1、Unit 6 Body,山西省晋中市高师附校 王 鑫,Clap your hands and Jump up high,Shake your arms and your legs.Bend your knees andTouch your toes,Stand nose to nose.Come on,Dear!,Body,feet,teeth,tooth,foot,Hair,hair,shake your hair.Mouth,mouth,open your mouth.Teeth,teeth,show your teeth.Ears,ears,touch your ears.Face,fa
2、ce,touch your face.Feet,feet,stamp your feet.,Say the chant.,Activity 1:Who is the No.1?,Come on everybody And join the song.Its time for the Body Rock.Shake your hair.Touch your ears.Shake your legs and touch your feet.Touch,touch,touch,touch your nose.Now come on,touch your toes.Shake your arms.To
3、uch your face.Open your mouth and show your teeth.Touch,touch,touch,touch your nose.Now come on,touch your toes.,The body rock,Activity2:Play a guessing game.,1.In the animals,who has got a long nose?,2.In the animals,who has got long ears?,3.In the animals,who has got a big nose?,Hello!Im Linda.,I
4、have got big eyes.,I have got a small mouth.,I have got a small nose.,I have got big ears.,I have got long hair.,What about you?,Hello,Im _.I have got_hair.I have got _eyes.I have got a_nose.,Activity 3 Introduce yourself.,Activity4:Make a robot and introduce.,Love our body.More exercises,more healthy.,1.Colour the picture frames according to the lyrics of the song.(给图片边框涂上与歌曲的歌词一致的颜色)2.Introduce yourself for your parents.(给父母介绍你自己),Homework,Thank you!Have a nice day!,