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1、中职英语考试命题浅谈上海市工商外国语学校 谢 永 业,整体难度要求:相当于“三校生”高考一、语法部分(样题)第一题:考查不定代词第二题:考查过去完成时被动语态第三题:考查不定式作定语第四题:考查现在分词做原因状语第五题:考查what引导的宾语从句第六题:考查which引导的定语从句,第二题:考查过去完成时被动语态2.The manager entered the office and was happy to learn that four-fifths of the tickets _.A.had booked B.had been booked C.have booked D.have b

2、een booked,二、词汇部分(样题)第一题:考查 名 词 attraction第二题:考查 动 词 pretend第三题:考查 形容词 average第四题:考查 副 词 accidentally,第四题:考查副词accidentally4.Since Tom downloaded a virus Into his computer,he can not open the file now.Areadily Bhorribly Caccidentally Dirregularly,三、完形填空(样题)请根据所提供的短文设计一篇含有10个空的完形填空题。,完形填空样题(只是前三个空)The

3、 term home schooling means educating children at home or in places other than a normal setting such as a public or private school.There are many reasons why parents choose home schooling for their children.Some parents are _1_ with the quality of education in the public schools.Others do not want th

4、eir children to have to worry about“peer pressure”,or social pressure from friends.They say it may have a(n)_2_ effect on the childs studies.These parents _3_ this type of pressure will lead to bad behavior such as smoking,drinking alcohol,and taking drugs1.A.patient B.familiar C.pleased D.dissatisf

5、ied2.A.active B.contrary C.important D.negative3.A.care B.fear C.wish D.deny.,四、阅读理解(样题)请根据提供的短文设计五道阅读理解选择题。,阅读样题(部分)Mail carriers will be delivering some good news and some bad news this week.The bad news:Stamp prices are expected to rise 2 cents in May to 41 cents,the Postal Regulatory Commission

6、announced yesterday.The good news:With the introduction of a“forever stamp,”it may be the last time Americans have to use annoying 2-or 3-cent stamps to make up postage differences.Beginning in May,people would be able to purchase the stamps in booklets of 20 at the regular rate of a first-class sta

7、mp.As the name implies,“forever stamps”will keep their first-class mailing value forever,even when the postage rate goes up,1The main purpose of introducing a“forever stamp”is.Ato reduce the cost of printing 2-or 3-cent stamps Bto help save the consumers cost on first-class mailing Cto respond to th

8、e complaints about rising postal rates Dto compete with online bill paying2By saying“It could be your great-grand childrens stamp”,Mr Saunders means that forever stamps.Acould be collected by ones great-grandchildren Bmight be very precious in great-grandchildrens hands Cmight have been inherited fr

9、om ones great-grandfathers Dcould be used by ones great-grandchildren even decades later,Key一、语 法:二、词 汇:三、完形填空:四、阅读理解:,1.舒运祥 外语测试的理论与方法M,世界图书出版公司,1999年2.武尊民 英语测试的理论与实践M,外语教育与研究出版社,2002年3.刘润清 韩宝成 语言测试和它的方法 M,外语教育与研究出版 社,2000年4.李筱菊 语言测试科学与艺术 M,湖南教育出版社

10、,2001年5.陶百强“高考英语自主命题失误研究报告及建议”J,英语考试研 究杂志2009年第1期6.刘庆思“谈中级英语能力测试题的设计与命制”J,中小学英语 1998年第12期7.Arthur Hughes Testing for Language Teachers M,Cambridge University Press,1989 8.Lyle F.Bachman Language Testing in Practice M,上海外语教育 出版社,1996,II.主要介绍:语法与词汇、完形与阅读理解的命题原则与要注意的问题III介绍题型:大型考试常用的题型,(从一本“三校生高考复习资料”里

11、选来的。保留原题号)1.I hope you will _ in your efforts.A.success B.succeed C.successful D.successfully5.After reading the novel she was too_ to go to sleep that night.A.excite B.excited C.exciting D.excitement,13I enjoy _ in bed,reading an interesting novel.A.laying B.lying C.to lie D.to lay17This matter is

12、_ to be considered/A.worthy B.worth C.need D.needed36He will graduate _ three years.A.after B.in C.later D.late,The population problem may be the 1 one of the world today The worlds population is growing 2 Two thousand years ago,there were only 250 million people 3 the earthFour hundred years ago,th

13、e number was 4 500 million But at the beginning of the 5 century,the worlds population was about 1,700 millionIn 1970,this number was 3,600 million In 1990,the number was five billion A 6 report says that the world population will 7 six billion by the end of the 20th century This is just ten 8 after

14、 it 9 five billion People say that by the year 2010,10 may be seven billion1Agreat Bgreater Cgreatest Dgreating 这是什么?2Afaster and faster Bfast and fast er Cfastest and fastest Dfaster and fast3Ain Bon Cat Dfor4Anearly Bmore Calmost Dover5Atwenty Btwelve Ctwentieth Dtwelfth6AUSA BUN CPRC DPLA7Apast B

15、pass Cpassed Dpasses8Aweeks Bmonths Cseasons Dyears9Aget Bgets Creached Dreach10Athis Bits Cone Dit,I.语法与词汇选择题1.不可超出课标或大纲的要求(虚拟语气,独立主格结构等不要作为考点)2.语法词和词汇词的概念3.词汇考查一般只涉及四大词类:名词、动词、形容词与副词(不要把冠词、代词、介词、连词、情态动词等作为考点),1.每题只能有一个正确答案You can ask him when he _.A.will come B.comes C.is coming D.is going to come

16、,2.每题只能有一个测试点 The students _ on the playground when the bell rang.A.were playing B.played C.to play D.playingYesterday when I hurried to school,I saw a _ boy _ at the street corner.A.missing;cried B.lost;to be crying C.lost;crying D.missing,being cried,3.干扰项应有一定的迷惑性 任何干扰项都必须有一定的干扰性,使至少5的考生会选它。The pe

17、rson who builds houses is a_.A.builder B.designer C.architect D.porter 选项 C 放入题干中明显出现语法错误,干扰作用不大,很容易被排除掉。这样的现象在词汇考查是特别要注意避免。,4.题干与选项的难度应一致The first step is often the most difficult.(换划线部分)A.quickest B.longest C.last D.initial改为:The initial step is often the most difficult.A.quickest B.longest C.last

18、 D.first,5.题干长度应适宜 The assistants in the store are _.A.polite B.helpful C.kind D.friendly On the evening of June 21,1992,a tall man with brown hair and blue eyes entered the beautiful hall of the Bell Tower Hotel in Xian with his bicycle.The hotel workers received him and telephoned the manager,for

19、they had never seen a bicycle in the hotel hall before _ they lived in“the kingdom of bicycles.”A.because B.whether C.since D.though,6.避免把all of above 及all of these 作为选项People who want to predict the weather must watch_.A.the cloud B.the humidity C.the wind D.all of these如果考生知道ABC中任何两个答案是符合题意的,即使不知道

20、humidity的含义也会选D的。因为学生都知道现在考试的英语选择题答案是唯一的。7.避免选项的重叠或相互包容Shanghai is a very beautiful _.A.city B.place C.metropolis D.town,8.干扰项不能使用英语中根本不存在的语言形式选项应本身没有形式上的错误,各个选项填入句子中以后,至少局部是正确的He_me he would come.A.tells B.told C.telled D.teltI have had enough coffee.Would you like _?A.a few more B.another more C.o

21、ne D.some more 有another more 的搭配吗?,9.词汇题的备选项放入题干后,语法结构或搭配应该正确。Its not wise for you to try to him from doing so.A.suggest B.make C.prevent D.request What he said is _ to be considered.A.worthy B.worth C.need D.needed词汇考查的最基本原则:不参杂语法考查词汇的题目不能让考生从语法的角度就可以排除掉干扰项,要让他们从语境的理解上去定答案。四个选项的词性一定要一致。,10.如何限制语法词汇

22、选择题的语境?好的题干语境可以帮助考生选出答案,若语境不明显或题干设计不严密,则很难确定答案。Please turn _ the radio a little.A.to B.down C.on D.up答案是哪个?若在后面加上The baby is sleeping.变成:Please turn _ the radio a little.The baby is sleeping.A.to B.down C.on D.up正确答案则很快可以确定为B,因为有了The baby is sleeping.这一特定的语境。,-Would you please speak _,Tom?-But I hav

23、e to,Mum.Theres something wrong on the line.A.quickly B.slowly C.quietly D.loudly Theres something wrong on the line.就是限制答案的语境。,I_ in London for many years,but Ive never regretted my final decision to move back to China.A.lived B.was living C.have lived D.had lived Mary,_ here-everybody else,stay wh

24、ere you are.A.come B.comes C.to come D.coming“Mary”后的标点符号“,”也可以说是一个特殊的语境设计。,上海市六月高考词汇题型 要求考生阅读一篇删去9个词汇的短文,然后从所给的10个选项中选出9个正确的词汇填空,使短文复原,另一个选项为干扰项。,II完形填空1 选文特点(统计50篇),2 设空特点 1)第一句不要挖空2)设空密度比较稳定3)设空以实词为主,虚词为辅;单词为主,短语为辅(注意:挖空的词性不能太集中在某一种词性上),4)设空注重在语境中考查词义5)完形填空不考语法6)挖去短语时,应该留意正确选项与干扰项在形式上的一致,7)完形填空主要

25、用于测试学生的阅读理解能力,应主 要是“句际空”或“语篇空”设空类型:句内空、句际空、语篇空 1 can also help you get a better nights sleep in a number of indirect ways,the relaxation and tiredness 2 by exercise can improve sleep.1.A.Exercise B.Dreams C.Researchers D.Doctors2.A.recovered B.strengthened C.caused D.reduced8)设计水平高的完形填空应该是:若只看单句,四个

26、答案都对;上下文结合全面理解,只有一个正确,III阅读理解题1.文章选择:1)题材和体裁多样:政治、经济、科技、历史、地理、风俗等;记叙文、说明文、议论文、应用文等。2)材料的情节有利于题目的编写,不选用学生已读过的或者市面上广为流传的材料。3)长度:200300词4)难度:应与考生的能力相当,难度稍大的可短一些;容 易的可以稍长一些。5)生词量:原则上不超过3%。,2.试题编写1)试题中使用的词汇及句法应尽量简单,其语言难度不能超过语篇的难度,不能照搬文章中的原话。2)试题测试的应是对文章的理解,不应该出现依靠常识就能回答的问题。3)问题的排列应顺序应与文章内容呈现的顺序基本相同,尽可能不要

27、随机排列,以造成学生答题困难。4)如果阅读理解测试要求学生用自己的话回答问题,只要答案已证实学生理解了文章的含义,语法、拼写或标点错误不应该大量扣分。5)不应该出现明显违反逻辑或自相矛盾的题目。6)问题的类型应该有所不同,避免全部都是某一类型的问题。,3.选项编写(1)各选项的长度相当,或长或短,或是两长两短,也可 采用渐长或渐短的形式(2)各选项不应该互相包容(3)各选项都应是准确,地道的英语(4)正确答案不是材料中的原句(5)各干扰项都应该有一定的道理,但必须肯定不对才能 有干扰作用(6)选项中最好不要出现all of the above,none of the above等(7)选项的语

28、言难度不能超过题干及语篇的难度,否则就 偏离了阅读理解的测试目标,4.阅读理解的测试目标 1)概括归纳所读材料的主旨大意 任何一篇文章或一个段落都会有其中心内容,对其掌握情况可以反映出 考生略读文章以掌握基本内容的能力。The text is mainly about_.What would be the best title for the text?2)掌握阅读材料的事实细节 文章的主旨是靠大量的事实和细节支撑的,了解这些细节是 理解文章的前提条件之一。What/When/How/where?3)根据上下文推断生词的含义 通过上下文猜测生词的含义是阅读过程中必须具备的能力,也是阅读理解能力

29、考查的一项主要内容。有时,也可以考查某些熟悉单词的生疏词义。The words“.”refer to_.The underlined word“.”in the first paragraph probably means_.,4)理解文中的指代关系However,the question that“moon people”asked is still an Interesting one.A growing number of scientists are seriously thinking about it.句中“it”指上句中的“the question”,而“the question

30、”又指上一段中“月球人”所提的问题,所以要经过两次查找才能选出答案。5)根据短文内容进行推理和判断常以infer,imply,suggest,conclude,purpose等词提问。或提问中含有表示推测的情态动词,如can,could,might,would等和其他表示可能性的动词,如probably,most likely等。We can infer from the text that_.On hearing“.”,the man was most likely to be_.,6)理解作者的意图和态度每篇文章都有一定的写作目的,作者往往期待读者读了文章之后能了解自己想要传达的信息或态度

31、。这些并非都在文章中明确表达出来,要靠读者根据文章的整体或部分去领会。The writers purpose in writing the story is_ It seems that the writer of the text was most probably sorry for the fact that_.7)预测(下文的发展)能力 有时命题人会把最后一段或两端删去,让考生预测下文的发展,其实,这也是一种根据阅读内容推断作者的写作思路的能力。,IV听 力1.考查要点 1)理解要义What are the two speakers talking about?2)获取详细的事实性信息

32、用以解释和表达主题的细节信息,如names,dates,time,place等。3)对会话、独白的背景,谈话者的关系等进行推断What is the relationship between the two speakers?Where does this conversation take place?What can we learn from the conversation?4)理解说话者的意图、观点和态度What is the most probable result of the conversation?What will the man do this evening(next

33、 year)?What can we know about the man?5)避免考查考生写、计算等能力,2.素材选择 1)应该为口语材料,听起来自然、真实 2)材料应该创设一个较为明确的语境 3)应该或至少听起来是一段完整的语言材料4)谈话双方的身份应该明确,5)材料应该有足够的信息量 6)材料中不应该出现生词7)材料内容应尽量符合考生的年龄特征8)材料长度应该合适,4.试题命制1)试题应该均匀分布2)问题应按材料内容的先后顺序排列3)对话/短文的第一句一般不要设题4)题干最好采用问题的形式5)题干和选项应简明扼要(不是考阅读)6)试题应测试听力而非其它考查内容,7)应确保正确答案的唯一性

34、8)各干扰项均应有一定的干扰性9)各选项的长度、难度应该基本一致10)应避免各选项相互包容,V句子翻译考查重点:各类重要句型结构及搭配、重点词的用法及习惯表达、主要语法规则及其运用等。试题命制:1)句型结构应多样化2)不要出现生词或太专业的词汇3)提供的关键词应是最常用的词汇,VI写作(只能算作“书面表达”,并非真正意义上的写作)1)提供给考生的模拟情景要真实可信,要求写出的材料应有一定的实际意义。2)模拟情景应符合考生的年龄特点,应尽量是考生经历过的或熟悉的、有话可说的事情。,3)不应考查考生“写作”之外的能力,要求写的内容应是考生的生活常识;否则,考生可能会因不理解要求写的内容等非语言因素而失分。4)要求写作内容的难度与试卷其他部分的难度基本保持一致。5)命题的同时应考虑评分的可靠性。,VII.英语常规测试命题发展趋势1.力求难度适中,无偏题和怪题2.扩大主观题比例,注重对文化意识和情感、态度及价值观等方面的考查3.关注能力考查,关注语言学习策略,训练思维能力,Thanks and Best Wishes,


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