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1、Unit 3 Body and Feelings,Lesson 15:Tall or Short,1.学习有关描述个人外貌特征的单词。2.学习句子 How tall?的用法。,Objectives:,Listen to this English song.,metrebitagainsttailflatupongroundstand against,n.米n.小量;少量prep.倚着;反对,违反n.尾部,尾巴adv.水平地prep.在上n.地面靠着站着,Words and expressions,tall,short,The boy is _.The girl is _.,tall,short

2、,The little boy is _.,The young girl is _.,tall,short,看图填空。,This is Yao Ming.He is 2.26 _ tall.,metres,Im 1.3 _ _.,metres tall,_ _ are you?,How tall,1.How tall is he/she?,This is Bob.Hes 1.85 metres tall.Hes a tall man.,This is Jack.Hes 1.6 metres tall.,This is LiLin.She is 1.5 metres tall.Shes a bi

3、t short.,This is Danny.How tall is he?Is he 3.1 metres tall?,Danny,how tall are you?,Im 3.1 metres tall.,2.How tall are you?,No,Danny.Stand on your feet,please.,Short,short,tall,tall.Standing up against the wall.Head up.Tail down.Standing flat upon the ground.,4 名词所有格(参照第14课)1.Today is September 10t

4、h.Its _ Day.A.Teacher B.Teachers C.Teachers D.Teacher2.Its June 1st,its _ Day.A.Childrens B.Childrens C.Childrens D.Childrenss,3.This year,_ is on May 9th.A.My mothers birthday B.My mothers brithday C.My mothers brithday D.My motherss brithday 4.Where is Mr.Zhang?He is in the _.A.teachers reading ro

5、om B.teachers reading room C.teacher reading room D.teachers reading room,5.This is _ ball.Its not _.A.the boys,girls C.the boy,the girlB.the boys,the girls D.boys,girls6.This year,the most popular _ hat is that kind.A.womans B.womensC.womens D.womans7.These are _.A.newspaper of today C.todays newsp

6、apersB.todays newspaperD.today newspapers,8.Its about _ from my home to our school.A.twenty minutes walkB.walk of twenty minutesC.walk of twenty minutesD.twenty minutes walk9._ is very small and white.A.The hat of your brothersB.The hat of your brother D.Your brother hat C.Your brothers hat,10.This

7、is _.A.Mike and Jims bike C.Mikes and Jims bikeB.Mikes and Jim bikeD.Mike and Jim bike11 These are _ books.A.Li Lins and Jilland JillB.Li Lin and JillsC.Li Lins D.Li Lins and Jills,Acrow(乌鸦)wantstodrink,buthecantfindwater.Helookshereandthere.Atlast(最后),hecries(大叫),“Icanseeajar(罐子)andthereissomewater



10、keto C.carrytoD.puton,4.Whydoeshepickupthestone?A.Heishungry.B.Hewantstoputthemintothejar.C.Hewantstomakehisbreakstrong.D.Heisplayingagame5.Whichtitle(题目)doyouthinkisthebest(最好)?A.AClever(聪明的)CrowB.AthirstyCrowC.ACrowandAJarofWaterD.ACrowandStones,Language points,1.Hes 1.85 metres tall.他1.85米高。在英语中,

11、常用“数词+量词(表示单 位的名词)+形容词”来进行计量。The girl is 1.7 metres tall.这个女孩有1.7米高。The classroom is 6.5 metres long.这个教室有6.5米长。The boy is 12 years old.这个男孩12岁了。,2.Standing up against the wall.靠墙站起来。介词against 在句中表示“倚着,靠着;反对,违反”的意思。如:against sbs wishes 违背某人的意愿 against the law 违法 His desk is against the wall.他的办公桌靠墙放

12、着。,II.Write the opposite of each word.,sad-happy,tall-_,up-_,big-_,Can you think of others pairs of words like these?_,short,down,small,long-short,hot-cold,warm-cool,bad-good,Lets do it!,III.Read the sentence in the box and number the pictures.,These shoes are a bit big.2.That tree is very tall.3.Th

13、is ruler is one metre long.4.Put your hands upon your head.5.Please sit down against the wall.,Time for reflection,你知道下列单词是什么意思吗?stand against ground metre against flat upon,Quiz,1.Is your teacher tall or short?_.A.She is tall B.She is sad C.Yes,she is D.No,she isnt2._ is that girl?She is 1.63 metre

14、s tall.A.Where B.How tall C.How long D.How old,I.单项选择。,3.Put your hands _ your head.A.upon B.of C.in D.at4.Danny,stand up _ the wall,please!A.at B.against C.in D.on,1.tall,is,Danny,how _?2.are,tall,short,you,or _?3.1.82,Peter,metres,is,tall _.4.Sit,against,the,wall,down,please _,How tall is Danny,Ar

15、e you short or tall,II.连词成句。,Peter is 1.82 metres tall,Please sit down against the wall.,III.从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,其中两项为多余选项。(10分),A.How tall are you?B.Lets go out and play!C.Nice to meet you!D.Lets go to the classroom!E.How are you?F.What about you?G.Do you like white?,A:Hello!Im Lily.B:My name is Wang L

16、ei.(76)_A:Nice to meet you,too!You look very tall.(77)_B:Im 1.75 metres tall.(78)_A:Im 1.6 metres tall.Youre wearing a white coat.(79)_B:Yes.I like white coats and white shoes.A:I like white,too.Oh,time for class!(80)_B:OK.Lets go!,C,A,F,G,D,Preview,1.To preview Lesson 16:Happy or Sad.2.To read the new words in Lesson 16.,Homework,1.Describe your height.2.Make sentences with the new words in this lesson.,Thank you.,


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