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1、e.g.He had survived heart bypass surgery.他在心脏搭桥手术中活了下来。On my first day here I thought,“Ooh,how will I survive?”在这儿的第一天我想:“噢,我该怎么挺过去呀?”Most women will survive their spouses.大多数女性比她们的配偶活得长。survivor 幸存者;生还者,残存物survive on 靠活下来;靠生存survival:n.幸存,存活,遗留.,survivev.,vt.vi.to continue to live or exist,in a dif

2、ficult or dangerous situation 经历(困境或危险后)继续活着;从(困境中)挺过来,e.g.What a lovely way to earn a living一个多好的谋生方式啊.a bank account that earns little or no interest一个很少或不生利息的银行账户 Companies must earn a reputation for honesty.公司必须赢得诚信,to receive money as payment for work that you do 赚钱,赢得,earn,e.g.John has admitte

3、d(to)breaking the window.He never admits that he is wrong.The accused finally admitted his guilt to the court.这个被告最终在法庭上承认自己的罪行。,To state or agree to the truth of(sth.)承认,供认,More to learn,admit(to)vt.,e.g.Admission into British universities depends on examination results.Admission to the exhibition

4、will be by invitation only.,admission n.C or U,thriving 繁荣的;蒸蒸日上的;旺盛的He appears to be thriving他看起来兴旺发达蒸蒸日上。Many people thrive on a stressful lifestyle.许多人喜欢有压力的生活方式。,thrive vi.,to grow or develop well and vigorously 茁长成长,essential adj.,e.g.Most authorities agree that play is an essential part of a c

5、hilds development.大多数权威人士认为玩耍是孩子成长的一个重要部分。,necessary;needed,e.g.The minister argued for/against making cuts in military spending.The minister argued that cuts in military spending were needed.部长辩论说在缩减军事开支是有必要的。,to give the reasons for your opinion,idea,belief,etc 辩论,提出理由,argue vi.vt.,e.g.We argued w

6、ith the waiter about the price of the meal.Kids,will you stop arguing with each other?They were arguing over/about which film to go and see.,argue vi.,to speak angrily to someone,telling them that you disagree with them 争吵,More to learn,e.g.He will never pressure you to get married.,to strongly pers

7、uade someone to do something they do not want to do 对某事施加压力,迫使某人做某事,pressure vt.BrE pressurise(AmE pressure),Youre likely to feel anxious and pressured.,Can you work under pressure?,他永远也不会给你施加压力让你结婚。你可能会感到焦虑并且有压力。你能在压力下工作吗?,disturb vt.,e.g.She opened the door quietly so as not to disturb the sleepin

8、g child.Im sorry to disturb you so late,but my cars broken down and I was wondering if I could use your phone.,(1)to interrupt what someone is doing 打扰,弄乱,disturbance n.C or U e.g.Residents are fed up with the disturbance caused by the nightclub.,居民对夜总会的吵闹感到不满。,e.g.Some scenes are violent and may di

9、sturb younger viewers.,disturb vt.,(2)to cause someone to be anxious or upset 妨碍,使恼怒,disturb the peace(律)扰乱治安,e.g.I seem to have involved myself in something I dont understand我似乎已经将自己卷入了我不了解的事情当中。Nasser and I do everything together,and he involves me in everything纳萨和我做什么事都在一起,他让我参与所有的事情。I dont want

10、to do anything that will involve me in a long-term commitment我不想做任何会使自己做出长期承诺的事情。,to include someone or something in something,or to make them take part in or feel part of it使(某人)参与(某活动)或陷于(某种境地),More to learn,involve vt.,be/get/become involved in sth.与.有关联,卷入,陷入become/get involved with sb.与某人有密切关系b

11、e involved with 涉及get involved with 给.缠住,involve vt.,to include someone or something in something,or to make them take part in or feel part of it,e.g.It is the next part that is more difficult and which many parents flunk.下一个环节就要更困难些了,许多父母都不及格。,Flunk v.,To get a failing mark in;giving a failing grad

12、e to 不及格,未通过,给某人打不及格分数,e.g.Tonights programme focuses on the way that homelessness affects the young.When the kitchen is finished Im going to focus my attention on the garden and get that sorted out.,to give a lot of attention to one particular person,subject or thing 把注意力或精力集中于(某物),focus(sth)on/upon sb/sth,e.g.To tell the truth,I dont know if I can handle the job.说实话,我不知道我能否做好这份工作。He flew off the handle at the slightest thing 他为一点小事就突然大发雷霆。I turned the handle and found the door was open.我转动把手,发现门是开的。,do with/deal with对付,处理 n.门把手,柄,Handle vt,


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