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1、一、四级考试对作文的要求,四级大学英语写作考试时间为30分钟。要求应试者写出一篇不少于120个词的短文。写作命题源于日常生活和有关科技、社会文化等方面的一般常识,不涉及知识面过广、专业性太强的内容。命题方式有:给出题目、或规定情景、或给出段首句续写、或给出关键词写短文、或看图作文。要求内容切题,文理通顺,表达正确,语义连贯,无重大语言错误。,题材现实性 四级写作的题材具有显著的现实性,基本可以分为两大类:1.贴近大学生的学习工作及课余生活的校园题材 2.论及当前社会的现象、发展变化及进步的热点话题。,1.Recreational Activities(2008.6)2.What Electiv

2、es to Choose(2007.12)3.Welcome to Our Club(2007.6)4.Volunteers Needed(2006.6)5.Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourist?(2005.12)6.Teachers Day(2005.6)7.A Campaign Speech(2005.1)8.A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction(2004.6)9.A Letter in Reply to a Friend(2004.1),校园题材,关于此类题材的真题作文列举如下:

3、1.Limiting the Use of Disposable Plastic Bags(2008.12)2.Spring Festival Gala on CCTV(2006.12)3 How Should Parents Help Children to be Independent?(2010),社会热点话题,二、评分原则,采用总体评分(GLOBALSCORING)的方法,即把内容和语言作为一个统一体进行综合评判。主要是看内容是否切题,表达是否充分,所用语言是否能清楚而明确地表达思想。评卷人员根据思想内容和语言表达的总体印象给出奖励分(REWARDSCORES),并不是按语言点错误的多

4、少扣分。,三、评分标准,阅卷标准共分为五等:2分,5分,8分,11分及14分。0分白卷,作文与题目毫不相关,或只有几个孤立的词而无法表达思想。2分条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。5分基本切题,表达思想不够清楚,连贯性差,有较多的严重错误。8分基本切题,表达思想比较清楚,文字尚连贯,但语言错误较多。11分切题,表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。14分切题,表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯较好,基本上无语言错误。,Part I Writing(30 minutes)Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 m

5、inutes to write a short essay based on the picture below.You should start your essay with a brief account of the impact of the Internet on learning and then explain why education doesnt simply mean learning to obtain information.You should write at least l20 words but no more than l80 words,一、审题,审题就

6、是要审作文的体裁和题材。根据题材不同的体裁去写。体裁包括议论文、说明文和描述文,四、六级作文不是单一的体裁,而是几种体裁的杂合体。,一、审题,通过认真审题来确定标题的核心词或者说关键词,依此来整理思路。因此,同学们看到试题后绝对不能提笔就写,而是应该认真审题,看清题目的要求和提示,充分利用题目所提供的信息、关键词所圈定的范围,在确立主题后再动笔。,二.文体要统一,正式文体的文章不宜用非正式的语句。有些考生在一篇很正式的议论文中用以下的句子做结语“OK,this is what I want to say.”或是“Thats my opinion.Do you agree with me?”等等


8、文章的一致性,二是有凑字数之嫌。如,1 Scientists fear that nuclear energy will one day destroy us.2 They say that the explosion of a nuclear bomb can kill millions of people and cause disease and deformity in later generation.3 Because of limited energy resources,scientists are studying the possibilities of nuclear p

9、ower.4 And any failure from a nuclear plant may cause enormous damage to the affected area.5 Whats more,up to now people have not discovered a safe way to dispose of radioactive wastes.,五.表达方式要多样化,词、句型使用的多样化不仅给文章增加了色彩和可读性,与此同时也可反映考生的词汇量和语言掌握的程度等。为避免文章平淡、呆板,可使用不同的句式强调句、倒装句、否定句等等。长短句使用合理相间,用短句表达有力的结论,

10、用长句体现严密的逻辑关系。考生在举例说明的段落中尤其要注意词语的多样性。,六.语言要流畅,评分标准已清楚地告诉考生文章要语言流畅、字句通顺、表达准确,这是得高分的基础。,七.首尾要呼应,上述几项被阅卷者称为闪光点,即加分的因素。除此而外,更重要的一点是要注意文章的完整性,即首尾要呼应。,八.检查要到位,这个重要环节往往被考生忽略不计,而因为少了这个环节所造成的后果真可谓是功亏一篑。在阅卷过程中,时不时会发现ourself、thinked、the person who are,而这些会酿成不良后果的错误完全可在一两分钟的时间内检查、修改完成。所以,在写完短文后,要耐心地再读一遍。,审题时,除了要

11、把握好图表的表层信息外,还要分析图表的深层含义,如原因、根源、可能的发展趋势等。图表中所提供的说明文字往往是问题的切入点,一定要仔细分析。描述数据时要抓住重点,为中心服务,不必面面俱到,切忌毫无目的地罗列图表中的数据。如果数据较多,抓住图表中的极端点(如最大或最小、最多或最少,最好或最差)和基本相同进行描述。主题句应明确,最好放在文章的开头,这样会使重点突出,主题明了。,图表作文写法,常见模板第一段:总体描述图表,指明时间段,指出突出变化或不同常用句型或短语:As is clearly shown in the chart/table/graph,_According to the figur

12、es given in the table/chart/graph,_It can be seen from the table/chart/graph,_.The figures in the table/chart reflect that _,especially,_(指出突出变化),第二段:(分析原因)There are several factors leading to this change/difference.There are several reasons for _.(引出原因)To begin with,_(原因一)In addition,_(原因二)For exam

13、ple,_(举例说明)Last but not the least,_(原因三)第三段(总结重申)To sum up_(简要总结)To conclude,_ So it is suggested that _(提出建议),数据变化常用句型表示增长The number of.has grown steadily from to.in 2009.has risen from.shows a tendency to increase climbed went sharply up soared tends to go up b/increaseThere was a rapid/sharp/dram

14、atic/gradual/slow increase/rise in the number of.who.The number of.is on the rise/increase.The increase of.has reached to.,表示数据降低The number of dropped steadily from to in 2008.declined suddenly fell tends to go down tendency to fall shows a tendency to decreaseThere was a sharp fall.in the number of

15、 in 2008.gradual decrease sudden reduction slow decline drop,例文:Students Use of Computers提纲:1.上图所示为某校大学生平均每周使用计算机的时间:1990年(2 hours),1995年(4 hours),2002年(14 hours),请描述其变化;2.请说明发生这些变化的原因(可从计算机的用途、价格或社会发展等方面加以说明);3.你认为目前大学生在计算机使用中有什么困难或问题。,参考范文(1)Student Use of Computers As is clearly shown in the char

16、t,the number of hours students spent on computers increased from two to four hours per week from 1990 to 1995.Especially,the number rose to about 14 hour per week in 2002.There are three factors leading to the change.To begin with,the price of computers is getting much lower than before so that many

17、 students can afford it.In addition,it is very convenient for us to study with the help of computers.For example,e-mails enable us to keep in touch with our teachers and friends.Last but not least,with fast development of the modern society,a computer has become a must for many people.To sum up,low

18、price,convenience and wide use contribute to the increase in the use of computers.As for me,student use of computers is a double-edged sword.On the one hand,it is a good helper in searching for information,drawing pictures,etc.On the other hand,various computer games might distract students from the

19、ir studies.In brief,computers can serve us well if they are used in the right way.,Student Use of Computers As is clearly shown in the chart,the average number of hours a student spent on computers increased from two to four hours per week from 1990 to 1995.Especially,the number reached approximatel

20、y 14 hour per week in 2002.Why are there such great changes during these days?There are three factors leading to this phenomenon.Firstly,because of the sharp decline in the price of computers,most college students can afford one.Secondly,the Internet provides access to various kinds of information s

21、tudents are interested in.Finally,playing computer games or surfing online is relaxing.To sum up,low price,easy access to information and wide use make students use computers a lot.As for me,computers do bring convenience to students;however,it is no good fro students to spend too much time chatting

22、 online or playing computer games.In brief,in spite of the problems concerning the use of computers,we cant deny that computers are of more merits than defects.,参考范文(3)Student Use of Computers Using computers has become a common part of peoples life.And the tremendous growth of student use of comput

23、ers has always aroused the greatest concern.What impresses us most is the number of hours students spend on computers.In 2002,they spend as many as 14 hours per week on computers.The reasons why computers as widely used are varied.Among them,the decreasing price of PC plays an important part.Whats m

24、ore,the Internet provides college students an amazing world to explore.For example,they can get the latest news and make friends conveniently around the world.When talking about the disadvantages and problems existing in student use of computers,I think that their lack of skills and discipline is wh

25、at should be paid attention to.On the one hand,the lack of skills fails students to make good use of the computer and the Internet.On the other hand,their lack of necessary discipline makes some students indulge in computer games and the net world,forgetting their major tasks as college students.In

26、brief,there is still a lot to do to help students make good use of computers.,主题句,主题句是表达段落主题的句子,它阐明一个段落的中心思想,是段落的核心,段落中的其他各句都与它紧密相连并围绕它展开。主题句是确保不跑题的前提,只有不跑题才有可能得及格分。写主题句最保险的方法就是把各要求句译成英语。扩展句就是解释或者说明段落中心思想的句子。写扩展句时要注意条理性。,写作常用短语、句式,1.表示观点的语句:The first thing to be considered is;I believe that;It is a

27、fact that;This is unlikely to be true;Most people are of the opinion that;These views are open to doubt;It is widely acknowledged that;It is generally/widely argued(held/believed)that,写作常用短语、句式,2.表示扩展的语句:On the other hand;aside from;There is limit to;No one can claim that;The surprising thing is tha

28、t;The same is true of;Whats more series is that;No one can deny that;There s no doubt that,写作常用短语、句式,3.表示递进过渡的词语:first,firstly to begin with,besides,in addition(to),next,moreover,furthermore;whats more,and equally important,last,last but not the least,to make things still worse,写作常用短语、句式,4.表示分类法常用的句

29、型:X may be classified/divided according to;on the basis of;The classification is based on X may be put into;groups consists of/comprises,写作常用短语、句式,5.表示比较,对照的:In comparison with;in spite of the fact;nevertheless;whereas;converselyThere are a lot of similarities between A and B;A is like B in;Compared

30、 with A,B;We can compare A to B;A,similarly/correspondingly Unlike/Contrary to/As opposed to A,B A,however/on the other hand/in contrast,B.A,B,however/on the other hand/in contrast,A has nothing in common with B;,写作常用短语、句式,6表示原因 1)there are three reasons for this 2)the reasons for this are as follow

31、s 3)the reason for this is obvious 4)the reason for this is not far to seek 5)the reason for this is that 6)we have good reason to believe that,写作常用短语、句式,7.表示好处 1)it has the following advantages 2)it does us a lot of good 3)it benefits us quite a lot 4)it is beneficial to us 5)it is of great benefit

32、 to us8.表示坏处 1)it has more disadvantages than advantages 2)it does us much harm 3)it is harmful to us,写作常用短语、句式,9.表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能 1)it is important(necessary,difficult,convenient,possible)for sbto do sth 2)we think it necessary to do sth 3)it plays an important role in our life 10.表示措施 1)we should

33、take some effective measures 2)we should try our best to overcome/conquer the difficulties 3)we should do our utmost in doing sth 4)we should solve the problems that we are confronted(faced)with,写作常用短语、句式,11.表示变化 1)some changes have taken place in the past five years 2)a great change will certainly

34、be produced in the worlds communications 3)the computer has brought about many changes in education,写作常用短语、句式,12.表示事实、现状 1)we cannot ignore the fact that 2)no one can deny the fact that 3)there is no denying the fact that 4)this is a phenomenon that many people are interested in 5)however,thats not

35、the case6)There is strong evidence to show that7)There is a growing worldwide awareness of the need for strengthening environmental protection.,写作常用短语、句式,12.表示事实、现状 8)One of the pressing problems facing our nation(China)today is overcoming disparities in urban and rural income levels.9)Perhaps no is

36、sues are more controversial than 10)there is no denying the fact that 4)this is a phenomenon that many people.,英语单句写作,多数同学在写作上欠缺的不是系统的写作理论和方法,而是最基本的单句写作能力。1.确保句子的正确性,即准确表达思想而且没有语法错误。There are many people like to go to the movies.There are many people who like to go to the movies.2.不能忽视作文中经常出现的严重汉化的英

37、语,即中式英语,如:Many people live in the side far area.,英语单句写作常见错误分析,一 Therebe 结构 考生病句:1.Therearedifferentkindsofvegetablescanbebought onthemarketbypeople.Therearedifferentkindsofvegetablesthatpeoplecanbuyonthemarket.在这种结构中,there是引导词,没有实际意义。be在句中作谓语,有时态和数的变化。考生最容易犯的错误是在therebe之后又用了一个动词作谓语,使句子结构出现严重错误。,二 比较

38、结构1.Comparingwiththebike,thecarrunsmuchfaster.Comparedwiththebike,thecarrunsmuchfaster.2.TheclimateinWaltoniscolderthanothercities.TheclimateinWaltoniscolderthanthatofothercities.对两个事物进行比较的句式ComparedwithA,B.,只能用compare的过去分词,不能用现在分词,因为B是分词的逻辑主语,只能被比较。,英语单句写作常见错误分析,三 表原因结构1.Therealreasontoourfailureis



41、neverofourcountry.2.ProfessorLuisstrictwithusbecause shewantsustomakerapidprogress.3.Sincewelivenearthesea,weenjoya healthyclimate.4.Im not going to swim this afternoon as Im not in a good mood.,英语单句写作常见错误分析,英语单句写作,4.Pollutionisstillaseriousproblem,notthatwedonthavetheabilitytosolveit,butthatsomepeo


43、句首,后面的主句不能再用so。用as引导的原因从句语气较弱,所说明的原因是附带的,而since表示的是稍加分析之后才能推断出来的原因。,写作常用短语、句式,11.承上启下的常用语 When asked about/When it comes to/Faced with,some people claim/think/argue/believe that,but/while others(differently)Nowadays there is much/general discussion as to.With the development/improvement/growth of,No

44、w,it is commonly/widely/increasingly,11.承上启下的常用语 Now,it is commonly/widely/increasingly believed/thought/held/acknowledged that,According to a recent study/survey/investigation,Have you ever thought/wondered?Suppose As the saying goes,写作常用短语、句式,12.转折的常用语 It sounds like a good/attractive idea/suggest

45、ion,but they fail to understand/see/notice There is probably an element of truth in the arguments/ideas,but they ignore a basic/more important fact Closer examination/analysis,however,suggests/shows that this argument/claim/idea may not be supported by the following evidences/facts/examples/statisti

46、cs.,写作常用短语、句式,12.转折的常用语 arguments(ideas,suggestions),however,would reveal/suggest/prove how flimsy(不足信的,不严密)/fallacious(谬误的,靠不住的)/groundless(没有根据的)they are.No matter how logical/sound/forcible(有说服力)these arguments may be,they dont make sense when is viewed the other way/taken into consideration.They

47、 may be right about,but they seem to neglect/fail to mention/take into account,写作常用短语、句式,13.总结的常用语 Experience/Evidence/All the facts suggest/show/demonstrate/indicate that From what has been discussed above/Taking into account all these factors,we may safely draw/reach/come to/arrive/the conclusion

48、that In conclusion/To sum up/In summary/In short/To conclude.Judging from ample of evidence presented,we can safely conclude that,写作常用短语、句式,13.总结的常用语 In short,it can be said that;In a word,;In brief,;In conclusion,;On the whole,;In all,;Altogether,;From what has been mentioned above,we can come to t

49、he conclusion that/it can be concluded that;On the basis;Given this;it can be inferred that;Finally;It can/may be said that,英语单句写作,四.否定结构1.Somepeoplethinkweneednttoworryaboutfreshwater.Somepeoplethinkweneedntworry(dontneedtoworry)aboutfreshwater.例句1的错误在于混淆了need作为情态动词和作为普通动词的用法。need作为情态动词时,主要用于否定句,后面



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