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1、2012外研版七年级英语上册module1-2,-Whats your number?-Its 179 456.Whats your number?-Its 942 381.,Work in pairs.Ask and answer,首字母要大写的情况(1)句首字线大写。例:My name is Tony.(2)姓h和名首字母要大写。例:This is Li Haibo.(3)人称代词 I 要大写。例:She is a teacher and Im a student.(4)地名首字母要大写,如:Shanghai,Chendu.(5)语言名称首字母要大写。如:English,Chinese.,

2、A:Whats your name?B:My names A:Where are you from?B:Im from A:How old are you?B:Im years old.A:What class are you in?B:I am in A:Nice to meet you.B:Nice to meet you,too.,Pairwork,外国人的姓名是名字(first name/given name)放在首位,姓(last name/family name)放在最后 Given name+Family name 中国人的姓名是照揞音写的。姓和名要隔开,并且姓和名的字母要大写。

3、中国人的姓名是姓(last name/family name)在前面,名(first name/given name)在后面 Family name+Given name,Yang Liwei,Family name,Given name,David Beckham,Family name,Given name,How old are you?Im years old.Where are you from?Im from What class are you in?Im in Class Three/Five,Grade Seven.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet

4、you,too.,You?,Listen and repeat,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty,Whats your name?1)My name is+姓名 2)I am+姓名 3)姓名,Whats his/her name?他/她叫什么名字?1)His/Her name is+姓名 2)He/She is+姓名 3)姓名,How old are you?Im years old.,How old is he/she?他/她几岁?Hes/Shesyears o

5、ld.,Where are you from?Im from,Where is he/she from?他/她从哪来?Hes/Shes from,1.Im from Wuhan.I come from Wuhan.我来自武汉。(我是武汉人)这里be from/come from表示“来自哪里”、“从哪里来的”或“是哪里人”。eg:They are from England.他们是从英国来的。(他们是英国人)如果不强调从哪里来,只是要说明身份,也可以说:Hes a Beijinger.他是北京人。Theyre English.他们是英国人。,-Where is he from?,-He is f

6、rom China and he is Chinese.,-Where is he from?,-He is from England and he is English.,-Where is she from?,-She is from England.She is English.,-Where is it from?,-It is from America and it is American.,-Where are they from?,-They are from China and they are Chinese.,4.Im from China and Im Chinese.我

7、来自中国,我是中国人。在表达来自某个国家时,要使用国名。如:China,Canada等等。如果要强调是某国人时,则要用其形容词形式。如:Chinese,English等等。另:be from=come fromeg:Tom is from America.=Tom comes from America.汤姆来自美国。,注意:所有国家的形容词形式都与其语言形式一样。,China(中国)Chinese Japan(日本)Japanese America(美国)American England(英国)EnglishAustralia(澳大利亚)Australian Canada(加拿大)Canadi

8、an France(法国)French India(印度)IndianSweden(瑞典)SwedishRussia(俄罗斯)RussianItaly(意大利)Italian Germany(德国)German,国家 国家人,-Is he/she/it from?-Yes,he/she/it is.(No,he/she/it isnt.He/She/It is from),Write sentences.,1.His names Tom.2.Hes from England.3.Hes English.4.Hes fourteen years old.,Tom,England,English,

9、fourteen,Writing,1.Her names Jiang Li.2.Shes from China.3.Shes Chinese.4.Shes eleven years old.,Jiang Li,China,Chinese,eleven,3.英语里经常把两个或更多意思上关系很紧密的句子合并成一个句子,形成并列句。并列句中的分句可以用and连接。eg:Hes English and hes in Class One.他是英国人,他在一班。,Presentation,1.I am Miss Xiao.I am a teacher.I am Chinese.I am from Ping

10、hu/China.I am 31 years old.,2.This is my friend.He is xxx.He is from,This is my friend,too.She is xxx.She is from,That is my book.It is on the desk.,3.We are Chinese.,You are students.,They are friends.,be:am,is,are,6.Im in Class One.我在一班。对划线部分提问:What class are you in?若只对 One 提问,用Which class are you

11、 in?注意:Class 和 One 都要大写,且数字保持一致。Ex:Grade Seven:七年级 Group One:一组 Room Two:二号房间 Row Three:第三排,1.-What is(=Whats)your name?,-My name is/I am(=Im),2.-How old are you?,-Im 13./Im 13 years old.,3.-Where are you from?,-I am from Pinghu/China.,4.-What class are you in?,-I am in Class Three/Four,Grade Seven.

12、,5.I am a student and I am Chinese.,=I am a student and I am a Chinese boy/girl.,6.-Nice to meet you.,-Nice to meet you,too.,be from:来自,2.Im a student and Im twelve years old.我是一名学生,十二岁了。这里years old 用来表述年龄,表示“岁”。有时,years old可以省略。只用数字表达年龄即可。eg:My sister is five.我妹妹五岁了。提问:How old are you?,3.王海12岁了。Wan

13、g Hai _ _ _ _.Wang Hai _ _.4.我叫琳达。My name _ _.I _ _.,is,twelve,years,old,is,twelve,is,Linda,am,Linda,Sam _ _ _ years old and and he _ from _.2.Helen _ from England.She _ from _.3._ Wang Dong from England?No,he _.He _ from _.4.Helen and Wang Dong _ 12 years old,They _ _ years old.5._ Sam and Helen in

14、 Class 3?No,they _.They _ in Class _.Wang Dong _ in Class 3.,is,is,is,Is,is,is,isnt,isnt,twelve,England,America,China,arent,arent,are,Are,are,thirteen,One,I wemy ourshe theyher theirhehisyouyour,我,我的,她,她的,他,他的,你,你们,你的,你们的,我们,我们的,他们,他们的,5.Lingling and Daming are friends.玲玲和大明是朋友。分析:本句中主语是两个人,故Be动词应该为

15、are。这在英语上称为“主谓一致”,即主语和谓语在人称和数上要保持一致。Ex:Lingling and I are good friends.Daming and his mother go shopping every week.,Be 妈妈的三个孩子.am只要一出场,句子主句一定是,不管它是在肯定句、否定句中,还是在疑问句中。I am常常缩写为Im。如:I am(=Im)a student.2.Is,只要is出现,句子的主语常常为可数名词单数、不可数名词或单词代词he,she和it等。Is与主语连用时缩写为s形式,也常与not缩写为isnt。如:He is(=Hes)a teacher.S

16、he is not(=isnt)at home.3.are,当are出现时,句子主语常为可数名词复数或代词weyouthey。Are与主语连用时常缩写为re形式,与not缩写为arent。如:You are(=Youre)a girl.They are not(=arent)teachers.,be(am,is,are),用am,is和 are填空 Miss Xu _ my English teacher.I _ her student.She _ 30.She _ at school today.2.Where _ you?I _ here!Where _ my pen?It _ here!

17、3._ Sam at home?No,he _ not.Where _ Sam and Lily?They _ at school.4._ you Liu Ying?No,I _ not.I _ Li Ming.5.This _ a banana,and these _ flowers.,is,is,am,is,are,am,is,is,Is,is,are,are,Are,am,am,are,is,完成下列句子1、Amy在2班。Amy _.2、Jack不是英国人。Jack _.3、我们是中国人。We _.4、他不是我的好朋友。He _.5、她们不是来自美国。They _.,is in Clas

18、s Two,isnt English,are Chinese,isnt my good friend,arent from America,6、他们来自武汉吗?_ they _ Wuhan?,Are from,His name is Daming.(划线提问)Theyre thirteen years old.Lingling is in Class One.Hes from Guangdong.He is Chinese.(变复数),Whats his name?,How old are they?,What class is Lingling in?,Where is he from?,T

19、hey are Chinese.,二、根据汉语提示完成句子。,1.我是中国人。Im _ _.Im _.2.他来自北京。He _ _ Beijing.He _ _ Beijing.,from,China,Chinese,is,from,from,comes,Presentation:introduce yourself,展示:自我介绍,Miss Li,a teacher,Wuhan,20,Im,Im,Im,Im from,=I come from,Daming.,12 years old.,a student.,Beijing.,He is,=I come from,He is,He is,He

20、 is from,Wang Hui.,13 years old.,a student.,Shanghai.,He is,=I come from,He is,He is,He is from,知识点小结:I am from=,=I come from,你从哪里来?,Where are you from?,Where do you come from?,I come from Beijing.,Im twelve years old.,=Im twelve(12)=I am a 12-year-old boy.=I am a girl of 12 years old.=I am at the a

21、ge of 12.,记住这个招牌句势,_ _ _?,Whats this?,Its a map.,_ _ _.,What are,They are maps,these,What are these?,Whats this?,Its a pen.,They are pens.,What are?,Whats that?,Its a watch.,They are watches.,those,What are those?,Whats that?,Its an English book.,They are English books.,What are these?They are.,What

22、 are those?They are,Ask and answer,单数变复数 this 变 these that 变 those he/she/it 变they I 变we is 变成 are 大部分的名词后边加s:boyboys girlgirls 特殊:box _boxes watch_ watches,These are,This is a/an,That is a/an,Those are,pen,ruler,orange,eraser,baseball,watch,pens,rulers,oranges,erasers,baseballs,watches,key,backpack

23、,apple,ID card,notebook,keys,backpacks,apples,ID cards,notebooks,Lets say one by one.,Explanation,David,this is my mother.大卫,这是我妈妈。,1.当第三者给双方做介绍时,通常用”this is+姓名”这个句型,在这种场合不说she is/he is,2.向别人介绍第三者,并指远处的人时,应用thats.,意思为“那位是.”。如:-Thats her brother.-那是她哥哥。,3.当你向别人介绍两个或两个以上的人时,常说:These(Those)are.These(Th

24、ose)are my sisters and brothers.,My mums parents are on the left,and my dads parents are on the right.我妈妈的父母亲在左边,我爸爸的父母亲在右边。,Language points,What a big family!真是一个大家庭啊!on the left 在左边 on the right 在右边 都是表示方位的介词短语,不仅可以用来 描述人物之 间的位置关系,也可以用来描述事物之 间的位置关系。如:,The bus station is on the left,and the hospita

25、l is on the right.公交车站在左边,医院在右边。,2.Is this your mum?这是你的妈妈吗?“Is this/that?”常用于询问对方“这/那是吗?”,回答时常用“Yes,it is”或“No,it isnt”。回答主语是this 或that的疑问句时,常用it来代替this 或that,以避免重复。同样,回答主语为these或 those的疑问句时,常用they来代替。Are these your photos?Yes,they are.on the right/left 意为“在右边/左边”,此处right/left为名词。“在某人的右/左边”是on ones

26、 right/left或on the right/left of sb。,3.family 家庭family 若强调一个整体,谓语动词用单数;若强调家庭中的每一个成员,则谓语动词用复数形式。如:My family is a big one.我们家是一个大家庭。His family are going to travel to the USA.他打算全家去美国旅行。,family,home和house的区别1)family意为“家,家庭,家人”,着重指由 家庭成员组成的社会基本结构家庭或 家庭中的每个成员,如:I love my family.我爱我家。The whole family will

27、 spend their holiday in Hainan.全家将在海南度假。2)home意为“家,家园”,指与家人共同居 住的地方,强调家庭成员居住的环境和氛 围,不可以用来指人。如:,I have to stay at home alone tonight.今晚,我不得不一人呆在家里。3)house意为“房子,房屋”,侧重指住所,即建筑物,如:There are many trees in front of my house.我家前面有许多树。His house is in Shanghai.他住在上海。,格桑花,A:Is this your grandparents?B:Yes,the

28、yre.This is my grandmother.My grandfather is on the right.,A:Is this your cousin?B:No,it isnt.Thats my brother.My cousin is on the right.Hes playing basketball.,注:问画或照片中的人,可用it 来回答。,A:Is this your sister?B:Yes,it is.A:Whats her name?B:Her name is Jessica.,Name:Jessica,本课时主要句型,课后回顾,1.How many people

29、are there in your family?There are 2.Have you got any?Yes,I have.Ive got His/Her name is Their names are No,I havent.,三、从方框中选出合适的词填空。,My names Rebecca.These are _ friends.There are from different countries.Susan is American._ father is a doctor.Mike isnt Chinese._is English._ mother is a teacher._ i

30、s _ English teacher._ are her students.,her we our my his she he,my,Her,He,His,She,our,We,四、根据汉语提示完成句子。,1.我的妹妹是医生。她就站在我旁边。_ sister is a _.She is standing _ _ me.2.他的奶奶来自美国。她是一名公共汽车司机。_ grandma is _ America.Shes a bus _.3.杰克不是中国人。他的父亲是酒店经理。Jack _ Chinese._father is a _ _.,My doctor next to,His from,driver,isnt His,hotel manager,4.盒子里有几个苹果?有6个。,_ _ _ _ _ in the box?_ _ six.,5.看,这些是我新自行车的照片。,Look,_ _ _ _ of my new bike.,6.他的妈妈紧挨着爸爸。,His mother is _ _ his fahter.,How many apples are there,There are,these are some photos,next to,


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