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1、外贸英语函电,Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations建立业务关系,Basic Knowledge Concerned,Letter-writing Guide,Other Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences,Sample Letters,Practical Training,Part One,Part Two,Part Three,Part Four,Part Five,Contents,Part One,It is fairly true to say no customer,no business.To es

2、tablish business relations with prospective dealers is one of the important undertakings either for a newly established firm or an old one that wishes to enlarge its business scope and turnover.Establishing business relations is the first step in transaction in foreign trade.If a new firm,or rather

3、a certain corporation of ours,wishes to open up a market to sell something to or buy something from firms in foreign countries,the persons in charge must first of all find out whom they are going to deal with.We should not only do everything possible to consolidate old customers but also seek new on

4、es to enlarge our business.,1.The Significance of Establishing Business Relations,Part One,Usually,you can secure all the necessary information about a new customer with the help of the following channels:,2.The Main Channels and Methods for Establishing Business Relations(1),banks;periodicals;adver

5、tisements in newspapers,magazines or on TV;the introduction from your business connections;the market investigations;the commercial counselors offices;the industrial chambers;the chambers of commerce both at home and abroad;inquiries received from the merchants abroad;self-introduction by merchants

6、themselves.,Part One,Sometimes,a kind of middleman is necessary to bring two companies together.Having obtained the desired names and addresses of the firms from any of the above sources,you may start contacting the prospective customers.The main methods include:,2.The Main Channels and Methods for

7、Establishing Business Relations(2),communication in writing;attendance at the export commodities fairs;contact at the exhibitions held at home or abroad;mutual visits by trade delegations and groups.Of all the above methods,the first one is widely used in business activities.,Part One,Generally spea

8、king,the contents of a letter requesting a business relationship include telling the prospective customers how and where their names and addresses are known,self-introducing,indicating your desire to enter into business relations,or sometimes making general inquiries and expressing your expectation

9、for cooperation or early reply,etc.While for letters in reply to the letters requesting for business relations,the contents may include expressing your thanks for the incoming letter,expressing your agreement/desire/wish to establish business relations with the addressor and indicating the action yo

10、u are going to take.,3.The Main Contents of a Letter for Establishing Business Relations,Part One,To ensure smooth and successful transactions,it is also essential to make credit inquiries before you correspond with a new customer so as to avoid business risk.Usually,credit investigations include ca

11、pital/financial condition,capacity/business activity,character and honesty integrity.The information thus obtained must be kept strictly confidential and usually marked with“confidential”or“strict private and confidential”,for it might otherwise get yourself and your informer involved in serious tro

12、uble.,4.About Credit Inquiries/Investigations,Part Two,Part Two,Part Two,Part Two,Part Two,Part Two,Part Two,Part Two,Part Three,Expressions(1),1.establish business relations,enter into business relations,establish business connections,enter into business connections 建立业务关系2.engage in.,handle.,deal

13、in.从事经营3.specialize in.,专营4.business line 业务范围5.business contacts 业务联系6.please contact us/sb.请与我们/某人联系7.let us/sb.know 请告知我们/某人 8.Please(dont hesitate to)let us know/inform us.务请告知9.We would appreciate it/be grateful if you would.如蒙我们将不胜感激10.The enclosed is/are our./We enclose our.随函附寄,Part Three,Ex

14、pressions(2),11.Enclosed please find our.随函附上,请查收12.for your information/reference(only)(仅)供参考13.concerning,about,regarding,with regard to.,as to.关于14.at your end,in your place/area/district 在你处/地15.in the meantime,at the same time,meanwhile,in the meanwhile 与此同时16.according to,in compliance with,in

15、 accordance with,in conformity with 按照17.conclude/close the business/transaction/deal 达成交易18.do business with,deal with,trade with 与做生意19.be connected with.与有联系20.do sth.upon your request 应你们的要求做,Part Three,Typical Sentences(1),1.We are one of the leading importers of ceramic products in America.Wed

16、 like to establish business relationship with your corporation.2.We are a state-operated corporation,handling the export of animal by products and we are willing to enter into business relations with your firm.3.This is to introduce the Pacific Corporation as an exporter of light industrial products

17、 having business relations with more than 80 countries in the world.4.We are exporters of fresh water pearls having years experience in this particular line of business.5.We are active in developing commercial relations with trade and financial circles of/from various countries and districts.6.We fo

18、resee a bright prospect for your products in our market.,Part Three,Typical Sentences(2),7.Should you be interested in any of our products,please let us know.8.Should you require any further information/details/particulars,please dont hesitate to let us know.9.Since we specialize in the export of Ch

19、inese food products,we wish to express our desire to trade with you in this line.10.As the items fall within the scope of our business activities,we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you.11.We are convinced that our joint business efforts can be developed to our mutual be

20、nefit.12.We appreciate your cooperation in this transaction.13.As requested,we are airmailing to you,under separate cover,a sample each of Article Numbers 1025 and 1026 for your reference.,Part Three,Typical Sentences(3),14.We are one of the largest food trading companies in Japan,and have offices o

21、r representatives in all major cities and towns in Japan.15.Your letter of November 21,2007,addressed to our sister corporation in Shanghai has been transferred to us for attention.16.Our mutual understanding and cooperation could result in future business.17.We are striving to expand economic coope

22、ration and exchange of technology with foreign countries.We utilize common and reasonable international practices in a flexible way.18.A booklet including a general introduction,the scope of business and other topics is enclosed for your reference.19.If you are interested in establishing business re

23、lations with us in this line,please let us know your specific requirements.Well be pleased to forward samples,catalogues as well as detailed information.20.We assure you that we will give our best attention to any inquiries from you.,Part Four,Sample 1,Request for the Establishment of Business Relat

24、ions,Dear Sirs,From the e-mail that was received from our Toronto office,we know that your firm1 is of good standing and reliability in Toronto.We understand that you are particularly interested in the export of various papers to China.By this letter,we are contacting you with interest to2 enter int

25、o business relationship with your company.We hope that we may receive your catalog3 soon as well as other printed materials for reference.In recent years,we have done business with the largest and most prominent firmsin your area4.As is well known5 to you,the possibilities of importing the foreign p

26、roducts6 are very great here.We are confident that7 we will be able to give you large orders if the delivery,price and quality meet our requirements.We look forward to establishing good business relationship with you soon.Yours faithfully,Notes,1.“firm”指“公司商号”英语中表示公司的词很多,常用的有:company,corporation,fir

27、m,以及后面出现的house等股份有限公司常用“Co.Ltd.”或“Corp.Inc.”表示,前者是“company limited”的缩写,后者是“corporation incorporated”的缩写2.“we are contacting you with interest to.”也可以表述为“we are expressing our interest to.”3.catalog(catalogue):an enumeration of items,listed with descriptive detail.It is usually a list,in the form of

28、a book,of goods for sale with or without prices or pictures 商品目录 cf:brochure,pamphlet,leaflet,booklet,prospectus brochure:a small book consisting of a few pages in a paper cover;descriptive,advertising material in this form 宣传小册子 pamphlet:an unbound,printed publication with no cover or a paper cover

29、 一种未经装订的无需封面的简易宣传材料 leaflet:a single sheet or printed paper,sometimes folded to form several pages,containing matter either advertising a product or giving directions on how to use it.It is usually handed out free.免费派发的活页宣传单 booklet:just a“little book”,or a pamphlet 小本本 prospectus:a leaflet,or a pri

30、nted paper giving information about a product.It is usually a printed statement that is distributed to prospective buyers or investors.产品说明书,Notes,4.“in your area”(district/place/territory)这是外贸函电的常用语,常译作“你地”“你处”或“你们地区”,也可以用“at your end”表示 e.g.I am sure youll find a ready market at your end.5.“as is

31、well known”是非限制性的定语从句,修饰整个句子关系词“as”在句中做主语 e.g.as is usual the case 情况常常如此;as you know 如你所知,6.product:sth.produced by growing or made in a factory 产品 e.g.We are handling light industrial products.cf:produce,production,goods,article,item,merchandise,material,cargo produce:sth.that has been produced es

32、p.by growing or farming 农产品,土产 e.g.They are regular buyers of Chinas native produce.production:amount produced esp.for those produced in a certain period 产量,某时期制造或生产的批量产品 e.g.We are only interested in 2005 production.,Notes,goods:article for sale;not used with numerals;always in plural 商品e.g.The goo

33、ds are ready for shipment.article:particular or separate thing 物品,物件e.g.We cannot offer you this article at present.item:a single thing on a list or in a catalogue;often used to stand for the goods previously mentioned in the letter 项目,品种e.g.We note that you are interested in Alarm Clocks.We always

34、carry this item in stock.merchandise:goods bought and sold;always in singular number 商品e.g.They deal in general merchandise.material:goods used for production 原料,材料e.g.We can supply this material.cargo:goods carried by a ship,plane or vehicle 船飞机车辆所载的货物e.g.The cargo ex S.S.“Maria”has been inspected

35、and found satisfactory.,Notes,7.We are confident that.我们深信 be confident that.对有信心/确信 e.g.We are confident that we can push the sale of your products in this market.我们确信能在此市场推销你方产品 注意该句型的搭配变化和用法 be confident of/in.e.g.We are confident of persuading our customer to place a trial order.我们有把握说服客户试订 have

36、 confidence in.e.g.Im sorry I dont have confidence in that financial institution.对不起,我对那家金融机构信不过 have confidence that.e.g.I have confidence that the quality of our products will be to your satisfaction.我相信我们产品的质量会令你们满意,Part Four,Sample 2,Reply to the Letter of Sample 1,Dear Sirs,With reference to1 y

37、our letter of September 8,2007,we are glad to learn that you wish to enter into a business relationship with this corporation in the line2 of various papers.In compliance with your request,we are sending you by air a catalogue together with a range of pamphlets for your reference.If any of the items

38、 listed in the catalogue meet your interest,please let us have your specific inquiry,and our quotation will be forwarded3 without delay 4.Prior to the conclusion of the first transaction between us,we require the name of your bank for credit investigation.Yours sincerely,Part Four,Sample 3,A Letter

39、from an Importer to an Exporter,Dear Sirs,Through the courtesy of1 Mr.Freemen,we are given to understand that2 you are one of the leading3 exporters of Chinese light industrial products in your area.We are now writing you for the establishment of business relationship.We are very well connected with

40、 all the major dealers of light industrial products in this area.We are confident that we can sell large quantities of Chinese goods if we receive your offers at competitive prices4.Please submit to us all necessary information regarding your products for export.Yours sincerely,Notes,Sample 2,1.“wit

41、h reference to”有“关于”或“就而言”之意,与“with regard to”和“as to”等同2.“line”指的是行业,所以这里有“经营范围,产品范围”之意3.“forward”在这里与“send”同义,指“寄,发”4.“without delay”是外贸函电常用语除此以外还可以说:soon,as soon as possible,the soonest possible,at once,immediately,with the least possible delay等,Sample 3,1.through the courtesy of.承蒙的介绍关照2.“we are

42、 given to understand that.”相当于“we learned that.”3.“leading”这里指“主要的”“占主导地位的”也可以表达为“major”,“large”4.“competitive prices”这里指“有竞争性的价格”,即优惠价也可以表达为:attractive prices,best price,lowest price,bottom price等,Part Four,Sample 4,Reply to the Letter of Sample 3,Dear Sirs,We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of

43、1 your letter of September 10,2007,informing us of your interest in our product.We look forward to establishing positive business relationship with your corporation.We are a state-owned corporation2 specializing in the export of Chinese light industrial products.We are convinced that3 our joint busi

44、ness efforts will be to our mutual benefit.As requested,a booklet including a general introduction,the scope of business and other topics is enclosed for your reference.Should you require any further information,please dont hesitate to4 let us know.Yours faithfully,Part Four,Sample 5(1),A Letter Ask

45、ing to Make a Credit Inquiry from a Bank,China National Import&Export CorporationGuangzhou,ChinaAddress:Tel:.Fax:.Oct.10,2007Information Service Dept.Bank of ChinaGuangzhouDear Sirs,Credit InformationThe under-mentioned firm,of Accra,Ghana,has lately approached us,proposing to sell our Electric and

46、Electronic Products in the Republic of Ghana as our sub-agents:,Part Four,Sample 5(2),West African Import/Export Co.P.O.Box 242,AccraGHANAWe would therefore highly appreciate it if you would let us have information about the financial and business standing1 of the above firm.Any information that you

47、 may give would be confidential2 and would be very appreciated.Yours faithfully,China National Import&Export Corp.Manager,Notes,Sample 4,1.“acknowledge”原意指“承认”,“acknowledge the receipt of.”则是“告知收到”的意思 本句可译为“收到你们的信,谢谢!”现代英语中,这种表达已经较为陈旧,大多商人草拟 信函时更多地使用简单直接的“Thank you for.”2.state-owned corporation 国有公

48、司3.“We are convinced that.”即“我们深信”,与“We are confident that.”意思相同4.注意当你觉得别人有可能会向你索要东西时才使用“Please dont hesitate to.”这个句型 如果是希望对方向你提供材料,则不要用这个句型,而是用“We would appreciate it/be obliged/be grateful if you would.”这个句型,或者只用“Please.”也可以,Sample 5,1.“standing”有“身份,地位,名望”之意这里指“商业信誉”2.be confidential=be treated

49、in strict confidence 指“严格保密”,Part Five,1.Put the following English into Chinese.(1),Beginning Training,商务参赞办公室,(1)Commercial Counselors Office,(2)Industrial Chambers,行会,(3)Chambers of Commerce,商会,(4)business line,业务范围,Part Five,1.Put the following English into Chinese.(2),本着做的意愿;以为目的,(5)with a view

50、to(doing)sth.,(6)business contacts,业务联系,(7)the enclosed catalogue/(latest)price list/quotation,所附目录/(最新)价格单/报价,(8)Please(dont hesitate to)let us know/inform us.,务请告知。,(9)a(wide/full)range of,一(全)系列,Part Five,1.Put the following English into Chinese.(3),我们期待收到贵方即时的好消息。,(10)We look forward to your fav


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