1、Unit 8 The seasons and the weathertopic 1 section A whats the weather like in summer?,Spring,Whats the weather like in spring?,Its warm,Summer,Whats the weather like in Autumn?,Its hot,Autumn/Fall,How is the weather in Fall?,Its cool,Its a good season to clamb the hill,Winter,How is the weather like
2、 in Winter?,Its snowy,Whats the weather like in Shede today?Its hot,Its a good time for swimming,Its a good time for doing sth.,小结,询问天气的两个句型,1.Whats the weather like-?=How is the weather like-?Its-.,Its a season/time for doing sth.=Its season to do sth.,听录音完成下列表格,1.A.Spring B.Summer C.Wnter D.Autumu
3、2.A.hot B.snowy C.windy D.foggy3.A.for B.on C.in D.to4.A.going swimming B.going shoppingC.going dancing D.going kiting5.A.this year B.last year c.now D.third,听录音完成1b,第一课时完,听录音完成2a对话,练习1a和2b,学生独立完成,教师加以指导,让学生自由地写出关于春、夏、秋、冬的字句,越多越好,为下一步作文铺垫。,同学们,我们已经学了春夏秋冬四个季节的特点以及气候特征,请选择一个季节以“I like-”为题写一篇短文。,第二课时完,