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1、朝阳区教研中心 王明涛 10年月,三年级下英语教材介绍,教材内容,话题:节日、形状、食物、职业等。对话:18个 单词:掌握67 个(含2个短语)认读69 个词语 语音:6 组 韵文:18段 歌曲:6首,单 元 题 目,Revision,Revision,教材内容结构,全部内容分为八个单元,为学习单元.每单元包括四课书,前三课为新内容,后一课为复习内容。各单元新课均由Listen and say,Look and read,Lets practice,Listen and write 及Lets say等部分组成。复习课均由Now I can say,Now I know,Now I can r

2、ead,Now I can write 及 Now I can do 等部分组成。4.8单元为复习单元.每单元包括两课书,均由Do you understand?Can you say?Can you write?Can you do?Can you tell?Can you read?组成.第一单元具体内容:,.Can you come outand play with me?,.Im sorry I cant.Immaking a card for my mom.Tomorrow is Womens Day.,Oh,yes.Tomorrowis March 8th.I want to ma

3、ke a cardfor my mom,too.,:Lets also make onefor Miss Wang.,come out,go out,Mom&mom,One&ones,March 8th,Womens Day,A woman/women,A man/men,Can you come out and play with me?Im sorry I cant./yes,lets go.,Book 4 Contents,Mechanical practice:a cnntrolled practice activity which students can successfully

4、carry out without necessarily understanding the language they are using.Repetition drils,substiution drill,Meaningful practice:an activity where language control is still proviede but where students are required to make meaningful choices when carrying out practice.Eg:prep describe location of place

5、s,Whole-to-part orientation,beginning with meaningful whole text and then helping students understand the various features that enable texts to function.,课文教学关注,UNIT ONE I LIKE SPRING,can you sorry March woman/women认读:March 8th Womens Day a man/men词组:come out,make a card,want to,1 can的用法2名词复数 woman/

6、women3 现在进行时:I am making a card.,单词四会:plant April many认读:Tree-planting Day a tree April 词组:Plant trees in April,in America,many things,in spring,1 人称代词2 be going to形式表示将来时,单词四会:turn lovely ground 认读:a leaf/leaves,colorful flowers,turn green 词组:look at,come out,1 turn green的使用2名词单复数 3 be动词的用法,UNIT TW

7、O THINGS ARE DIFFERENT,our flag star small 词组:national flag,1 形容词性物主代词 our your2 there be 的用法3 名词单复数的应用one big star five yellow stars,1 be动词的用法 2形容词性物主代词my your3 第三人称单数 It looks,shape bird ship,1have的用法 2.情态动词can3.名词单复数,UNIT THREE WHATS YOUR FAVORITE FOOD?,词汇:back these those give,名词单复数can 的用法助动词do的

8、用法these/those人称代词me,1.形容词性物主代词your的用法2.可数名词与不可数名词,词汇:May mother secret,1.in,on 和for的用法2.序数词的用法3.名词所有格 moms,15:June fly kite 16:water child/children so cool15:a new water bottle,a dictionary,a pencil-case,a pair of roller-skates 16:no school,fly the kite,Childrens Day,a kite,see a film,1.Do you want

9、to do sth?2.There be 句型的用法3.Lets 的用法,1So do I 的初步理解2.第三人称单数的用法3.child的复数children,单词四会:thank how about piano 词组:look at,come out,play the flute,play the accordion,play the violin,play the fiddle,play the piano,1一般将来时的两种形式Will 及be going to 的用法2.play the piano 乐器前要加the,UNIT SIX FATHERS DAY,19单词:write l

10、ove word read词组:do home work make a card Fathers Day,20单词:father for open book,1 现在进行时的构成及用法2 be动词的用法,1.情态动词can引导的疑问句。2.介词for 的用法 for you,单词:us every July afraid 词组:every July in July be afraid of by air,1代词的宾格形式:we us 2 了解be afraid of 形式3 by的用法 by air,UNIT SEVEN WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE?,词汇:heavy light rain August词组:in August beafraid of,1.want to be 的用法2.助动词do的用法,词汇:army uncle aunt work doctor词组:Army Day an army uniform,1.第三人称单数:She works What does she do?2冠词的用法:an army uniform,1 一般将来时will形式的一般疑问句及肯定和否定答语2 like的用法3 will not 的缩略形式 wont,


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