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1、,Unit 5It must belong to Carla.,.section A 1a-2c 一、教学目标 1.知识目标:(1)words:belong to,favorite author,at the picnic,hair band,toy car,listen to,classical music,play the guitar,much too,study French(2)sentences:1.Whose book is this?It must be Marys.Hemingway is her favorite author.It could be Carols.She

2、studies French.2.Whose T-shirt is this?It cant belong to John.Its much too small for him.(3).Grammar:The usage of“must,can,could,may,might,cant”2.语言目标 Make inferences using the target language.,3.能力目标(1)Train students listening skill.(2)Train students writing skill.(3)Train students ability to deduc

3、e.二、教学重点 1.Listening and writing practice using the target language.2.Make inferences using the target language.三、教学难点 辨析must,could,might,cant的用法并加以正确运用。,读一读,译一译。属于 最喜爱的作家在野餐 发带玩具车 听古典音乐 弹吉他太小 学法语,belong to,at the picnic,toy car,classical music,much too small,favorite author,hair band,listen to,play

4、 the guitar,study French,情态动词在表示推测时的用法 must:show that you think something is probably sure.(90%)must的语气最为强烈,它是以事实为依据而进行的 推测,可能性最大。eg:Listen to the songs!They must be very happy.当must用来表示推测时,它的否定形式是can not,而不 能用must not.can/could:show that you think something is possible sure.20%80%)could 表示以事实、理由为依据

5、而进行猜测,用 来指现在的可能性,但语气没有must那么肯定Could 的语气比can更委婉。eg:This can be your good chance.,The French book could belong to Mary.She studies French now.may/might 在表示推测时,语气比较弱,没有那么肯定,一般没有足够的客观依据,说话人对事情把握不大。eg:That might be Peters T-shirt.*may和might不用于提问是否可能的疑问句,表示这种意思时应该用can或could.*cant:show that you are almost

6、sure something is not true.(0%)表示没有可能或不可能,语气肯定。eg:That T-shirt cant be mine.Thats much too big for me.,*belong to 是属于的意思 The car belongs to my uncle.这句话还可以说:The car is my uncles.当表述某物属于某人时,注意这两句的不同。belong to后直接加人名或人称代词宾格,而第二句be动词后要用名词所有格形式。The book belongs to me./The book is mine.The T-shirt belongs

7、 to Tom./The T-shirt is Toms.选择 1.Liu Meis name is on the bag.It _ hers.A.was B.has been C.must be D.will be 2.Dick isnt at school today.He _ ill at home.A.may be B maybe C.was D.cant be 3.My friend has lost his blue bike.This one _ his.A.maybe B.must be C.might be D.is 4.Who _ this building belong

8、to?A.is B.does C.was D.has,C,A,C,B,A:Whose basketball is this?Is it Phillips?B:It must be Phillips.Because he loves playing it.,A:Whose football is this?Is it Miao Liangliangs?B:It must be Miao Liangliangs.Because he loves playing it.,A:_ notebook is this?Is it Joes?B:It must belong to him.Because h

9、is name is on the cover.,A:_ CD is this?Is it Lindas?B:It must belong to her.Because she loves listening to music.,Whose,Whose,have a picnic,T-shirt,coat,CD,book,toy car,cups,magazine,Practise making conversations,A:Look!Whose toy car is this?B:It must be Janes little brothers.Because he was the onl

10、y little kid in the picnic.,A:Look!Whose book is this?B:It must be Marys.Because Hemingway is her favorite author.,A:Whose CD is this?B:It must be Graces.Because she always listens to classical music.,Listening text,Bob:Oh,look!_ backpack do you think this is?Anna:I dont know.Look,heres a school T-s

11、hirt.Bob:Well then,the person must go to our school.Oh!Here is a _ _,so the person cant be a boy.Anna:It _ _ Meis hair band.She has long hair.Bob:Or the hair band _ belong to Linda.She was at the picnic,wasnt she?Anna:Yes,she was.But then the backpack could _ to Rita.Shes always _ things.Bob:Oh,look

12、!Tennis balls.Anna:Then it must be Lindas _.She has long hair and shes on the tennis team.Bob:Youre right!,Whose,hair,band,could,be,might,belong,forgetting,backpack,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,1.The person _ go to our school.2.The person _ be a boy.3.It _ be Meis hair band.4.The hair band _

13、 belong to Linda.5.It _ be Lindas backpack.,must,cant,could,might,must,Fill in the blanks with“must”,“might”,“could”or“cant”.,1.The notebook _ be Mings.It was on her desk.2.The homework _ be Carols.She wasnt at school today.3.The soccer ball _ be Johns or Tonys.They both play soccer,dont they?4.The

14、French book _ be Li Yings.Shes the only one whos studying French.5.I cant find my backpack.It _ be still at school.6.The photo _ be Lus.Those are his parents.7.The red bicycle _ be Hus.She has a blue bicycle.8.This ticket _ be my aunts or uncles.Theyre both going to the concert.,must,must/might,must

15、,must,cant,might/could,might/could,cant,Do exercises.1.There is _snow and its _ cold this winter.A.too much,much too B.too much,too much C.much too,much too D.much too,too much 2.What are you _?Im _ my backpack,I cant _ it.A.look for,find,look for B.finding,finding,look for C.looking for,looking for,find D.finding,looking for,find 3.This CD belongs to _.A.my B.I C.me D.mine 4.The T-shirt _ be mine.Its too small for me.A.must B.could C.might D.cant 5.The basketball might be _.A.he B.him C.his D.hes,A,C,C,D,C,Thank you!,


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