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1、Unit 1 复习,raise=collect money raise=increase suffer=experience sth unpleasant serious=bad or dangerous organize=arrange express=show a feeling joy=happiness pay=give sb.Money for work,goods,permit(v.)准许,许可 permission(n.)准许,许可,organize(v.)组织 organizer(n.)组织者 organization(n.)组织,express(v.)表达 expressio

2、n(n.)表达,表情,peace(n.)和平,安宁 peaceful(adj.)宁静的,difficult(adj.)困难的 difficulty(n.)困难,friend(n.)朋友 friendship(n.)友谊 friendly(adj.)友好的,pain(n.)疼痛 painful(adj.)痛苦的,joy(n.)快乐 joyful(adj.)快乐的,voluntary(adj.)自愿行动volunteer(n.)志愿者,ill(adj.)病的 illness(es)(n.)疾病,encourage(v.)鼓励 courage(n.)鼓励,serious(adj.)严重的,严肃的se

3、riously(adv.)严重地,lonely(adj.)孤独的,寂寞的alone(adj.adv.)单独的,独自的,动词原形 过去式 过去分词 raise(v.)-raised-raised hurt(v.)-hurt-hurt meet(v.)-met-met teach(v.)-taught-taught permit(v.)-permitted-permitted,able形容词 能够的(反义词unable)be able to do ability名词 能力 disabled形容词 残疾的 the disabled,a sick man He is sick/ill.,advise

4、encourage teach warnallow expect tell ask order want,1.in need 需要帮助的2.voluntary work 义务性工作3.ask permission 报请批准4.suffer from 受折磨5.raise ones spirits使鼓起勇气;6.raise money 筹募钱7.teach sb to do 教某人去做8.need to do 需要做9.look after 照顾10.in ones free time 在某人空闲时间11.help sb do 帮助某人12.continue to do/doing 继续做13.

5、in the future 将来,14.take part in 参加15.think about doing 考虑16.in order to 为了17.work as.从事工作18.attend school 上学19.write to sb 给某人写信20.give sb permission to do.批准某人做21.because of.因为22.be unable to do.不能做23.stay at home 呆在家Have difficulty in doing 做某事有困难,U2复习,remind=help sb.remember sth sure=certain tak

6、e place=happen instead of=in place of at once=right now think sth.over=consider sth.carefully,Whats the matter=Whats wrong?Whats up?=What happened?,cheer v.欢呼.使高兴 cheerful adj.欢乐的,高兴的cheerfully adv.欢乐地,greet v.和某人打招呼 greeting n.问候,欢迎,communicate 与某人沟通communication沟通,交流 n.,express v.表达;快递 expression

7、n.表达;表情,appearance外观,外貌出现n.appear出现 v.,mean v.表示的意思 meaning n.意思,意义,late adj,/adv 晚的,迟到的 later adv后来,以后 latest adj.最新的,最近的,hold up举起;支撑;hold on(口)别挂电话,choose选择 chose-chosen hold拿住,保存-held-held,a girl called Mary,remind sb of sth.提醒某人某事,使回忆 remind sb about sth.提醒某人做某事,remind sb.to do sth,提建议的方式 had b

8、etter do how about/what about doing Why dont you why not do,accept v.接受 receive v.收到,feel like doing:想要做某事,consider(考虑)finish mind suggest enjoy imagine practise,doing,doing,body language 身势语;2.make suggestions 提出建议3.part-time job(s)兼职工作4.match with 和匹配5.decide to do sth决定做6.take place 发生7.sit up 坐起

9、来;坐直8.make a good impression on 给留下好印象9.remind sb about sth 提醒 remind sb of sth10.instead of 代替11.more than just 不仅仅是12.go to sb for help 寻求帮助,13.be good at 擅长 municate with与 交流 15.look forward to 期待;16.go skating 去滑冰 17.think about 考虑 18.be far away from 离远 19.cross ones arms 双臂交叉 20.shake hands 握手

10、 21.shake ones head 摇头 22.startend with 以开始结束 23.main gate 大门 24.eye contact 眼神交流;25.look down 向下看,Unit 3,describe=say what sb./sth is like although=though fit=healthy and strong reach=get to,arrive require=need sth,depend on simple=easy to understand or do lovely=attractive although=though,describe

11、 v.描述 description n.说明,fish v.n.钓鱼,鱼 fisherman n.渔民,attract v.吸引 attractive adj.有吸引力的,招人喜爱的,practise v.从事 practice n.练习,health n.健康 healthy adj.健康的 unhealthy 不健康的,luck n.幸运 lucky adj.幸运的 unlucky不幸的 luckily adv.幸运地,重点词汇及短语,love v.n.爱 lovely adj.有吸引力的,迷人的,tradition n.传统 traditional adj.传统的,stopfrom do

12、ing sth.阻止某人做某事=preventfrom doing sth.=keep.from.,no longer=not any longer表示时间上的“不再”no more=not any more侧重程度和数量的“不再”,a pair of scissors,hang-v.悬挂hung-hung,tie v.系;栓;tied;tied;tying,1.paper cutting剪纸2.up to 到达;至多3.set off 出发;动身4.be fit 健康5.be good at 擅长6.get ready for get ready to do 为做好准备7.bring bac

13、k 把带回来8.in/at the front of 在(内部)前方 in front of 在前面9.be interested in 对感兴趣10.arrive at 到达11.look like 看起来像,12.all the time 一直;始终13.break out of 钻出14.turn.into.把变成15.put on a play上演一个戏剧16.in the shape of 以的形状17.be made of 由做成 be made from 18.(be)close to 靠近19.work hard 努力工作20.keep.alive 使活着21.be requi

14、red to do 需要,Things to remember,1.不能用于被动语态的词。,die,belong,appear,last,happen,take place,break out,2.make,see,hear,notice,watch,feel 等动词后面的不定式不带“to”变为被动语态时必须“to”。,Oxford English,Unit 4,Traditional skills,Cartoons and comic strips,thought=mind,idea basic=the most necessary part stage=a separate part pl

15、easant=friendly and polite appear=seem separately=not together decide on=choose make it=be successful actually=in fact/as a matter of fact,词形转换:,base n.基础;basic adj.基本的,基础的,think v.认为 thought thought thought n.心思,思想,record v.录音 n.记录,act v.扮演 actor n.actress n.女演员,appear v.appearance n.,decide v.决定 d

16、ecision n.决定,separate adj.单独的,分开的 separately adv.单独地,warn v.警告 warning(s)n.警告,warn sb(not)to do v.警告 She warned her son not to play on the road.warn about/of n.She has been warned of the danger of driving this car.warning(s)n.警告 She saw a warning on the wall.,appear+adj appear to似乎,显得,need(情态动词)+do

17、need(实义动词)+to do sth need 的被动语态need doing=sth need to be done,use to do 用做某事 be used to do sth.某物被用来做某事(被动语态)used to do 过去常常 be used to doing sth.习惯做某事,重点词汇及短语,think of 想到,考虑;想起来,记起;think about 考虑,思考,ic strips 连环漫画2.pop out 张大;睁大;瞪起3.make cartoons 制作卡通4.decide on 决定;选定5.forget to do sth忘记要做 forget d

18、oing 忘记做过6.play against 同比赛7.look like 看起来像8.appear to 显得9.as well as 也10.go together 协调11.show sth to sb 把展示给某人12.remember to do sth 记着要做某事 remember doing 记得做过13.video camera 摄像机,14.weather forecast 天气预报15.watch out the steps注意台阶16.in trouble 陷入麻烦17.life jacket 救生衣18.thank goodness 谢天谢地19.get sb into trouble 使某人陷入麻烦20.make it 获得成功21.be full of fun 充满欢乐22.in the late 1930s 在20世纪30年代晚期23.be careful 小心 look out watch out,


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