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1、,Unit 3 Our Hobbies,Topic 3,What were you doing at this time yesterday?,Section B,授课者:罗定市廷锴纪念中学 梁翠华,Learning goals:1.Go on learning the past continuous tense(过去时).2.Learn to express agreement(同意)and disagreement(不同意).3.Learn to exchange information and express your own opinions on common topics in d

2、aily life(表达自己的意见).,Listen to the tape and answer the questions.,The mouse _ _ a shower.,The cat _ _.,The mouse _ _ the cats cake.,They _ _ happily.,was taking,was sleeping,was carrying,were chatting,Have you ever watched the movie Harry Potter?,agreement,Wonderful!,Exciting!,Interesting!,disagreeme

3、nt,I agree with you.,I dont think so.,I dont agree with you.I think its terrible.,Just so-so!(一般),I think so.,Listen to 1a and mark True(T)or False(F).,()1.Jane thinks Harry Potter is wonderful and Maria agrees with her.()2.Jane thinks its scene(布景)was beautiful but Maria doesnt think so.()3.Maria e

4、njoys its music but Jane doesnt agree with her.()4.They both think Harry Potter is handsome and brave.,F,T,F,T,Read 1a and practice in pairs.,Group work 比赛规则:每组选一幅图进行对话,每幅图的分值(10,20,30分)不等,看哪个小组准备得又快又好,得分最高。,只有三次机会哦!,Example:A:Whats your hobby?B:I like collecting stamps.(My hobby is)A:Why?B:Because

5、I can learn a lot about people,places,history and special events from stamps.A:I dont agree with you.I think Its boring.(I dont think so.),Group Work,Make conversations in groups according to your own opinions.,1,2,3,classical music,throw litter round,do exercise,20 points,30 points,10 points,Listen

6、 to 2a and fill in the blanks.,Kangkang:Hi,Bill.You look so _.Whats the matter?Bill:Oh,nothing.Its nothing serious.Kangkang:Come on,Bill.Bill:Well,Miss Wang was angry _ me.Kangkang:Why?Bill:Because I _ _ and made my classmates laugh when she was _us a lesson.Kangkang:Oh,you _ listening to the teache

7、r.Thats not good!I think youd better _ _ to Miss Wang.Bill:All right,I will.,sad,with,made faces,giving,werent,say sorry,Learn and discuss some language points in groups.(见资料),Group work,Preview一.Translation看电影_ 同意某人(的看法)_ 3.我认为如此 I think so.4.我不认为是这样_ 5.昨晚这个时候你在做什么?我在床上读小说。-What _ you _ at this tim

8、e last night?-I _ _ novels on the bed.6.-_ the scene beautiful?(难道这布景不漂亮吗?),watch a movie/see a film,agree with sb.,I dont think so.,were doing,was reading,Wasnt,-I think _(集邮一定很有趣)-I agree with you./_(我赞成你的观点。/我不同意你的看法。),二Language points:Wasnt the scene beautiful?这是否定疑问句,表示肯定意义,特别应注意其回答方式。如:-Isnt i

9、t beautiful?-Yes,it is.不,它漂亮。或-_,it _.是的,它不漂亮。,collecting stamps must be of great fun.,I dont agree with you.,No isnt,-Dont you like milk?-_,I _.(不,我喜欢。)或-_,I _.(是的,我不喜欢。)2.pleasant adj.“令人愉快的,令人舒适的”,主 要指使人身心满足,将快乐给予他人的性格、氛围或场合,既可用于人也可用于物。如:She has a pleasant voice.她的声音悦耳动听。The weather there isnt ve

10、ry pleasant.那儿 的气候不太好。3.agree with sb.同意某人(的意见、观点)agree on/about sth.同意某事 agree to do sth.同意做某事,Yes do,No dont,My father agreed _ _ me a new computer yesterday.昨天爸爸同意给我买一台新电脑。I _ _ him about this matter.我与他在这一问题上意见一致。We _ _ the plan.我们一致同意这个计划。4.look 系动词 意为“看起来”,后面可以接形容词、名词、介词短语以作表语。如:1)Tom looks ve

11、ry _.汤姆看起来非常的强壮。(形容词做表语)2)Amy looks a fool.埃米看起来像一个傻瓜。(名词做表语)3)You look like your mother.你看起来很像你的母亲。(介词短语做表语),to buy,agreed with,agreed on,strong,5.make sb.do 让某人做某事 The teacher makes _ _ English for two hours every day.老师让我们每天学习两个小时的英语。6.laugh v.出声大笑;发笑 laugh at 取笑,嘲笑 They laughed at their own fail

12、ure.他们对自己的失败一笑置之。,us learn,1.Wasnt the scene beautiful?此句为否定疑问句,表示肯定意义。e.g.-Isnt he handsome?难道他不帅吗?-Yes,he is.不,他帅。或-No,he isnt.是的,他不帅。-Dont you like milk?-Yes,I do.不,我喜欢。或-No,I dont.是的,我不喜欢。,Difficult points,2.agree with sb.同意某人(的意见、看法)I agreed with him about this matter.我与他在这一问题上意见一致。agree on/abo

13、ut sth.同意某事 They agreed on the plan.他们一致同意第二天离开那里。agree to do sth.同意做某事 My father agreed to buy me a new computer yesterday.,Do some exercises.,Consolidation,一、请根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空 一词。1.对不起,我不同意你的看法。Sorry,I dont _ _ you.2.我们同意早点出发。We _ _ start early.3.请不要在课堂上做鬼脸。Dont _ _ in class.,agree with,agreed to

14、,make faces,4.-难道你不喜欢打篮球吗?-不,我喜欢。-_ you _ playing basketball?-_,I _.5.不要嘲笑其他人。Dont _ _ others.6.-难道你不是一个学生吗?-不,我是。-_ you a student?-_,I am.,Dont like,Yes do,laugh at,ArentYes,二、句型转换 Jack was sleeping when the telephone rang.(变否定句)Jack _ _when the telephonerang.2.I was listening to violin music when

15、my mother came home.(变成一般疑问句)_ _ _ to violin music when your mother came home?They were playing on the computer at 6 p.m.the day before yesterday.(对划线部分提问)_ _ they _ at 6 p.m.the day before yesterday?,wasnt sleeping,Were you listening,What were doing,Get to know how to express ones own opinions.,Summary,Homework,1.Recite 1a and 2a.2.Think about what we should/shouldnt do in class.,


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