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1、Section B Period 1 If You Re Happy.mp3,Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling,Topic 3 Bicycles are popular.,连滩中学 胡岚凌,教学目标,1.Learn some new words学习新单词:warn,motorcycle,trouble2.继续学习条件状语从句:If we ride at night,we should have lights on the bicycle or wear light-colored clothes.If we break the traffic rules,we will get

2、a fine and even be in danger.3.Talk about traffic rules,signs and warnings.,1.讨论:Talk about the advantages(好处)of riding bicycles.,Free talk,It is faster than walking.,It can keep healthy for us.,It doesnt cause air pollution.,It is easy to park bikes.,Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.,1.

3、Many people around the world use bicycles for _ and _.,2.Cars often cost _times as much as bicycles.,3.Bicycles need _ than cars.,4.Cycling does not cause _.,5.Cycling is a useful _and it is good for our _.p44-4.mp3,work,pleasure,100,less space,air pollution,sport,health,two-fifths/half/20%/(once/tw

4、ice/three times)+as+adj.+as句型,自学指导一:看听力稿,再听一遍。,他跑步比我快一倍。He runs once faster than I.He runs twice as fast as I.我们的房间比他们的房间大两倍。Our room is twice larger than theirs.=Our room is three times as large as theirs.这个花园是那个花园的十倍大。倍数+形容词/副词的比较级+than.倍数+as+形容词/副词的原级+as.一倍 once两倍twice三倍three times,This garden is

5、 ten times as large as that one,This garden is nine times larger than that one.,2.Which traffic rules you should obey when you ride a bike to school?讨论:当你们骑自行车回学校应该要遵守哪些规则呢?,Free talk,自学指导一:听,读,然后分角色朗读课文并翻译p43-1a.mp3。,自学指导一:1、找出下列单词、短语,并说出它们的意思。,carelesshelmetlight-colored clothesbreak the traffic r

6、ulesget a finebe in dangera traffic station,粗心的头盔浅色的衣服违反交通规则收到罚单,收到处罚处于危险状态交通局,交警队,2.背诵单词。,自学检测一:快速说出下列单词、短语。,carelesshelmetlight-colored clothesbreak the traffic rulesget a finebe in dangera traffic station,粗心的头盔浅色的衣服违反交通规则收到罚单,收到处罚处于危险状态交通局,交警队,自学指导三:1.认真阅读下面的问题。,1.Why did the bike accident happen

7、?2.Whats Kangkangs suggestion?,The young man on the bicycle was very careless.,We can wear bicycle helmets when riding.If we ride at night,we should have lights on the bicycle or wear light-colored clothes.,2.先看一遍视频,然后回答上面的问题。P43-1a.swf,自学检测三:再次认真阅读课文,回答问题。What should we do to keep us safe when we r

8、ide bicycles?,We should never ride too fast.,We can wear bicycle helmets when riding.,If we ride at night,we should have lights on the bicycle or wear light-colored clothes.,We should know more about traffic rules.,自学指导四 Mach the traffic rules.,()1.If you ride at night,()2.If you ride your motorcycl

9、e on the street,()3.If you drive a car in Britain,()4.If you drive too fast,()5.If everyone obeys the traffic rules,you must be careful.you may have an accident.the roads will be safer.you must drive on the left-hand side of the road.you should have lights on the bicycle or wear light-colored clothe

10、s.,e,a,d,b,c,1.If we break the traffic rules,we will get a fine.“if”表示“如果,假如”;引导条件状语从句。如果主句是一般将来时,从句常用 _。若主句是祈使句或含有情态动词时,从句用_.e.g.如果明天天气好,我们就去公园。If it_(not rain)tomorrow,we will go to the park.If you _(be)ill,you must go to see the doctor.Please ring me up if you_(want)to go with me.2.I dont know if

11、/whether hes right.(Unit8topic3学)“if”还表示_引导宾语从句,一般现在时,一般现在时,doesnt rain,are,want,“是否”;,I dont know if he _(come)tomorrow.If he _(come),I will tell him.,will come,comes,If we break the rules,we will get a fine.,break the rules get a fine,cross a busy road be in danger,not drive carefullyget hurt,make

12、 a wrong turncause trouble,Picture2:If you cross the busy road,you will be in danger Picture3:If you make a wrong turn,you will cause trouble.Picture4:If you don t drive carefully,you will die.,自学指导四:完成课本1b部分。,请帮助迈克和康康填空并画出交通标志。,Traffic lights,Red means_Green means_Yellow means_,Crossing,There is a

13、crossing ahead.It warns us to be more_.,careful,wait,stop,go,warn sb(not)to do sthwarn sb against doing sth,traffic signs,No left turn,Go straight ahead,You cant_here.,Go along the road,please.,turn left,No parking,Dont _ here.,Danger,Its _,park,dangerous,当堂训练,I根据首字母提示填空1.Keep away!The building is i

14、n d of collapsing(垮塌)at any time.2.Its safer to ride wearing l clothes at night.3.Whats your t?Im afraid of riding home alone at night.4.Its safe for us to wear helmets when we ride m on the road.5.Our parents tell us that we should always cross the road at the c.6.The s on the wall said“No Spiting.

15、”,anger,ight-colored,rouble,otorcycles,rossing,ign,II根据汉语意思完成句子1.他爸爸经常警告他,不要在马路上玩。His father often him on the road.2.他昨天被罚款40元。He a¥40 yesterday.3.很多人骑自行车是为了健康和娱乐。Many people bicycles health and pleasure.4.在中国你必须靠右行驶。You must drive of the road in China,warns,not to play,got,fine,ride,for,on the right-hand side,当堂训练,一,认真写同步练习册P31 Section B第一二三大题必做,第四大题选作,


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