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1、Unit 2 Robots,一、单词拼写,1._ n.天才,才干2._ vt.细看,粗略地看3._ n.too heavy and fat4._ vt.陈述,宣布5._ adj.优雅的,talent,scan,overweight,state,elegant,6._ n.等级较低者 7._ adj.兼职的8._ vt.陪伴,伴奏9._adj.糟糕的,可怕的10._ n.事物,暧昧关系,junior,part-time,accompany,awful,affair,11.declare vt._12.envy n.&vt._13.theoretical adj._14.staff n.&v._1

2、5.biography n._,宣布;宣称,嫉妒;羡慕,理论(上)的;假设的,全体员工;充当职员,传记;传记文学,16.thinking n._17.chapter n._18.divorce n.&v._19.affection n._20.fiction n._,思想;思考,章;回,离婚;与离婚,喜爱;爱;感情,小说;虚构或想象出来的事,三、词组互译,1.leave.alone _2.make a list of _3.test out _4.a pile of _5.or rather _,不管,让一个人待着,列清单,试验;考验,一堆;大量的,更确切地说,6.ring sb.up _7.

3、be attached to _8.爱上;喜欢上 _9.总共;共计 _10.一定会;很可能会_,给某人打电话,依恋;爱慕;附属于,fall in love with,in all,be bound to,11.节省或保留(钱等)_12.陪某人到某处 _13.在某方面有天赋 _14.渴望做某事 _15.转向,回转 _,turn around,set aside,accompany sb.to,has a talent for,desire to do sth.,二、词汇拓展,1.satisfaction n.满足;令人满意的事物 _adj.感到满意的;_adj.令人满意的;_adj.令人满意的;

4、够好 _vt.使满足;使满意;满足(要求),satisfy,satisfied,satisfying,satisfactory,(1)_(让他感到满意的是),his son got the first place in the singing competition held in Guangzhou.,To his satisfaction,be satisfied with 对满意(2)Nine out of ten housewives interviewed about the product _(satisfy)it.,are satisfied with,satisfy ones

5、needs/requirements/demands/desire,2.sympathy n.同情(心);支持;赞同 _adj.同情的;出于同情的_v.同情;赞同;支持 _同情 _对表示同情 out of sympathy,sympathetic,sympathize,feel/have sympathy for,express sympathy for,出于同情,(1)Knowing that he was injured,I wrote him a letter to express_(sympathize)for him.(2)He felt sympathy_ her misfortu

6、ne(不幸).,sympathy,for,(3)出于同情,他收留了我._,he gave me shelter for the night.,Out of sympathy,alarm vt.使警觉,使惊动;n.警报,惊恐alarmed adj.alarming adj.alarmingly adv.我不想惊动你,不过你的花园里有个陌生人.Alarmed by the noise,the birds flew away.如果有意外,请发出警报.,I dont want to alarm you,but there is a stranger in your garden.,Please giv

7、e the alarm if there is an accident.,3.favour/favor n.喜爱;恩惠;vt.喜爱;赞同,in favor of=in support of 赞成;支持do sb.a favor 帮某人一个忙;ask sb.a favour=ask a favour of sb.请某人帮忙favor A over B=prefer A to B favorite favorable,(1)请你帮我拿一下行李好吗?Could you please_ to take the baggage?(2)就我个人来说,我赞成前面一种看法。Personally,I am_ t

8、he former view.,do me a favour,in favor of,(3)中国的父母们历来重男轻女。Chinese parents traditionally_ _.,over girls,favor boys,4.desire(n.)want,wish,long for1.渴望,欲望,渴求have a desire for sth.迫切想要某物have a desire to do sth.渴望做某事desire sb.to do 想要某人做某事People all over the world _ peace and happiness.express ones desi

9、re that(同位语)2.desire that 主语+(should)+V原形,have a desire for,pile.n.堆,摞.叠v.堆起;堆积a pile of books/work/oilpiles of books/wood/snowpile up pileon pilewithPlease pile the books up.He piled the newspapers on the desk.He piled the table with many dishes.,4.scanscannedscanned n.vt.细看,仔细检查,粗略地看;浏览,扫描 他仔细查看了房

10、间的每一个角落.He _of the room.她吃着早饭把报纸大致看了一遍.She _over breakfast.a body scan a brain scan scanner,身体扫描,脑扫描,scanned the newspaper,scanned every corner,扫描仪,5.accompany vt.accompanied 陪伴;伴奏 accompany sb.to someplace 陪某人到 accompany sb.on/at sth.用为某人伴奏(1)她头一次出门,我想送她到车站。It is her first time to go on a long jour

11、ney;_ to the station.,Id like to accompany her,(2)那位歌手唱歌时是由钢琴伴奏的。The singer _ the piano.,was accompanied on,accompany with/by sth.be accompanied with/by sth.伴随,与某事同时发生或存在(常用于被动语态)狂风夹着暴雨。Strong winds _heavy rain.,are accompanied by,6.declare vt.宣布;声明;表明;宣称,declare for/against 声明赞成/反对declare that.宣布;声

12、明declare sb./oneself/sth.to be 宣称怎么样,(1)他声称自己是无罪的(innocent)。(至少两种译法)He declared_或_.,that he was innocenthimself(to be)innocent,(2)人民声明反对这场战争。The people declare_.,against the war,7.junior adj.较年幼的;资历较浅/地位较低的 n.年少者;晚辈;等级较低者,be junior to sb.比某人年少,职位较低be senior to sb.be junior/senior to sb.by+年龄,理解:用适当的

13、词填空或用所给词的适当形式填空。(1)He is junior_ all the people _ work here.(2)He is junior _ me,though he looks _(old).,to,who,to,older,8.talent n.天才;天赋;才干,have a talent/gift for.有才能/天赋;在某方面有天赋,Talent depends upon industry.天才靠勤奋。,运用:根据汉语意思,完成英语句子。(1)王老师是一个才华横溢的人。Mr.Wang is a _ man.(2)那女孩有音乐天赋。The girl _ music.,has

14、 a talent for,talented,9.divorce n.离婚;断绝关系 vt.与离婚;与脱离 I am absolutely furious(生气)that he divorced me to marry her.get divorceddivorce A from B Democracy cannot be divorced from social and economic progress.民主离不开社会和经济的进步。,10.obey vi.&vt.服从;顺从 obedient Most people obey the laws.Soldiers obey orders fr

15、om their commanders.disobey v.不服从,不顺从,(1)任何学生都必须遵守校规。Any student should_.(2)他别无选择,只有服从。He had no choice _.,but to obey,obey the school rules,重要词组,11.test out考验;充分检验;测试;(1)昨晚我叫他过来测试我的新电脑。I asked him to_ _.,test out my new computer last night,(2)科学家靠实验检验理论。Scientists _ by experiment.,test out theories

16、,拓展:完成以out 结尾的动词短语。(1)_ out 设计出;计算出(2)_ out 拿出;取出(3)_ out 穿破;耗尽;(4)_ out 出来;显露(5)_ out 动身;开始(6)_ out 想明白,理解,弄清楚,work,take,wear,come,set,figure,12.turn around转身;回转,使(业务)好转(1)我转过身去发现父亲站在那儿。I _ and saw my father standing there.(2)在近三年里她已使公司的业务好转起来。In the last 3 years she_ the company_.,around,turned ar

17、ound,has turned,拓展:用适当的介词或副词填空。turn_交上,上缴:turn_ 调大(声音,热度)turn_调低(声音,热度);拒绝 turn_开(电灯,电视);启动(汽车)turn_关(自来水,电灯)turn_ 结果是/成为 turn_ 求助于;翻到(书中某页)。,in,up,down,on,off,out,to,13.set aside 把放在一边;留出,拨出(金钱或时间)(1)那辆旧车已被搁置一旁不再使用了。The old car _ and is out of use.,has been set aside,(2)争取每天至少抽出一个小时来学习新词汇。Try to _

18、each day for learning new vocabulary.,set aside at least an hour,拓展:用适当的词填空。set _(doing)sth.开始,着手 set _记下,写下 set _ 开始,动身;(使)爆炸 set _(to do)出发,开始 set _ 建立;竖立,升起,up,about,down,off,out,14.be bound to do sth.一定,注定要(1)大家应当遵守法律。All _.Youve done so much work_ _(你一定能及格).,are bound to obey the laws,(2)youre

19、bound to pass the exam,(3)引进新的体制后一定会有变化的。_ changes when the new system is introduced.,There are bound to be,leave alone let alone不管,别惹;让一个人呆着;和单独在一起别去惹那条狗.让她一个人呆着,一会就没事了.我已告诉过你别动我的东西.,Leave that dog alone.,Leave her alone.She will be OK soon.,Ive told you to leave my things alone.,佳句诵写,1.原句:As she t

20、urned around,there stood Gladys Claffern.她刚一转过身,就看到格拉迪斯。克拉芬站在那里。(L11,P11)句型:there stand(s).有,仿写:将下列句子译成英文。山顶有一座寺庙。(stand)_ on the top of the mountain.,There stands a temple,大门旁边矗立着两棵很高的树。_ by the gate.那儿站着一位长发飘逸的女孩。_with long hair.,There stand two tall trees,There stands a pretty girl,2.课本原句:.you ca

21、nnot have women falling in love with machines.总不能让女人与机器相爱吧。句型:have sb.doing sth.让/容许/教会某人做某事,仿写根据汉语意思完成英语句子。他不许他的孩子在公共场合无理顶撞。He wont _ back rudely in public.,have his children/child answering,跟我学,我三天教会你开车。Learn with me.Ill _ in three days.,have you driving,虽然农场大,但我爸爸一直只雇了两人为他干活。Although the farm is

22、large,my dad has only two men _ for him.,working,难句分析,She cried out“Tony”and then heard him declare that he didnt want to leave her the next day and that he felt more than just the desire to please her.(P11-38)她大叫一声“托尼”,然后听到托尼一本正经地说他不想第二天离开她,而且他并不满足于仅仅使她开心。,结构分析:句中cried out和heard是主句中的并列谓语。that.and t

23、hat.是两个并列的从句,作declare的宾语;注意:出现两个或两个以上的由that引导的并列宾语从句时,只有第一个that可以省去,其余需保留。,六、语法专练,1.Many accidents _(cause)by careless driving.2.The library_(build)in 1998.3.The child _(take)good care of at present.,is being taken,are caused,was built,4.He told us that the foods would _ _(give)to the homeless.5.Has your lost book_(find)?,given,be,been found,6.Tom will _(appoint)manager for his excellent performance.7.The road _(widen)this time last year.8.Many graduates want _(send)to Tibet.,to be sent,be appointed,was being widened,Thank you!,


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