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1、牛津 深圳版七年级 第47期,第二版,TEST YOURSELF(Chapters 45),Listening Test Part(25分),.听句子,选答语。每小题听一遍。(每小题1分,共10分)1.A.Its the fourth floor.B.Safety first.C.When the smoke appeared.2.A.An hour later.B.No,he didnt.C.He felt excited.,3.A.The time of the meeting.B.On the busy road.C.He is drawing a picture.4.A.For our

2、selves.B.Yes,we are.C.Thanks.5.A.Turn right please.B.Yes,they are.C.Yes,he is.6.A.Thanks,I will.B.See you later.C.You are right.,7.A.It is next to the fridge.B.It is an armchair.C.This one is mine.8.A.To a power station.B.They are useful.C.Its like water.9.A.She is playing football.B.Yes,she can.C.N

3、o,she neednt.10.A.Yes,you may.B.That sounds great.C.A moment later please.,.听对话及对话后的问题,选择正确答案。对话听两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)11.What woke the woman up?A.The pet dog.B.The sound of TV.C.The phone.12.What is Wendy probably doing now?A.Posting a letter.B.Doing homework.C.Playing games.,13.How did the boy learn to pl

4、ay the piano?A.He learned to play it from his father.B.He learned to play it by himself.C.We dont know.14.Where is the fridge?A.Opposite the bed.B.In the right-hand corner of the room.C.In the left-hand corner of the room.15.Who cant paint pictures?A.Jennys father.B.Jennys mother.C.Jenny.,.听对话,选择正确答

5、案。对话听两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)16.How long is the reading room open?For two hours.B.For three hours.C.For two hours and a half.17.How much will the woman pay once if she has a card?A.5 yuan.B.10 yuan.C.15 yuan.,18.Where can the woman have a card?A.On the fifth floor.B.On the sixth floor.C.On the fourth floor.19

6、.What must the woman tell if she doesnt have a card?A.Her ID number.B.Her name.C.Her room number.20.What cant the woman do in the reading room?A.Speak loudly.B.Use the phone.C.Drink coffee.,.听短文,记笔记。每空所填词数不限。短文听两遍。(每小题1分,共5分),sleep well,the vacuum cleaner,cooking,computer,watching TV,Written Test Pa

7、rt(75分),.选择填空(共20分)A.根据题意,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出与所给句中划线部分意义相同或相近并能代替的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分)26.Did your alarm clock go off this morning?A.break downB.make a sudden noiseC.go wrong D.give out,27.The phone in my office was dead yesterday.A.died B.didnt workC.was connected D.went bad28.Watch out!The floor is wet.A.L

8、ook B.SeeC.Take care D.Go out,29.He looks really foolish in that coat.A.silly B.beautifulC.ugly D.bored30.At last,the assistant showed up.A.gave a show B.caught upC.appeared D.brought up,B.从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15小题,每小题1分)31.What were you doing when the electricity went _?I was washing my clot

9、hes with a washing machine.Then I had to wash by _.A.off;me B.off;myselfC.down;myself D.down;me,32.How do you learn English?Well,learning English is _ learning to swim,_.You need to practise a lot.A.as;in a way B.like;in the wayC.as;on the way D.like;in a way33.Can you _ the man that saved your life

10、?Sorry,I didnt see him clearly _ I cant tell what he was like.A.show;because B.tell;becauseC.describe;so D.speak;so,34.Is there _ wrong with your computer?Yes.It cant be connected _ the Internet.A.something;with B.anything;toC.everything;to D.nothing;with35.Do your parents _ you play basketball?Yes.

11、They _ agree that I should do more sports.A.allow;both B.make;allC.let;both D.want;all,36._ you tell me how to find the professor?Yes.Go _ the gate and get into the hall.The professor is giving a speech there.A.Can;through B.Must;acrossC.Can;across D.Must;through37.The old man fell over and _ himsel

12、f.Lets do something for _.A.hurt;him B.enjoyed;himC.helped;he D.hurt;he,38.Take care!There is a big truck _!Thank you for _ me.A.come;warning B.coming;warningC.to come;warn D.coming;warn39.Do you know Zhang Hua?Yes.She is a friend of _ and she often helps _ with my English.A.my;my B.me;myselfC.mine;

13、me D.mine;my,40.How do you keep awake when you feel _?I usually wash my face with cool water.It can _ soon.A.sleepy;warm me up B.asleep;warm me upC.asleep;wake me up D.sleepy;wake me up41.Why are you here?Nobody is _ in the room!But Mary _ me to the room just now.A.allowed;led B.allowing;ledC.allowi

14、ng;is leading D.allowed;is leading,42.Listen!Can you hear a dog _ outside?Yes.It _ be Johns dog.A.bark;must B.barked;shouldC.to bark;may D.barking;may43.I dont feel _ today.Every minute _ a day to me.Calm down.Theres nothing to worry about.A.bad;seems like B.well;sounds likeC.bad;sounds like D.well;

15、seems like,44.Will the price of housing come down _ a short time?Thats impossible.Its _ of people to believe that.A.with;foolish B.in;foolishC.in;convenient D.with;convenient45._ I close the door?_.Its too hot here.A.Can;Yes,of courseB.May;Sorry,you cantC.Must;Please dontD.Should;Yes,please,.完形填空(每空

16、1分,共10分),4650 ACDDA 5155 BABAC,第三版,.阅读理解(共25分),A 5660 DCDAD B 6165 BABCD C 6670 BDBCA,第二节 选择下列词汇完成下面对话。其中有一项多余。(共5小题,每小题1分),A.allow B.describe C.ledD.foolish E.connect F.exit,A:Did you enjoy your trip last Sunday,Tom?B:Yes.I lived in a very good hotel.A:Can you 71 _ it to me?B:Sure.It is a tall buil

17、ding with some gardens on the top.And I lived on the 17th floor.,B,A:Thats very high.B:Yes.The waiter first 72 _ me to the fire 73 _ and told me something about safety.A:That sounds 74 _.B:No,I think it is necessary to know the fire exit when we live in a new place.A:What about your dog?B:Well,it wa

18、s a pity that they didnt 75 _ pets in the hotel,so I had to put it in a pet home.A:I see.,C,F,D,A,第三节 选择下列句子完成下面对话。其中有两项多余。(共5小题,每小题1分),A.Dont run in the classroom.B.I cant stand them.C.Why are you running?D.I agree with you.E.Thats a good idea.F.Dont do that again.G.Can we run in the hallways?,A:Go

19、od morning,Mr.Black!B:Good morning,Bob!(76)_A:We are playing games.B:Dont you forget the rule“(77)_”?A:Sorry,Mr.Black.B:(78)_A:All right.I think there are too many rules at our school.(79)_B:But they are good for you.You should follow them.A:OK.(80)_B:Yes,you can.,C,A,F,B,G,.根据句子的意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。(共1

20、0小题,每小题1分)81.The children enjoyed _ in the park yesterday.(they)82.Must we _ the pictures in English?(describe)83.Please keep _ in the library.(quiet)84.What are the lines _ to?(connect)85.Can you give me a good _ for being late?(explain),themselves,describe,quiet,connected,explanation,86.I dont thi

21、nk John is a _ boy.In fact,he is quite clever.(fool)87.We are going to listen to a lecture about a man with a physical _.(disable)88.Does this pen belong to _?(he)89.The baby _ on the floor and waited for his mother.(lie)90.Everybody wants to find the exact _ of the treasure.(locate),foolish,disabil

22、ity,him,lay,location,.书面表达(10分)91.假如你们家上周刚搬了新家,请你简要描述新房子,包括房间数量和位置以及家具摆设等,最后描写一下你对新家的感觉。要求:条理清楚,意思连贯,词数70左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。,One possible version:We moved to a new house last week.It is a big and beautiful house.There are four bedrooms,a kitchen and a large sitting,room.When I get into the house,I see

23、a TV set on the wall against the door.Beside the TV set is a loudspeaker.I enjoy watching TV here.My bedroom is on the left of the sitting room while my parents room is on the right.Behind my bedroom is the room for my grandparents.There is another bedroom beside my parents.Its for the guests.I like my new house very much.,第四版,阅 读 加 油 站,15 CCCBD,中 考 进 行 时,15 ABDCA,


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