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1、第一讲:大学英语四六级考试介绍词汇与词汇测试,For Exam考前辅导,CET-4/6,考试性质定位为“教学考试”考核综合应用能力特别是听说能力 保证和推进教学改革 逐步向机考推进 逐步扩大口语考试规模,总体思路,紧密结合四级考试大纲要求与题型特点、命题趋势,突出重点,同时补充大量有针对性的练习,配合高质量全真模拟试题,体验实战经历,准确把握考试方向。,四、六级考试计分体制,四、六级考试的分数在经过加权、等值、正态化数据处理后,将报导为:正态分均值为 500标准差为 70成绩全距为 290-710向考生发成绩报告单,报导其总分和各部分的单项分向学校提供四、六级考试分数的解释,听力35%:对话1

2、5%,短文20%阅读35%:细读25%,速读10%综合15%:完型填空/改错10%,短句问答/翻译5%写作15%:短文,考试权重分布,考题内容与形式听力:短对话,长对话,短文听写,讲座,广播电视新闻等;多项选择,复合听写 阅读:篇章语义理解,语境词义理解,阅读技能应用等;多项选择,选词填空,是非判断综合:多项选择,错误辨认与改正,简短回答,中译英写作:议论文,说明文,应用文;口试:面试型(非面试型/机考),Tell me and I forget.Teach me and I remember.Involve me and I learn.-Benjamin Franklin from New

3、 Directions(Peter S.Gardner)1998 CUP,What is learning?,I hear and I forget.I see and I remember.I do and I understand.-From the quotations in an American library,(1)同义词,近义词辨析,1.Children who are over-protected by their parents may become _.A)hurt C)spoiled B)damaged D)harmed 2.There were some _ flowe

4、rs on the table.A)artificial C)falseB)unnatural D)unreal,3.Many people complain of the rapid _ of modern life.A)rate C)paceB)speed D)denied4.American women were _ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.A)ignored C)refusedB)neglected D)denied,5.Theres little chance that mankin

5、d would _ a nuclear war.A)retain C)maintainB)endure D)survive6.Our company decided to _ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met.A)destroy C)assume B)resist D)cancel,7.In the advanced course students must take performance tests at monthly _.A)gaps C)length B)intervals D

6、)distance8.The _ of blood always makes him feel sick.A)form C)lookB)view D)sight,9.Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as _ sicknesses.A)normal C)averageB)ordinary D)regular10.This hotel _$60 for a single room with bath.A)charges C)pricesB)increase D)claims,11.The

7、government is trying to do something to _ better understanding between the two countries.A)raise C)heightenB)increase D)promote12.Im very sorry to have _ you with so many questions on such an occasion.A)interfered C)impressedB)offended D)bothered,13.The price of beer _ from 50 cents to$4 per liter d

8、uring the summer season.A)altered C)separatedB)ranged D)differed14.Although they plant trees in this area every year the tops of some hills are still _.A)bland C)vacant B)hollow D)bare,15.Medical care reform has become this countrys most important public health _.A)question C)matterB)stuff D)issue16

9、.In preparing scientific reports of laboratory experiments,a student should _ his findingsin logical order and clear language.A)furnish C)raiseB)propose D)present,17.A healthy life is frequently thought to be _ with the open countryside and homegrown food.A)tied C)involvedB)bound D)associated18.Feat

10、ures such as height,weight,and skin color _ from individual to individual and from face to face.A)change C)alterB)vary D)convert,19.It has been revealed that some government leaders _ their authority and position to get illegal for themselves.A)employ C)abuseB)take D)overlook20.Writing is a slow pro

11、cess,requiring _ thought,time,and effort.A)significant C)enormousB)considerable D)numerous,21.New York _ second in the production of 850,000,000 pounds this year.A)ranked C)arrangedB)occupied D)classified22.I caught a _ of the taxi before it disappeared around the corner of the street.A)vision C)loo

12、kB)glimpse D)scene,23.The strong storm did a lot of damage to the coastal villages:several fishing boats were _and many houses collapsed.A)wrecked C)tornB)spoiled D)injured24.Please be careful when you are drinking coffee in case you _ the new carpet.A)crash C)spotB)pollute D)stain,25.As a result of

13、 careless washing the jacket _ to a childs size.A)compressed C)droppedB)shrank D)decreased26.He hoped the firm would _ him to the Paris branch.A)exchange C)transferB)transmit D)remove,(2)常见词组、句型的整合关系(一),27.The engine _ smoke and steam.A)gives up C)gives awayB)gives in D)gives off28.They _ in spite o

14、f the extremely difficult condition.A)carried out C)carried on B)carried off D)carried forward,29.When Mr.Jones gets old,he will _ over his business to his son.A)take C)thinkB)hand D)get 30.Important people dont often have much free time as their work _ all their time.A)takes away C)takes up B)takes

15、 over D)takes in,答案:,1-5 CACDD 6-10 DBDBA 11-15 DDBDC 16-20 DDBCB 21-25 ABADB 26-30 CDCBC,31.When I was very young,I was terribly frightened of school,but I soon _ it.A)get off C)got awayB)got across D)got over32.I always _ what I have said.A)get to C)lead to B)hold to D)see to,33.Mr.Wilson said tha

16、t he did not want to _ any further responsibilities.A)take on C)put up B)get on D)look up34.The French pianist who had been praised very highly _ to be a great disappointment.A)turned up C)turned outB)turned in D)turned down,35.When a fire _ at the National Exhibition in London,at least ten priceles

17、s paintings were completely destroyed.A)broke off C)broke out B)broke down D)broke up36.The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could _.A)stand up to C)come up with B)put up with D)make up for,37.Then the speaker _ the various factors leading to the present

18、economic crisis.A)went after C)went forB)went into D)went on38.You cannot be _ careful when you drive a car.A)very C)soB)too D)enough,39.Five minutes earlier,_ we could have caught the last train.A)and C)orB)but D)so40.Hes watching TV?Hes _ to be cleaning his room.A)known C)regardedB)considered D)su

19、pposed,41.Because Edgar was convinced of the accuracy of this fact,he _ his opinion.A)stuck to C)struck B)strove for D)stood for42.Our son doesnt know to _ at the university;he cant make up his mind about his future.A)take in C)take overB)take up D)take after,43.A lorry _ Jams cat and sped away.A)ra

20、n over C)ran throughB)ran into D)ran down44.Frequently single-parent children _ some of the function that the absent adult in the house would have served.A)take off C)take in B)take after D)take on,45.I want to buy a new tie to _ this brown suit.A)go into C)go withB)go after D)go by 46.I cant _ what

21、 that object is.A)made up C)make out B)make over D)make for,47.When the whole area was _ by the flood,the government sent food there by helicopter.A)cut away C)cut up B)cut down D)cut off48.If you dont like to swim,you _ stay at home.A)should as well C)can as wellB)may as well D)would as well,49.Tha

22、t was so serious a matter that I had no choice but _ the police.A)called in C)call inB)calling in D)to call in50.The sports meet,originally due to be held last Friday,was finally _ because of the bad weather.A)set off C)worn offB)broken off D)called off,51.A well-written composition _ good choice of

23、 words and clear organization among other things.A)call on C)call up B)calls for D)calls off52.The store had to _ a number of clerks because sales were down.A)lay out C)lay asideB)lay off D)lay down,53._ it or not,his discovery has created a stir in scientific circles.A)Believe C)BelievingB)To belie

24、ve D)Believed54.The car _ halfway for no reason.A)broke off C)broke upB)broke down D)broke out,55.Only day I _ a newspaper article about the retirement of an English professor at a nearby state college.A)came across C)came after B)came about D)came at56.The trumpet player was certainly loud.But I wa

25、snt bothered by his loudness _ by his lack of talent.A)than C)asB)more than D)so much as,57.They decided to chase the cow away _ it did more damage.A)unless C)beforeB)until D)although58._ we have finished the course,we shall start doing more revision work.A)For now C)Ever sinceB)Now that D)By now,59

26、._ the advances of science,the discomforts of old age will no doubt always be with us.A)As for C)ExceptB)Besides D)Despite60.A man escaped from the prison last night.It was a long time _ the guards discovered what had happened.A)before C)sinceB)until D)when,61.Nuclear science should be developed to

27、benefit the people _ to test this medicine on human patients.A)more than C)rather than B)other than D)better than62.Scientists say it may be five or ten years _ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.A)since C)afterB)when D)before,63.Liquids are like solids _ they have a definite vol

28、ume.A)since C)in that B)for that D)at that 64.Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to,_ the color of his skin.A)regardless of C)by virtue of B)in the light of D)with the exception of,65.John seems a nice person._,I dont trust him.A)Even though C)Even soB)Therefore D)Though,

29、The Answers,31-35 DBACC 36-40 DBBAD 41-45 ABADC 46-50 CDBDD 51-55 BBABA 56-60 DCB DA 61-65 CDCAD,Although a teenager,Fred could resist _ what to do and what not to do.A)being told B)tellingC)to be told D)to tell,+ing形式的动词,admit,appreciate,avoid,celebrate,consider,contemplate(注视),defer(推迟),delay,deny

30、,detest(痛恨),discontinue(停止),dislike,dispute,enjoy,it entail(s)(必须),escape,excuse,explain,fancy,feel like,finish,forgive,cant help,hinder(阻碍),imagine,it involves(涉及),keep,loathe(厌恶),it means,mention,mind,miss,pardon,postpone,practice,prevent,recall,report,resent(怨恨),resist,risk,suggest,understand,ins

31、ist.,A Brief Talk on Listening Comprehension,听力考试题型和分值比例,Part A Conversations I.Types of test items,1.BUT题型,Pay attention to the words after“but”in the second persons answer.Typical question:What does the man(woman)mean?Example 1(from 14,2012-12-1):M:Bill says hes not working so hard on his biology

32、project.W:But he spends a lot of time in the lab,doesnt he?Q:What does the woman imply about Bill?A)He is actually very hardworking.B)He has difficulty finishing his project.C)He needs to spend more time in the lab.D)He seldom tells the truth about himself.,2.场景题型,Guess the place or locationPay atte

33、ntion to particular words and tone.Typical question:Where do you think this conversation most probably take place?Example 1(from 14,2011-12):W:May I make a recommendation,Sir?Our seafood with this special sauce is very good.M:Thank you,but I dont eat shellfish.Im allergic to it.Q:Where does this con

34、versation most probably take place?,Guess the place or location,Particular words about office:file,typewriter,typist,office phoneParticular words about plane and airport:wing,safety-belt,boarding card,economy(first-)class,airhostess,air ticket,Airway,airline,Gate No.x,arrival(departure)time,flight r

35、eservation,Particular words about bus,car and gas station:bus terminal,driver,fare,transfer,conductor,traffic jam,change,pick up,steering wheel,gas pedal,brake,pull in,tank(oil tanker),gasoline,fuel,refuel,liter,parking spaceParticular words about elevator:floor,button,press+numberParticular words a

36、bout restaurant:snack,sauce,napkin,tip,spirits,beverage,spoon,salad,pizza,silverware,go Dutch,treat sb.to sth.Particular words about bank:cash,check,clerk,exchange rate,interest,open an account,deposit,draw,ATM,Particular words about hotel:reception desk,lounge,suite,check out,attendant,bathroomPart

37、icular words about railway station:platform,track,information desk,High-speed(CRH)(express)train,hard sleeper,running late,refundParticular words about hospital:symptom,diagnosis,vomit(throw up),test,surgeon,physician,prescribe,injection,sneeze,soreParticular words about post office:registered(expre

38、ss,regular)mail,postal code,remit,postage,airmail,overweight,package,IITechniques,1.What you heard is not the answer.2.The choice with indefinite meaning is the answer.(can,could,probably,may,might,likely)Example 13:A)Its quite difficult to carry.B)Its the wrong size to hold her clothes.C)It probabl

39、y wont last much longer.D)It isnt very attractive.,3.The choice with general meaning is the answer.Example 14:A)He wrote it last semester.B)Hell finish it in a few minutes.C)He never does assignments early.D)He isnt going to write it.,4.The choice containing“be+predicative”is the answer.Example 15A)

40、Susan ate the last piece of pie.B)He thought the pie was delicious.C)He went out to buy a pie.D)He gave Susan a piece of pie.,5.The choice containing“some”is the answer.Example 16A)The transportation for the trip is free.B)Class didnt enjoy going on the field trip.C)Some people may not go on the tri

41、p.D)Everyone in the class has paid the fee.6.The choice with abstract meaning is the answer.Example 17:A)The weather yesterday.B)A polluted river.C)Hotel accommodations.D)The quality of the air.,III.Some points about the application of techniques,1.Techniques are relative,not absolute.2.Techniques a

42、re more useful to difficult items.3.How well you can use the techniques is closely related to your psychological quality.,Part B Passages ISubject social problems(education,culture,pollution,transportation,health care,energy shortage,population explosion,etc.),stories,biography,special experiences,s

43、cientific discovery,invention,historical events,origin of holidays,etc.,Part D Compound Dictation The first part of compound dictation(S1-S7)is just the same as spot dictation.In thesecond part(S8-S10),you are requiredto either use the exact words or write downthe main points in your own words.Thisp

44、art calls for your strong ability of listening,understanding,taking notes and summarizing.,大学英语四级作文评分标准,2分:条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破 碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多为 严重错误。5分:基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯 性差。有较多的严重的语言错误。8分:基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够 清楚,文字勉强连贯;语言错误相 多,其中有一些是严重错误。,大学英语四级作文评分标准,11分:切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯但有少量语言错误。14分:切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好。基本上无语言错误

45、,仅有个别小错。,作文中转承语的使用 1、表列举,列举法常用在议论文中,当作者提出一个论点后,可通过列举出一系列事实对其进行说明或论证。列举类关联词有:first(ly),second(ly),.finally;for one thing,for another;on the one hand,on the other hand;moreover;furthermore;whats more;in addition;besides;first of all;in the first place,in the second place;(at)last;then;next;the last bu

46、t not the least,2、表举例或例证:,举例法是用事例或数据对中心观点进行说明论证的方法,举例类关联词有:as an illustration,for example,for instance,incidentally,namely,that is,such as;like;take.for example;a case in point;in other words;that is;especially;in particular;.,3、表比较和对比,比较是把两种或两种以上的事物进行比较,以辨别出它们的相似之处;对比是将这些事物进行对照,辨别其差异而指出各自的特征和本质。这类关

47、联词有:However;in spite of;not onlybut also,whereas,but;however;yet;otherwise;while;in contrast;by contrast;on the contrary;similarly;likewise;like;in all likelihood;conversely;rather than;instead;on the other hand;equally;nevertheless;unlike;still;in the same way;compared with.,4、表因果关系:,accordingly;as

48、 a result;since;because(of);thanks to;due to;owing to;for this reason;hence;thus;therefore;so;on this/that account;on account of;consequently;as a consequence;in this way,5、表结论或摘要:,总结法是指在表达了一个观点或举了一个例子后,进行总结、给出概括,这类关联词有:as has been noted,in any event,in brief,in conclusion,in short,in summary,;to su

49、m up;therefore,to conclude,to sum up,in this case;according to;in a word.,6.表空间:,close to,in front of,in the center of,next to,opposite to,above,against,behind,below,7.表强调:,anyway,furthermore,in addition,in fact,in particular,moreover,作文中的常见错误,I.主谓一致问题:1.One hundred miles were covered in a single ni

50、ght.2.Every man and woman are now aware of the terrible consequences of the habit of smoking.3.The teacher,as well as a number of students,were asked to attend the party.,作文中的常见错误,II.时态问题:(1)时态前后不一致1.Mary tries to persuade me to go to the concert,but as I will be busy,I had refused.(2)一般现在时与一般将来时的误用


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