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1、,Unit 5 Lets eat!Revision,执教者:朱雪君东莞市塘厦镇华辉学校,Unit 5 Lets eat!-Food,Unit 5 lets eat!,Food,Review the sentences and words of the food in unit5.,Listen and do the action,Part A and Part B,Four steps for doing the exercises.,1、Read the requirements and find the key words(审题)2、Pay attention to the order(看

2、/听题号)3、Finish the excises carefully(认真做题)4、Check it again(检查),听录音,判断下列图片与所听到的内容是否一致,一致写“T”,不一致写“F”。,(),F,(),T,(),T,(),F,(),T,(),T,(),F,(),F,Rart1:Exercise.,Hello I am tiger.Today is my birthday,welcome to the party.Panda,Have some cake.Thanks,I like cake.Id like some noodles.Here you are.Snake,Snake

3、,do you like noodles?No,Can I have some eggs,please?Here you are.Thank you.Rabbit,Rabbit,what do you like?I like fish.Tiger,Tiger,what do you like?I like rice.,Tiger:,Panda:,OX(公牛):,Tiger:,Snake(蛇):,Tiger:,Snake:,Rabbit:,Tiger:,Part2:Reading.,Tips(提示):1、Who(谁)2、What(什么)3、When(时间)4、Where(地点)The first

4、 time(快速自读,用“”圈出动物单词)1、How many animals are there in this story?A、4 B、5 C、62、What are they talking about?A、Food B、Number C、Body,Part2:Reading.,Hello I am tiger.Today is my birthday,welcome to the party.Panda,Have some cake.Thanks,I like cake.Id like some noodles.Here you are.Snake,Snake,do you like

5、noodles?No,Can I have some eggs,please?Here you are.Thank you.Rabbit,Rabbit,what do you like?I like fish.Tiger,Tiger,what do you like?I like rice.,Tiger:,Panda:,OX(公牛):,Tiger:,Snake(蛇):,Tiger:,Snake:,Rabbit:,Tiger:,Part2:Reading.,Part2:Reading.,Hello I am tiger.Today is my birthday,welcome to the pa

6、rty.Panda,Have some.Thanks,I like.Id like some.Here you are.Snake,Snake,do you like?No,Can I have some,please?Here you are.Thank you.Rabbit,Rabbit,what do you like?I like.Tiger,Tiger,what do you like?I like.,Tiger:,Panda:,OX(公牛):,Tiger:,Snake(蛇):,Tiger:,Snake:,Rabbit:,Tiger:,cake,cake,noodles,noodle

7、s,eggs,fish,rice,The second time:精读,并用“_”把食物单词划出来。,The third time:朗读对话。,Part2:Reading.,(),(),(1)根据所给的提示,把单词写在相应的方框或括号里,完成思维导图。,Part2:Reading.,Tiger,Panda,Cake,OX,noodles,Rabbit,Snake,(),RabbitOXSnakePanda,1,2,3,4,eggsfishnoodlescakerice,eggs,(),fish,(),rice,(2)根据思维导图,完成连线。snake rabbit Tiger Panda OX

8、 rice cake eggs noodles fish,Part2:Reading.,(3)根据问句,找出最佳答句,然后连线。1、Have some noodles.A、Here you are.2、What do you like?B、Thank you.3、Can I have some eggs?C、Youre welcome.4、Thank you.D、Hi,I am panda.5、Hello,I am tiger.E、I like bread.,Part2:Reading.,在第二关中有一些动物参加老虎的生日聚会,你能找出单词的首字母,根据字母表的顺序给下列动物单词排序吗?pan

9、da tiger rabbit OX snake,OX,panda,rabbit,snake,tiger,Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff GgHh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm NnOo Pp Qq Rr Ss TtUu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz,Part3:Exercise.,ABC Song,Unit 5 lets eat!,Food,3字母,Review the words begin with the letter O-T in unit 5.,Phonics-ABC chant,第四关、听录音,把单词首字母写在四线三格上。,1、,range,2、,ice,3、,iger,4、,anda,5、,ix,6、,ueen,o,r,t,p,q,s,Part4:Exercise.,再次挑战自己,听录音,把单词首字母写在四线三格上。,o,s,r,t,p,q,l,j,m,k,Part5:Exercise.,Unit 5 lets eat!,Food,3字母,Sum up.,1、将第二题中第三小题的内容,将左侧或右侧任选一,打乱顺序抄写下来,改编后给同桌做。2、结合第四单元的动物单词和第五单元的食物单词出5道选出不同类的词,每道有ABCD四个选项。,Homework:,THANK YOU,


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