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1、,Module 7 Time off,Unit 2 Linglings uncle told us not to worry.,Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area,Do you like travelling?,Where have you been?,武陵源自然名胜风景区由张家界国家森林公园,索溪裕自然保护区,天子山和杨家界四大景区组成。,Zhangjiajie Forest Park,Suoxiyu,Huanglong Cave,Mount Tianzi,Yangjiajie,have a camp,plants,walk up/dow

2、n the path,take a cable car,see the whole view from the top,waterfall,top,see the mountain tops through the clouds,Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area,武陵源自然名胜风景区由张家界国家森林公园,索溪裕自然保护区,天子山和杨家界四大景区组成。,A picture by Wu Guanzhong,Wu Guanzhong is a famous Chinese painter.,Para1 Their plan for tommor

3、row.Para2.A special experience at night.Para3 The descriptions of Wulingyuan.Para4 The visit to Mount Tianzi.,Lets scan,Wulingyuan,How large?,Where?,What to see?,Whats it famous for?,about 390 square kilometers,in Hunan Province,mountains,forests,rivers and rocks,the strange shape of its tall rocks,

4、Lets read Para1 and answer.,A magic land,Wulingyuan is _.It is _.We can see _.It is famous for _.It is really a good place to_.,Lets talk!,Lets read Para2 and answer the questions.,1.where did they stay last night?2.What things worried them?3.What did Linglings uncle say?,They stayed in a tent by a

5、small lake.,A loud noise from a monkey.,He said,“Dont worry.”,He told them not to worry,He said,“Come out quietly.”,He told them to come out quietly.,1.They enjoyed a wonderful view of thelakes and forests on top of Mount Tianzi.()2.They went back to the tent by cable car.()3.Linglings uncle told Sa

6、lly not to pull leaves off trees.(),F,F,T,Lets read Para3(True or False),Because it was dangerous and people should protect everything there,Lets read Para3 and fill in the blanks.,This morning they went up Mount Tianzi by _ _.On the top,they saw nothing but the _ _.They couldnt enjoy _ _ _ _ the la

7、kes and forests then because there were lots of _.But they saw trees,_ and_ along the _ on their way _to the tent.,cable car,mountain tops,a wonderful view of,clouds,waterfalls,plants,path,back,Where are they going to tomorrow?When will they go back to school?,They are going to the second largest fr

8、esh water lake in China,Dongting Lake.,Next week.,Paragraph 4 Answer the following questions.,1.Im having a wonderful time here in Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area.我在武陵源风景区玩得很开心have a wonderful time 玩得高兴 have a great time/enjoy oneselfEg:Sally said that she had a good time in Beijing las

9、t week.(enjoyed herself)萨丽说她上周在北京玩得很高兴,Language Points,2.Its famous for the strange shape of its tall rocks.它以奇形怪状的高高的岩石而闻名be famous for 因而著名 Eg:China is famous for the Great Wall.中国以长城而闻名3.Some people think they look like soldier,and others think they look like animals.有些人认为它们看上去像士兵,另一些人认为像动物look l

10、ike 看起来像,Language Points,4.Last night we camped by a small lake.昨晚我们在一个小湖边宿营by a small lake“by”在一边旁Eg:Im standing by the desk.我站在课桌旁5.During the night,I heard a loud noise,as if someone was laughing.as if 好象,仿佛,后跟从句.Eg:He walked past me and said nothing,as if he didnt know me.他走过我旁边,什么也没说,好象他不认识我,La

11、nguage Points,6.I woke up Lingling and her uncle.我叫醒了玲玲和她叔叔.wake up 叫醒,唤醒Eg:She wakes up her daughter every morning.7.Linglings uncle told us not to worry.玲玲的叔叔告诉我们不要担心 tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事 tell sb not to so sth告诉某人不要做某事Eg:The teachers always tell us not to laugh at others.,Language Points,8.An

12、d left the tent to find out what is was.然后出了帐篷去看看是什么 leaveto do sth 离开去做Eg:His father left home to work in the factory.9.Then he pointed into the forest.It was a monkey.When it saw us,it jumped up into the trees and went back into the forest.他用手指向树林,原来是只猴子当猴子看见我们,就跳起来爬上树,跑回树林去了 point into 指向 jump up

13、 into 跳起来 go back into 返回到,Language Points,10.From the top we hoped for a wonderful view of the lakes and forests.我们希望从山顶上能看到湖泊和树林的美景 hope for+n.I often hope for good weather.hope to do sth I hope to have a nice house.hope+that clause eg:Our teacher hope(that)we should study hard for the bright futu

14、re.11.He also said that it was wrong to pull leaves and we should protect everything here,I felt sorry.他还说揪叶子不对,我们应该保护这里的每一样东西,我觉得很抱歉!,Language Points,feel sorry 感觉很抱歉“feel+adj”觉得.Eg:When he heard the news,he felt very happy.12.Tomorrow were going to the second largest fresh water lake in China,Dong

15、ting Lake.明天我们将去中国的第二大淡水湖-洞庭湖.the second largest“第二大.”“定冠词 the+序数词+最高级.”表示“第几最.的”Eg:Yellow River is the second largest river in China.,Language Points,Fill in the blanks,Dear Mum and Dad:Were spending some time off _ Linglings uncle in Hunan Province,and Im _ a wonderful time here in Wulingyuan Scen

16、ic and Historic Interest Area.Its very large,_ 390 square kilometres,and its a _ land of mountains,forests and rivers.It _ for the strange shape of its tall rocks.Some people think they look _ _,and others think they look like animals.Before Wu Guanzhong,a famous Chinese painted some beautiful pictu

17、res of it in 1979,few people knew about the _.Last night we camped _ a small lake.During,with,having,about,magic,famous,like soldiers,area,by,Retell,the night,I heard a loud noise,_ _ someone was laughting.I _ _ Lingling her uncle,and I asked them what the noise was.Linglings uncle told us _ _ worry

18、,and _ the tent _ find out what it was.After a few minutes,he told us to _ _ quietly.Then he pointed _ the forest.It was a monkey.When it saw us,it jumped _ _ the trees and went back into the forest.This morning we _ a cable car up Mount Tianzi-it was quite safe._ the top we hoped for a wonderful _

19、_ the lakes and forests,but we could only see the mountaintops _ the clouds.Then we walk down the_,past trees.Waterfalls and plants back to our tent.I _ a leaf _ plant,but Linglings,as if,pulled,woke up,not to,left,to,come out,into,up into,took,From,view of,through,path,off,Retell,uncle told me not

20、to wash my hands,and_ _ touch it,because it was dangerous.He also said that it was wrong to pull leaves and we should _ everything here.I _ sorry.Tomorrow were going to the _ _ fresh water lake in China,Dongting Lake.Well go back to school next week!Wish you here!Love,Sally,not to,protect,felt,secon

21、d largest,Retell,Read the information about Wulingyuan and write a paragraph about it,Wulingyuan Scenic and Histoic Interest Area is about 390 square kilometers,and about 400 kilometers from.,Writing,A test:choose the most important or interesting facts about Wulingyuan and write a paragraph about i

22、t.,Eg.Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area is about 390 square kilometres,and about 400 kilometres from Changsha.Everyone loves its unusual mountains,rivers,deep canyons,special caves and forests.It is home to many kinds of plants and animals.Its famous for its shape of tall rocks,rare trees

23、 and animals,and beautiful fog.,The guides advice,The guide told us,Its time to go to school.There goes the bell.Take it easy.Dont worry.I will help you.Keep environment tidy,please.Keep off the grass,please.Please take care of safety.Be quiet,please.Wait a minute,please.Please close the tap.Im sorr

24、y./Excuse me./Pardon.Can you give me a hand Whats wrong/Whats your trouble/Whats the matter?,文明用语,Man should get on well with the nature!(人与自然和谐共处!),Lets share!,Lets be guides,Introduce a beautiful place in.,Hello!Everybody!Welcome to_.Im glad to show you around _.It is in_ As tourists,you should _,but you shouldnt_.I hope youll have a good time here!,Write a passage.A/An _ trip(exciting/interesting/wonderful/unhappy/sad)What did you see there?What did you do there?What happened to you?How did you feel there?,Homework,BYE-BYE,Thank you,


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