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1、Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?,UFO,Welcome to our class,课前准备1英语书、练习本、双色笔、名校课堂、笔记本。每日一言:There is a will,there is a way.,Review of units 1-3,Grade 8,张敏,复习目标,1.记住八年级下1-3单元中的重点词汇,和句型(A、B、C)2.会用1-3单元中的重点语法造句(A、B)(1)过去进行时(The Past Progressive Tense)(2)一般将来时(The Simple Future Tense),1.take

2、 off 2.arrive in/at3.see off 4.take with 5.have been to 6.have gone to 7.take a bus/train/plane,(飞机)起飞,到达,为送行,随身携带,去过,去了,乘公共汽车/火车飞机,一.重点短语记忆大比拼5A组四会B组三会C组两会,8.book a room9.go on a trip 10.travel all over the world 11.have a e e up with14.catch up with15.call sb.up16.look out17.in order to 18.look st

3、h.up,定房间,去旅游,旅游世界各地,去野炊,变为现实,想出,赶上,打电话给.,当心/小心,为了,查阅/检查,二.用所给短语的适当形式填空(C组出示答案、B组补充、A组讲解),_ finish the work on time,he worked day and night.After years of hard work,his dream _ in the end.You can _ this word in the dictionary.Do you want to _ in this hotel?,In order to,came true,look up,book a room,5

4、.Li Hongs father_ often _her.So she cant go out with her friends on school nights.6._!The car is coming.7.Beijing is a beautiful place.I _ there three times.,is,strict with,Look out,have been,过去进行时,含义:表示过去某个时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。结构:be(was/were)+doing例句:What were you doing at six last night?I was doing hom

5、ework at six last night.,The Past Progressive Tense,Whats he doing now?,He is playing football.,What was he doing at three oclock yesterday afternoon?,He football.,was playing,What are they doing now?,They,What were they doing at ten last night?,They,are dancing.,were dancing.,Ask and Answer,1.What

6、_(be)you _(do)when he arrived?2.Jim_(sleep)when I came in.3.They _(watch)TV at 8:00 yesterday evening.4.Now he_(read)and_.,were,doing,was sleeping,were watching,is reading,writing,一.Fill in the blanks with the words,二.Translate these sentences into English,上课铃响时,你在干什么?What _ you _ when the class bel

7、l rang?当我妈妈进来时我正在看书.I _ _ when my mother came in.昨天晚上十点钟她正在做饭.She _ _ at ten oclock_.,were,doing,was reading,was cooking,last night/yesterday evening.,The Simple Future Tense,be going to+V原形,以人为主语,表示计划、打算去做某事,这种计划和打算往往是事前就有的.,表示人根据已有的事实和迹象,认为某事即将发生.,She is going to leave tomorrow.,Its going to rain.

8、,表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作.,be+V-ing(现在进行时),时态:一般将来时,They are studying together this weekend.,表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态.,We shall go to see him tomorrow.,(3)助动词 shall/will+V原形,(4)There will/is(are)going to be 将会有,There will be more buildings in ten years.There is going to be a meeting this afternoon.,常和一般将来时连用的时间状语有,ch

9、anges,What can you see in this picture?,50 years later,There will be more people.,There will be fewer trees.,There will be more pollution.,There will be将会有,There will be more buildings.,There will be more cars.,There will be less fresh air.,Free talk:How will the world be different in the future,100

10、 years from now?Could you make some predictions(预言)?Please talk with your partner.,Exercise,1.People will have robots in their homes 100 years.A at b in c after d with 2.Will there more cars in peoples homes?A have b has c be d/3.I think there will be people and pollution.A fewer,many b less,fewer c

11、 more less d less,fewer4.There wont be any in 100 years.A paper moneys b papers money c papers moneys d paper money5.We are going to_ on a trip next month.A going B go C went D gone6._ we take a bus to the park tomorrow?A Shall B Is going to C Lets,b,c,c,d,c,B,A,computerprogrammer,basketball player,pilot,engineer,teacher,actor,What will you be in 10 years?I will be a.Why?,书面表达,Thanks for your listening,Goodbye!,


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