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1、八下 Unit 4 A good read,Reading 2,Gullivers TravelsA Voyage to Lilliput,1.After our ship crashed against the rocks,I swam as far as I could 1).against:prep.表示“紧靠,碰,撞”,后接名词、代词、Ving形式等作宾语。他靠着桌子站着。He stood _.against 反对、对着你对此事是反对呢,还是赞成?Are you _it or for it?你不应该做违反法律的事情You shouldnt do anything _.,against

2、the table,against,against the laws,2)as+adj./adv.+as one can=as+adj./adv.+as possible 尽某人所能地e.g.这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。This film is _that one.他周一尽可能起的早.He got up _on Monday.你应该尽可能的细心。You should be _.,as interesting as,as early as he could,as early as possible,as careful as possible,2.By the time I finally fe

3、lt the land under my feet,I was tired out.,1)by the time 等到;到的时候,表示在此时间前,主句 的事情已经完成e.g.当我醒来时,好心人已经走了。The kind man had gone _I woke up.2)be tired out 筋疲力尽He _after his long trip to Yangzhou.至扬州长途旅行归来后,他觉得非常疲倦。,by the time,was tired out,3.I woke up as the sun was rising.rise vi.上升,升起(某物自己升起来)不加宾语,过去式:

4、roseraise vt.上升,增长(某人把某物举起来)后面必须加宾语,过去式:raisede.g.他举起了右手。He _ his right hand.空中升起了烟。Smoke _ into the sky.我们抬起头,望着太阳从桥上升起.We _ our heads to watch the sun _ over the bridge.,raised,rose,raised,rose,4.My arms,legs and hair were tied to the ground.,be tied to 被栓在上tie vt./vi.捆,绑,系,结,拴,tied,tyingEg:1.把你的鞋

5、带系上 _ 2.那匹马被拴在大树上。The horse _the big tree.3.小树苗应该绑在棍子上。The young trees should _the sticks.tie sth to 把绑到上e.g.他们把船绑到了树上。They _ a tree.tie 还可以作名词,领带,was tied to,be tied to,Tie your shoes,tied the boat to,5.It moved up over my stomach and neck until it was standing near my face.until 连词 直到为止1).用于肯定句中,主

6、句的谓语动词只能用延续性的,它所表示的动作一直延续到until表示的时间为止。Eg:我将在这儿等着你,直到你回来为止。Ill wait for you here until you come back.2).用于否定句时,主句的谓语动词可以是延续性或非延续性的。not.until 意为“直到才”Eg:她直到来我们学校才开始学习英语。She _ to learn English until she came to our school.,didnt begin,6.He was the same size as my little finger.,the same+名词+as“与一样”Eg:我的

7、外套和她的颜色一样,但是尺寸不同。My coat is _hers,but it is a different size.我的自行车和他的价格一样。My bike _his.,is the same price as,the same colour as,Useful phrases撞在岩石上尽某人可能游远到的时候筋疲力尽跌倒在海滩上睡着被捆在地上向上移动向下看和一样大小,crash against the rocksswim as far as sb.canby the timebe tired outfall down on the beachgo to sleepbe tied to t

8、he groundmove uplook downthe same size as,7.Soon more small men started climbing all over me.all over 到处,遍及;浑身e.g.全世界_ 地上到处都是书。There are books _.,all over the world,all over the place,8.However,they soon got up again and continued moving across my body.,continue to do/doing sth=go on doing sth继续做某件事

9、;Eg:工人们将继续建造这座桥The workers will _ the bridge.你最好继续做数学作业Youd better _ Maths exercises.,continue to do/doing,continue building/to build,9.I did not know what to say either.either 副词,也,常用于否定句中,置于句末。Eg:He doesnt want to go either.他也不想去。与as well/too,also 的辨析:1).as well/too 用于肯定句,多置于句末。2)also 常用于肯定句,位于实义动

10、词之前,助动词和be动词之后。Ill go to the zoo.Simon _ wants to go.We met a pop star.He met the pop star_.,also,as well/too,10.I tried to pull one hand free and finally managed to break the ropes.,manage vt.&vi.设法完成;管理manage to do sth 设法做成某事,强调通过努力获得了预期的结果,指成功地做了某事。trytodo尽力或试图做某事,强调过程Eg:我终于爬上山。I _climb the hill.

11、琼斯主管这里的财务。Jones _the finances here.,managed to,manages,e.g.他设法逃到了南美。He _escape to South America.他试图要逃到南美去。He _escape to South America.,managed to,tried to,11.I looked down and saw a huge army of tiny people.,an army of 一群 an army of ants/sheep一群蚂蚁、羊 军队(尤指陆军)His husband is _.他的丈夫在陆军服役。,in the army,12

12、.Gulliver found himself unable to move.find用法:1).其后可接双宾语 We found him a good job.=We found a good job for him.我们为他找了份好工作。2).find+宾语+宾补,宾补可以是形容词、介词短语、名词短语、不定式、分词、副词等。我发现这本书很简单。I found the book _.你会发现它是一本有趣的书。Youll find it _.我发现他躺在地板上。I found him _.,easy,an interesting book,lying on the floor,另外还要注意“f

13、ind+形式宾语it+宾语补足语”结构。如:I find it easy to get on with her.我发现她很容易相处。3).其后有时可接that从句。如:I found that the book was very interesting.我发现这本书很有趣。,Useful phrases爬满我全身对大喊摔倒继续在我身上移动开始跟我交谈不知道说什么空出一只手设法弄断绳索把我的左手举到空中,climb all over meshout atfall overcontinue moving across my bodybegin talking to medont know what

14、 to saypull one hand freemanage to break the ropeslift my left hand into the air,Useful phrases10 一大群小人11 直接向某人走来12从逃出13逃脱14用绳子将东西捆在一起15发现他自己无法动弹,10.a huge army of tiny people11come straight towards sb12 run away from13 get away14 hold things together with ropes15 find himself unable to move,1.No on

15、e was _(反对)the plan.2.He ate lunch and then_(继续)his work.3.You seem to _(筋疲力尽)。4.The father _(举起)the little girl onto his knees and sang to her.5.The dog might bite us.It should be _(tie)to the tree.6.His mother looked after him as _(good)as she _(can).,against,continued,be tired out,lifted,tied,wel

16、l,could,7.Maybe I cant manage _(make)her happy,but Ill try _(do)that.()1.The kids cant see their parents _ the parents came back from work.A.but B.until C.of D.if()2.-Must I stay at home today?-No,you _.A.cant B.mustnt C.dont have D.neednt,to make,to do,B,D,()3.The old lady _carelessly and broke her

17、 leg.A.fell asleep B.fell over C.fell behind D.fell away()4.The volunteer spoke as _as she could to make the visitors understand what she said.A.clearly B.more clearly C.most clearly D.the most clearly,B,A,1.街上有一大批年轻人。There are _young people in the street.2.泰坦尼克号撞上冰山,沉到了海底。Titanic _an iceberg and sank to the bottom of the ocean.3.他和他的弟弟喜欢同一种颜色。He likes _his brother.,a huge army of,crashed against,the same color as,


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