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1、Section A,九年级新目标,Unit 15Were trying to save the manatees!,Warm upAnimals are mans friends.,Which animal is the biggest on land?,elephant:enormous,gray,Which animal only lives in Australia?,kangaroo:playful,Which animal looks most like the human being?,chimpanzee:noisy,playful,furry,Which animal runs

2、 fastest in the world?,cheetah:aggressive,spotted,fast,Which animal is the king of the forest?,tiger:aggressive,Whats this?How to describe it?,manatee:gentle,shy,Whats this?How to describe it?,panda:gentle,furry,white and black,Whats this?How to describe it?,polar bear:aggressive,funny,1a.Write thes

3、e words in the below.,1b Listen and circle the words in 1a.,gentle furry enormous playful noisy shy aggressive gray fast spotted,I am like this animal because I am strong and intelligent.I like water and I like to eat vegetables.,Youre like an elephant.,No.,Youre like a manatee.,Yes.,2a.Listen and m

4、atch the words with definitions.,2b.Listen again.Complete the chart.,manatee,2,500 in the US,water under trees in mangrove swamps,swamps polluted,not enough food,large,three meters long,weighs 1,000 pounds,A:How big are manatees?B:Theyre about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1,000 pounds.,2c.Pairw

5、ork,Lets go to thezoo!,Do you think they are happy?,Do you think zoos are good for animals?,3a and 3b.Fill in the chart.,Animals are kept in tiny cages,Animals can hardly move at all,Animals are only given food once a day.,Zoos are living textbook.,Zoos provide homes for endangered animals.,Educate

6、people about caring for them.,The zoos provide homes for many endangered animals.,Zoos are like living textbooks for young people.Help to educate the public about caring for them.,4.Debate,I think that animals should not live in zoos.,I disagree with you.I feel that zoos provide clean and safe place

7、s for endangered animals to live.,Explanation,1.Were trying to save the manatees.我们正在竭尽全力拯救海牛.try to do=try ones best to do 努力去做某事。如:Every student should try to study hard in order to study in a university.为了进入大学学习,每个学生都应该 努力学习。,2.I am like this animal because I am strong and intelligent.be like=loo

8、k like=be similar to 像,看起来像。如:He is like his father。他像他的父亲。=He looks like his father.=He is similar to his father.,这里的like作介词,意思为“像”;like 还可作动词用,表示“喜欢”,like(doing)sth.喜欢做某事。如:He likes his father very much.他很喜欢他的父亲。Mary likes playing volleyball.玛丽喜欢打排球。,3.How big are manatees?海牛有多大?How big.询问体重。以how组

9、合的疑问词 组有很多,如:how old 询问年龄 how often 询问频率 how long 询问动作持续的长短 how much 询问质量或者价钱 how far 询问距离 how many 询问数量 how soon 询问过多久,4.they weigh about 1,000 pounds,他们大约重1000磅。weigh,动词,“称重量,测重量”。e.g.He weighed the stone in his hand.他用手掂了掂这块石头的重量。The piece of meat weighs four pounds.这块肉重四磅 weigh的名词形式是weight,“重量”。

10、e.g.What is your weight?你的体重是多少?,5.Im writing to say that I am against building a new zoo in our town.(1)against 介词,反对,违反,与相反(=opposite)。e.g.Are most people against the proposal?大多数人反对这项提议吗?(2)against介词还有触,碰,倚,靠的意思。e.g.Put the piano there,with its back,against the wall.把钢琴放在那里,背靠着墙.,(3)be against do

11、ing sth.反对做某事 反义词组是 be for doing sth.赞成某事 e.g.All the people around the world are against cloning human beings.全世界的人民反对克隆人类。All of us are for peace and against war.我们都赞成和平,反对战争。,6.Ive visited a lot of zoos in my life,and I have never seen one I liked or one that was suitable for animals to live in.(

12、1)be suitable for sb to do sth.表示“适合某人 做某事”,这里suitable 是suit的形容词形式,表示“合适的”。kind of bamboo is not suitable for pandas to eat.这种竹子不适合给熊猫吃。,This dress suits you very much,but unfortunately it doesnt fit you.这套女装款式非常适合你,只可惜大小不合适。(2)to live in 在此处作animals的后置定语。英语 中动词不定式短语做名词定语,放在后面。e.g.There is nothing f

13、or us to worry about.我们没有什么可以担心的。,7.The animals are kept in tiny cages.动物被关在极小的笼子里。(1)tiny=little 很小的,带有感情色彩.e.g.the tiny country 国家小(含可爱的意思)a small country 小国家(与large country 相对应)a little boy 小男孩,爱怜之意(不含身材矮小),(2)tiny 和 little常做定语,一般不做表语,small 既可以做定语,也可以做表语。little 还可表示“一点点的”,修饰不可数名词。e.g.There is a l

14、ittle milk in the bottle.瓶里有一点点的牛奶。,8.I was surprised to find hardly anyone there.我非常惊讶地发现在那几乎没有人(1)surprised 在这里是过去分词做形容词。常用词组:be surprised at sth.对某事感到惊讶 be surprised to do sth.很惊讶地做某事e.g.I was surprised at the news./to hear the news.听到这个消息我很吃惊。,(2)surprise作动词,“使惊讶”,=amaze。e.g.She is over 80?You s

15、urprised me!她80多岁了?真想不到!(3)surprise还可作名词,“惊奇,惊讶”,常用 词组有:in surprise 惊奇地 to ones surprise 使某人惊奇地e.g.To my surprise,the plan succeeded.我感到惊奇的是那计划竟然成功了。,(4)surprising 形容词,惊讶的,惊奇的。(侧重指事物本身具有的特点)e.g.His words surprised me.他的话使我大吃一惊。It is surprising news.它是一个令人惊讶的消息。,9.They provide homes for many endanger

16、ed animals,and help to educate the public about caring for them.(动物园)他们为许多濒危的动物提供了家,也有助于教育众人来关心这些动物。(1)provide sb.with sth.provide sth for sb.提供给某人某物e.g.The firm provided me with a car.Can you provided accommodation for thirty people?,(2)provide for sb.供应某人所需。如:He worked hard to provide for their la

17、rge family.他努力工作以供养一家人。He has a large family to provide for.他要养活一个大家庭。(3)the public 指“民众,公众”。在英语中,定冠词the 后接形容词表示一类人。,e.g.the young 年轻人 the wounded 受伤的人(4)care for sb.可做“照顾,照料,看护”的意思。care for sth.“希望或喜欢(做某事)”。e.g.care for the sick 照看病人 Would you care for a cup of tea?你要不要来杯茶?,10.I urge all of your re

18、aders to visit our wonderful zoo soon.我们竭力主张你们所有的读者赶快来参观 我们的很棒的动物园。(1)urge 作动词,“力劝,鼓励,怂恿,极力主张,强调”。e.g.They urged us to go with them.他们怂恿我们一起去。She urged the important of speed.她强调速度的重要性。,(2)urge 还可作名词,“强烈的欲望,冲动”;urgent 形容词,“紧急的”。e.g.He has an urge to travel.他有去旅行的强烈欲望。(3)词组:urge sth.,on/upon sb.极力推荐

19、urge sb.on sth.鼓励某人做某事 urge against 极力反对,Review of Tenses,Present ProgressivePresent Simple“used to”+infinitive Present Perfect Past progressive Future simple Passive Voice,What a fine day today!Look!What are they doing?,Lily,Lucy,1.现在进行时:Present Progressive,概念:表示现在正在发生的动作结构:be(is,am,are)+doing标志语:L

20、ook!、Listen!、now,动词-ing形式的构成,The twins _(wash)the clothes now.2.Look!He _(play)basketball over there.3.Listen!_ Sally _(sing)?,are washing,is playing,Is,singing,Exercise,2.How often do you?(once a week,twice,never),I have a friend.His/Her name is.He/She plays.,一般现在时:Present Simple概念:表示习惯、经常性的动作结构:do

21、、does标志语:usually、often、never、sometimes、once a week、twice a month、every year,They _(wash)the clothes every day.2.Sometimes he _(play)basketball over there.3.How often _ Sally _(sing)?,washes,plays,Exercise,does,sing,-What did you do last Sunday morning?-I went to.,3.一般过去时,Last Sunday morning,my frien

22、d.In the afternoon,he/she.And at night,he/she,一般过去时:Past Simple概念:表示过去发生的动作结构:did标志语:yesterday、.ago、in 1992、last week/month,动词-ed形式的构成:,不规则动词的过去式,1.They _(wash)the clothes yesterday.2.The day before yesterday he _(play)basketball over there.3._ Sally _(sing)two hours ago?,washed,played,Exercise,Did,

23、sing,-Have you packed yet?-Yes,I have packed.No,I havent,4.现在完成时,现在完成时:Present Perfect概念:表示已经发生的动作结构:has done、have done标志语:already、yet、ever、never、since、for,不规则过去分词,不规则过去分词,The twins _(wash)the clothes for an hour.He _(play)basketball since three years ago.How long _ Sally _(sing)yet?,have washed,has

24、 played,Exercise,has,sung,5.过去进行时:Past Progressive 概念:表示过去正在发生的动作 结构:be(was,were)+doing 标志语:at 8:00 yesterday、when、while、,6.一般将来时:Future Simple概念:表示将要发生的动作结构:will do、shall do、be(is/am/are)going to do标志语:tomorrow、in.、next,概念:表示主语是动作的承受者,即行为动作的 对象的一种语态。结构:be+动词过去分词e.g.In 1972,it was discovered that th

25、ey were endangered Our classroom is cleaned every day,7.Passive voice,I usually _ up at 6:00,but yesterday I _up at 7:00,and tomorrow I _(get)up at 6:30.2.Listen!Someone _(knock)at the door.3.I _(be)in Beijing for two years.4.How often _Andy_(surf)the Internet?,get,got,will get,is knocking,have been

26、,does,Exercise,surf,5.He fell asleep while he _(read)a book.6.I_ never_(hear)of that man before.7.My brother often _(go)for walks last summer.8._the story _(happen)in London in 1940?,was reading,have,went,heard,Did,happen,9.What _he _(do)when his mother opened the door?10.If it _(not rain)tomorrow,t

27、hey _(go)fishing.11._ Kates sisters _(play)the piano every Sunday?12.They _(not call)you the day after tomorrow.14.Tom _(work)there since two years ago.,was,doesnt rain,will go,Do,wont call,doing,play,has worked,Homework,Write an article to introduce one endangered animal and give your opinions about how to protect the animals.,


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