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1、Will people have robots?,in the future 在将来 a piece of.一张hundreds of好几百 inyear 年之后be able to.=can 能够 at least最少at/on weekends在周末 on weekdays=the week工作日try to do sth.尽量干某事 try doing sth.尝试干某事help sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人干某事help sb.with sth.帮助某人某事its+adj.+for sb.+to do sth.某人做某事怎么怎么样over and over again一遍又一遍

2、let/have/make sb.do sth.让某人干某事there be sb.doing sth.某人正在干某事,phases,whats more?更有,甚至dress sb.打扮某人 dress up穿衣,打扮much=a lot许多 much more=a lot more多得多so+adj.十分in future=from now on今后 make mistakes犯错误a number of=a lot of=many大量,许多the number of.的数量no more=not.anymore=not.any more=not.any long不再live to be+

3、时间活到 on vacation=on holiday度假fall in love with sb./sth.爱上be in love with sb.热恋着某人 be in love with sth.喜爱某事物,come ture实现see sb.do sth.看见某人做某事的全过程see sb.doing sth.看见某人正在做某事的一个片段seem to do sth.好象干某事none of没有一个ones own+n.=n.+of ones own(强调)某人自己的某物in the near future在不远的将来one day一天 some day未来的某一天be worth

4、doing sth.值得干某事the more.,the more.越,就越,Will people have robots?,考题点津:()1.I think kids will study at home on computers _ ten years.A.at B.for C.after D.in()2.Do you think _ a football match tomorrow?A.there will be B.will there be C.there will have D.there are going to be A.came truth B.came truly C.

5、came true D.was coming to true()3.Im good at ball games.Ill be _ in the future.A.a football player B.a movie star C.a reporter D.an engineer()4.A dog robot could help _ the room.A.cleaning B.getting C.clean D.get()5.You can read all kinds of books _ computers in 10 years.A.in B.on C.from D.of()6.The

6、y _ to work.Theyll work at home instead.A.will go B.wont go C.didnt go D.went,活到 live to be 成为现实 come true有能力去 be able to 将来 in the future程序员 computer programmer 多数人 most of people空闲时间 free time 度假 on vacation/holiday太空站 space station 在家学习 study at home更多污染 more pollution 世界杯 the world cup居住 live in

7、/on 滑冰 go skating五年之后 in five years 获奖 win award,放飞 flyto 作为一名记者 as a reporter爱上 fall in love with 预测未来 predict the future养宠物 keep a pet 最之一 one of the+最高级工作日期间 during the week 电影公司 movie company穿套装 wear a suit 科幻 science fiction成百上千 hundreds of 试图 try to看起来像 look like 寻找 look for 醒来 wake up 一遍又一遍 o

8、ver and over again变得厌烦 get bored 穿过 go through寻找 look for,help sb.do/with sth 帮助做 eg:我帮妈妈打扫房间 I help mother clean the house.我帮助妹妹做作业 I help sister with homework.make sb do sth 使某人做 make sb+adj 使某人怎么样了 eg:这部电影让我们哭了。This movie makes us cry.这个好消息令我们很激动。This good news makes us exciting.it is(for sb)to d

9、o sth 对某人来说做 怎么样 eg:对他来说学习数学太难了。It is difficult for him to study English.看电影太有趣了。It is very interesting to watch movies.the same as 和 一样 eg:他的衣服和我的衣服是一样的。His clothes is the same as me/mine.我的好朋友总是和我看一样的电影。My good friend always watches the same movies as I do.,重点句型,Unit 2 What should I do?,询问Whats up

10、?Whats the matter?Whats the problem?Whats the trouble?Whats wrong?What should I do?-You look unhappy!_?-Oh,I failed my test again.Whats the up B.Whats matter C.Whats the matter D.Whats the wrong,C.,给出建议You should/could+V原I think youd better+V原Why not do sth/Why dont you do sth?Lets do sth,-I argued

11、with my parents last night.I dont know what to do?-I think youd better_ about it with them.And you should _ sorry to them.A.Talking say B.talked saying C.talk say D.talks says,C.,同意别人的意见Good idea!I agree with you.I think so.That sounds good.Sounds like a good idea.Maybe you are right!不同意别人的意见I dont

12、think so.I disagree with you.I dont agree with you.,词语辨析,足够的 enoughadj+enough 形容词放在前面enough+n.名词放在后面,-Do you think we have _?-Yes,but I think the room is not _ to store it.enough food,enough big B.food enough,big enoughC.enough food,big enough D.enough food,enough big,C.,sb.pay for sth.某人为某物花了钱。sth.

13、cost sb.某物花了某人钱。sb.spend on sth.某人花了(时间、金钱)在某事上。(in)doing sth.某人花了(时间、金钱)做某事。It takes/took sb.to do sth.花了某人(时间、金钱)做某事。can afford sth 可以负担的起,pay for,cost,spend,take,afford,What a beautiful sweater!How much did you _for it?Atake B.cost C.pay D.spend,C.,借 lend borrow keep,Lend to 借出去 borrowfrom 从借进来 k

14、eep 借一段时间,Could you please _me your bike?Sorry,Amy _it an hour ago.Lend,borrow B.Lend,borrowed C.borrow;lent D.borrow;lend-Linda lent her book to me,but I only can _ it for three daysA.Borrow B.have C.lend D.keep,C.,D.,穿 dress wear put ondress 装扮 dress sb 给某人穿衣服 dress up 化妆,打扮wear 穿着,戴着 强调状态put on 穿

15、上,强调动作,My brother is too small,he cant _ himself.Oh,its raining outside,you should _ your raincoat.Today is NewYear Day,people all _ their beautiful clothes.,dress,put on,wear,忘记 forget leave,忘记去做什么事情 forget to do sth忘记做过什么事情 forget doing sth把什么东西忘记了,落下了 leave sth,1.I need to go back to school,I _ m

16、y English book in my desk.forget B.forgot C.left D leave2.-Why you look worried?-Oh,I forgot _ my homework.Teacher will be angry with me.A.to finish B.finishing C.finished D.finishes,C.,A.,建议 advice 不可数名词 suggestion 可数名词a piece of advice 一条建议 some advice a suggestion some suggestions,lonely alonelon

17、ely 寂寞,强调内心alone孤独,一般做表语 放在系动词的后面He lives _.I am a _ kid,I have no friends.,lonely,alone,except 除了什么之外的,不包括在内了besides 除了,但是任然包括在内的,1.Everyone passed the test,_ Linda.2.We went to the beach last weekeng _ Lily,because she was ill.,except,besides,重点词组待在家里 stay at home 播放CD play CD 太大声 too loud 足够的钱 en

18、ough money 对说对不起 say sorry to 球赛的票 a ticket to ball game 在电话里谈 talk on the phone 使某人吃惊支付 surprise sb/to ones surpise 支付 pay for 夏令营 summer canp 兼职工作 part-time job 卖自制的考面包 have a bake sale 想起 think of 考虑 think over 请家教 get a tutor 过时 out of style 时尚 in style 给打电话 call up 写一封信 write a letter 找出,发现 fin

19、d out,孤独的小孩 lonely kid 与相处 get on/along with 返回 teturn/get back 与争吵 agrue with/have an argument with 从到 fromto 把带去taketo 承担太多压力 under too much pressure 抱怨complain that/complain about doing 参加take part in 固执的父母 pushy parents 送去 send to 各种各样的all kinds of 与比较 compare with 为计划 plan for 一方面另一方面 on one ha

20、ndon the other hand 找到时间做fit into 青少年论坛 teen talk 向借进来 borrowfrom,重点句型,1.asas possible 尽可能的 as和as 中间放形容词或副词的原型。eg.The old man fell down,we sent him to hospital as quick as possible.2.notuntil 没有直到(直到才)Mother didnt go home until it was 12 oclock.3.its time for+名词或动名词Its time for homework.Or Its time

21、for doing homework.,留在外面,打电话给某人与相同为.作准备过时的;落伍的与某人争吵为.付款;付钱向某人借某物给某人提建议足够的钱把某物忘在家里与.打架找一份兼职工作,keep out,call sb.up(ring sb.up),the same as,be/get ready for sth./to do sth.,out of style,argue/have an argument/quarrel with,pay for,borrow sth from sb,give sb.some advice,enough money,leave sth.at home,hav

22、e a fight with,get a part-time job,to ones surprise,be surprised(at/that.),join a club,a ticket to a ball game,have a bake sale,ask for,buy sth.for sb./buy sb.Sth.,want(sb.)to do sth,get on well with sb,on the phone,write(a letter)to sb,talk about,in surprise,找一名家庭教师邀请.做.归还,返还直.到才有压力很快吃早餐各种各样一方面另一方面

23、有.要做运动服,sports clothes,get a tutor,invite sb to do sth,give back(return),not.until,under pressure,have a quick breakfast,all kinds of,on the one hand on the other hand,have sth,to do,更友好考试不及格考试及格心烦的,为.抱怨够忙的当今,现在把与作比较对代,处置有组织的活动独自,more friendlyfail the exampass the exambe upsetcomplain aboutbusy enou

24、ghthese dayscompare withdo withorganized activitiesby oneself,1.busy(adj.)enough/enough time(n.)2.take sb.to do/take sb.to sw3.Its time for sth.=Its time to do sth.4.as as possible 尽某人可能地=as as sb.can/could5.fit into sth.抽空安排plain about sth./doing sth./sb.7.take part in(活动,比赛)/join(团体,组织),8.seem+adj

25、.(It seems possible.)seem to do(Parents seem to push)9.a lot more/a bit more time10.send sb.to sp 送某人到某地pare A with B 把A和B进行比 compare A to B 把A比做B,12.find it+adj.to do sth.发现做某事,翻译下列句子,1 我父母希望我每天晚上都呆在家里。My parents want me to stay at home every night.2 我和最好的朋友争吵起来了。I argued with my best friend.3 我不想在

26、电话上谈论它。I dont want to talk about it on the phone.4 也许他应该说他对不起。Maybe he should say hes sorry.5 我需要钱来付夏令营的费用。I need to get some money to pay for summer camp.,6.你可以向你的哥哥借钱。You could borrow some money from your brother.7.我的朋友与我穿同样的衣服而且跟我发型也一样。My friend wears the same clothes and has the same haircut as

27、I do.8.我不想争吵,让我们忘掉它吧。I dont want to argue,lets forget it.9.我们相处很好,但她总是借我的东西。We get on well,but she always borrows my things.10.我心里很烦而且不知道做什么。Im very upset and dont know what to do.,句型转换,1.You should write him a letter.(否定句)You _ _write him a letter.2.He could borrow books from the library.(疑问句)_ _ b

28、orrow books from the library?3.His parents are out of style.(画线提问)_ _ _ his parents?4.My parents bought a bike for me.(同义句)My parents bought _ _ _.5.He came to school late because the street was too crowed.(画线提问)_ _ he _ to school?,should not,Could he,Whats wrong with,me a bike,Why did come,6.They a

29、re cheap.(同义句)They are _.7.I like yellow.Mary likes yellow,too.(合并为一句话)Mike likes_ _ _ _ I.8.I dont know what I should say.(改为简单句)I dont know _ _ _.9.He lost his sports clothes.(改为否定句)He _ _ his sports clothes.10.No one could answer that question except me.(改为同义句)_ _ could answer that question.,inex

30、pensive,the same color as,what to do,didnt lose,Only I,翻译句子,1.你能找出这个问题的答案吗?Can you _ _ the answer _ this questions?2.除了我之外,大家都参观动物园了._ visited the zoo _ me.3.我的历史老师把她的手表忘在书桌上了.My history teacher _ her watch on the desk.4.它们跟我朋友的衣服一样.They are _ _ _ my friends clothes.5.我不知该乘哪趟车.I dont know _ _ _ _.6.

31、我们应该与人和睦相处.We _ _ _ _ _ others.7.我需要一些钱给我父母买礼物.I need some money _ _ _ _ my parents.8.祝你工作顺利!_ _ _ your work!,find out,to,Everyone,except,left,the same as,which bus to take,should get on well with,to buy presents for,Good luck with,单项选择,1.He doesnt have any money,_.either B.too C.also D.but2.My frie

32、nd _ the same clothes.Wear B.wears C.many D.a lot.3.Could you give me _ advice?Some B.any C.an D.a4.My friend is angry with me.What should I _ to him?Say B.speak C.argue D.talk5.He could do nothing except _ TV.Watch B.watches C.watching D.will watch,6.I need to get some money to _ the summer camp.pa

33、y on B.pay in C.pay with D.pay for.7.When I arrived home,I remembered that I _ my key in the classroom.Forget B.forgot C.leave D.left8.Our teacher often tells us_ to the old politely.Speak B.speaking C.to speak D.speak in 9.I really dont know _.A.What should I do B.what to do C.what does D.what doin

34、g,单选题,()1.They _agree.A.shouldnt B.shall C.wont D.can()2.You _say youre sorrow.A.will B.shall C.could D.dont()3.-You could write him a letter.-_.A.You are right B.Thats a good idea C.Thats all right D.Well done.()4.They _the problem for hours.A.argued with B.argued C.argued for D.argued against()5.I

35、 dont want to _you.(和你争论)A.argued about B.argued for C.argue with D.argued against,A,C,B,B,C,()6.Her sister has_ gone to town.A.too B.either C.also()7.I like football.My brother likes it,_.A.too B.also C.either()8.You dont have a dictionary.I dont _.A.too B.also C.either()9.Tom,have you seen your br

36、other?-Oh,I saw him _basketball on the playground on my way home.A.to play B.plays C.playing D.play()10.We often see Jim_ books in the classroom.A.read B.reading C.to read D.was reading,C,A,C,C,A,()11.When the teacher came in,the students stopped_.A.to talk B.talking C.talked D.talk()12.I like_some

37、newspapers,but I dont like_any today.A.to read,reading B.reading,to read C.to read,to read D.reading,reading()13.Dan didnt go to work _.A.either B.also C.too D.both()14.What_you _at 7:30 yesterday mornng?A.did,do B.were,doing C.was,doing D.are,doing()15.Its a good time _ in autumn.A.to harvest B.for

38、 pick pears C.to grow flowers D.A and C,B,B,A,B,D,()16.The girl_ green _Alice comes from America.A.in,all B.on,called C.in,calls D.in,called()17._bad weather!A.How B.What C.What a D.How a()18._the girl was shopping,the alien got out.A.While B.When C.What D.A and B()19.When the UFO _,the boy was walk

39、ing down the street.A.arrived at B.got to C.took off D.took care of()20.I wondered where_.A.it is going B.it was going C.is it going D.was it going,D,B,D,C,B,()21._ late for school.A.Not B.Not be C.Dont D.Dont be()22.I _my toy everywhere but I didnt _them.A.saw,find B.found,found out C.look for,find

40、 D.looked for,find()23.We get on_ our English teacher.A.well with B.well to C.good with D.good to()24.This coat is different _ that one.A.to B.from C.with D.about()25.Could you tell us_?A.how to do B.where doing D.how doing D.what to do,D,D,A,B,D,()26.Please ask her _ the same hat.A.wearing B.not to

41、 wear C.to put on D.not putting on()27.The boy eats _meat,so he is _fat now.A.too much,much too B.much too,much too C.too much,too much D.much too,too much()28.I have two tickets _ todays ball game.A.in B.of C.to D.with()29.Could you give me _?A.an advice B.some advice C.any advices D.many advices()30.I dont like milk,but makes me _it.A.to drink B.drink C.drinking D.drank,B,A,C,B,B,


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