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1、,Do、,第八单元复习课内容,人工湖 Artificial lake,Do、,have/has gone to 表示去了某地,还没有回来,属于瞬间动词(暂短性 动词),不与一段时间连用.Where is Tom?-He has gone to England.(他去了英国)言外 之意:他不在说话现场,哈利法塔图828 meters tall片,S2.have you decided yet which book to write about for English class?Yes,Little Women.Ive already finished reading it!讲解:1.现在完成时

2、的第一种用法:表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或者产生的结果。2.现在完成时的构成:havehas+动词的过去分词3.已经already和动词的现在完成时的肯定句连用4.已经yet和动词的现在完成时的疑问句连用,Do、,I wont go to see the film tonight because I _ my ticket.A.didnt lose B.have lost C.will lose D.didnt have,S3.Which book did you choose?I choseTreasure Island,but I havent finished reading i

3、t yet.Im only on page25.讲解:1.还yet和动词的现在完成时的否定句连用2.现在完成时的否定句句结构:havent或者hasnt+动词的过去分词3.一般过去时陈述一件过去的事情,与现在没有关系;4.现在完成时表示与现在有关系的发生在过去的动作,它不与表示过去的时间状语(如yesterday,last week,a moment ago等)连用,Do、,I _ todays homework already.What about you?A.have finished B.finish C.to finish D.finishing11.Ann has gone to S

4、hanghai.So _ her parents.A.has B.had C.did D.have,S7.Ever since then,she has been a fan of American country music.讲解:1.since意思是自从.,以来,句子中有since引导的结构,主句的谓语动词用现在完成时2.since+时间点,如自从三天前以来since three days ago,3.since引导的时间从句的谓语动词用一般过去时 4.对since引导的结构提问用how long 5.since引导的结构表示一段时间6.have been+其他,一般和时间段连用,Do、,

5、1.Jim _(make)many friends since he _(come)to China.,2.My uncle bought the new car two months ago.=My uncle has _ the new car _ two months ago.,A fantastic place to have fun Have you ever been to Jinan?I have been there several times.I think its really a beautiful city.I fell in love with it when I f

6、irst travelled there.There are some beautiful places to have fun,Such as Baotanical Garden,Baotu Spring and Daming Lake.In the zoo,you can see many kinds of animals walking around and some are sleeping.You can easily buy what you want,Because there are lovely and fantastic gift shops everywhere.Buse

7、s and taxis can take you where you want to go.Welcome to Jinan.I would like to be your tour guide.,Do、,The Changes In My Hometown In the past,my hometown was very small,People lived a poor life.The houses were old and small.Pollution was very serious,there was rubbish everywhere.The traffic was not

8、convenient,So few visitors came here.Now great changes have taken place in my hometown.The environment has become more beautiful.The mountains have turned greener,the rivers are clearer and the sky are bluer.There are trees,flowers and grass everywhere.People live a better life.Their houses are larg

9、e and bright.Many people have their own cars.Every year,thousands of people from all over the world come to our city.Im sure it will get richer and more beautiful in the future.I love my hometown.,Do、,家庭作业1.抄写第8单元不会默写单词,抄写不会的动词原形过去式过去分词,以及第68页的语法要点 2.做完全程大考卷试卷上的期末综合评价卷三个试卷 3.复习背诵今天划的句型4.掌握课本112-113页的语法部分 5.背诵今天抄的范文,Do、,Do、,


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