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1、Unit 1 How tall are you?重要句型:1.你有多高?2.我164厘米高。3.你比我高。4.你比我高4厘米.5.你多重?6.我48公斤。7.我比你大一岁.8.我比你大又强壮。9.你的脚有多大?10.我穿17号码。11.我比你高多了。12.我比你瘦一点。13.我的手比你的手大。,How tall are you?,Im 164 cm tall.,You are taller than me.,You are 4 cm taller than me.,How heavy are you?,Im 48 kg.,Im one year older than you.,Im bigge

2、r and stronger than you.,How big are your feet?,I wear size 17.,Im much taller than you.,Im a little thinner than you.,My hands are bigger than yours.,Unit2 Whats the matter,Mike?A.发烧 感冒 头疼4.牙疼5.嗓子疼 6.得流感 7.看病 8.吃一些药 9.喝热饮料 喝一些水10.呆在床上11.几天 12.感觉不舒服13.感觉更好,have a fever,have a cold,have a headache,ha

3、ve a toothache,have a sore throat,have the flu,get the flu,see the doctor,take some medicine,drink hot drinks,drink some water,stay in bed,a few days,feel sick,feel better,B1.看起来那么高兴 2.去旅行3.看起来伤心 4.(数学)考试不及格5.在两者之间 6.有点生气 7.嘲笑某人重要句型1.你怎么了?我头疼。2.你感觉怎么样?3.我感觉不舒服。4.别担心我。5.Amy感觉怎么样?6.她很累。,look so happy,

4、go on a trip,look sad,fail the(math)test,between and,a little angry,laugh at,Whats the matter with you?,I have a headache.,How do you feel?,I feel sick.,Dont worry about me.,How does Amy feel?,She is tired.,7.我数学考试不及格。8.听到这件事我很难过。9.你看上去很伤心。10.你看上去很高兴。11.我很高兴。(激动,生气,无聊,伤心)12.我感觉高兴。(激动,生气,无聊,伤心)13.不久你

5、会感觉更好的。14.你头疼吗?我感觉很好。,I failed the math test.,Im sorry to hear that.,You look so sad.,Im very happy/excited/angry/bored/sad.,I feel happy/excited/angry/bored/sad.,You will feel better soon.,Do you have a headache?,No,I feel well/fine.,You look so happy.,Phases:Unit 3 Last Weekend1.在周末 2.做作业 3.洗衣服4.看

6、望祖父母 5.打扫房间 6.去公园7.去游泳 8.看电视 9.踢足球10.弹钢琴 11.在周六上午 12.上个周末 13.做运动,on the weekend,do homework,do the homework,do ones homework,wash the clothes,visit grandparents,clean the room,go to a park,go swimming,watch TV,play football,play the piano,on Saturday morning,last weekend,do sports,play sports,14.读书1

7、5.去钓鱼 16.去远足 17.走回家18.骑自行车 19.放风筝 20.飞进了湖里 21.跳进了湖里22.五分钟以后 23.对某人很感激24.把某物还给某人 25.帮助某人做某事,go fishing,go hiking,walk home,by bike,ride a bike,fly kites,fly a kite,fly into the lake,jump into the lake,five minutes later,be grateful to sb.,return sth.to sb.,help sb.do sth.,read a book,read books,Impor

8、tant sentences:1.你通常在周末做什么?我通常做作业。2.上个周末你做什么了?我看望了我的祖父母。3.昨天你做什么?我打扫我的房间。4.我去远足了。5.你读书了吗?是的,我读了。不,我没有6.你打扫你的房间了吗?不,我没有。,What do you usually do on the weekend?,I usually do homework.,What did you do last weekend?,I visited my grandparents.,What did you do yesterday?,I cleaned my room.,I went hiking.,

9、Did you read books?,Yes,I did./No,I didnt.,Did you clean your room?,No,I didnt.,一、Phrases:Unit 4 My holiday1.去旅行2.买礼物3.照照片4.吃好吃的食物5.唱歌跳舞6.看大象7.学习英语8.在你的假期9.爬山10.玩的开心,过得愉快,go on trips,buy presents,take pictures/photos,eat good food,bought presents,took pictures/photos,ate good food,sing and dance,san

10、g and danced,see elephants,saw elephants,learn English,learned English,on your holiday,climb a mountain,climbed a mountain,have fun=have a good time,11.在星期三12.返回家13.划船14.去滑冰15.去滑雪16.去那17.一个长的假期18.离开北京19.在二月一日20.到达哈尔滨21.在第一天22.在三号23.返回北京24.在假期的最后一天,on Wednesday,be back home,get back home,row a boat,r

11、owed a boat,go ice-skating,went ice-skating,go skiing,went skiing,go there,a long holiday,leave Beijing,on February 1st,get to Harbin,on the first day,on the 3rd,be back to Beijing,get to Beijing,for the last day of the holiday,二、重要句型1.在你的假期你去哪了?2.我去新疆了。3.你在那做什么了?4.我和我的新朋友唱歌跳舞了。5.你怎么去那的?6.我乘火车去的。7.我

12、为我的朋友买了礼物。,Where did you go on your holiday?,I went to Xinjiang.,What did you do there?,I sang and danced with my new friends.,How did you go there?,I went by train.,I bought presents for my friends.,一、按要求写单词1.child(复数)_ 2.heavy(比较级)_3.hot(反义词)_4.do(第三人称单数形式)5.swim(-ing形式)_6.hear(同音词)_7.skate(现在分词)_

13、 8.swim(单三)_ 9.act(职业名词)_ 10.right(反义词)_11.bus(复数)_ 12.twelfth(基数词)_13.rain(形容词)_ 14.heavy(比较级)_15.eat(过去式)_ 16.sing(过去式)_ 17.read(过去式)_18.taller(反义词)_19.happy(反义词)20.tooth(复数)_21.tall(近义词)_22.fly(过去式)_23.heavy(比较级)_24.wear(同音词)_25.big(比较级)_26.thin(比较级)_27.funnier(原型)_28.bored(同音词)_29.sad(比较级)_30.fe


15、(过去式),二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.His foot is _(big)than yours.2.I will _(play)basketball with my friends tomorrow.3.How much _(be)the bananas?32 yuan.4.They want _(eat)apples.5.Did you _(wash)your clothes yesterday?6.Where did you_(go)on your holiday?7.Mike_(buy)some presents for his friends yesterday.8.

16、I _(see)two elephants in the zoo last weekend.9.What day _(be)it yesterday?10.My friends_(be)in Harbin now.11.I _(clean)my room last weekend.12.Sally usually_(wash)her clothes on Sundays.13.He_(go)to the zoo last week.14.Did you _(watch)TV last weekend?15.Mike _(do)his homework yesterday evening.,句型

17、转换。1I have a fever.(划线部分提问)the with you?2Mike is taller than Mary.(同义句)Mary is _ Mike.3.Chen Jie does her homework every day.(改为一般疑问句)Chen Jie her homework every day?4.She read books last night.(改为否定句)She _ _ books last night.5.They study English hard.(改为感叹句)_ _ they study English.,1.She is a teache

18、r.(改为一般过去时态)2.He watches TV everyday.(把everyday改为yesterday)3.She often reads books(改为现在进行时态)4.He played football yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)5.I was a student two years ago.(改为一般疑问句)6.My name is Jack.(改为同义句)_ _ Jack.7.We have ten apples in the basket.(对划线部分提问)_ _ apples _ you have in the basket.8.There is a

19、radio on the desk.(改为复数句)There _ some _ on the desk.9.Tom likes reading books(改为一般疑问句)10.He is going to go fishing next week.(对划线部分提问)_ is he _ _ go fishing?,1.Hes heavier than his brother.(变为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)2.My pencil is nicer than yours.(对划线部分提问)3.My bedroom is 12 square meters.(对划线部分提问)4.My mother

20、usually watches TV in the evening.(对划线部分提问)5.The little monkey is 5 kg.(对划线部分提问)6.You are 175 cm.I am 180 cm.(用比较级写一句话)7.Sarah is from England.(同义句)8.How is Lisa feeling now?(用 feel改写同义句),看图作文。(10分)根据图片,请用英语描述一下Mike去年到北京做了哪些事情?心情怎样?(不少于五句话),八、看图作文(10分)John在上个周末做了些什么啊?他的心情怎样啊?要求不少于5句话。Saturday Sunday happy,请根据文字提示,续写短文:Last weekend was sunny,I I had a happy weekend.,


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