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1、Chapter Nine Services,Unit Aims,Passages,Dialogues,Unit Aims,Unit Aims)内容重点(Language Focus))技能要求(Skills),交际重点(Communicative Focus)能够在邮政、宾馆、银行等岗位上接待外国人;同外国人交流有关邮政、宾馆、银行服务等方面的简单信息。,内容重点(Language Focus),2.重点训练词组(Focal Expressions)pick up above all depend on as soon as fill out wait in line single room

2、put in double room take out check in different from put in at your service on business take into,3.重点句型和习惯表达法(Focal Functions and Patterns)Id like to send this letter by airmail.Wait a minute,please.Please fill it out.Whats the charge?Heres the receipt.What kind of room do you want,single or double?

3、When would you like to check in?How many nights will you stay?You will find everything as nice as you would.,1.听力:听懂有关服务的简短文章和对话。2.阅读:读懂有关服务的文章,并回答问题。3.写作:改写句子:掌握有关句型和表达,利用所学语法结 构和句型改写句子。书面表达:能够用简单句写通知等。4.口语:熟读对话与课文,背诵对话语句,并就课文 内容进行对话问答。,技能要求(Skills),Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 Dialogue 3 Dialogue 4,Bill

4、goes to the post office.He wants to send a letter to the US and pick up his parcel.C:Good afternoon!B:Good afternoon!Id like to send this letter to the US.Can you tell me how much it costs,please?C:It depends on the weight of the letter and the kind of mail youd like to use.B:Id like to send this le

5、tter by airmail.C:Ok.Let me weigh the letter first.Its a bit heavy.You need to buy 1.2 dollars stamps for it.,Dialogue 1,B:Oh,yes.And I have to pick up my package.This is the parcel notice.C:Wait a minute,please.Here you are.B:Thank you very much.C:Not at all.,Dialogue 1,1.How does Bill want to send

6、 the letter?2.How much does Bill need to pay?,He wants to send the letter by airmail.,He needs to pay 1.2 dollars.,取回,收集 I come to pick up my parcel.拿起,拾起,捡起 He picked up his hat and went away.用(车)来接,可以是到某处去接某人或载货,也可以是中途顺便把人或物带走。Please pick me up at the airport.,pick up,depend on,动词词组,意思为“取决于,由决定”,后

7、接名词。eg:It depends on your choice.这取决于你的选择。depend vi.依赖,依靠;取决于;相信 dependent adj.依靠的;从属的;取决于 n.依赖他人者;受赡养者,Mrs.Whites buying a bike for her daughter.M:Excuse me,how can I send 3,000 yuan to Shanghai?C:Here is a postal order,please fill it out.M:Thank you.What is the charge?C:30 yuan.M:Here is the money

8、,3,030 yuan,please count.C:Thank you.C:Right.Heres the receipt.M:Thank you very much.C:Youre welcome.,Dialogue 2,How to send money by post?How much does Martin pay for the charge?,Fill out a postal order.,30 yuan.,填写,填充 Please fill out the form.近义词短语:fill in Fill in the blanks with articles where(it

9、 is)necessary.在必要的地方用冠词填空。,fill out,费用是多少?charge n.费用eg:The charge varies from 10 yuan to 20 yuan.费用从10元到20元不等。free of charge 免费,Whats the charge?,给你收据。Here is(are)这儿有 Here is a postal order.给你汇款单。receipt n.收据 parcel receipt 包裹收据 warehouse receipt 仓库收据 goods receipt 货物收据,Heres the receipt.,Martin Ba

10、ird is booking a hotel room by phone.(Ringing)R:Good morning,this is the Garden Hotel.Can I help you?M:Good morning.Id like to book a room.R:All right.Whats your name,please?M:My name is Martin Baird.,Dialogue 3,R:Thank you,Mr.Baird.What kind of room do you want,single or double?M:Double.One double

11、room.R:Ok.When would you like to check in?M:On December 6th.R:How many nights will you stay?M:Three.What is the price?R:127 dollars each day including breakfast.M:Good.Thank you.,Dialogue 3,What kind of room does Martin want to book?When will Martin check in?How many nights will Martin stay at the h

12、otel?,He wants to book a double room.,On December 6th.,Three nights.,book v.预订(在美语中常用reserve)Id like to book a table for six people tonight.我想预订今晚的一张六人的桌子。Can I book tickets for the film?我能预订电影票吗?booking n.预订 reservation n.预订 book a room 预订房间,book,您想要什么类型的房间,单人房还是双人房?single room 单人房 double room 双人房

13、triple room 三人房 suite 套房 single bed 单人床 double bed 双人床 twin beds 对床,What kind of room do you want,single or double?,check in 报到,记录;办理登记手续,入住 办理入住手续,是要给客人填写入住表格,内容包括:姓名、性别、国籍、居住地、身份证(外国人护照)号码、联络电话、入住日期天数。押金(由酒店填写),给回押金单据及酒店房间门匙给客人。eg:Please show your passport when you check in.在办理入住手续时请出示您的护照。check o

14、ut 结账离开,check in,An old lady comes to the bank.C:Good morning.What can I do for you?O:I want to get some money from ATM.But I dont know how to use it.Could you be so kind to show me how to use it?C:Id be glad to,Madam.O:Thank you.C:Firstly,you put in your card.O:Well.C:And then you enter your passwo

15、rd.,Dialogue 4,O:All right.C:Then you choose the amount you want to take.How much do you want?O:RMB 800.C:Well,in this case,you should enter the number here,and press“Enter”.O:So simple?C:Yes.Its easy to learn.O:Thank you very much.Youve been very kind.C:My pleasure.,Dialogue 4,1.What does the old l

16、ady want to do?2.How much does the old lady want to draw?,She wants to get some money from ATM.,She wants to draw RMB 800.,put in 插入,放入 It can be put in your pocket.它可以放在你的口袋里。短语:put away 把放好 put back 把放回原处,驳回 put down 放下,镇压,制止 put off 推迟,延期,推脱 put on 穿上 put ones heart into 全神贯注,专心致志,put in,Passage

17、1 Passage 2,Passage 1,Garden Hotel Our hotel is in a garden.The garden gives our hotel its name.Whether you come on business or on holiday at the garden hotel,you will find everything as nice as you would expect in a five-star hotel.Every bedroom has its own bathroom,telephone,and many other useful

18、thing.,In the restaurant,you can choose your meals from a lot of dishes,both Chinese and western.In the bar,you can drink with your family and friends while listening to beautiful light music.Or you can take your drink outside into the beautiful garden,or to the tables around the swimming pool.,By t

19、he way,the pool with clear water looks like a mirror.People will feel very comfortable to swim in it.By night,soft lights and music make it the perfect place for a party,or simply for an after-dinner drink and conversation.Above all,throughout the hotel,you will find the service friendly and nice as

20、 soon as you check in.,What sport can people certainly enjoy in the hotel?Do you like the Garden Hotel?Why or why not?,People can certainly enjoy swimming in the hotel.,Yes,I do.Because the Garden Hotels environment is beautiful and service is good.,Whether you come on business or on holiday at the

21、garden hotel,you will find everything as nice as you would expect in a five-star hotel.,住在花园酒店,不管是出差还是度假,你会发现一切都像你在一家五星级酒店里所期待的那样美好。,on business 出差 He goes to Beijing on business.他去北京出差。find 后常跟宾语从句,名词+形容词或形式宾语it+形容词+不定式。eg:I find it easy to understand this word.我发现理解这个词很容易。find a book interesting 觉

22、得某本书有趣,while,while作连词引导时间状语 we must strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁 While she was listening to the radio,she fell asleep.她听着收音机睡着了。while doing sth.当做什么事的时候,while,when,as的用法区别:都译为“当.的时候”,区别为:when后的从句谓语动词既可是延续性动词,也可是短暂性动词,而且还可作并列连词,译为“这时”。但以下句型一定用when,作并列连词:句型A:beabouttodowhen 正要做这时(发生另一事)句型B:was/we

23、redoingwhen 正在这时(发生另一事)句型C:haddonewhen 刚要做这时(发生另一事),Wewereabouttosetoutwhenitbegantorain.我们刚要出发天突然下雨了。Hehadhardlysatdownwhenhismobilerang.他刚一坐下手机就响了。I was walking along the bank of the river when I fell into it.我正沿河岸散步突然掉进水里。,while后的从句谓语动词只能是延续性动词,强调主从句的两个动词同时发生;while也可作并列连词,表示两个动作的对比,译为“而”“然而”。as则表

24、示两个变化中的动作的同时性,译为“一边一边”。While his mother was watching TV,the boy fell asleep in the chair.(在一个延续动作过程中发生另一个动作)2.He hurried home,looking behind as he went.他匆匆回家,边走边往后看。,above all,above all 最重要的是;特别是。强调要引起特别注意。We must work,and above all we must believe in ourselves.我们必须工作,尤其重要的是我们必须树立信心。after all 毕竟;终究;

25、到底。表示让步。He is certain to come.After all,hes already accepted the invitation.他肯定来,他毕竟已接受了邀请。,first of all 首先。强调次序。First of all,let me introduce myself to you.首先,让我作个自我介绍。in all 总共;总计 There are twenty in all in the party who will travel to Hongkong.赴香港的旅游团总共有20人。,Passage 2,Online Banking Do you still

26、go to a bank and wait in line to put in or take out your money?Do you wonder how to save the long waiting time?Well,if that has happened,try online banking.It is really better,and different from the old ways.Read the following,and you will know what online banking can do.,First of all,it is never cl

27、osed.It is 24/7,which means it is open 24hours a day and 7days a week,with no holiday breaks.You dont have to worry about bank hours anymore.Just use your mouse and it is right there at your service.,Secondly,is saves time.Do you remember how long have to wait in the line at the bank?Not any more!Yo

28、u can get to the online banking at home now.With the saved time you may do whatever you like.,Finally,it is easy to do a lot of different things.Besides managing your money,online banking also offers to pay for your telephone and online shopping,and there are still many offers waiting for your inter

29、est.Now do you want to open an online banking account and enjoy a different experience?,What does 24/7 mean?2.Why can you save time with online banking?,It means it is open 24hours a day and 7days a week,with no holiday breaks.,Because we can get to the online banking at home now.,3.Besides taking c

30、are of money,what else can online banking do?,It can also offers to pay for the telephone and online shopping,and there are still many offers waiting for your interest.,wait in line,wait in line 排队等候 Its a good manner to wait in line when you take the subway.排队等候坐地铁是好的行为。近义短语:queue up 排队等候,put in/ta

31、ke out,put in 存入,放入 put in money/deposit money 存钱 take out 取出 take out money/draw money/withdraw cash 取钱 pay money into/draw money out of an account 在一帐户中存(取)钱,at ones service 为某人随时提供服务 My car is at your service.我的汽车随你使用。If you need advice,Im always at yourservice.如果你需要参考意见,我随时可以帮忙。“at+ones+名词”的常见搭配

32、:at ones best 处于最佳状态 at ones convenience 在方便的时候 at ones leisure 有空时,方便时,at your service,With the saved time you may do whatever you like.,节省的时间你可以做任何你想做的事。with prep.有,带有 whatever adj.不管什么样的;pron.无论什么;诸如此类;conj.无论什么 eg:Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.任何一件值得做的事都应该把它做好。,besides,prep.

33、除以外,还 Besides a worker,he is also a student.除了是一个工人以外,他还是一个学生。adv.此外;而且 This problem is interesting and important besides.这个问题有趣而且重要。,区分besides 和 except:besides:“除之外还有”except:“不包括在内”或“除去”eg:Five of us passed besides Tom.除了汤姆及格值外科,我们还有五个人及格。All of us passed except Tom.=Tom did not pass.我们都及格了,汤姆除外。,The end,


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