盘驱动器 22.Hard drive 硬盘驱动器专 23.Plug and play interface 即插即用端口用 24.Universal Serial Bus通用串行总线 25.Universal Parallel Bus通用并行总线术 26.Multimedia 多媒体 27.Voice recognition 语音识别 语 28.Personal Computer 个人计算机 29.CD-ROM 光驱

4、30.CD-RW 可重写式CD机,Lesson Two The Central Processing Unit,控制流向,数据和指令流向,计算机的硬件系统,微处理器也称为中央处理机(CPU),是微机的核心部件,是计算机运算器和控制器的集合体。控制器是规定计算机执行指令顺序并协调各部件有效工作的装置。运算器是能完成算术运算和逻辑运算的装置。,寄存器是在处理器中保存数据、指令或控制信息的暂态存储器。总线是指多个部件间的公共连线。,1CPU:central processing unit 中央处理单元 2Control Unit 控制器3Arithmetic/Logic Unit 算/逻单元 4Re

5、gister 寄存器 5Processor 处理器 6Memory 存储器 7Main memory 主存储器 8 Microprocessor 微处理器,专用术语,9 Microcomputer 微型计算机 10Mainframe 主机、大型机 Minicomputer 小型机 11Machine language 机器语言12Binary form 二进制形式13Instruction 指令 14Instruction cycle 指令周期 15Execution cycle 执行周期16I-time(Instruction time)指令时间,专用术语,17Machine cycle 机

6、器周期 18Clock 时钟 19Clock speed 时钟速度 20Bus 总线 21 Data bus 数据总线22Address bus 地址总线23Control bus控制总线 24Secondary storage 二级存储,专用术语,Discussion and Problem,1 How many main parts does the CPU has?2 Which form are data and instructions presented in?3 What is the general comparison?Please,give some examples.4

7、Where are the registers in the PCS?5 what are the text talking about?,As to the question“What is the most important component in a computer?”,nobody would fail to give a correct answer to itthe processorBut when the questions move to the details of it,most of us might not have a clear picture,补充练习,A

8、 processor a component of a computer,is a functional unit that interprets and carries out instructionsEvery processor comes with a unique set of operations such as ADD,STORE,or LOAD that represent the processors instruction set,Computer designers are fond of calling their computers machines,so the i

9、nstruction set is sometimes referred to as machine instructions and the binary language in which they are written is called machine language.,You should not confuse processors instruction set with the instructions found in highlevel programming languages,such as BASIC or PASCAL,An instruction is mad

10、e up of operations that specify the function to be performed and operands that represent the data to be operated onFor example,if an instruction is to perform the operation of adding two numbers,it must know what the two numbers are and where the two numbers are,When the numbers are stored in the co

11、mputers memory,they have an address to indicate where they are,so if an operand refers to data in the computers memory it is called an address,The processors job is to retrieve instructions and operands from memory and to perform each operation.Having done that,it signals memory to send it the next

12、instruction,This step-by-step operation is repeated over and over again at awesome speedA timer called a clock releases precisely timed electrical signals that provide a regular pulse for the processors work,The term that is used to measure the computers speed is borrowed from the domain of electric

13、al engineering and is called a megahertz(MHz),which means million cycles per secondA processor is composed of two functional unitsa control unit and an arithmeticlogic unitand a set of special work spaces called registers.,Lesson Three Universal Serial Bus1.Universal Serial Bus 通用串行总线2.Attached devi

14、ce 挂接设备3.Operating system 操作系统4Hot plug and play 热插拔5Power cord 电源线 6Input/output port 输入输出端口 7Chipset 芯片组,专用术语,USB接口介绍 USB需要主机硬件、操作系统和外设三个方面的支持才能工作。目前已经有数字照相机、数字音箱、数字游戏杆、打印机、扫描仪、键盘、鼠标等很多USB外设问世。USB是英文Universal Serial Bus的缩写,中文含义是通用串行总线。它不是一种新的总线标准,而是应用在PC领域的新型接口技术。,USB具备很多特点:1.使用方便2.速度加快 3.连接灵活 4.独立供电 5.支持多媒体 6.USB存在的问题,USB的应用到目前为止,USB已经在PC机的多种外设上得到应用,包括扫描仪、数码相机、数码摄像机、音频系统、显示器、输入设备等等。,


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